Skins Poster Analysis

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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Skins Poster Analysis

Transcript of Skins Poster Analysis

E4 Have used the recognisable 4 logo which is included on every advert, indent and program at one point involved with E4. This has to be included as written in the channel 4 style guide. The front is also Channel 4’s recognisable style font.

The idea of putting two or three characters together throughout each generation highlights the relationships between them. For example, in series 3, the girl, Effy, is closer to the camera to show she’s the centre of attention. The two boys are admiring her from afar. This connoted the love triangle between the three of them.

The posters include the basic information in order for the audience or reader to know where, when and what time the show will be shown.

The use of the E4 logo also immediately gives the audience enough information to find out more about it, whether that is to look it up on the website or sky+ it. The logo has been made very bold and the font contrasts with the background and has to give the advert a more striking look.

The lighting is very strong in all 3 of the posters. This creates a more dramatic feel to the posters, highlighting a key theme of series. This also creates tension within the posters allowing the audience to get a feel of what the series is like.