Skripsi Ku Bab 1 - 3

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Transcript of Skripsi Ku Bab 1 - 3


1.1 Background of the Study In communicating with others people share information such as facts, tell their emotions and ask something. Communication is a process of transferring information from one entity to another. Communication processes are sign-mediated interactions between at least two agents which share a repertoire of signs and semiotic rules (Lanham, 2003:13). Communication is commonly defined as "the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs (Lanham, 2003:10). Littlejohn (2009:13) argues that people engaged in communication share common principle of communication leading them to interpret each other utterances. Thus, communication is cooperative between the speaker and the hearer. They share the same assumption and expectation about the topic in case to develop their communication. One of the most popular disciplines to know further about the cooperative between the speaker and the hearer is Discourse Analysis. Brown and Yule (1983:1) explain that Discourse Analysis is committed to investigation in what and how the language is used for. It means that Discourse Analysis is concern with the language used for communication and how addresses work in linguistic message in order to interpret them. There also provides the significant ways through Discourse. In this case is allowed by spoken and written Discourse. Both of them have the same analyzing areas of interpretations, on the other hand they are also divided by some differences. According to Chafe and Renkema (1993:86), there are two factors, which explain the differences between spoken and written Discourse. The first factor is responsible for what Chafe calls integration in written language as opposed to the fragmentation that supposedly takes place in verbal interaction. The second factor is responsible for detachment from reading public in written language as opposed to the involvement that is present with verbal interaction. In order to give the broad assumption and interpretation of Discourse Analysis, Grice (1975), in Schiffin (1994:194) proposes a principle called cooperative principle, which says that in order to have an successful conversation, we have to give proper contribution, at the stage at which it occurs and by the accepted purpose of a direction of the talk in which we are engaged.

To fulfill this principle, Grice states four Maxims to be obeyed. Those are: (1) maxim of quality: Truth, do not say what you believe to be false, do not say which you lack adequate of evidence; (2) Maxim of Quantity: information; make your contribution as informative as is required for the current purposes of the exchange, do not make your contribution more informative than is required; (3) Maxim of relation; relevance, be relevant; (4) Maxims of manner; Clarity; avoid obscurity of expression. Avoid ambiguity, be brief and orderly. To ensure a smooth conversation and harmonious interpersonal relationship in intimate or peacefully social communication, flouting and hedging maxims are used; those strategies can be applied in both oral and written communication (Larsson, 1991:3). Anyway, people can communicate orally by many kinds of media; one of them is movie. Although the speech or conversation is designed by the scriptwriter, conversation in movie seems like a natural speech, it means that people sometimes response a conversation by giving ambiguous statement and say something that is not really appropriate. Surely, they have a purpose by flouting and hedging certain maxims of conversation that are said to be important in the conversation (Pratiwi, 2008.1). The researcher is interested in analyzing conversation in the movie because the researcher argues that movie conversation are created or directed to walk the scheme that planted by its director. In discussing the relationship between language and movie, Screen Writing Glossary argued that movie is a dramatic performance that is records as a moving image, whether on film or video tapes. Furthermore, Wikipedia defines culture and it turns affect them. Movie is considered to an important art form, a source of popular entertainment and powerful method for educating or indoctrinating people. The researcher concludes there are relations between language as a tool of communication and movie as an artifact created by specific studies. To provide the conclusion the researcher chooses the text and scripts of Kung Fu Panda as an object of his study for some reasons: first, Animation comedy film is one of media that reflects the ways of people behave and converse. Furthermore this is product of human being which contains actions, dialogues which some descriptions of atmosphere, and performance from the drawing the characters. So the conversation running naturally; second, the researcher interestested in Flouting and Hedging Maxims because of the main characters of this movie Po sometimes flout and hedge

the maxims as the result of the natural conversation based on the context. So the researcher wants to know the application of this theory toward the Kung Fu Panda movie. Moreover, the relation of Kung fu Panda as 2008 American animated comedy movie with the language especially in term of Discourse Analysis is that comedy is a genre that not provides huge entertainment but also containment, its jokes and slapsticks can be created as an approach to deliver entertainment to audiences and its contents have undeniable links to the present historical and social context. Comedy movie can be discussed from various perspectives from psychology, gender, class and history. ( To strengthen those simple conclusion the researcher provide the theory that says a study of language totally without reference to its social context would lead to the omission of some of the moral complex and interesting aspects of language and to loss opportunities for further theoretical progress (Strudgill, 32:1983). Further, related the essences of the previous study the researcher takes two main points involving the research findings. First, from Ninik Fauziyah, 2007, entitled the flouting and hedging maxims used by the main characters in William Gibsons The Miracle Worker found that the main character was one of the examples who often flout and hedge the maxim in their conversation based on that background. She found that the maxims could be flouted and hedged by producing rhetorical strategies. Second, from Taufiqillah, 2010, entitled flouting and hedging maxims in ratatouille film found that maxims on the special terms were hedged and flouted the maxims may intentionally or unintentionally be employed in both spoken and written language. He also found that the function of hedges is for helping speakers and writers communicate more precisely. However, based on the previous studies above, there is no researchers research about Flouting maxim and Hedging maxim in animation movie, especially in comedy animation movie, besides, this research focuses on analyzing flouting and Hedging maxims of conversational maxims spoken by the main character in the movie of Kung Fu Panda. Then, the difference of this research with the previous studies above, this research tends to take natural communication object namely Kung Fu Panda Movie, thats why in this case the researcher wants to do this research with the title Analysis Maxims in Kung Fu Panda movie.

1.2 Research Problems What maxims are flouted by the main character Po in Kung fu Panda? What maxims are hedged by the main character Po in Kung Fu Panda?

1.3 Objectives of the Study Based on the research problems, the objectives of the study are to: To describe the maxims which are flouted by Po in Kung Fu Panda. To describe the maxims which are hedged by Po in Kung Fu Panda.

1.4 Significance of the Study Theoretically, the result of the study is expected to be one of the sources for further development of Grices theory of cooperative principle especially for researcher who concern on flouting and hedging maxims study, and also can fill the gap with the same field previous studies. Practically, the researcher expects to help in understanding that people may have a smooth conversation if they use conversational maxims appropriately, but they also may flout and hedge the maxims because of some reasons. Further, based on Grices Cooperative Principles and Grices theory on Comedy, the researcher also hopes that after reading this research, the readers become more aware to get deeper understanding about flouting and hedging maxims especially occurred in the movie. In term of continuing the previous study that only limited in developing the data analysis based on the context and Grices Cooperative Principles, this research is expected to give the fact from the data that sometimes flouting and hedging maxims can be done naturally without causing miscommunication between the participants and also gives the development of natural component of communication as the product of human conversation specifically in theme of comedy.

1.5 Scope and limitation of the study The scope of the study is based on Grices theory of maxims. There are four conversational maxims: quality, quantity, relevance and manner. Furthermore, this research focuses on Floating and Hedging Maxims used by the main character Po in the Kung Fu Panda.

1.6 Definition of key term To avoid misunderstanding that possible appears, the researcher will define some terms as follows : 1. Discourse Analysis : examine paragraph structure, the organization of whole texts, and typical patterns in conversational interactions, such as, the way speakers open, close, and take turns in a conversation. 2. Flouting maxim : when the speaker violates or disobeys some maxims in producing the utterances in the form of rhetorical strategies, namely: - tautology if the statement which is true by its definition, and is therefore fundamentally uninformative. - Metaphor if the words indicate something different from the literal meaning. - Overstatement is an exaggerated statement that is made for special effect is not mean to be taken literally. - Understatement is a way of expressing a thought or an idea by its opposite. - Rhetorical question if one asked only to produce an effect or make a statement than to get an answer. - Irony is the expressions of ones meaning by saying the direct opposite of what one is thinking but using of voice to indicate ones real meaning. 3. Hedging Maxim : when the speaker breaks the maxim while the information is not totally accurate but seems informative, well founded and relevant.


This chapter reviews theories connected with the research to make the data is described as well and focus to the research problems. They are; context and text, spoken discourse, implicature, cooperative principle, flouting maxims, hedging maxims, synopsis of kung fu panda and previous studies.

2.1 Context and Text As the mean of natural communication, the natural unity of speaker and listener in oral interaction can only involve imaginary, hidden, mental interaction between speaker and hearer in the audiences mind, moreover, they are replaced by the real-world separateness in space and time of speaker and hearer. But the audience can overcome this separateness. People may create a new unity of language that exceeds the texts given by understanding the circumstances of connection or relationship in the environment surrounding a phenomenon. Further, the text and context are closely related concepts because text is a stretch of a contextually embedded ensemble of linguistic forms. And context is the means of converting static text into discourse in an ex- post facto, cognitive meaning making (House:18).

2.1.1 Context In most disciplines, Context is thought to refer to both external (situational, cultural) and internal (cognitive, psychological) factors influencing each other in acts of speaking and listening, it means context refers to the condition in which something exists or occurs. Linguistically, this is the part of a surrounding word or passage that helps make its meaning clear. Brown and Yule (1983:25) said that the environmental, circumstances, and context are the important aspects which must be referred to its basic condition. It means that between the speaker and context are interrelated to each other. When we want to know that the hearer can understand what is said by the speaker, this is the reason why we should know the context. Cook states that context is the unity of discourse with considering the word at large. And it is influenced by the situation when we receive some messages, cultural and social relationship

within the participant (Cook, 1989:10). In addition, discourse analysis is describing text and context all together in the process of communication.

2.1.2 Text Text is a unit of connected discourse. Its function is communicative, and it is an object of analysis and description. The function of a text is simply the application of a text in a particular context, and there is a systematic relationship between context and the functional organization of language-in-text, which can be revealed by breaking down context into a manageable set of contextual parameters language users employ text to convey their message to other people, since it is a set of sign which is transmitted from the sender to the receiver through the specific codes, those codes are interpreted by the receiver to arrive at the speakers or writers message. Besides, text is a technical term to refer to the verbal record of communicative act (Brown and Yule, 1983:6). Moreover, text is a set of sign, which is transmitted from the sender to the receiver through the specific codes. Those codes are interpreted by the receiver to arrive at the speakers or writers intended message. Besides, text refers to the record of communicative act (Brown and Yule, 1983:6).

2.2 Spoken Discourse In verbal communication, people tend to make the organized utterance linearly in time, such that what is said now relies on what was said before. Context and verbal communications are in a reflexive relationship, verbal communication and its interpretation shapes context as much as context shapes the communication. Crystal (1995:291) states that in spoken language there is an opportunity to rethink an utterance while it is in progress (starting again, adding a qualification), but error, once spoken cannot be withdrawn. However, in written error and other perceived indecencies can be eliminated in later drifts without the reader ever knowing they were there. Interruptions, if they have occurred while writing, are also invisible in the final product. Furthermore, there are some features which characterize spoken language (Brown and Yule, 1983: 15-17) :

1. The syntax of spoken language is typically much less structured than that of written language. It means that spoken language contains many incomplete sentences, often simply sequences of phrases. Moreover, spoken language typically contains rather little subordination, and in conversational speech where sentential syntax can be observed, active declarative forms are normally found; Ex: flour, eggs, sugar, vanilla bean, oh small twist of lemon 2. In written language an extensive set of metalingual markers exist to mark relationship between clauses that complement, like: when or while temporal makers, so called logical connectors like besides, moreover, however, in spite of and etc. in spoken language the largely practically organized chunks are related by and, but, then and more rarely, if Ex: if you could be my master, then you could defeat me. 3. In written language rather heavily premodified non-phrase (like that one) are quite common, it is rare in spoken language to find more than two premodifying adjectives and there is a strong tendency to structure the short chunks of speech so that only one predicate is attached to a given referent at a time. Ex: do you ever think about how we walk on the same ways that we handle direction with? Or do you ever think about what we take in the bicycle? 4. Whereas written language sentences are generally structured in subject predicate form, in spoken language it is quite common to find Ex: I dont want to constantly wash my bike 5. In formal speech the occurrence of passive construction is relatively infrequent. The use of passive in written language, which allows non-attribution of agency, is typically absent from conversational speech. Instead, active constructions within terminate group agents are noticeable; Ex: the great match between Manchester vs Chelsea is on dedication of starving people, do you know about that Mike? 6. In chat about immediate environment, the speaker may rely on gaze direction to supply a referent Ex: Hey boss, look over here, I am the winner 7. The speaker may replace or refine expressions as he goes along Ex: I dont know when I took my lesson; I think I have a bad headache 8. The speaker typically uses a good deal of rather general used vocabulary: a lot of, got, do, think, nice, stuff, place and thinks like that Ex: They have a lot of troubles in the rest room; I hope Don Fabio should skip it.

9. The speaker frequently repeats the same syntactic from several times over, as thus fairground inspector does, and Ex: I think that my theory is related to the movie, but I also think that my theory is overtly simple 10. The speaker may produce a large number of prefabricated fillers: will, I think, you know, if you see what I mean, of course and so on. Ex: All of my passion is rely on her, I hope you know it.

2.3 Implicature If we make a conversation, of course we want to make a mutual relationship, meanwhile we have to make an appropriate conversation without produce the Face Threatening Acts, and we shall take some strategies, one of them is called implicature. The term implicature is used to account for the distinction between what is said and what is implicated by a speaker. Grice in Brown and Yule (1983:31) stated implicature is used to account for what a speaker can imply, suggest, or mean, as a distinct from what a speaker literary says. So, the speaker does not directly utter what the speaker intends to. The speaker tends to make certain utterance, that contain implied meaning and the listener can understand it. For example, hey the room over here is really hot. From the statement above, the speaker is asking his friend to help him, at least to open the window. According to Grice divides implicature into conventional implicature and conversational implicature. Conventional implicature is not truth conditional inferences that are not derived from super ordinate pragmatics principles like the maxims, but are simply attached by conventional or particular lexical items or expressions. For example, when our friends once choose of the books on the grounds that it had colored stripes in it and the legend on the tube said, actually fight decay. The lexical items actually has a literal meaning or entailmen it means in reality or actuality, because it is closely associated with the particular lexical item, so, it can be said as conventional implicature (Grundy, 2000:84).

2.4 Cooperative Principle We should concern with many factor, such as our hearer, what contextually appropriate topics, how to open, to maintain and close our communication in arriving an effective

communication. It requires the cooperative situation between speaker and hearer. The idea that successful communicate proceed according a principle, known and applied by all human being, was first also proposed Herbert Paul Grice. He described the principles as the Cooperative Principle. Grices cooperative principle is set of norms expected in conversation (Google:2007). Indeed, to have a successful conversation it depends on the various speaker approaches to have interaction each other. One of the most basic assumption we must make successful communication is that the cooperative between the speaker and hearer. The way in which people try to make conversation works is sometimes called as a cooperative principle. Grice states in Renkema make your conversational contribution such as is required (renkema, 1993:9).

2.5 Flouting Maxims Grice (1975) said that in the conversation, people sometimes flout the maxims in order to create implicature. It means, when the speaker flouts or disobeys some maxims so obviously that the hearer must conclude that the flouting maxims is done on purpose. Moreover, flouting maxims is when the speakers violates or disobey some maxims in producing the utterances. There are sometimes when meaning is derived from deliberate violations or flouting as Grice calls them-of the cooperative principle, always provided that the sender intends the receiver does perceive them; if sender does not intend violations of the principle to be perceived as such, or the receiver does not realize that they deliberate, then communication degenerates into lying, obfuscation, or simply break down altogether (Cook, 1989:31). Flouting maxim is a particular silent way of getting an addressee to draw inferences and hence recover an implicature (Grundy 2000:78).

2.5.1 Flouting Maxims of Relevance The first maxim of Cooperative Principle is Maxim of Relevance. In maxim of relevance, Grice (1975) as cited in Levinson stated that make your contribution relevant. This maxim says that the speaker and the hearer must be relevant in the conversation. In maxim of relevance, the speaker only answers what is asked. Example: A: where is my book?

B: your book is in on my bedroom. In this conversation, Bs answer is relevant to As question and As did not talk about something else. In this case, A and B is obeying the maxim of relevance, because they are related each other. On the other hand, flouting the maxim of relevance is when the speaker brings too many topics to the conversation. It means that, the speaker usually hide something in order nobody knows about it. Example of flouting: A: can you tell me what time is it? B: well, you see that the sun is rising A may intends that the time is at least the sun is normally rising up. Bs utterance is to assume that B is not in a position to provide the appropriate or full information, but thinks that the sun is rising up might provide with the means of deriving with the partial answer. If the speaker might flout the maxim of relevance, they expect to the hearers will be able to imagine what utterance did not say and make the connection between their utterance and the preceding one. Grice in Cutting (2002) stated that the maxim of relevance was possible because the speakers utterance are always taken as relevant to the preceding text.

2.5.2 Flouting maxim of quantity The second maxim of Cooperative Principle is maxim of quantity. The maxim says that we have to make your contribution as informative as is required and do not make your contribution more informative than what is required. Example: A: How did Tony done his test? B: Oh, he did well. Both of them are obeying the maxim of quantity because they done an appropriate conversation in order they make a informative contribution as is required. Furthermore, flouting maxims of quantity is represented by much or less contribution than what is required, as shown in the example below. Example of Flouting Maxim of Quantity A: do you know where exactly Brandon lives? B: New York

B is giving less information than what is required toward A. Actually; A is hope for the more complete answer from B such as, the state, the city, the address, and also the Houses number of Brandon. But B is only gives the city of Brandon lives, in this case B is flouting maxim of quantity because he does not give sufficient answer that is needed by A.

2.5.3 Flouting Maxim of Quality The third maxim of Cooperative Principle is Maxim of Quality. This maxim says that the speaker should says the true answer and speaker should not say something what is believed to be false or anything for which they lack of evidence. Example: A: Maria has degree of Doctor. B: Yes, I believe she has, and I have evidence she has. In the other side, the flouting maxim of quality will be done by the speaker if they deny something what is believed to be false in order not to get the affection from someone. Example of flouting maxim of quality : Andy: Kuala Lumpur is in Indonesia, isnt it teacher? Teacher: very good, and Jakartas Thailand I wish Teachers utterance states to suggest that the Andys answer is absolutely incorrect. Andy of course wonders why the teacher gives the wrong responses with different intonation. Through the utterance, Andy realizes that he gives wrong statements; the teacher does not want to give the compliment to his student by saying very good in case of irony.

2.5.4 Flouting maxim of manner The fourth maxim of Cooperative Principle is Maxim of Manner. This Maxim says that the speaker should avoid obscurity or ambiguity. It means that the answer should be constructed in orderly way. The emphasizing aspect here is the clarity of messages. Examples: Juanda: where was Junaidi yesterday? Tanjung: junaidi went to hypermart and bought some noodles. In the example above, Tanjung is obeying maxim of manner by giving the answer orderly since he gives clear explanation on where Junaidi was. Moreover, the flouting maxim of manner is found when the speaker makes ambiguous statement which make the hearer did not understand. Usually, it is used by the speaker to exaggerated things. Examples of flouting maxim of manner : Before you speak about someone else you must Gnoti Sheothon. This example contains ambiguity. It gives a foreign language worn in the sentence. Here gnoti Seothon is the motto of Delphi, which means you must know about yourself.

2.6 The Concept of flouting Maxims Flouting maxims usually can be found on tautology, metaphor, overstatement, understatement, rhetorical question and irony (Grundy, 2000:760-77).

2.6.1 Tautology A tautology is a statement which is true by its own definition, and is therefore fundamentally uninformative. Logical tautologies use circular reasoning within an argument or statement. In linguistic, a tautology is a redundancy due to superfluous qualification. A linguistic tautology is often a fault of style. Tautology is saying something again in different ways without making ones meaning clearer or more forceful, needless repetition (Hornby, 1974:886). For example: (a) red is red (b) woman will be woman (c) I have three angles triangles.

. 2.6.2 Metaphor

One of the most frequent violations of grices conversational principles occurs when we use metaphor. Metaphor uses words to indicate something different from the literal meaning (Hornby, 1974:533). In metaphor, a word in literal usage denotes one kind of thing. Metaphors like you are the cream in my coffee or when a boy tells his girlfriend you are my soul mate, obviously violate the maxi of quality since they state prepositions that are not literally ture. This example uses symbolic meaning, so the listener must conclude the implied meaning of the utterance.

2.6.3 Overstatement Overstatement is an exaggerated statement that is made for special effect and is not mean to be taken literally. Hornby (1974:600) states that overstatement is exaggerated statement, so it is too or more informative. It means that the speaker says more than is necessary that is violating the maxim of quality. In another way, he may also convey implicatures. He may do this by the inverse of the understatement principle that is by exaggerating on choosing a point on a often lie far beyond what is said scale which is higher than the actual state of affair. For examples: Now we have all been screwed by the cabinet (Sun headline) There were a million people in the room tonigh1t These statement are classified as overstatement because use exaggeration statements (we have all, a million people), therefore, the informations are more informative.

2.6.4 Understatement Understatement is a way of expressing a thought or an idea by its opposite. In understatement the statement is less informative or too economical so it is not informative (Hornby, 1974:940). Understatement is one way of generating implicatures by saying less than is required. Typical ways of constructing understatement are to choose a point on a scalar predicate (e.g. short, bad, nice) that is well below the point that actually describes the state of affairs (Goody:222). For examples: He was displeased which is an understatement of he was furious.

2.6.5 Rhetorical Question

In Rhetorical Question, one asked only to produce an effect or make a statement rather than to get an answer (Hornby, 1995:1008). In other word, it is one that requires no answer because the answer is obvious and does not need be stated. The speaker (of the rhetorical question) is not looking for an answer but it is making some kind of point, as in argument ( For example: who cares? how many times do I hae to call you? (I have called you many times, but you were not there). Those are classified as rhetorical question because the speaker does not expect the answer from the hearers. Sometimes the rhetorical question is evidenced only in sequencing. Rhetorical question usually uses the words that help to force the interpretation of question (to push them on record), such as just event, ever (goody, 1996:229).

2.6.6 Irony Irony is the expressions of ones meaning by saying the direct opposite of what one is thinking but using tone of voice to indicate ones real meaning. (Hornby, 1995:632). By saying the opposite of what he means, again violation of quality maxims speaker can directly convey his intended meaning, if there are clues that is intended meaning is being conveyed indirectly (Goody:226). It means irony refers to the sense of difference between what is asserted and what is actually the case. Verbal irony is a statement in which the implicit meaning intended by the speaker offers from what he obstansibly asserts. Moreover, irony is closely related to understatement (Kenney, 1966:71)

2.7 Hedging Maxims The maxims are hedged when the informative given is not completely accurate except seems informative, well founded, as well as relevant. The information is taken by quoting from other person opinion. Besides, the maxims hedges or intensifiers are that none of them adds truth-value to the utterances to which they are attached. This confirms that the hedges and intensifiers are more comment in the extent to which the speaker abiding by the maxims, which guided our conversational contribution than a part of what is said or conveyed (Grundy, 2000:79).

For example he say smoking damage your health. The speaker is not taking full responsibility for the truth of his utterance that is suggested as quality hedges. In addition, it quality hedges that weaken speakers commitment may redress advice or for making promises. He says that the book is a world window He says would be understood as a hedge on the maxim of quality and would serve as a warning to the addressee that the information from the speaker might not be as well founded as normally expected. However, quantity hedges may be used to redress requests. For example, All I know living in the village is good for our health. By prefacing it with all I know the speaker simultaneously advises the addressee that the quantity of information being conveyed is limited. Relevance hedges are useful ways of redressing offers or suggestion. For an example : where do you go by the way?. By the way here shows that what the speaker has just said is not as relevant at the stage at which it occurs in the conversation as he is entitled to expect. Manner hedges can be used to redress all kinds of FTA; for example, I afraid to kill him if you what I mean. If you see what I mean hedges the maxim of manner that in order to advise us the obscurity of her utterance. There are some expressions that sometimes speaker used, such as I absolutely, they say, it seems, as I remember, as you and both I know, by the way, well etc.

2.7.1 Types of Hedging Maxims The researcher uses the theory from Evans (2007) which is cited from web page ( instead of other theories because it has more types. Types of hedges are modal auxiliary verbs, modal lexical verbs, probability adjectives, nouns, adverbs, approximators of degrees, quantity, frequency and time, introductory phrases, if clauses, and compound hedges. Each of those types has its own definition as explained below. 1. Modal auxiliary verbs It is consisting of may, might, can, could, would, should. Example: such a score might be more accurate in result after the test. 2. Modal lexical verbs Modal lexical verbs are to seem, to appear, to believe, to assume, to suggest, to estimate, to tend, to think, to argue, to indicate, to propose, and to speculate.

Example: in spite of power limitations, the result appears to have a number of scientific strength. 3. Probability adjectives Probability adjectives are words used, typically with nouns, to provide more information about the thing referred to the probability (Yule, 1996). Probability adjectives are possible, probable, and un/likely. Examples: it is unlikely to read financial issues on the Sunday morning. 4. Nouns Nouns are words to refer people, objects, creatures, places, qualities, phenomena, and abstracts if they were all things or reality (Yule, 1996). Nouns, are assumption, claim, possibility, estimate, and suggestion. Example: we estimate that one of five marriages is ended by divorce. 5. Adverbs Adverbs are words used to provide more information about an actions and events (Yule, 1996). Adverbs are perhaps, possibly, probably, practically, likely, presumably, virtually, apparently. Examples: there is, perhaps, a good reason why he could win the fight. 6. Approximators of degrees, quantity, frequency and time It is placed before compliment (quantity, frequency, and time). It concerns about measurement. Approximators are approxiomately, about, often, occasionally, generally, usually, somewhat, somehow, and a lot of. Example : HIV is present in about a second of deadly cases. 7. Introductory phrases It is placed in the beginning of the sentence. It functions as a sub clause. Introductory phrases are believe, to our knowledge, it is our view that, and we feel that. Examples: we believe the God is one 8. if Clause if clause are if true, if anything. Example : if true, our study prove that feminism is nothing. 9. Compound hedges

Compound hedges can be double hedges (it may suggest that) can be treble hedges (it seems reasonable to assume that) can be quadruple hedges (it would seem somewhat unlikely that) and so on.

2.7.2 Functions of hedges The most obvious function of hedges is as softeners, among others: to soften claims (Hatch, 1992), to soften complaints, requests, and commands (Brown and Levinson, 1987). Examples of each softeners are given below : 1. As softeners, among others: a. to soften claim, e.g: the data appear to support the assumptions. b. to soften complaint, e.g: excuse me, I think I came here before her. c. to soften request, e.g: I was wondering if probably you could bring mean other cup. d. to soften command, e.g: open that window, will you? 2. As cooperative devices in conversation, among others: a. to diminish Face Threatening Acts (FTA) b. to negotiating sensitive topics and encourage participation c. to strengthen or weaken statements d. to smoothen a disagreement with conversational partner e. to act like one of politeness strategies. In particular, Hatch (1992) suggests that hedges can smooth a disagreement with conversational partner. Finally, hedges can act like one of politeness strategies, such as understating (Brown and Levinson 1987) and giving comment (Buikema and Roeters, 1982). 2.8 The synopsis of Kung Fu Panda movie In an ancient ,China the Valley of Peace is protected by the Furious Five: Tigress, Monkey, Mantis, Viper, and Crane, a quintet of warriors trained in kung fu by the wise tortoise Master Oogway and his vise, the red panda Master Shifu. One day, Oogway has a premonition that Shifu's former student and foster son, the brutal and lawless snow leopard Tai Lung, will escape from prison and return to the Valley. Shifu decides to hold a martial arts tournament so that Oogway may identify the legendary Dragon Warrior which is said to hold the secret of limitless power.

Po is a young panda and kung fu fanatic who works in his goose father's noodle restaurant. Upon hearing of the tournament, Po tries to attend as an audience, but his father directs him to take a push cart and sell noodles instead. By the time Po arrives, the gates are closed and the tournament has already started. Desperate to see the tournament, Po forces himself to a set of fireworks just as his father catches him, before his father can convince him to go back to work, Po flies with the rockets into the sky and crashes into the middle of the arena, just as Oogway is prepared to select the new Dragon Warrior. As the unpredictable decision, Master Oogway chooses Po as the Dragon Warrior and it spontaneous make all of the audience includes the furious five and master Shifu really surprised. Unwilling to believe the fact that this Panda can be the Dragon Warrior, Shifu attempts to make and force Po into under pressures. He selects Po to fighting and sparring against the Furious Five, after that Master Shifu asks Po to fight again him. As the result, Po is thrown from the Jade Palaces. Though the Furious Five have no problem with Po's kung fu skills, Oogway advises him not to quit, and Po takes his advice. In time, he never gives up with the difficult test from Master Shifu, and he always try the best even he still can not take the essence of Kung Fu. Moreover, as Oogway lifetime will come over, Tai Lung escapes from his prison and heads for the Valley. Sensing that the disaster is closer, Oogway asks a promise from Shifu that he will train Po to become a Dragon Warrior, and then he disappears with the blossom of the flower. Upon hearing that Tai Lung is coming, Po really panics and tries to run away from the Temple. Shifu refuses to let him go, insisting that he can change Po into the Dragon Warrior, but Po has lost all confidence and Shifu can not explain how he will turn Po into the Dragon Warrior. Hiding nearby and seeing this argument, Tigress leads the rest of the Furious Five to stop Tai Lung themselves. The next morning, Shifu discovers that Po displays impressive agility when he is motivated by food; using the promise of food as a reward, Shifu trains Po into a skilled warrior. The Furious Five confront Tai Lung over a long rope bridge, but he easily defeats them and sends them back to the Valley immobilized. Feeling that Po is ready to fight, Shifu gives him the Dragon Scroll, than Po opens the Dragon Scroll to reveal the secret massage but he only gets the blank scroll, shaping like a mirror. As the result, Shifu orders Po and the Furious Five to evacuate the valley while he prepares to delay Tai Lung for as long as he can. During

the evacuation, Po finds his father who is finally told that the secret ingredient of his famous "secret ingredient soup" is nothing except the belief that the soup is special. Po realizes this idea is the point of the Dragon Scroll and returns to face Tai Lung. At the Temple, Tai Lung confronts Shifu and asking for the Scroll; while Shifu refuses, Tai Lung attacks him. In a furious battle, Tai Lung is too strong and almost kills Shifu before Po arrives. Tai Lung can not believe that the Dragon Warrior is a big and fat panda, but as Tai Lung battles Po to take the Scroll, Po uses a combination of his natural shape, his body mass, and Shifu's training to prove himself an unexpected equal or in other hand he uses Tai Chi. At one stage of the fight, Tai Lung gains the upper hand and opens the Scroll, but he can not believe that the Dragon Scroll is empty. Po explains that "there is no secret ingredient" other than the warrior's belief in himself, but Tai Lung miss understand and attacks again. With the combination of his new revelation and his own natural resilience, Po counter-attacks with high Class tai Chi and finally defeats Tai Lung, destroying him with the secret "Wuxi Finger Hold". The deeply impressed Furious Five accept Po as their master and their superior. Po returns to Shifu and finds him exhausted but alive, and finally at peace now that Tai Lung has been defeated and peace comes to the Valley.

2.9 Previous Studies The study of discourse has been investigated by some of university students from many perspectives. Djatmiko (1993) investigated the Shakespeares Othello and found that violated the maxims mostly Othello and Desdimona employ only a few violations of the maxims and cooperative expecially in their last Discourse before the one. In which the murdered take place, but he did not analyze flouting and hedging maxims in detail. Besides, Tambunan (1999) investigated the application of cooperative principles in poem and novels as reading material for the students of SLTA (High School). The writer of the novel intentionally did not fulfill Grices Cooperative principle called the flouting maxims. The writer mostly flouted the maxims of quality by presenting imaginative information and illogical event in order to (1) encourage his readers durable interested in reading it; (2) create funnies; (3) create a surprising situation of his readers; and (4) implicit meaning. Hanifa (2001) investigated the flouting of the felicity conditions maxims in Oliver Goldsmiths She stops the Conquer. She found that the flouting of the felicity conditions coer

the flouting of the preparatory rule, the sincerity rule and essential rule on the act of stating or giving information, the act of requesting, ordering, questioning, advising, and promising. She also found that the flouting of two rules of conversation has function to (1) develop ridiculous plot, (2) provide the readers of drama with the amusing situation, (3) keep the readers to read it, and (4) criticize the existing habit. Saifullah (2002) investigated the implicatures on the headline of the Jakarta Post could be particularized and generalized implicature. Generalized implicature was used when the information being conveyed was clear, brief, in chronological oral and no context was required by reader to understand the information in the headlines. Furthermore, particularized implicature found when the journalist did not give the clarity, brevity, sufficiency and information to the reader. So, the context was required by the readers to understand the journalists intended messages. He also found that the maxims in the headlines of the Jakarta Post could be flouted and hedged. Hariyanto (2003) investigated the use of conversational maxims on the special terms used by Indonesian Chatters in IRC Malang Channel. In his study, maxims on the special terms were hedged and flouted the maxims for the Beginner Chatters. The special terms were abbreviations or short messages. He flouted the maxims when these terms were sent to the beginner chatters and these special terms were hedged the maxims when the chatters sent less information of the messages on the special terms. He found that maxim of manner and maxim of quantity are often flouted and hedged in the conversational text chatters often repeat the messages and emoticons to their partner or provided uninformative responses or messages. Ninik Fauziyah (2007) investigated flouting and hedging maxims used by the main characters in William Gibsons The Miracle Worker. On her research, the main character is one of the examples who often flout and hedge the maxim in their conversations based on that the background. She founds that the main characters is producing flout maxims in form of rhetorical strategies, and maxims were hedged when the information is not totally accurate but seems informative. Taufiqillah (2010) investigated flouting and hedging maxims in ratatuoille film. In his study, maxims on the special terms were hedged and flouted the maxims may intentionally or

unintentionally be employed in both spoken and written language. He focuses on classification of four kinds of flouting and hedging maxims which cover flouting four maxims principles. He also found that the function of hedges is for helping speakers and writers communicate more precisely the degree of accuracy and truth in assesments. Related to this study, the researcher concludes that this research has similar discussion, this thesis and previous discuss about the flouting and hedging maxims. But, although each of the studies above identifies instances of flouting and hedging maxims, this research quietly different from the previous researchers. Despite the researcher would like to find the kinds of flouting and hedging maxims and how the flouting and hedging are used by the main character in the Kung Fu Panda Movie representing Grices theory, the researcher tries to inform the readers that sometimes flouting and hedging maxims can be done naturally without causing miscommunication between the participants, and the natural key of communication also hoped to identifies in the analyzing flouting and hedging maxims.


This chapter presents the research method of this study. They are Research Design, Research Subject, Research Instrument, Data Collection, and Data Analysis.

3.1 Research Design The design of the study is Descriptive Qualitative method, as Bodgan and Taylor (1984:5) defined the qualitative approach as a research procedure which produces a descriptive data such as verbal or nonverbal utterances or words from the object being observed. The researcher used this method because of two reasons, firstly the researcher wanted to get brief description including to flouting and hedging maxims in the Kung Fu Panda movies conversation based on Grices theory of Cooperative Principle. Secondly, this research is not only focused on the types and the frequencies of flouted and hedged maxims, however, this research also explaining and describing the maxims flouted and hedged by the main character toward other characters and the audience.

3.2 Research Subject The research subjects concern with flouting and hedging maxims produced by the main character in the conversation of Kung Fu Panda movie (2008). . 3.3 Research Instrument Research instrument was important to obtain the result of this research for it was a set of method, which was used to collect the data. In this research since it was the writer himself who observed the relationship between subjects, undertakes the preliminary research, obtained the data and analyzed them as well. Moreover, the researcher needed other instruments, such as: watching the movie and reading script of the movie.

3.4 Data Source The source of the data of this study was the conversation of Po the Main Character of Kungfu Panda. The conversations were from the script of Kung Fu Panda Movie. The data of this

study was Pos flouting and hedging maxims in his conversation with other characters including responses giving by them as the feedback to Pos flouted and hedged maxims.

3.5 Data Collection In collecting the data, the researcher simultaneously watched the movie and read the entire scenes on the script, which contain the conversation between Po and other characters.

3.5 Data Analysis First of all, the researcher simultaneously watched the movie and read the entire script of the movie. By doing that, the researcher would get the context of each scene, the link between one conversations to other conversation in different scenes. Furthermore, the researcher would know the background of each conversation. Second, after the researcher got the data maxims flouted and hedged by the main character, the researcher analyzed them and then classified them based on the Grice Cooperative Principles. After classifying the type of flouting and hedging maxims, the researcher would see the natural effect of flouting and hedging maxims on the hearer understands while the conversation was successfully communicated or not successfully communicated. In determining the conversation was successful or was not, the researcher put the responses given by the hearers, either verbal or non verbal.