Skin Care Basics: Primary Areas of Concern

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Skin Care Basics: Primary Areas of Concern

Skin Care Basics: Primary Areas of


Some areas of the skin are more vulnerable to different types of

damage. Obviously, these are the parts you need to be concerned of, considering that summer is upon


Before we step out into the sun and enjoy the great outdoors, here are the skin areas you need to be

concerned of.

The Skin Around the Eyes• The skin around the eyes is only a tenths thick

compared to the ones around the face.

• Your moisturizers, lotions, and cosmetics made for other areas on the skin may be too harsh for it.

• It is vulnerable to sun damage (wrinkling and darkening) which is why you need to wear a hat and a UV sunglass to protect it.

The Skin Behind the Neck• Not only is the skin around the neck

vulnerable to darkening, but it’s usually where sunburn starts.

• It’s always a must to apply sunscreen in order to protect it, especially if you’re going to the beach.

• A wide-brimmed hat also works well.

The Skin on Your Lips

• Ever wonder why your lips are vulnerable to chapping and drying up? The skin on it is delicate.

• This is why it’s a must to regularly apply lip balm and avoid using harsh, chemical-based lipsticks, especially during summer.

• Be sure not to wet your lips with saliva, mainly because the enzymes on it will quickly dehydrate it.

Overall, it’s a must to protect the above mentioned areas, given that

the heat of summer is looming.