SKILL BENCHMARK Listening/Speaking Writing - TCET · PDF fileListening / Speaking Descriptors...

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Transcript of SKILL BENCHMARK Listening/Speaking Writing - TCET · PDF fileListening / Speaking Descriptors...


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W Stage I: Stage II:


CLBA clientProf.indd 1 08/02/2011 10:42:11 AM

Listening / Speaking Descriptors Reading Descriptors Writing DescriptorsBenchmark 1Initial competence in basic oral communication. Can follow and respond to simple greetings and instructions. Needs much support from assessor. Struggles to understand instructions. Understands meaning of individual, high-frequency words. No evidence of connected discourse. Has almost no control of basic grammar structures or tenses. Pronunciation difficulties may significantly impede communication. Has very limited vocabulary.

Benchmark 2Beginning competence in basic oral communication. Can follow and respond to questions about personal information. Often needs support from assessor. Often struggles to understand instructions. Understands several words or a short sentence. Little evidence of connected discourse. Has little control of basic grammar structures and tenses. Pronunciation difficulties may significantly impede communication. Has limited vocabulary.

Benchmark 3Developing competence in basic oral communication. Can take part in short informal conversation about personal experience. Sometimes needs support from assessor. Understands most instructions. Understands most short sentences. Some evidence of connected discourse. Conveys messages using single words and short sentences. Has some control of basic grammar structures and tenses. Pronunciation difficulties may often impede communication. Vocabulary generally adequate for basic oral communication.

Benchmark 4Adequate competence in basic oral communication. Can describe the process of obtaining essential goods and services. Needs little support from assessor. Understands instructions. Understands short sentences. Has control of basic grammar structures and tenses. Pronunciation difficulties may impede communication. Vocabulary adequate for basic oral communication.

Benchmark 5Can comprehend and relate video-mediated instructions. Understands and uses a variety of sentence structures. Discourse is reasonably fluent. Grammar and pronunciation errors sometimes impede communication. Comprehends and uses a range of common vocabulary.

Benchmark 6Can comprehend and relate audio-mediated information. Understands and uses a variety of sentence structures. Discourse is reasonably fluent. Grammar and pronunciation errors sometimes impede communication. Comprehends and uses a range of common vocabulary.

Benchmark 7Can discuss concrete information on a familiar topic. Comfortably engages in a conversation at a descriptive level. Discourse is fluent. Grammar and pronunciation errors rarely impede communication. Uses an expanded inventory of concrete and idiomatic language.

Benchmark 8Can comprehend and synthesize abstract ideas on a familiar topic. Comfortably engages in a conversation at an abstract level. Discourse is fluent. Grammar and pronunciation errors do not impede communication. Uses an expanded inventory of concrete, idiomatic and conceptual language.

Benchmark 1Functions minimally in understanding written text. Shows little sight word recognition except for a small number of familiar words and simple learned phrases in predictable contexts, related to immediate needs.

Benchmark 2Sight recognition is limited to familiar words related to everyday needs in predictable contexts. Can find specific information, mostly in simple formatted text with clear layout.

Benchmark 3Able to read a simple passage within a familiar, predictable context of daily personal life: simple narrative of routine events (e.g., stories written and read in class); simple descriptive prose about people, places and things; set of instructions.

Benchmark 4Able to read a simple 2-3 paragraph passage within a mostly familiar, mostly predictable context of daily life and experience: simple narrative, bibliographical or descriptive prose, set of instructions.

Benchmark 5Able to read and understand purpose and general idea in some authentic 2-3 paragraph texts within a mostly familiar, mostly predictable context of daily life and experience. Language is mostly concrete, factual and literal. Some vocabulary items on abstract ideas.

Benchmark 6Able to read one page of authentic text, mostly of factual nature. Vocabulary items relate to abstract ideas. Context is familiar, mostly predictable, practical and relevant to daily life and experience.

Benchmark 7Able to read an authentic text of mostly factual, concrete nature with some abstract ideas within a familiar, predictable, mostly practical and relevant context of daily social, educational and work-related life experience.

Benchmark 8Able to read authentic texts, mostly of factual nature within an unfamiliar and only partially predictable context of daily social, educational and work-related life experience.

Benchmark 1Functions minimally in writing. Writes a small number of familiar words in predictable contexts, and copies letters, numbers and short phrases. Writing is characterized by inconsistency and frequent errors.

Benchmark 2Developing some competence in writing. Produces a small number of familiar words and phrases in predictable contexts. Has occasional difficulty with simple structures and limited control of spelling and mechanics.

Benchmark 3Demonstrates adequate competence in performing simple, familiar, personal writing tasks. Has satisfactory control of simple structures, spelling and mechanics.

Benchmark 4Is competent in performing basic, familiar writing tasks. Composes short messages and notes about personal experience and fills out simple forms. Has good control of simple structures, spelling and mechanics.

Benchmark 5Competently performs basic, familiar writing tasks, and shows minimal competence on more complex tasks of a business or social nature. Demonstrates ability to write short paragraphs. Has frequent difficulty with complex structures. Spelling and mechanical errors may interfere with comprehensibility.

Benchmark 6Developing competence on more complex tasks of a business or social nature. Reproduces information from a visual graphic, completes formatted text of medium complexity, writes short letters and reports. Has occasional difficulty with complex structures.

Benchmark 7Demonstrates adequate competence on writing tasks which are more complex and demanding. Joins paragraphs into coherent tasks, uses complex structures and supports main ideas. Has satisfactory control over complex structures, spelling and mechanics.

Benchmark 8Demonstrates fluent competence in writing tasks which are complex and demanding. Writes coherent reports, formal letters and short articles. Links sentences and paragraphs to form coherent text, provides good support for main ideas, and displays an appropriate sense of audience. Has good control over complex structures, spelling and mechanics.