Site Matters: The Value of Local Newspaper Web Sites

Post on 13-May-2015

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How important is local information online? Very. Does the site on which an ad is placed affect consumer opinion of the ad? Yes. What sites do consumers perceive as most trustworthy and credible for information and advertising? Newspaper Web Sites! This PowerPoint presentation, based on 2009 comScore survey results, gives you the full story on consumer preferences for local online information and their perceptions about advertising on various categories of sites.

Transcript of Site Matters: The Value of Local Newspaper Web Sites

Local ContentMatters Online


Advertiser’s Online Choices100,000,000 Web sites

25,000,000,000Pages on which to advertise

.1%Average click-through rate

250,000,000Web users in North America

Consumers Spend 40% of Online Time with Content

1/4 of time spent with e-mail

5% of time spent searching

12% spent in community

14% spent with commerce

–– Online Publishers Association 2009 Internet Activity Index/Silent Click

56% of Adults do not like Advertisingthat is Intrusive

The Site Matters

Content Site Audiences have Higher Engagement

–– Online Publishers Association, 2008

Local Media Sites Attract Consumers who Spend More Money Online

–– Online Publishers Association, 2008

Ads on Local Media Sites are More Likely to Generate Action

–– Online Publishers Association, August 2009

Consumers are 24% More Likely to Act on Local Ads Placed on Newspaper Sites

–– Online Publishers Association, August 2008

Ads on Content Sites have the Greatest Impact

–– Online Publishers Association, January 2009

57% of Consumers Use Newspaper Web Sitesfor Local Online Information

–– comScore, 2009

Consumers Express High Interest in Local Information Online

–– comScore, 2009

Newspaper Web Sites The most used sites for:Local Information

Local Sports

Local Entertainment

Local News –– comScore, 2009

Newspaper Web Sites Top local source for:



Most informative–– comScore, 2009

Consumer Opinion of Ads Affected by Sites Where Ads are Placed

–– comScore, 2009

Ads on Newspaper Sites are More Trusted than Other Sites

–– comScore, 2009

Newspaper Sites are the Most Trusted Source of Online Advertising

Most current sites

Most credible sites

Most relevant sites–– comScore, 2009

Consumers believe newspapers are:

Ads on Newspaper Sites Most trusted because:

More likely to be current

More likely to be credible

Tend to be more local

Ads are from more familiar sources

Less junk advertising

18-to-34 Year Olds Prefer Newspaper Web Sites for:

Main Source for local online information

Most trusted source

Most credible source

Most informative Source

Ads on Newspaper Sites Drive More Search than All Other Sites

Ads on Newspaper Sites Drive Consumers to the Advertisers’ Site

Accelerating Growth

–– Nielsen Net//Ratings

Unique visitors to newspaper Web sites totaled74.9 million January 2010

Page views averaged over 3.5 billion per month

37% of all active Internet users visited newspaper Web sites.

The Value of Newspaper Media OPT-IN Advertising

In an OPT-OUT World