Site approach and building entrance

Post on 08-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Site approach and building entrance

Site approach & building entrance

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Element of circulation• Approach• entry• Circulation of the path• Path-space relationship• Form of the circulation space

Today we are going to describe about site approach and building entry

Site approach When in motion, we are acted upon by the physical environment through

which we pass. It would seem, therefore, that when moving toward a goal we could be prepared, by design, for that goal, or when moving toward an anticipated experience, we could be prepared for that planned human experience.

• First phase of the circulation system• Distant view• Obscuring the distinction between inside and outside• Use of the space within a building

Types of approachFrontal• Leads directly to the entrance• Along a straight axial path• Visual goal• Entire front façade of a building or an Path

prolongs the sequence of approach

Villa barbarao,Andera Palladio

Oblique• Enhances the effect of

perspective on the front façade & form

• Path prolongs the sequence of approach

Glass house, Philip jhonson

National parliament house, Bangladesh

Spiral• Prolongs the sequence of the approach

emphasizes the three dimensional form of a building as people moves around its perimeter

• Building entrance might be viewed intermittently during the approach to clarify position or may be hidden until the point of arrival

Villa hutheesing, Le corbusier

entrance Entrance is a space within a space of a defined

field of exterior space, involves the act of penetrating a vertical plane that distinguish one space from another.

• Should be usable by everyone• Entrance should always be identifiable within the

building façade and allow views into the building for reassurance

• Good lighting entrance must be well lit and whereever possible weather protection must be provided

entrance may be grouped formally into three categories:

• Flush entrance• Recessed entrance• Projected entrance

• Flush entrance Maintains continuity of

the surface of the wall

The Pantheon, Rome

• Projected entrance Announces its function to the

approach and provides overhead shelter

Recessed entrance

The Oriental Theatre

• Recessed entrance Provides shelter &

receives a portion of exterior space

East Building, National Gallery of Art, Washington DC

The entrance can be signified by • Establishing two pillars or• An overhead beam and• Even by changing in level

An entrance is accommodated by an opening in the plane of the wall. The form of the opening can range from a simple hole in the wall to an articulated gateway.

The entrance into the space can be signified by establishing a real or implied plane perpendicular to the path of the approach

• A vertical plane that distinguishes one space from another• Change in level can establish entrance and mark the passage• A passage through an implied plane established by two pillars

or an overhead beam