Skills development ccccc

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Skills development ccccc

Skills Development

Contents page


This is the start of my contents page, I have added a facebook and twitter logo to encourage the readers to follow/like pages…

I then added colour filled boxes as a design feature, I chose the dark tones as it works well with blue.

By places some page numbers on the right, I was able to see where I could have some features for my contents page.

2 I then added some more design features such as a thin blue line, it’s simple but still looks attractive.

I also added a large plus rather then actually spelling the word, because it saves room and looks more professional.

At first I was going to you two separate images of Freja but instead I just used the one and enlarged it. By adding text on top of the image, it draws your attention and looks dramatic.

The colour scheme works well together and I’m happy with the results so far!


As you can see, I have used effects such as Drop Shadow and Outer Glow, this is because it makes the text stand out further and looks cleaner.

I've added another line as a design feature, just to fill up space and add more relevant colours.

I used ‘month’ rather than ‘week’, due to the fact that monthly seems more appropriate for a music magazine.

4I have changed the colour of my boxes to a light opacity, this is because it looks classier and also easier to read. I have also rotated the image of my cover straight as it looks more appealing.

I also removed my Facebook and Twitter logo’s and I have no replaced them with simpler logo’s which suit my magazine more, as before they were too bold and pop like. I found these logo’s on the internet and then pasted them onto my Photoshop document.

I wanted the logo’s to have a slight twist to them, so I changed the colour to a pale blue/grey, they now blend in well with the rest of the page.


I had my text covered by the grey box, so I moved my text above this layer and now you can see the writing clearer. I also added a drop shadow on my masthead/logo to add more impact.

I got feedback and a suggestion was to remove my exclamation mark as it was irrelevant, I agree with the feedback and I prefer this now.


I added a webpage as it would make the contents page more realistic/professional.

I also looked online to see if this was an existing webpage and it wasn’t!


I've added more articles for my regulars because there are only a few, I still need more and I will have to keep changing the size of the page numbers and text as this goes on.

I also have to make sure that the text and page numbers are level with each other.

8I have added more of my own photography, I have used two Long shots and one medium close up shot. I then added the page numbers at added drop shadow effect on the page numbers so they are more apparent and easier to read.

I then inserted three black filled rectangles that the captions could lay on. I changed the opacity on these rectangles so they weren’t too dark or too light, I made them 74%.

I used the font size of 9 as it looks dainty and elegant.

I adjusted the title to a larger size so I could over lay the images on top.

9I then again made the text smaller, down to the font size of 11, this was because I could add more regular articles. I lined all the text and number to make sure they are all equal and straight, and also to be in line with the +. I achieved this by using the grid tool.

I kept the blue filter on top of regulars column so the text is more apparent, I also added more blue filled lines as design features.

10I want to achieve a good high grade, in order to get this I needed to add more to my contents page, therefore I made another filtered box and used this for the ‘contact us’ part. I added an email address, office address and telephone number. I used the @ sign purely because I uses up space and looks more professional.

I also added my Blob to the bottom right of contents page and the page number with the black line design feature, as I previously forgot this!


• By creating a text box I was able to add the issue number on my contents page.


I added these colour filled boxes by opening a new layer, drawing a box and using the fill tool to fill in the colour. I then changed the opacity so they aren’t too bold. I am using these as a design feature and too fill up space and add more colour.

13 • I added another image to fill more space by uploading it onto photoshop. I then cropped it and blurred the edges to look more professional. I added another colour filled box by opening a new layer, drawing a box and filling it with black paint from the bucket too.

• I also added a grey box for the other cover lines to sit on the same way and added text by using the text tool.