
Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Slavery


by Violet O.

harriet TubmanHarriet Tubman grew up a slave on a big crop farm.She also ran away at the age 15.But she still had friends and family to help to.So she went back and helped over 300 slaves escape in her life time.

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Slave uniforms

2 shirt made of linen.

1 pair of summer pants.

1 jacket.

1 pair of stockings.

1 pair of pants for winter.

pic enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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did they have shifts

• no they work 24 7.

how much they eat

they only ate some beans and corn.


how long did slavery last.

how many slaves did each person.

was there a season for selling slaves.


• 89 years

• about 90

• no

pic page

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the end

thank you for watching.