Siskiyou Pines by Sarah E.Y. Miller - SimplyScriptsSiskiyou Pines 3. JANE Take him in and lay him...

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Transcript of Siskiyou Pines by Sarah E.Y. Miller - SimplyScriptsSiskiyou Pines 3. JANE Take him in and lay him...

Siskiyou Pines

1308 East 9th StreetNewberg, OR 97132


by Sarah E.Y. Miller



JANE DANIELS hangs the wash out on the line. She's midthirties, was pretty once but has been worn by hard work andweather. A shot gun is in easy reach, next to the basket ofwash. She pauses to scan the horizon after hanging everypiece on the line.

She hangs the last piece of the wash and scans the horizon. She sees a trail of dust heading her way. She grabs thegun.

The trail of dust separates into two horses with riders. One of them is leading a horse with a burden slung over thesaddle.

Jane watches the horses approach cautiously. They finallyget close enough for her to identify. The lead rider is herson, THOMAS DANIELS. She doesn't lower the gun until thesecond rider comes into view. It is MR. CAUFIELD, therailroad man, leading the other horse. Jane finally lowersthe gun before crumpling to the ground sobbing.

Thomas rides up to the porch and ties up his horse.

He runs over to his mother.

THOMASHe did it, Ma. Pa did it.

Caufield ties both his horse and the other next to Thomas's.

CAUFIELDMrs. Daniels. Ma'am?

Jane looks up at the railroad man.

CAUFIELD (CONT'D)I'm sorry about Mr. Daniels' death. But I have some business with youma'am.

JANEThank you for bringing him home, Mr.Caufield, but can't you wait untilafter he is buried before you kickus off our land?

CAUFIELDIt's not like that, ma'am.

Jane looks at him suspiciously.

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CAUFIELD (CONT'D)Truly. Mr. Daniels made me promisehim some things before he finishedhis task.

JANELike what?

CAUFIELDFirstly, he wanted me to give youthe thousand dollar reward in cash.

Caufield fishes some bills out of his pocket.

CAUFIELD (CONT'D)I'm afraid all I have on me is twohundred but it will do as a downpayment until I can get to the bankin town.

Numbly, Jane takes the extended cash and pockets it in herapron.

JANEThank you. What else did Rob makeyou promise?

CAUFIELDHe made me promise that Mr. Hendricks would never trouble you again. Iswear to you that when I get intotown tonight he gets the message.

Jane nods in acknowledgment.

CAUFIELD (CONT'D)I also promised to get young Thomashere home safely to you.

JANEThank you for everything.

Caufield stands nervously.

CAUFIELDThere is one last thing I think Ican do before I leave you to yourgrief.

He gestures to Thomas.

CAUFIELD (CONT'D)Help me get him into the house, willyou son?

Thomas leaves his mother's side and goes over to the horseand helps Caufield untie his father's body.

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JANETake him in and lay him out on ourbed. Thomas will show you the way.

Caufield nods and he and Thomas take the body into the house.

Jane watches them and then pulls herself together, gathersup the shot gun and wash basket before following them intothe house.


Jane sits on the one chair in the room. She has pulled itup to the bed. ROB DANIELS is laid out as if sleeping onthe bed. The blood, sweat, and dirt of his last journey isstill caked to him. On the night stand next to Jane, is anewer, basin, and some cloths.

The door opens and Thomas squeezes into the room.


Jane looks up from her contemplation of her husband's bodyto her son.

JANEYes, Thomas?

Thomas walks around the bed to her. He digs something smalland shiny from his pocket.

THOMASPa told me to give this back to you. He said it made him know what wasimportant in this life.

Jane takes the shiny object- her broach- from Thomas andfastens it to the bodice of her dress.

JANEThank you.

She hugs her son to her briefly but fiercely.

JANE (CONT'D)Now go watch your sister.

Thomas nods and leaves quietly.

As soon as the door is shut, Jane removes the jacket,suspenders, and shirt from Rob's body. She stands and removesthe boots and pants. He is left in the dingy white longunderwear. Jane gently eases the shirt off and finds thefive bullet holes marring his skin.

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As Jane sinks down into her chair, sobbing-



Caufield, Rob, MARSHALL JOSEPH CARTER, DR. RENYALDS, JOHNTURNER, and the PINKERTON ADAMS gear up to take the outlawJAMES EDWARDS into town.

Rob comes over to where Jane, Thomas, and EMMALINE are waitingon the porch. He goes to kiss Jane on the lips but Janeturns her head and he kisses her cheek. Rob bends down andwraps Emmaline in a hug.

ROBYou be a good girl and help yourmother.

Emmaline hugs just as fiercely back.


Rob reluctantly lets her go.

MARSHALL CARTERMr. Daniels, we're almost ready togo.

Rob acknowledges that he heard. He offers his hand to Thomas,who reluctantly takes it. Rob gives him a hearty, manlyhandshake- trying to convey everything he wants to say inthat one gesture.

THOMASPa, I could come with you. I'm agood shot.

ROBI know you are son, but if somethingshould happen to me, your ma willneed a man around the place. I'mtrusting you to look after her andyour sister.


ROBThomas, you are only fourteen and-


But Pa-

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I told you what I need you to do. Iexpect you to obey.


Yes, Pa.

Rob locks eyes with Jane briefly before he swings up intothe saddle and the group rides off into the just barelydawning sunrise.


Jane raises her head from her memories. She reaches for oneof the cloths, dips it in the water in the basin, and startsto bathe the blood from around the wound closest to her.



Rob gathers a change of clothes and all the ammunition hecan find and packs it all away in the open saddle bags onthe bed. Jane stands by the window watching him.

JANEWhy you, Rob?

ROBWhat do you mean?

JANEWhy do you have to be the one to go? That man is a murderer and a thief.

ROBYes, he is. That's why I have togo. Someone needs to see that he isbrought to justice.

JANEWhat about the Marshall, the Doctor,and the Pinkerton? Can't they do itwithout you?

Rob stops what he is doing and looks her in the eye.

ROBThey need a few more men than that. Edwards has a gang out theresomewhere.

JANEThat is my point. It is toodangerous.

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ROBWhat kind of man, let alone father,would I be if I said it was toodangerous so let's just let Edwardsdo what he wants?

JANEThe alive kind.

ROBDo you think so little of me?

Jane looks away, ashamed of what he might find there.

ROB (CONT'D)I see that you do, but I survived awar. I think I can survive a twoday trip to Jacksonville.

JANEIf it were just you, I'd agree butEdwards' gang is out there waitingto free him. I don't want to try tomake it out here without you.

She finally looks at him again.

ROBBut that's just it. If I don't goand get my share of that reward, wewon't make it out here together ornot.

He puts a hand on her shoulder.

ROB (CONT'D)I want my children to be proud oftheir Pa and to know he did the rightthing no matter the risk.

He pulls her to him and whispers in her hair.

ROB (CONT'D)I want you to be proud of me too.

She pulls back in surprise and looks him in the eyes.

JANEI am proud of you.

ROBNot like you used to be.

Jane looks away knowing he's right.

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ROB (CONT'D)I want to see that spark back inyour eyes when I get back.

He quickly stuffs the last of the pile into the saddle bags,closes them, and slings them onto his shoulder. He looks ather before he turns and walks out of the door.


Jane wrings out the dirty cloth in the basin as if she canwring the bad memories of her parting with Rob from her mind. She bends over her task again. She has made progress- Rob'schest has been wiped clean. She leans over and rests herhead over his heart and lets the tears flow again.


Rob and Jane lay in bed. He curls an arm around Jane, whohas her head pillowed on Rob's chest, listening to hisheartbeat.

ROBI know we're going to make it. Itis only seven years we have to makethe land productive. Then it's oursfree and clear. You'll see, Jane.

JANEI know you'll make it work.

She looks up at him and he bends his head enough to kiss herquickly. Her other hand reaches up and keeps his head whereit is as she returns his kiss. He rolls on top of her,kissing her passionately.


Jane lifts her head and looks at the cloth in her hand. Shesees the dirty water that fills the basin. She stands andopens the window. She grabs the basin and flings the dirtywater out the window on the flower bed below. She replacesthe basin on the nightstand before closing the window.

Jane refills the basin from the ewer and grabs a new cloth. She starts to clean the dust, grime, and blood from Rob'sface.


Jane talks to a group of fellow young ladies as they take aturn around the room. She is intent on the conversation andnot on where she is going so she bumps into a young Armyofficer.

JANEExcuse me, Lieutenant -

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The officer turns around- it is a younger Rob Daniels.

ROBDaniels, ma'am. Lieutenant RobertDaniels at your service.

Jane extends her hand and he bows over it.

JANEI'm Jane Marrow. A pleasure to meetyou, Lieutenant.

ROBMay I have the pleasure of the nextdance?

Jane consults her dance card.

JANEI have the next dance free so itwould be my pleasure.

The band starts the introduction to the next dance- a waltz. Rob holds his hand out.

ROBI believe this is our dance.

Jane accepts his offered hand and allows him to lead her onto the dance floor.

JANEI believe you're right.

They join the other couples in dancing as the waltz actuallystarts. They weave in and out of the other couples with Robexpertly leading.


Sunday dinner a few months later. Jane, her parents- MR.MARROW and MRS. MARROW, her older brother LT. JED MARROW,and her younger brother HENRY MARROW and Rob are all seatedaround the formal dining table. Jane and Rob gaze at eachother between dishing up food on their plates.

MR. MARROWWhere are you from, Lt. Daniels?

Mr. Marrow hands Rob a bowl full of mashed potatoes.

ROBI'm from the town of Westfield.

Rob spoons some potatoes on his plate and passes it on toJane. Their hands touch and Jane forgets to dish any ontoher plate before passing the bowl onto her mother.

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MRS. MARROWOh, that's over in the south eastisn't it?

Rob's attention refocuses on the conversation around him. He takes the pitcher of gravy and pours some on to hispotatoes before passing it on.

ROBYes, ma'am.

Jane takes the gravy and realizes that she forgot to get anypotatoes. Mrs. Marrow passes them back without a word. Shesmiles amusedly.

MR. MARROWWhat does your family do?

ROBMy Father has a brick factory.

MR. MARROWIs that what you plan to do withyour life too?

ROBNo, sir. My older brother gets thefactory. I wouldn't want it anyway.

MRS. MARROWSo if bricks isn't your life's work,what is?

ROBI've always wanted to raise cattleon a ranch of my own.

JANE(paying close attention)

Where would this ranch be?

ROBSomewhere out west.

MR. MARROWBut that won't be till after yourArmy stint is over right?

ROBYes, sir.

They pass the basket of rolls as conversation returns to thewar.

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When will you be going off to fightthe Rebs?

JEDSoon, I hope.

ROBI for one hope the war ends beforewe can get called up.

MRS. MARROWI think we all hope for that.


Jane and Rob stroll in the fall sunshine. She has her handresting properly on the crook of his elbow.

ROBMy company has been called up. We'regoing to go to the front lines in afew weeks.

Jane hides her disstress.

JANEI'm sure you'll manage just fine andcome home safe and sound.

ROBThat is what I wanted to talk to youabout.

Jane stops, forcing Rob to stop and look her in the eye.

ROB (CONT'D)Will you wait for me?

Jane smiles.


What do you mean by that?

Rob takes his cue and goes down on one knee.

ROBJane Elizabeth Marrow, will you marryme?

Jane laughs and throws her arms around his neck.

JANEYes, Rob, I will.

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Rob wraps his arms around her and kisses her.


Jane and her parents watch the company as they leave. Janewaves her handkerchief, trying to be brave.


Jane hand quilts with her mother at the quilt frame. Herfather reads the evening paper. Henry reads a book.

MR. MARROWGood news Jane.

JANEYes, papa?

MR. MARROWNeither Jed or your young man is onthe latest casualties list.

Mrs. Marrow puts down her needle and clasps her hand insurprised joy.

MRS. MARROWOh thank God!

JANEYes, thank God.

(pauses)Any idea when this war will finallybe over?

MR. MARROWSoon it seems.

Mrs. Marrow picks her needle up and resumes quilting.

MRS. MARROWThat is what everyone was saying twoyears ago when Jed and Robert leftfor the front.

MR. MARROWThis time it seems that Petersburgand Richmond will have to beevacuated. If that happens the Southwill fall.

Mrs. Marrow puts down her needle again to clasp her handsagain.

MRS. MARROWHallelujah! Then our boys will behome soon.

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She looks over at Jane.

MRS. MARROW (CONT'D)And, Jane, we'd better get to workon your trousseau.


The company marches in through the gates. Crowds of friendsand relatives wait and wave flags.

The GENERAL steps up in front of the battalion waiting atattention.


The soldiers all stand at ease.

GENERAL (CONT'D)It has been a long hard fought warbut we won.

Cheers from the crowd, but the General ignores them.

GENERAL (CONT'D)There are some excited folks here tosee you. You all have a weeks leavebut I expect you all to report backhere on Monday a week or you will beconsidered traitorous deserters. Isthat understood?

The soldiers answer as one.



The company breaks up with everyone heading for the crowdsearching out their loved ones. Jed and Rob, who is nowwearing the insignia of a Captain, find the Marrows. Mrs.Marrow enfolds Jed in to her arms and weeps with joy.

Rob takes Jane in his arms and kisses her senseless. Whenthey come up for air Mr. Marrow slaps Rob on the back in anover enthusiastically friendly greeting.

MR. MARROWWith a hello like that, you'd bestbe planning on marrying my littlegirl real soon, son.

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ROBYes, sir. Just as soon as thearrangements can be made.

Mrs. Marrow finally lets Jed go and hauls Rob in for a quickhug.

MRS. MARROWWe thought that might be in yourplans.

MR. MARROWWill Saturday be soon enough?

ROBYes sir. I have leave until a weekfrom Monday. Then I have to be backfor my next posting.

JANEWhy? The war is over.

ROBYes it is, Jane, but I'm a West Pointgraduate.

Mrs. Marrow senses that this is a discussion that Jane andRob need to have privately. She signals to her husband andsons and they all back off.

JANEWhich means what exactly?

ROBI signed up for a five year commissionin the Army. I've two and a halfyears left to serve of that time.

JANEWhere will you be doing that serving?

ROBI find out when I report back in aweek.

Rob lets the news sink in for a moment.

ROB (CONT'D)Will that matter? Will it changeyour mind?

JANEChange my mind about what?

ROBAbout marrying me?

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JANENo. You were an Army officer when Ifell in love with you. You werestill an Army officer when I agreedto marry you. It won't matter thatyou are an Army officer when we getmarried.

Rob sweeps her up in his arms again and spins her aroundwith him while they both laugh with glee.


The pews, mostly full of people in their Sunday best. Rob,in his dress uniform, waits at the alter. Beside him standsJed and two other officers, also in their dress uniforms. Three of Jane's friends stand on the other side of the aisle. Everyone looks, happily, towards the doors at the back ofthe sanctuary.

The organist starts playing the wedding march, the doors atthe back of the aisle open revealing Jane and Mr. Marrow. Jane wears a new Sunday dress and a bonnet with a veilattached. She beams with happiness while her father is bothsad and happy. They walk down the aisle.

THOMAS (O.S.)Ma. We got company!

As Jane snaps to attention-



Jane shakes herself out of her memories as Thomas calls again.


He comes busting into the room, carrying the shot gun.

THOMAS (CONT'D)Ma, there are riders headed thisway.

JANEI heard you.

She opens the trunk at the foot of the bed, and removes thetray. She takes out a pistol and some bullets. She loadsthe pistol and exchanges it for the shot gun.

JANE (CONT'D)I want you to keep your sister outof sight and if something happens .. .

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THOMASI know, Ma. I will keep her safe. I promised Pa.

JANERight. I'll go see who that is.


Jane sits on the porch with the shot gun on her lap. Thehorses get closer. Finally it is revealed to be ROY HENDRICKSand the deputy Marshall- JONAS CARTER. They ride right upto the porch but don't bother to dismount.

HENDRICKSMrs. Daniels.

JANEMr. Hendricks.


JANEDeputy. What brings you two gentlemenout this way?

JONASI'm real sorry to do this with yourhusband gone-

Jane interrupts.

JANERob is here.

HENDRICKSThen maybe we should speak to him.

JANEThat will be real hard as I was justgetting him ready for burial.

JONASI'm sorry for your loss, ma'am. We'll come back later.

JANEThank you, Jonas.

HENDRICKSI, too, am sorry for your loss, Mrs.Daniels, but I'm afraid business isbusiness.

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JANEAnd what business is that Mr.Hendricks?

HENDRICKSThis quarter's payment is late andlast quarter's was never made. Iintend to take back this land andyou will have to leave.

Jonas goes to say something but Hendricks rolls right overhim.

HENDRICKS (CONT'D)Seeing as how you just lost yourhusband, I'll give you to next weekto clear out. Unless of course youcan pay right now.

Jane reaches in to the pocket of her apron, holding the shotgun under her arm.

JANEAnd how much do those payments addup to?

HENDRICKS(startled at herquestion)

Uh. . . one hundred and eighty dollarsexactly.

Jane pulls out the money Mr. Caufield had given her.

JANEJonas, You'll be my witness that I'mpaying two quarters back paymentsand twenty dollars towards nextquarter's payment.

She hands the money over.

JONASSure thing, Mrs. Daniels.

HENDRICKSI'll make sure to note that you havemade a good faith payment for thisquarter. But there is still thematter of the other eight hundredleft on the loan.

JANEYou'll be getting it in the nextcouple days.

Hendricks opens his mouth to speak but doesn't say anything.

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JANE (CONT'D)You got your money.

Hendricks looks like he is about to argue.

JANE (CONT'D)Now get the HELL off my land.

HENDRICKSThis isn't over yet, Mrs. Daniels.

Jane raises the shot gun.

JONASLet's get out of here.

Hendricks wheels his horse around and rides as if the devilhimself is after him.

JONAS (CONT'D)(tips his hat)

Mrs. Daniels.

Jonas turns his horse around and follows but at morereasonable speed. Jane keeps the shot gun raised until theyare just specks on the horizon. Jane turns and goes backinto the house.


JANEThomas? Emmaline? You can come outnow.

Emmaline opens the cupboard next to the sink and unfoldsherself from her hiding place while Thomas lifts up the lidon the bench/chest that serves as seating on one side of thetable that dominates the small room.

THOMASWho was it, ma?

Jane sets the shot gun by the door and goes to the sink andwashes her hands under the pump faucet.

JANEMr. Hendricks and Deputy Carter.

THOMASWhat did they want?

JANEHendricks was wanting his money andDeputy Carter was here to see thathe got it.

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Jane starts making biscuits.

JANEWhat happened to Marshall Carter,Thomas?

Jane cuts the shortening into the flour, salt and bakingpowder as Thomas answers.

THOMASHe was shot just after we got intotown. The Jacksonville doctor thoughthe'd recover as it was a leg woundbut he couldn't make the ride backjust yet.

Jane pours some milk in and stirs.

JANEThat's good news.

She pats and rolls out the dough before turning an empty cupupside down and cutting out the biscuits. She places themon a baking pan and puts it in the oven.



Jane enters with a fresh ewer of water and resumes her taskof readying her husband for burial.

ROB (O.S.)Jane, love, come back to bed.



Jane, clad in a long flannel nightgown, stands at the windowlooking out on the moonlit frame of the new bigger barn. Out in the empty- for now- corral she sees some small fourfooted creatures moving.

JANESomething startled me.

Rob crawls out from the covers and joins her at the window.

ROBIt's just coyotes. We don't have toworry about them until we have aherd. Right now all the horses aresafe in the small barn.

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JANEI know. It's just different livingout here, knowing we're so far fromtown and other people.

ROBI thought you were tired of livingin crowded cities and forts.

JANEI am. It's just now that it ishappening I'm scared. At least inthe forts there was a doctor near byand people to help.

Rob wraps his arms about her and pulls her tight againsthim, resting his head on hers.

ROBI know. If Thomas gets sick orsomething happens to one of us it isjust ten miles to town.

JANEAnd another seventy to Jacksonville,if the doctor is away on a call orthe Marshall is busy.

Rob tightens his arms around her.

ROBBut we have land and a chance toimprove our life, that has to countfor something.

JANEWe could have improved it back inBoston.

ROBNot like we can out here. In BostonI would have had to stay with thearmy and they would have kept me outhere to deal with the Indian problemsand who knows what could havehappened. It is far safer for mesince I quit the Army. You knowthat.

JANEI know.

(pauses)I just worry. About you and ourson.

(pauses)And about the new little one we'reexpecting.

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Surprised, Rob turns her around and looks her in the eyes.

ROBWhat new little one?

JANEThat one that I'm expecting comespring.

ROBYou sure?



Jane puts her hand over his mouth.

JANEHush! You are going to wake Thomas.

Rob bends his head to kiss her.

ROB(against her lips ina whisper)

We wouldn't want that now would we?


No we wouldn't.

Rob sweeps her up into his arms and carries her back to bed.

Off their passionate kiss-



Jane finally starts redressing Rob in his Sunday best. Whenshe has finished the task she lays her head on his chest onelast time and falls asleep, tears trickling down her face,dripping onto Rob's shirt..



Jane sleeps sitting in her chair with her head on Rob's chest.

THOMAS (O.S.)Ma, wagon's coming.

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Jane wakes up, startled. She looks around and sees the stillform of Rob and chokes back a sob.

THOMAS (O.S.) (CONT'D)Ma, you awake?

JANEYes, son. I heard you.

She opens the door and steps out into the kitchen.


Jane picks up the shot gun as she passes through the roomand exits onto the porch.


Jane stands on the porch with Thomas at her side. He hasthe pistol she gave him yesterday.

The wagon pulls into the yard, driven by Caufield and Jonassits next to him on the seat.

CAUFIELDMorning, ma'am.


Jane lowers the shot gun and Thomas sets his pistol down onone of the chairs.

JANEMorning, Mr. Caufield, Jonas. Whatcan I do for you?

Caufield ties the reins to the porch rail.

CAUFIELDNothing. I told you I would be backthis morning with the arrangementsto bury Mr. Daniels and I am.

He and Jonas go to the back of the wagon and open thetailgate. Together they lift down a pine coffin.

CAUFIELD (CONT'D)We'll take care of Mr. Daniels. Whydon't you pack a few things for youand the kids and stay in town a fewdays.

JANEI couldn't. The stock . . .

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JONASThat's why I am here. If you'd likeI can stay a few days and take careof things around here.

JANEBut Mr. Hendricks . . .

CAUFIELDI told you I'd take care of him.

JANEHe was out here yesterday with Jonas.

CAUFIELD(to himself)

Son of a bitch. (sheepishly to Jane)

Sorry, ma'am. I forgot I was in thepresence of a lady.

JANEDon't be sorry. That is my opinionexactly.

CAUFIELDI'll make sure he won't come back,this time for sure.

JONASAnd until Mr. Caufield gets throughto him, Hendricks won't do anythingwith the Deputy Marshall on theproperty.

JANEIf you are sure.

CAUFIELDMrs. Caufield would have my hide ifI returned to town without you andyour children.

Jane, trapped and knows it, so she gives in with good grace.

JANEThen we would be happy to stay a fewdays.

CAUFIELDIt's settled. You go wake up MissEmmaline and we will take care ofMr. Daniels.

Jonas and Caufield follow Thomas into the house, carryingthe coffin. Jane follows them.

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Caufield and Jonas with Thomas's help place the coffin inthe wagon bed.

JONASThomas, while we are waiting foryour mother and sister, why don'tyou show me around the place so Iknow where everything is.

Jonas grabs a worn carpet bag and bed roll from the back ofthe wagon.

THOMASSure thing, Mr. Carter.

JONASWhy don't we make that simply Jonas?

THOMASJonas then.

Thomas leads Jonas into the barn. Caufield shuts the wagon'stailgate.


Jane and Emmaline come out of the house. Jane has two carpetbags in her hands.

Caufield lifts Emmaline up to the wagon bench before takingthe bags from Jane and putting them behind the bench.

Jonas comes out of the barn leading a saddled horse withThomas just behind him. He leads the horse to the mountingblock and holds it while Thomas mounts up.

Once Thomas has his horse ready to go, Jonas walks over toJane.

JONASDon't worry, Mrs. Daniels. I willtake good care of the ranch. Youcome back after church Sunday andeverything will be just fine.

JANEThank you, Mr Carter. I appreciateit.

JONASIt's Jonas, ma'am.

JANEThen call me Jane, Jonas.

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Jonas helps her into the wagon as Caufield climbs up ontothe other side.

JONASAll right Jane.

Jane nods her head in acknowledgment as Caufield clicks thereigns. The wagon is almost out of sight when Jane turnsand looks at Jonas, who has a hand raised in a farewellgesture.


In Jane's memories- the day the regiment left for the West,just weeks after the wedding.

Mr. and Mrs. Marrow and Henry stand on the platform. Janehugs them one last time while Rob shakes hands with Mr. Morrow and Henry. Mrs. Marrow hugs him as if he were herown son.

Rob picks up the carpet bag that has been at his feet whileJane picks up the hat box and board the train. While theyboard the train, Jed makes his own good byes.


Jane and Rob climb onto the train and make their way to theassigned compartment.

Rob settles there bags as Jane opens the window of thecompartment, and leans her torso out of it.


JANEBye, Ma. Bye Pa. Bye Henry.

MRS. MARROWJane, you be sure to write now andagain. Let us know how you manage.

JANEI will Ma.

The train starts to make steam and get ready to move. Robleans his head out of the window next to her.

MR. MARROWYou take care of her, son.

ROBI will sir.

MR. MARROWMake sure she doesn't get scalped bythe Indians.

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ROBI promise. Jane won't have anytrouble with the Indians.

The train starts to move. Jane is still looking back at herfamily, waving, until the train has picked up speed and shecan no longer see them waving back to her.

ROB (O.S.) (CONT'D)Jane, come back inside and shut thewindow.


Jane leans back in and shuts the window. She sits down onthe bench facing him in their private compartment. She standsand arranges the luggage, takes out her embroidery, sets itdown on the bench beside where she was sitting, and finallysits again. She nervously fusses with her skirts, picks upthe embroidery and puts it down again.

ROBSomething wrong?

JANENo, why do you ask?

ROBYou haven't settled down for a minutesince we left the station.

Jane picks up the embroidery again.

JANEI guess I am a bit nervous.

Rob gets up and moves to sit next to her.

ROBWhat do you have to be nervous about? I'm the one who will be facing Indiansand outlaws.

JANEWell there is that to worry about. There is also the fact that I havenever been away from Boston beforelet alone away from my parents. Howwill I manage to keep my own house?

ROBSurely your mother taught you how?

JANEShe taught me but I've had very littlepractice because Mrs. Fischer was


Siskiyou Pines 26.

JANE (CONT'D)always there to pick up the piecesif I made any mistakes.

Rob is about to say something but Jane rushes to reassurehim.

JANE (CONT'D)I'm sure I can manage whateverquarters we are given. But that isjust it. I have no idea what kindof quarters we will have when we getto this Fort Riley.

ROBI believe there was mention of asmall house for each married officer.

JANEA house of my own. I've longed forsuch a thing for years.

Jane thinks a bit before speaking again.

JANE (CONT'D)Will you be gone much?

ROBI'm told that depends on how muchtrouble the Indians are and whetheror not an outlaw strikes in the area.

JANEWhat about settlers traveling outwest?

ROBFrom what we were told, a lot of thesettlers are going to the area aroundthe forts so there should be plentyof company for you besides theofficers' wives.


MARY HENDRICKS, dressed for a funeral, rushes out of thehouse. She's in her late teens or early twenties, climbsinto the waiting buggy that someone had hitched for her andtied to the porch railing.

HENDRICKS (O.S.)Where are you going?

Hendricks comes around the corner from the barn.

Siskiyou Pines 27.

MARYI'm going into town for Mr. Daniel'sfuneral.

HENDRICKSWhy would you go to that rancher'sfuneral? You know I am trying tobuy that land.

MARYI know that, Father, but Jane and Iare friends.

HENDRICKSWell if you feel that strongly thenwhy don't you take Hale with you.

Mary visibly shrinks but puts on a brave face.

MARYIf you insist.



The ranch hand known as Hale comes running from the barn atHendricks' bellow.

HALEYes, sir?

HENDRICKSI want you to drive Mary into townand wait while she attends a funeral.

Hale jumps into the buggy and takes the reigns.

HALEYes, sir.

Hale drives the buggy down the drive.

HENDRICKS(shouting again)

Drew! Jimmy!

Drew, a forty something life-long cowboy, and Jimmy, a twentysomething cowboy who is well on the way to being Drew in afew years, come running from the corral.

DREWYes, boss?

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HENDRICKSSaddle three horses and pack yourbed rolls. We have a ranch to takeover.

DREWYes, boss.

Drew goes straight to the stable to do as ordered.

JIMMYWhat are you planning?

HENDRICKSWhile the widow is away, I'll takethe land that belongs to me.

JIMMYExcellent plan, boss.

HENDRICKSI thought so.

Hendricks looks at Jimmy and realizes Jimmy should be helpingDrew.

HENDRICKS (CONT'D)Don't you have a horse to saddle.

JIMMYYes, boss.

Jimmy rushes into the barn to do as told.


Jonas crosses the yard to the house. He pauses when he seesa cloud of dust from horses moving his way. He nervouslyfingers the latch on his holster, ready to draw his guns ifnecessary. Hendricks rides up the drive flanked by Drew andJimmy.

HENDRICKSDeputy Carter? What are you doinghere?

JONASI'm taking care of the ranch whileMrs. Daniels is in town for thefuneral.

Jonas surveys the five men that Hendricks brought with him.

JONAS (CONT'D)What do you want?

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HENDRICKSI was just going to pay my respectsto Mrs. Daniels and offer to helpher relocate back to her family backEast.


HENDRICKSI thought at a time like this, shemight need her family.

JONASThat's very kind of you, but I believethat Mrs. Daniels intends to stayhere and continue ranching.

HENDRICKSHow do you know that?

JONASBecause Jane didn't say anythingbefore she left for town. I'msurprised you didn't see her thereas they left yesterday.

HENDRICKSJane is it? How interesting.

Jonas realizes his mistake.

JONASI mean did Mrs. Daniels imply anythingelse when you and I came out herefor the back payments?

HENDRICKSNo she didn't. Stubborn woman thatshe is.

Hendricks turns to address his men.

HENDRICKS (CONT'D)Lets head out.

The men wheel their horses around and ride off. Hendricksturns to Jonas once more.

HENDRICKS (CONT'D)You tell Jane that I expect eitherfull payment or her to leave theproperty by Friday.

Without waiting for a reply, Hendricks follows his men inleaving the property.

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JONAS(calling afterHendricks)

I'll tell her.


JONASThat was fine meal, ma'am.

JANEThank you, Mr. Carter.

Jonas stands and takes his dishes to the sink. He turns toface Jane and the kids.

JONASNow I'm afraid I have to go.

He walks out the door.


Jane follows Jonas out the door.

JANEI wanted to thank you for takingsuch good care of the ranch.

JONASIt was a right pleasure.

He looks out at the horizon.

JONAS (CONT'D)Though if at all possible I wouldn'twait to pay off Hendricks. He wasout here yesterday saying you havetill Friday to pay the full mortgageowed or you'll have to leave theproperty.

JANEI'll have to go into town and getthe money from Mr. Caufield tomorrow.

JONASI'll go with you since I doubtHendricks will take that with goodgrace.

JANEYou're right. I'll hitch up thewagon after morning chores and leaveThomas and Emmaline with Mrs. Caufieldand we can walk down to the bank andpay him.

Siskiyou Pines 31.

JONASI'd also bring your copy of themortgage agreement with you so thatI can enforce the terms. I wouldn'tput it past him to try to sneak somehidden fees in to make you get offthis land.

JANEYou think he'd do that?

JONASIt's what I'd do if I were asunscrupulous as Hendricks and I wantedyour land as badly as he does.

JANEI have always wondered why he wantsthis land.

JONASHe could believe that there is stillgold in your section of the stream.

JANEThere is but only a little dust. Itdoesn't amount to much which is whyRob never seriously tried panningfor it. He only did when we as afamily took summer meals by the streamto cool off.

JONASWell you know that but maybe Hendricksbelieves there's more. Or maybe hebelieves the railroad will be buildingthrough here so that the land willbecome more valuable.

JANEThat makes a certain amount of sense.

Jonas steps of the porch.

JONASNow, I really must be going.

JANEI'll be in town first thing in themorning so I can pay Hendricks off.

Jonas disappears into the barn.


Jane drives the wagon down the street stopping before a nicetwo story house.

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Mrs. Caufield rushes out to the porch.

MRS. CAUFIELDJane, dear, is something wrong? Weweren't expecting to see you againfor a few weeks.

JANENo, Alice. I just have business intown. I was wondering if Emmalineand Thomas could spend the morningwith you?

Thomas jumps down from the wagon and helps Emmaline down.

MRS. CAUFIELDYou two come this way, Anabelle andI were just about to start makingsome bread.

She ushers them into the house.

MRS. CAUFIELD (CONT'D)(over her shoulder toJane)

You just get back here when yourbusiness is taken care of. Don'tworry about the children. Anabellewill be happy to have them to keepher company again so soon.

Jane turns the horses towards the street and continues tothe Marshall's office.


Jonas sits, waiting for her when Jane drives up. He standsand walks over to her. She hands him the reins, which heloops around the hitching post in front of the building.

JONASMorning, Mrs. Daniels.

JANEMorning, Deputy Carter.

Jonas lifts her down from the wagon. Once on solid groundshe grabs her reticle.

JONASShall we be off?

He offers her his arm. They head down the street with Jonaswalking on the street side of the board walk to protect herfrom splashes of dust and mud.

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Jane and Jonas arrive in front of their destination- theBank.

JANEI'm not certain I can do this.

Jonas looks at her encouragingly.

JONASYes, you can. I'm here and I willnot let anything happen to you. IfI did what kind of Deputy Marshalwould I be?

JANEYou're right. Mr. Hendricks wouldnever do anything in town, in themiddle of the morning, with a deputyas witness.

Jane opens the door and sails through.


The bank has a few customers and two tellers, but Hendricksisn't visible.

Jane joins the line.

JONASWhat are you doing?

JANEI'm waiting in line to take care ofmy banking.

JONASYou don't stand in line for thiskind of banking.

JANEThen where do I go?

JONASYou go to Hendricks' office.


Jonas leads her to the only normal interior door in the room. They knock.


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The room is on the imposing side of typical offices of theera. The window directly behind Hendricks has a view of thetrain yards and the stockyards. The furniture is darkgleaming wood and leather upholstery with bright brass studs.

Jonas opens the door and peaks in.

JONASIt isn't Sam.

Hendricks looks up mildly surprised.

HENDRICKSWhat can I do for you, Deputy?

Jonas enters fully and Jane is right behind him.

JONASI'm here as an official witness. Mrs. Daniels has business with you.

Jane has gained enough confidence to step directly in frontof the seated Hendricks.

JANEMr. Hendricks, I am here to pay offthe mortgage on my ranch.

HENDRICKSYou have the remaining eight hundred?

Hendricks shuffles some papers.


Jane rummages in her reticule and withdraws the mortgagepapers.

JANEI have the money, but the mortgagepapers Rob had never mentioned anyfees.

She sets them on the desk.

JANE (CONT'D)Would you point to the part thatmentions fees?

(she bats her eyelashesand pretends to be aweak-willed woman.)

After all, I'm only a woman and cannever understand the complicatedfinancial matters of men?

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Hendricks pulls the papers he had moved to the front. Hepoints to a paragraph.

HENDRICKSRight here, "A penalty fee shall beassessed for paying the balance ofthe loan early in the amount of anextra two quarters of payment." Itis quite clear, Mrs. Daniels.

Jane spreads her copy out and scans it.

JANEI do not find that sentence on thesepapers.

JONASLet me look at those.

Jonas reads both sets.

JONAS (CONT'D)Mrs. Daniels is right. Her copy ofthe mortgage mentions no fees. Solet her pay the mortgage off.

HENDRICKS(like the cat thatfinally got the canary)

I'm afraid that one copy is enoughfor a binding contract.

He turns to the last page and points to the signature.

HENDRICKS (CONT'D)Is that your late husband's signature,Mrs. Daniels?

Jane examines it closely.

JANEYes, that is Rob's signature.

JONASThen I am afraid, Mr. Hendricks iscorrect, one copy is enough to countas a binding legal contract.

HENDRICKSI am so sorry, Mrs Daniels, but I'mafraid that you have a $180 balancebefore the mortgage can be paid off. The next payment will be due onschedule.

Jane looks like she is about to say something but Hendrickscuts her off.

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HENDRICKS (CONT'D)Now I have a lot of work to do, sohave a pleasant day.

Jonas interrupts.

JONASWe will leave you to your work onceyou make out a receipt for the moneythat Mrs. Daniels just paid you andwrite a new contract stating thatonce she pays the $180 in fees sheowns her land free and clear.

Hendricks blusters.

JONAS (CONT'D)I will naturally serve as witnessand require a copy as well the oneyou provide Mrs. Daniels.


He takes out three new sheets of paper and starts to write.


Jane and Jonas leave the bank and start to walk back to theMarshal's office.

HENRY (O.S.)Janie. Janie. Is that you?

Jane turns around and peers intently at the well dressed andobviously Eastern gentleman.

HENRY (CONT'D)Don't you recognize your littlebrother?

Jane rushes into his open arms. He hugs her fiercely for amoment before she steps back.

JANEOf course I recognize you, you ninny. I'm just surprised to see you hereof all places.

HENRYHow could I not come to see my sisterin her hour of need?

He looks over at Jonas.

HENRY (CONT'D)Won't you introduce me to your friend?

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Henry, this is Deputy Marshal, JonasCarter. Jonas this is my littlebrother. . .

HENRYNot so little any more. I'm tallerthan you.

JANEAll right, my younger brother, HenryMorrow, Attorney at law.

HENRY(shaking Jonas' hand)


JONASMr. Morrow. I'm very glad you'rehere. Jane could use an attorney.

HENRYJanie, what kind of trouble have yougotten yourself into now?

JANEI'm not in trouble so much as havingtrouble paying off the ranch'smortgage.


JONASThis is not the place to discuss it,the whole town doesn't need to know.

JANEJonas is right. Why don't you andhe head down to the Marshal's officewhile I go retrieve Thomas andEmmaline. Then we can go back tothe ranch?

HENRYSounds like a plan.

The two men head down to the Marshal's office while Janeheads to the Caufields'.

HENRY (CONT'D)So what kind of trouble is Janiehaving?

Siskiyou Pines 38.

Off Jonas filling him in-



Jane and Henry sit around the table drinking coffee. Thomasand Emmaline have gone to bed.

JANENow tell me, Henry, why are you reallyhere?

HENRYYour telegram really sent Motherinto a fit. She kept going on about'My poor baby. All alone out therewith those two children.' Fatherand I agreed that I should come outhere and see if I couldn't persuadeyou to come back to Boston. It wasthe only way to keep Mother fromdemanding to come out here and takeyou home herself.

JANEI am home.

HENRYI meant Boston and your family.

Jane gets up and paces.

JANEI know what you want. But this ismy home now. Rob died for it. I am not willing to leave.

HENRYI thought you might feel that way. I won't ask you again to move backto Boston. . .

JANEThank you.

Jane stops pacing.

HENRYSo I am just going to have to set upa law practice here.

JANEYou're going to do what?

HENRYEstablish a practice in Central Point.

Siskiyou Pines 39.

Jane flings her arms around his neck and hugs him tight beforereleasing him. She leans back with her hands still on hisshoulders.

JANEWhat about the firm you were workingfor in Boston?

HENRYI was just a law clerk there buthere I can be the lawyer with my ownclients.

Jane drops her hands and sinks down to her seat at the table.

JANEWell you have at least one already.

HENRYThen you'll let me deal with thisHendricks?

JANEDo what you think is best. I'vetried but I'm afraid I don't evenknow the game he is playing let alonethe rules.

HENRYThen in the morning I will go andpay off the remaining money and makesure that Hendricks signs papersgiving you the ranch free and clear.

JANEWhat!! I can't let you do that.

HENRYWhy not?

JANEIt is too much money. I can't askyou to pay that.

HENRYI have the money saved up and I can'tthink of a better use than helpingsecure the home of my sister and herchildren.

JANEWhat about a place of your own?

HENRYI was planing on staying here forawhile. If you want me here thatis.

Siskiyou Pines 40.

JANEOf course I want you here, but howwill you manage your practice fromhere?

HENRYI'll find a way. Just for a year orso then I'll get a place of my own. Besides I have more than enough moneysaved up to make do until my practicetakes off.

JANEI still can't let you pay off mydebt.

HENRYI want to. If it matters to you somuch I'll write out terms and youcan owe me the money.

JANEFine. But only if I pay it backwith interest.

HENRYI wouldn't have it any other way. We'll talk more after I see yourbanker tomorrow.

Jane gets up from the table to go to bed, but she turns beforeshe would enter her room.

JANEI really am glad that you're hereHenry.

HENRYI know. I'll see you in the morningthen.

JANERight. Good night.

Jane goes through the door and shuts it.


Henry strides into the bank, looking like the big city lawyerhe was up 'til a week ago. A teller, CLARENCE, looks up andaddresses Henry.

CLARENCEMay I help you, sir?

HENRYI need to see Mr. Hendricks.

Siskiyou Pines 41.

CLARENCEDo you have an appointment?

HENRYNo. I'm new to town.

CLARENCEIf you'd like to open an account,then I can help you, Mr . . .?

HENRYMarrow. Henry Marrow. And I wouldreally rather speak with Mr.Hendricks.

Hendricks peeks out of his office.

HENDRICKSIs there something wrong, Clarence?

CLARENCEI was just explaining to Mr. . . .



CLARENCE(ignoring him)

Marrow here that I could help himopen an account but he was insistingon speaking to you.


(turning to Henry)Well, since I'm here why don't youand I step into my office and takecare of business.

Hendricks leads the way into his office.


Hendricks moves to sit behind his desk and motions for Henryto take the chair facing him.


So, Mr. Marrow, what is so importantthat Clarence couldn't help you withit?

HENRYWell, Mr. Hendricks. . .

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HENDRICKS(false geniality)

Roy, please.

HENRYRoy, then.

Before Henry can get any further into his explanations,Hendricks opens the humidor on his desk and withdraws twocigars.


HENRYNo thanks. As I was saying, Roy, Iam not here to open an account butto represent the wishes of my client.

HENDRICKSYour client?

HENRYYes, I am a lawyer and I have beenhired to take care of some businessfor my client.

HENDRICKSJust who is this client?

HENRYMrs. Jane Daniels.


I thought Mrs. Daniels had no moneyor else she would have paid off theremaining money she owes me.

HENRYHow Mrs. Daniels is taking care ofher bill with me is none of yourconcern. What is your concern isthat I am here to pay off theremaining money.

Henry pulls out a pre-counted wad of cash out of his innersuit pocket and lays it down on the desk.

HENRY (CONT'D)I believe that $180 was what is owed.

He reaches into the pocket again and this time withdraws thefolded contract from the day before, he sets it next to thecash.

Siskiyou Pines 43.

HENRY (CONT'D)I believe all you need to do is signthe bottom of this contract notingthat the balance has been paid infull.

HENDRICKS(backed into a cornerand not liking it)

I will just as soon as I count themoney to make sure. You don't mind?

Hendricks picks up the cash.

HENRYNot at all. In fact I insist on it.

Hendricks counts it. It is all there. He puts it in hisinner jacket pocket. Hendricks pulls out his copy ofyesterday's new contract out, of his right desk drawer, andsets it next to the other one.

HENDRICKS(signing the contracts)

Of course, if Mrs. Daniels has enteredinto some sort of illicit relationshipwith you just to pay this off, shecould have just mentioned herwillingness to me yesterday and Iwould have been accommodating.

HENRY(keeping his faceimpassive)

I believe you have gotten the wrongimpression of my relationship withJane.

HENDRICKSOh? Just what is your relationshipwith Jane then?

HENRYBesides being her lawyer you mean?

Henry takes the pen and signs the contracts before blowingon the ink to dry it.

HENDRICKSYes. Besides the fact that you areher legal counsel.

HENRYShe is my older sister.

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Henry takes his copy of the contract, folds it and puts itback in his jacket pocket.

HENRY (CONT'D)If you try anything else to force mysister and her children off of whatis legally her land now, I will bringthe full force of the law down onyou. Good day, Roy.

Henry sails triumphantly out of the office while Hendrickstries to process what just happened.


Henry walks through the bank and waves at Clarence.

HENRYGood day, Clarence.

Clarence looks up not sure what to say but before he canform any words, Henry has opened the outer door and collideswith MARY HENDRICKS.


Henry looks into Mary's eyes and the rest of the world fadesand stops for a split second.

HENRYPardon me, Miss . . .?

MARYHendricks. Mr. . . .?


Henry gets up.

HENRY (CONT'D)(pauses briefly asname rings a bell)

Hendricks? As in the owner of thisbank is . . .

Henry extends a hand to Mary and helps her up, and keeps ahold of her hand.

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MARYMy father. Yes. Are you new totown?

HENRYHow did you guess?

MARYI haven't seen you around here beforetherefore you must be new.

HENRYMakes sense. I arrived yesterdayand am staying with my sister andher children out on her ranch.

MARYOh? Will she let you come visiting?

HENRYMy sister is Mrs. Daniels.

MARYI was so sorry to hear about Mr.Daniels. Is that what brings youout here?

HENRYYes. Our parents were worried so Iwas elected to come and make sureJane and the children were all right.

MARYHow long do you plan to be out here?

HENRYI'm thinking of making it permanent.

MARYThen I shall being seeing more ofyou?

HENRYYou can count on it.

Mary realizes just how long she has been standing thereconversing with Henry, so she looks around for her droppedreticule and reaches for it but Harry gets it first.

MARYI have to go, but you be sure togive Mrs. Daniels my condolences.

HENRYI will do that.

Henry hands the reticule back to Mary.

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HENRY (CONT'D)Here you go, Miss Hendricks. I'msure I will be seeing you aroundtown.

Henry saunters off as Mary watches him go. After he roundsa corner a few blocks down, Mary ducks in to the bank.


Henry walks in and sits down at the table and watches hissister prepare dinner for them all.

HENRYI went into town today.

JANEI know you said you would atbreakfast. What happened?

HENRYI ran into a young woman. Literally.

Henry sits on the bench at the table.

JANE(playing along)

Who did you meet?

HENRYShe said she was Miss Hendricks. She didn't mention a given name.

JANEYou mean Mary. She is a nice enoughgirl too bad her father is . . .

HENRYSuch a pain in the . . .

JANE(in mock horror)

Henry Marrow! Watch your language.

HENRYSorry, Jane, but it is true Old ManHendricks is a real piece of work. He actually tried to insinuate thatyou and I had some sort of Devil'sbargain.

JANEWhat? That is ridiculous. You didset him straight on that count.

HENRYOf course.

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JANESo are you going to call on her?

HENRYI plan to, if it is all right withyou.

Jane puts the stew kettle on the back of the stove to cookand wipes her hands on her apron before taking it off.

JANEI'm not sure, I'm the one whosepermission you need, but if you wantit you have it.

She hangs the apron on its peg.

HENRYThanks. I will work around herfather.


Thomas, Emmaline, and Henry eat at the table. Jane's placeis set but she is not there. In fact she looks like thefood on her plate is the last thing she wants to see.

THOMASMa, aren't you eating?

JANEI'm not hungry.

THOMASThen may I have it?

JANEGo ahead.

She looks outside and then back to the table.

JANE (CONT'D)I think I'm just going to start onthe chores.

Jane leaves. The others exchange glances but continue withtheir breakfast.


Henry comes outside and looks around for Jane, but doesn'tsee her. He looks around and takes in the sight of the ranchand surrounding countryside in the early morning.

Jane comes around the house from the direction of theouthouse, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand.

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She goes over to the pump in the yard and pumps a bucketfull of water. She takes the dipper and dips it into thewater she looks up and sees Henry. When he doesn't speakshe gives him a grateful look and drinks one dipper of water.

HENRYSo what do you want me to do today?

JANEI thought I'd check the fences withThomas and you'd give Emmaline herschool lessons.

HENRYJane, are you sure you're in anycondition to go riding around theranch all day?

JANE(looking like she'dexplode if only shehad the energy)

What do you mean my condition? I amin better shape to ride than you. Have you done much riding?

HENRY(properly put in hisplace)

No. Neither have I done muchteaching.

JANEBut the worst going over Emmaline'slessons will give you is a headache. If you went with Thomas, you wouldn'tbe any good to me for a week.

HENRYAnd this is all about what is goodfor you, right?

JANE(only half joking)

That's right.

HENRYThen how good is it for you to noteat or sleep?

JANEI eat, just not first thing in themorning. And I sleep.

Siskiyou Pines 49.

HENRYI'm not talking about the napyesterday afternoon. When was thelast time you slept through the night?

JANEWhen did you get so bossy?

HENRYYou're ignoring the questions, butto answer yours I got bossy whenMother and Father sent me out hereto take care of you.

JANETake care of me? I don't need to betaken care of. I just need to checkmy fences and for you to teachEmmaline. She's studying the partsof speech. Today it is adverbs.

Thomas comes out of the house and looks at his Ma and hisUncle and makes a bee-line for the barn.

JANE (CONT'D)So are you going to help with Emmalineor am I going to have to do thattoo?

HENRYAll right. Emmaline and I will getalong just fine.

(beat)Are you going to be back for lunch?

JANEI don't know.

Jane looks at Henry. He scowls.

JANE (CONT'D)Fine, I'll go wrap a couple ofbiscuits and a couple of apples totake with us.

She storms into the house but Henry can't resist the lastword.

HENRY(calling after her)

Good. I'll go help Thomas with thehorses.


Henry calmly enters the barn. He stands just inside thedoor 'til his eyes adjust to the dimmer light.

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He spies Thomas at the far stall.

Thomas is lifting the saddle from the stall onto the horse.

THOMASUncle Henry, is there something wrongwith Ma?

HENRYNo, not really. She's just having ahard time right now, so take extracare of her.


(beat)I wish you were riding with me today.

HENRYI do too but your Ma has a point.

Thomas sulks.

HENRY (CONT'D)I don't really know how to ride yetand until I do I wouldn't be muchhelp.

Thomas brightens with an idea.

THOMASI could teach you. In the evenings. If you want.

HENRYI'd like that. The sooner I canride the sooner I can be of morehelp to you and your Ma.

Henry looks at the next stall where another saddle is waitingon the railing.

HENRY (CONT'D)How about you give me my first lessonand show me how to saddle a horseproperly?

Thomas grins at him.


Jane and Thomas ride the fence line.


Siskiyou Pines 51.

JANEYes, son?

Thomas points to the downed fence.


JANESam Kirkland is not going to be happywhen he finds out.

Thomas tosses the reins to his mother and hops down.

JANE (CONT'D)Be careful, son.



He inspects the barbed wire carefully.

THOMAS (CONT'D)It looks like it was cut recently.

JANEIt was deliberate.

THOMASWho could have done such a thing?

JANEI have an idea.

Thomas looks around and sees some signs of a few cattle havingcrossed into the neighbor's land.

THOMASI think we are going to have to roundup some cattle before we can repairthis. I wonder how many?

JANEIt doesn't matter. One is too many.

Jane sighs.

JANE (CONT'D)I'll see Mr. Kirkland and get thecattle if you repair the fence. Think you can do that by yourself?

Thomas swings back up into the saddle and Jane hands himback his reins.

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THOMASI know I can. I helped Pa oftenenough.

Thomas turns his horse and gallops in the direction of thehouse. Jane smiles and follows after him at a less breakneck speed.


Henry and Emmaline sit at the table with her school booksand slate spread out around them.

KIRKLAND (O.S.)Mrs. Daniels!

Henry looks up from watching Emmaline write on her slate.

HENRYI'm going to see who that is, I wantyou to stay here.

EMMALINEThat's Mr. Kirkland. He's ourneighbor. He's alright most of thetime except when the cows get outand into his orchard.


EMMALINEI'd better come with you, he soundspretty mad. He always says he wishedhe had a daughter to spoil so helikes me.

HENRYAll right but you stay close.

Henry gets up and grabs the shot gun in the corner and goesoutside with Emmaline close on his heels.



Henry takes up a position on the porch with Emmaline standingbeside him.

HENRYCan I help you?

Siskiyou Pines 53.

KIRKLANDYou're not Mr. Daniels and you'recertainly not Mrs. Daniels so I don'tthink so.

HENRYI'm, Henry Marrow, Mrs. Daniels'brother and her lawyer, so again Iask can I help you?

KIRKLANDI'm glad Jane has someone here tohelp out. I don't know if she couldmake it elsewise.

HENRYWell she has the help.

KIRKLANDLike I said. I'm glad to see it.

Kirkland notices Emmaline and softens towards her.

KIRKLAND (CONT'D)How are you today, Miss Emmaline?

EMMALINEVery well, sir, thank you for asking.

HENRYWhat was it you wanted to see mysister about?

KIRKLANDSome of her cattle got out into myorchard.

HENRYDid they do any damage?

KIRKLANDNot yet, but I had to have some ofmy men round them up and put them inthe corral and that means my horseshave to be shut in the barn eatingthrough some of their winter stores.

HENRYI'm sure Jane will come and get thecattle as soon as possible and replacethe feed you used.

KIRKLANDI don't mind the feed I just wantthe cows gone.

Siskiyou Pines 54.

HENRYI'll make sure Jane gets the message.

Kirkland mounts his horse.

KIRKLANDIt was nice meeting you Marrow. Good day, Miss Emmaline.

He wheels his horse around and rides off.

Henry spies a dirt track coming towards them from the oppositedirection. He tightens his grip on the shot gun at his sidebut doesn't raise it.

The dirt trail resolves into Thomas who slows his horse ashe gets close to the house. He dismounts and ties the horseto the porch rail.

THOMASWho was that?

EMMALINEMr. Kirkland.

THOMASLet me guess, he was here to complainabout our cattle in his orchard.

EMMALINEHow did you know?

THOMASMa and I found the fence down in theeast pasture. I better get the wirefrom the barn and fix the fence so Ican help Ma round up the cows.

Thomas takes off towards the barn but Henry calls out tostop him.


THOMASYes, sir?

Henry motions for him to come back and he does.

HENRYSpeaking of your Ma, where is she?

THOMASI guess she'll be along soon. Irode at a gallop to get here andback sooner so I could help her.

Siskiyou Pines 55.

HENRYAre you sure she was following behindyou?

THOMASI saw her start out behind me. She'sa good rider. She'll be here. Shejust doesn't like to gallop. Whyall the questions? Is there somethingwrong with Ma?

HENRYNothing that I know of. I just worry. I'm used to the city where ifsomething happens there are peoplearound. This vast stretches of landwith only family on it is new.

Thomas resumes his trek to the barn, muttering about 'cityfolk' and leading his horse.

Jane comes riding into the yard before Henry can go afterThomas.

HENRY (CONT'D)You all right?

JANEI'm fit as a fiddle. Why shouldn'tI be?

HENRYI was beginning to worry when Thomascame riding in as if the hounds ofHell were after him and you were nowhere to be seen.

Jane dismounts and chuckles.

JANEThat is a very apt description if aimpolite one.

HENRYSorry. I forgot I was in the companyof a 'lady'. I thought I was withmy bossy sister.

JANEYou are. Thomas likes to ride allout when he gets the chance. I prefera more sedate pace. Sorry if thatworried you.

Jane leads her horse to the trough and lets him drink.

Siskiyou Pines 56.

JANE (CONT'D)So how was your morning?

HENRYEmmaline is a very bright girl. Webreezed through her work.

JANEShe always does. So what do youhave planned for this afternoon?

Jane takes her canteen from its place by the saddle bags andfills it while listening to Henry.

HENRYEmmaline wants to cook supper.


HENRYShe knows you'll have to be busy allafternoon, particularly since shewas out here with me when Kirklandcame by to demand someone pick upthe cows that had gotten loose inhis orchard.

She replaces the now filled canteen.

JANEI should have known he'd be overhere first thing to demand I roundup the cattle. I better get on that.

She leads her horse away.

Henry grabs the bridle and holds the horse still as Janewearily swings up into the saddle.

HENRYActually he was pretty civil. Hehas the cattle in his corral and isput out because now his horses arein the barn but all in all he seemedrather understanding.

JANEThank heavens for small favors. Still it looks like I need to rideinto town before I go get my beeves.

Jane settles into the saddle for the ride.

JANE (CONT'D)Emmaline can start dinner.


Siskiyou Pines 57.

JANE (CONT'D)She knows how, but please keep aneye on her when she is building upthe fire in the stove.

Henry lets go of the bridle.

HENRYDon't worry about a thing here. I'll make sure she doesn't burn thehouse down.

JANEThanks for the image. Just what Ineed to worry about the house burningdown. I never even thought of that.

HENRYWhat are brothers for?

Jane sighs.

HENRY (CONT'D)You have nothing to worry about here. Go do what you need to do. Emmalineand I will be fine.

Jane spurs her horse on and takes off towards town at a brisktrot.

Thomas comes out of the barn with a coil of barbed wire andleading his father's horse. He notices the dust trail.

THOMASWas that Ma?

HENRYYeah. That was your Ma.

THOMASWhere is she headed?

HENRYTown. She wants to get some help todrive the cattle here from Kirkland's.



THOMASIf I hurry I can fix the fence andbeat her over to the Kirkland's.

Thomas quickly swings up onto the horse and gallops off.

Siskiyou Pines 58.

Henry stares after the dust trail.


The Danielses, Henry, and Jonas sit around the table withthe remains of supper on their plates.

JONASWell, Miss Emmaline, that was astasty a meal as I've ever et.

Emmaline beams proudly but shyly under the praise.

JANEYes, dear. That was wonderful.

EMMALINEThank you, but I had help.

Three disbelieving faces swing to look at Henry.

HENRYI only monitored the fire in thestove and reminded her that when itcomes to salt less is more.

JANEHow did you know that?

HENRYI clearly remember when you werelearning to make biscuits. I mayhave been only six but those inediblesalty lumps made quite the impression.

His face screws up in exaggerated disgust at the memory.

HENRY (CONT'D)I can still hear Mother telling you,

HENRY (CONT'D)(doing a perfectimpression of Mrs.Marrow)

'Jane, dear, when it comes to saltless is more.'

Jane laughs at the memory- the first real laugh in weeks.

JANEAnd I said 'Then why use any?' AndMother explained it.

Jane stands up and clears her dishes, then comes back forHenry's but before removing the dishes she affectionatelypats his shoulder.

Siskiyou Pines 59.

JANE (CONT'D)Someday, Henry, you're going to be agreat father.

Henry pats her hand where it rests on his shoulder.

HENRYThanks, sis.

He gets up and takes his own dishes to the sink. Thomasfollows suit. Emmaline hops up with her dishes and Jonas's.

HENRY (CONT'D)We've got the dishes covered, Jane. Why don't you and Jonas go enjoy theevening air?

Jonas stands and opens the door for Jane. She collects herbasket full of mending and sweeps through the door.


Jonas shuts the door and takes the chair that Jane is notoccupying.

Jane is mending a pair of Thomas's pants and watching thesunset.

JONASI'm trying to figure out weather ornot your brother is trying to playmatchmaker.


Henry is just trying to get me torest. He worries.

JONASWhy is he worrying?

JANEHe's never been around a woman whois increasing before so he worries.

JONAS(his turn to be shocked)

You're increasing? How do you feelabout that?

JANEOne last reminder of Rob. I'm happybut sad at the same time. He alwayswanted more children.


Siskiyou Pines 60.

JANE (CONT'D)Another son to help out around theranch or another daughter to spoiland help around the house. He didn'tcare just so long as it was healthyand survived.


The doors of the church open and the parishioners spill forth. The ladies bustle to their wagons and retrieve picnic basketswhile the menfolk spread the blankets and quilts for theirfamilies. The children run and play a seemingly complicatedgame of tag while weaving in, out and around the adults.

Mary goes to her father's wagon and is lifting her basketdown when a voice stops her.

HENRY (O.S.)Let me get that for you, MissHendricks.

She whirls around and looks up into his smiling eyes.

MARYWhy thank you, Mr. Marrow.

Henry lifts the basket down.

HENRYWhere shall I take this?

Mary scans the yard for her father and finds him on theopposite side of the yard. The men clustered around him allseem to be the rough and barely civilized types.

MARYOver there.

Henry gallantly offers his arm and sets off with her. Heleads her around the boisterous children with ease.

Hendricks nods in Henry's direction but doesn't interrupthis conversation. Henry sets down the basket and bows toMary.

HENRYI had best go help Jane.

MARYGo. I'm fine here.

Hendricks wraps up his conversation and turns to his daughter.

Siskiyou Pines 61.

HENDRICKSI get why the Marrow fellow is herebut what business does his sisterhave for being here. It isn't decent.

MARYDaddy! Mrs. Daniels is a member ofthe congregation like everyone elseand as such has a right to be hereenjoying herself.

HENDRICKSI still say it isn't decent. Herhusband isn't even cold in his graveyet. Look how she is flirting withthat Deputy Marshall.

He points to where Jonas helps Henry spread out a largeblanket while Jane looks on, holding a rather large hamper.

MARYMr. Daniels has been dead for overtwo months. Besides I don't thinkshe's flirting with him.

HENDRICKSYou, young miss, just want me toforget about her scandalous behaviorso I'll allow her no good brother topay you court.

MARYHe isn't no good.

HENDRICKSHe's a lawyer.

Across the yard, Jonas is helping Henry spread the blanketfor the Daniels' family.

JANESo how is Mary today, Henry?

Jonas's head snaps up in surprise.

JONASMary Hendricks?

JANEYes, apparently they literally raninto each other outside of the banklast month. Ever since, Henry hasbeen trying to find any excuse tosee her.

HENRYThanks a lot, sis.

Siskiyou Pines 62.

JANENo problem what are big sisters for?

HENRYObviously being pains in the r-


Henry Thomas Marrow! Watch yourlanguage.

Henry throws a mischievous look at Jonas who bursts outlaughing.

Thomas and Emmaline come over and start to sit down but Janetakes one look at them and stops them.

JANE (CONT'D)Have you two washed up?

They shake their heads and skip off to join the line at thewash basin that has been set up next to the pump in the yard.


Jane packs up the remains of the meal. Jonas and Henry areoff talking to some of the town's businessmen, while Thomasand Emmaline have rejoined their friends in playing.

HENDRICKS (O.S.)Mrs. Daniels, I hear you had quitesome trouble last week.

Jane looks up to see Hendricks stand next to her.


What did you hear?

Jane straightens up and faces him.

HENDRICKSJust that your cattle escaped intoKirkland's orchard again.

JANEYes they did. Only they had help.

HENDRICKSWhy, whatever do you mean?

JANESomeone cut the wire in the fence. You wouldn't know anything aboutthat would you?

Siskiyou Pines 63.

HENDRICKSI sincerely hope you are not implyingthat I had anything to do with that.

JANEWhy would I imply such a thing?

HENDRICKSI have no idea. I just came over tosee if I could offer you someassistance-

JANE(cutting him off)

What kind of assistance could youoffer me?

HENDRICKSI could buy your place so you canafford to go back home- back East.

JANEIf I wanted to go back East I wouldn'tneed you to buy my place. As for myhome, it is here on my ranch notback with my parents in Boston. SoI will thank you to take your offersof assistance elsewhere.

HENDRICKSFine. But if you keep having troubledon't say I didn't warn you. A ranchis no place for a woman alone.

HENRY (O.S.)She's not alone.

Henry walks up and wraps his arm around his sister's shoulder.

HENRY (CONT'D)If any more trouble comes our way,Mr. Hendricks, you'll be the firstperson we ask about it.

HENDRICKSThat doesn't seem like a very smartthing to say to the father of thegirl you want to court.

Hendricks walks away with a smirk on his face as Jane visiblydeflates.

HENRY(calling to be heardover the din oflaughing kids)


Siskiyou Pines 64.

As they wait for the kids to get to them, Henry helps Janepack up the last of the food and fold the blanket.


The bedroom is dimly lit by a small sliver of weak moonlightfiltering in through the curtains. Jane and Emmaline sleepsound in the big bed. A dark shadow moves to obscure thelight for a moment before it moves. Muffled footsteps soundon the porch.

Jane stirs and begins to wake up. Suddenly there is a lotmore light coming through the window and the sound of horsesgalloping away can be heard. Jane bolts upright, wide awakenow, grabbing her shawl off the chair as she jumps out bedand runs to the door.



She races out of the bedroom, grabbing the shot gun on herway.


Henry comes tearing out of the other bedroom, wrapping a gunbelt around the waist of his hastily thrown on trousers.

HENRYWhat is it?

JANEI'm not sure but something is onfire.

Jane races out the door leaving Henry to deal with thechildren who have followed them into the kitchen.


Jane rushes out onto the porch and stops. There in front ofher is the barn on fire. She drops the shot gun and-


-runs to the pump and dampens her shawl before rushing intobarn.


She rushes to the far stalls and opens the stall doors. Shejumps out of the way as the horses run past her out of theburning building. The fire is mostly at the back of thebuilding but is growing ever stronger and hotter.

Siskiyou Pines 65.

Jane wraps the damp shawl around her, covering her nose andmouth. She moves on to the next stall and sets that horsefree.

Henry rushes in with a bandanna covering his nose and mouth. He helps her get the last of the horses free. He is aboutto leave when he notices Jane isn't leaving. She isstruggling to grab saddles off of the racks where they werestored. Henry grabs the second saddle from her.

HENRYGo. I'll get this.

Jane hands over the saddle and runs to the yard.

He grabs the other saddle and races from the barn.


Jane has the saddle by the pump and is re-wetting her shawl. Henry strips off his bandanna and grabs the shawl.


He ties the shawl in place and races back in the barn.

Jane fills the trough with water and grabs a bucket and startsto wet down the sides of house, knowing there is nothing shecan do about the barn now. Henry will save what he can fromthe inside of the barn but it won't be much. She must nowmake sure the fire doesn't jump from the barn to the house.

Thomas and Emmaline come out. Thomas carries another bucketand goes to work dumping water around the house. Emmalinemans the pump, making sure the trough never empties.

After a few more trips rescuing tack and a bag of seed, Henrytakes over from Thomas.


Emmaline sleeps in one of the chairs and Thomas collapses inthe other one. Henry leans against the railing and Janesits on the steps, still in the soot stained nightgown andshawl. Both watch the smoldering remains of the barn.

Caufield and Jonas ride up.


Caufield dismounts and ties his horse to the end of therailing.

Siskiyou Pines 66.

JONASNot another one. That makes twolast night.

Jonas dismounts and ties his horse as well.

JANEHow did you two gentlemen come outthis way?

CAUFIELDWe saw the smoke from town and fearedit may be your ranch.

JONASActually he feared it but I knew ithad to be your ranch.

JANEThank you for your concern but thereisn't much to be done now.

CAUFIELDWere the horses in the barn?

HENRYYes but Jane and I got them out. They went running off- I don't knowwhich direction. Was too busy tryingto get stuff out of the barn tonotice.

Thomas wakes up at the sound of the voices around him.

THOMASI think they went North. At leastthe was the way Comet was headingwhen I came out here last night.

Caufield swings up onto his horse.

CAUFIELDI'll go track them down and bringthem back.

JONASGood idea.

Caufield rides off North.

Jonas turns to Jane.

JONAS (CONT'D)Do you know what happened?

Siskiyou Pines 67.

HENRYI think that is my cue to put Emmalineto bed.

Henry picks up the still sleeping Emmaline and carries herinto the house.

JANEThomas, why don't you go to bed too.

THOMASI'm ok, Ma. I want to help.

JANEI know you do son, but right now youcan help best by getting some sleepso you can ride out and check on theherd this afternoon.

Thomas gets up and does as bidden.

JONASWhat was that about? I can check onyour herd for you.

JANEI know that but if I didn't promisehim that he could be useful he wouldhave argued longer and I didn't wanthim to hear what I suspect.

JONASWhat do you suspect?

JANEThe barn didn't burn down by accident.

JONASI figured that. There was nolightning last night, and I knowyou're not careless enough to leavea lantern burning and that no one onthis ranch smokes so that leavesfoul play.

JANEThank you for the vote of confidence,but I can make mistakes too.

JONASI know that, but I think it would bea bit too convenient.

JANEConvenient how?

Siskiyou Pines 68.

JONASWell, you have been having troubleshere and for you to get this carelessnow would be convenient, don't youthink? There is also the fact thatthere was another barn burned lastnight too.

JANEI was thinking the same thing. Besides, there were the footsteps Iheard last night before I saw thefire.

JONASYou heard someone out there by thebarn?

JANENo. I heard footsteps outside mywindow. It's what woke me up intime to get to the barn to save thehorses, all the tack and some seed.

Jonas looks at the small pile of items that had been saved.

JONASSo I see.

JANEYou said another barn burned lastnight. Whose?

JONASThe Brennans'. Joe is over therenow investigating.

He takes in her weary appearance.

JONAS (CONT'D)Why don't I take a look around whileyou freshen up?

JANEThank you. I'll do just that.

Jane give him a watery smile as she stiffly rises and goesinto the house.


Jonas pokes around the burned out barn. Now and then hepokes something with his foot or bends down and looks atsomething. He picks it up and puts it in his pocket.

Siskiyou Pines 69.


Joe Carter sits at his desk. He has a shiny piece of greenglass on the desk in front of him that he turns over andover as he studies it.

Jonas walks in, sets something on the other table, takes offhis duster, hangs it on a peg by the door and sits behindthe table. He picks up the object and examines it.

MARSHALL CARTERWhat do you have there, Jonas?

JONASSomething I found in the wreckage atthe Daniels'.

Carter gets up and brings his object over and examines it incomparison to Jonas'.

MARSHALL CARTERIt looks like they're the same.

Jonas takes a closer look.

JONASIt would appear so.


Carter gestures to the other object.


Jonas hands it over.

Carter examines them closely side by side.

MARSHALL CARTERThey look like pieces of a bottle. Any idea how they got in the barns?

JONASNo one at the Daniels' drinks so Idoubt the bottle was just left there. I'd say this is a sign the fire wasn'taccidental.

MARSHALL CARTERNo one at the Brennans' drinks either.

JONASI know who has motive to burn outthe Daniels but what about theBrennans?

Siskiyou Pines 70.

MARSHALL CARTERYou mean Hendricks? The Brennansown their land free and clear.


DAPHNE, one of the saloon girls - young, brunette, and onthe pretty side of ordinary, sits on a bed in her corset andpantaloons. She leans back with her hands on the bed behindher. Hale stands just in front of the closed door. He fishesa bill out of his pocket and holds it up where she can seeit.

HALEDaphne, how long will this buy me?

Daphne gets off the bed, slinks over to him and grabs forthe bill. Hale transfers it to his other hand and away fromher.

DAPHNEYou know how long that buys you.

Hale pulls out another bill and adds it to the other.

HALEHow about this much?

Daphne playfully tries to get at the money while Hale laughsas he holds it out of her reach.

DAPHNEHow do you have that much money now?

HALEMr. Hendricks gave me a bonus. So Ihave money to spend on you.

He puts the money on the dresser beside him and starts toremove his shirt.

DAPHNEWhat for?


The usual.


HALEI'm spending the money on you forthe usual.

Daphne laughs and goes to remove his belt buckle.

Siskiyou Pines 71.

DAPHNEOh, I know that, but why did Mr.Hendricks give you a bonus?

Hale moves back towards the bed and leads Daphne along withhim.

HALEAren't we curious tonight?

DAPHNEI'm always curious.

The bed hits the back of Hale's legs and he falls on thebed, taking Daphne with him.

HALEWell since you asked so nicely, Idid a favor for Mr. Hendricks and acertain widow will probably be sellingout and going back east.

Hale runs a hand down the back of her right calf.

HALE (CONT'D)How about we get down to business.



Mary rides into town on her horse. She has a carpet bagslung over the saddle horn and two bulging saddle bags. Sherides up to the Marshall's office. She dismounts and tiesher horse up, then rushes into the office.


Mary bursts into the office. Jonas sits at his desk. Hecatches up on his reading, with his feet on the desk and abook in hand.

MARYI can't stay there anymore.

Jonas removes his feet from the desk. He stands and walksover to Mary.

JONASWhere, Miss Hendricks?

MARYAt the ranch.

Jonas guides her over to the spare chair facing him acrossthe desk.

Siskiyou Pines 72.

JONASWhy don't you sit down here and tellme all about it.

Once Mary settles in the chair Jonas resumes his seat.

MARYWell, Father has always been greedyand played by his own rules but thistime he has gone too far.


What has he done?

MARYHe ordered the Daniels' barn burneddown.

JONASAre you sure of that?


I was there. He will deny it becausehe didn't actually order it but hisintent was clear. Even I understoodwhat he meant.

JONASWhat exactly did he say?

MARYHe said, "I wonder what Mrs. Danielswould do if her barn burned down? I'm not saying I want it to, butwhat would she do?"

JONASWho did he say it to?

MARYA bunch of the ranch hands. I'm notsure who but Drew, Jimmy, and Halewere among them.

JONASWhy those guys in particular?

MARYThey are mostly on the ranch as muscleand intimidation. They certainlyscare me.

JONASDo you know where you will be staying?

Siskiyou Pines 73.

MARYI hadn't thought that through. Ijust had to get off the ranch. MyFather was gloating that the barnactually burned. I couldn't standit, so I packed up and left.

JONASI think I know someone you can staywith.


Henry and Mary sit on the double wide porch swing. Henry isgently pushes with his foot. There is a courting candleburning on the table beside Henry, with plenty of time lefton it.

MARYI just couldn't stay there. Not ifFather was trying to harm you. Iknow he wants the Daniels ranch butthis is too far.

HENRYYou said he was just posing questions.

MARYHe may have asked questions but hereally meant it as an order.

HENRYDon't think about that now. I onlyhave an hour left to enjoy thismoonlight with you before Caufieldruns me out of town. He has certainlytaken the part of your guardianseriously

Henry slips his arm from the back of the swing to Mary'sshoulder.


Then let's not waste the moonlight.

Mary inches closer to Henry and puts one hand on his chestand her head on his shoulder.


The saloon- nearly empty as it is not technically open yet. The owner, BATES, restocks the shelves. Two saloon girlsclean the tables and floor.

Marshall Carter walks in, pauses to let his eyes adjust tothe dimness, then takes a seat.

Siskiyou Pines 74.

MARSHALL CARTERSo Bates, what can you tell me aboutgreen glass bottles?

Bates, a man in his mid thirties with the years of trying tomake it in a business that is both wanted and reviled showing. He seems crusty and bad tempered but gets along like a houseafire with the local lawman.

BATESWhich color green? I have both darkand light color green.


Bates reaches under the counter and pulls out a dark green bottle -

BATESThis here is a bottle of porter.

- And a light blue green bottle.

BATES (CONT'D)And this here be a bottle of ale.

Marshall Carter takes one look at both bottles and takesthem off the counter. He walks right out of the saloon.

BATES (CONT'D)(calling after theMarshall)

I'll just put those on your tab,Marshall.


It is mid morning and the town is full of people going abouttheir business

Marshall Carter walks down the plank sidewalk carrying thebottles of beer. He acts like this is normal behavior.

Some of the men, the ones who work hard for a living andplay just as hard, smirk. The church going crowd titters.

Marshall Carter is just passing the parsonage when PASTORIRA CHARLES greets him.

PASTOR CHARLESGood morning, Marshall.

Marshall Carter waves with a bottle, forgetting really thathe is carrying alcohol around first thing in the morning.

Siskiyou Pines 75.


Pastor Charles takes in the sight of the Marshall and realizeshe is sober so Pastor Charles makes a joke out of it.

PASTOR CHARLESA little early to be drinking, isn'tit, Joseph?

MARSHALL CARTER(clearly confused)

A- What?

He looks at the bottles in his hands.

MARSHALL CARTER (CONT'D)Oh. That. These are just someevidence I'm taking to the office.

PASTOR CHARLESI'm glad to hear it. So I will seeyou in church on Sunday?

MARSHALL CARTERSure thing. See you then.

Pastor Charles waves and Marshall Carter continues the shortdistance to his office.


Marshall Carter walks in and places the beer on his desk. Jonas is sitting at his table.

JONASA bit early for beer isn't it Joe?

MARSHALL CARTERYou know I went to see Bates and getglass samples.

JONASI know. I was just joshing you.

MARSHALL CARTERSorry. It's just I got an ear fullfrom the Parson already.

He pulls open a drawer and removes the glass shards. Heplaces them next to the bottles.

MARSHALL CARTER (CONT'D)Let's see which one matches.

Jonas comes around from his seat and looks at the shards andthen the bottles.

Siskiyou Pines 76.

JONASI think this one.

Jonas points to the light blue green bottle.

MARSHALL CARTERI agree. Now we need to know whodrinks ale.

JONASOr more precisely who bought bottlesto take home.


The saloon is busier than it was in the morning but is notyet the hive of activity it shall be come night fall. Acouple of miners sit at the bar. Four ranch hands play cardsat a table. The two saloon girls, have been joined by acouple more and hang around the card players.

Marshall Carter enters and takes his seat at the bar.

Daphne keeps looking at Marshall Carter like she wants comeover and say something but dares not.

BATESMarshall, are you here to pay yourtab?

MARSHALL CARTERSorry, Bates. I'm here to follow upon the evidence I was in here afterthis morning.

BATESWell what can I do for you now? Doyou need a sample of lager to gowith the porter and ale?


No, nothing like that. I need toknow who in town drinks the ale inthe light blue green bottles.

BATESWell a number of shop keepers andranch hands but not that many. MostlyI get whisky and rum drinkers orpeople who drink the beer I have ontap from the keg.

Marshall Carter thinks.

Siskiyou Pines 77.

MARSHALL CARTERCan you tell me if anyone recentlypurchased a couple of bottles totake with them?

BATESYeah. There was Mr. Gantry theblacksmith. You know him?

MARSHALL CARTERYeah, I know Gill. Anyone else?

BATESThere were a few ranch hands. Onefrom the Smith ranch. Three or fourfrom the Hendricks place. Also twofrom the Kirkland orchard.

MARSHALL CARTERThat's what I thought.

Marshall Carter pulls out a bill and places it on the bar.

MARSHALL CARTER (CONT'D)Bates, I'll take that lager now.

BATESSure thing Marshall.

Off Bates handing him a bottle of lager-



Jonas makes coffee on the small stove in the back of theroom. The door opens and Daphne, the saloon girl, walks in. She is dressed in good quality clothes and modestly- shewouldn't stand out in the church this morning if she wasinclined to go.

DAPHNEDeputy Carter, may I have a word.

Jonas puts the coffee pot on the stove and turns around.

JONASWhat can I do for you Miss-?

DAPHNEMills. Daphne Mills, that's meDeputy.

JONASWell Miss Mills, what can I do foryou?

Siskiyou Pines 78.

DAPHNEIt is more like what can I do foryou. You see I have information foryou but I want to be sure that itwon't get me into trouble.

JONASYou won't get into trouble no matterwhat you have to say.

Jonas gestures to the chair in front of his desk.

DAPHNEI didn't mean from you. I know youand the Marshall won't do anythingto me.

Daphne perches in the chair.

DAPHNE (CONT'D)I'm more worried about what Halewould say. Or more importantly whathe will do.

Jonas walks to his chair and sits.

JONASHale? The ranch hand from theHendricks place. Why would he harmyou?

DAPHNEBecause he wouldn't want me to talkto you. He told me something thinkingI wouldn't have the brains to tellyou.

Jonas leans forward, she has his undivided attention.

JONASWhat did he tell you?

DAPHNETwo nights ago, Hale came to see me,upstairs you understand?

JONASI understand. Was that so unusual?

DAPHNENot him seeing me no, but usually hesees me the first of the month, whenhe gets paid. Well this is the middleof the month. By this time, heusually has spent his paycheck anddoesn't have a penny left.


Siskiyou Pines 79.

DAPHNE (CONT'D)So when he came to see me I askedhow he had the money.

JONASWhat did he say?

DAPHNEHe said that Hendricks had given hima bonus for a job well done.

JONASDid he say what that job was?

DAPHNENot exactly, but he did say that 'acertain widow will probably be sellingout and going back east'.

JONASI get it. Thanks for coming forward.

DAPHNEYou're welcome.

Daphne stands and goes to the door and turns back.

DAPHNE (CONT'D)But you won't mention my telling youwill you?

Jonas stands and joins her at the door.

JONASI promise.

She extends her hand and Jonas shakes it.

DAPHNEWell, I will see you around.

Daphne sweeps out of the office.


Marshall Carter comes in, followed by Jonas. They look aroundand spot a couple card games going on. Drew and Hale aretwo of the four players. Daphne and the other girls circulatebetween the games and the other men drinking at the bar.

JONASThere they are.

Jonas says gesturing to Drew and Hale.

MARSHALL CARTERLet's get them.

Siskiyou Pines 80.

They walk over to the game with Drew and Hale.

MARSHALL CARTER (CONT'D)(addressing Hale)

How's the game?

Hale barely looks up.

HALEPretty good. I'm up twenty bucks.

MARSHALL CARTERHows about you cash in and come withus?

HALEHows about I don't.

Hale gets up and starts to loom over the Marshall. Jonassteps in and helps intimidate Hale back into his seat.

MARSHALL CARTERI could put the restraints on you.

He holds up the handcuffs.

HALEI supposes I could cash out and comewith you.

MARSHALL CARTERDrew could you come with us too?

Drew looks at Hale who gives a barely perceptible nod.

DREWCash me out too.

The dealer cashes in what chips Drew and Hale have.

HALEThere. Where are we going?

MARSHALL CARTERTo the Marshall's office.


Hale sits on the small bunk in the right hand cell. Drewsits in a chair facing Marshall Carter.

MARSHALL CARTERDrew, what can you tell me aboutbarn burnings?

Siskiyou Pines 81.


Don't say a word Drew.

DREW(over his shoulder)

I will say whatever I want.

MARSHALL CARTERAbout the barn burnings?

DREWMr. Hendricks just asked what Mrs.Daniels might do if her barn was toburned.

MARSHALL CARTERSo Mr. Hendricks never ordered thebarn burned?

DREWNot in so many words but he did giveHale, Jimmy, and me a fifty dollarbonus right after the barns burned.


HALEDrew, not another word!

Drew ignores him.

DREWYeah. Hale and I went to the Danielsplace and Jimmy to the Brennan's.

MARSHALL CARTERWhy the Brennan place?

DREWWe thought if two barns burned maybeno one would suspect us or Mr.Hendricks of planning it.

Marshall Carter gets up, walks around the desk, and pullsDrew to his feet.

MARSHALL CARTERThank you Drew, you've been a bighelp.

Marshall Carter propels Drew to the empty cell.

Siskiyou Pines 82.

MARSHALL CARTER (CONT'D)But since you've confessed to barnburning, I have no choice but arrestyou too.


Caufield, Marshall Carter, Jonas, and Kirkland ride in tothe ranch yard.

MARSHALL CARTER(yelling from horseback)

Roy Hendricks! Come out here!

HENDRICKS (O.S.)(yelling from thehouse)

I'm not coming out so you can arrestme.

Hendricks fires a shot over the heads of the men.

MARSHALL CARTER(yelling from horseback)

We're not here to arrest you! Wejust want to talk.

Hendricks fires another shot, this into the ground in frontof the Marshall's horse.

HENDRICKS (O.S.)(yelling from thehouse)

You sure about that? You seem tohave a posse with you.

MARSHALL CARTER(yelling from horseback)

That's just so you would talk andnot shoot first.

Hendricks shoots again, scaring Caufield's horse. Caufieldtries to rein in his horse but it is too spook. The horsetakes off for town taking Caufield with him.

HENDRICKS (O.S.)(yelling from thehouse)

Didn't work did it?

Marshall Carter aims his pistol carefully and shoots thewindow just above where Hendricks had been firing from.

MARSHALL CARTER(yelling from horseback)

You're not in trouble yet, but ifyou don't cut that out you will be.

Siskiyou Pines 83.

Marshall Carter aims again.

MARSHALL CARTER (CONT'D)(yelling from horseback)

The next shot will be lower. Do youreally want to risk it?

HENDRICKS (O.S.)(yelling from thehouse)

All right. I'm coming out!

Hendricks comes out with his hands up.

HENDRICKS (CONT'D)What was it you wanted to talk to meabout?

JONASBarn Burning.

Marshall Carter turns to hush his brother.

MARSHALL CARTERJonas, I'll handle this.

Marshall Carter turns back to Hendricks.

MARSHALL CARTER (CONT'D)Like my deputy said, we'd like totalk to you about barn burning.

HENDRICKSI wouldn't know anything about that.

JONASThen why would you assume we werehere to arrest you?

Marshall Carter doesn't silence him.

MARSHALL CARTERVery good question. So how about itHendricks?

HENDRICKSI see the town Marshall, his deputy,and two other men come riding intomy ranch yard, I conclude that he'scoming to arrest me. Even though Ihave committed no crime.

MARSHALL CARTERWe know. You just posed ahypothetical question.

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HENDRICKSIf you know that then, why are youout here?

MARSHALL CARTERWe're here to tell you that if youever try to hurt or intimidate Mrs. Daniels again you will be arrested. That clear?


Hendricks brandishes the shot gun.

HENDRICKS (CONT'D)Now get the hell off my land.

The Posse turns and leaves. Marshall Carter turns for partingwords.

MARSHALL CARTERStay away from the Daniels.

Before Hendricks can say anything else Marshall Carter gallopsoff, closely followed by the others..


Hendricks sorts through files from the near by cabinet. Hehas an attaché case that he is filling with files he istaking.

The door opens, Mary and Jonas enters.

HENDRICKSYou didn't have to bring the deputywith you.

MARYYes, I did. I meant what I saidlast week. I will not go back tothe ranch.


JONASThen why did you call her in here ifyou aren't going to take her backwith you?

HENDRICKSNot that it is any of your business,deputy, but I'm leaving here.

Siskiyou Pines 85.

MARYWhere are you going?

HENDRICKSTo Ashland, to look after my businessinterests there.

Hendricks takes one last file out of the cabinet and puts itin the attaché case.

HENDRICKS (CONT'D)I'm leaving you in charge of theranch and the bank, Mary. I hopeyou have more sense than you've beendisplaying lately. But if you don'tthen I won't care because I won't behere to see it.

He shuts the case, picks it up, and leaves. He pauses atthe door, and turns to get in a parting shot.

HENDRICKS (CONT'D)Good luck and don't try to find me.

He rushes out the door.

JONASI guess the posse scared him.

Mary goes over to the desk and finds an envelope addressedto her there.

MARYHe's not the type to be scared. Youprobably just made it difficult forhim.

She opens the envelope and reads the single sheet of paper.

JONASWhat is it?

MARYA legal document signing over thebank and ranch. Nothing else.

JONASI think we need to consult a lawyer.

Mary brightens.

MARYI know just the lawyer.


A buggy, with a horse tied to the back, drives up.

Siskiyou Pines 86.

Jane stands on the porch with the, by now, usual shot gungreeting. Henry comes out of the barn with his own shotgun.

When the buggy gets close, its occupants are revealed to beJonas and Mary. Jonas stops the horse and gets out.

JONASHello, Henry. Jane.

Jonas ties the horse to the railing.

JANEJonas, what brings you out this way?

Jonas helps Mary down.

MARYWe had an appointment to see myfather.

Henry walks over and offers Mary his arm.

JANEAnd why would that bring you outhere?

HENRYMary, how nice to see you.

MARY(to Henry)

I packed a picnic basket, if you'refree?

Henry looks to Jane.

JANEGo ahead. I can take care of thingshere.

Jane steps down from the porch, to head to the barn andcontinue with the chores.

HENRYThanks, Jane.

Henry leans over and kisses Jane's cheek. He escorts Maryback to the buggy and hands her in before going around toclimb in himself and drive off.

JANENow, Jonas, what are you doing here?

Jane leisurely walks over to the barn. Jonas joins her.

Siskiyou Pines 87.

JONASI came to tell you that Mr. Hendrickswill not be bothering you again.

Jane stops and turns to Jonas.

JANEHow do you know that?

JONASHendricks is selling his ranch andmoving to Ashland.

JANEWhat about the bank?

JONASHe will retain ownership but letMary oversee the running of it.


Mary lays out a picnic of fried chicken and apple pie on aquilt spread by the bank of a local stream.

Henry unhitches the horse and stakes it out to graze.

MARYHenry, lunch is ready!

Henry quickly moves to take the empty space on the quilt.



Mary makes swift work of packing up the remains of the picnic. When she is finished, Henry moves the basket off the quiltbehind him and scoots closer to her. Henry clears his throat.

HENRYYou know, I think once everythingsettles down around the ranch, I'mgoing to buy a house in town andopen up a law practice here.

MARYYou said that before.

Henry takes her hand.

HENRYI know, that's been the plan allalong.

MARYIt sounds like a fine plan.

Siskiyou Pines 88.

Henry clears his throat gain.

HENRYLately, I've been thinking of a newplan.

MARYOh? What is this new plan.

HENRYThis new plan includes a wife.

MARYA wife?

HENRYYes, I was hoping you would be thatwife.


Henry Marrow, are you proposing tome?

HENRY(regaining hisconfidence)

I believe I am.

They both wait for the other to speak.


HENRYWell what?


Are you going to propose?

Henry gets up, goes to the edge of the stream, and picks upa couple stones. He straightens up and skips a single rock.

HENRYI thought I just did.

Mary walks up to him and links her arm through his.

MARYIn that case, I accept.

Henry turns his head and bends it to her. She stretches upthe rest of the way to kiss him. He drops the other stoneand wraps his arms around her.

Siskiyou Pines 89.


The barn foundation has been cleared. The new walls areassembled but laying down in place just waiting for the menwho are arriving with their families to raise them. Stacksof lumber are strategically placed around the yard, readywhen needed.

The Caufields arrive with Mary.

JANEAlice, Mary the quiltin' frame isbeing set up over there in the shade. Mr. Caufield why don't you take thewagon out to the west pasture withall the others?

Alice and Mary get down from the wagon. They reach down acouple of picnic baskets, a couple of sewing baskets, blanketsand quilts. They carry it all up to the porch and line thepicnic baskets up with the others. The sewing baskets andquilts they carry with them to the shade of the tree wherethe other ladies are setting up their quilting bee.

CAUFIELDSounds like a plan, Mrs. Daniels.

Caufield moves his wagon to the pasture where six other wagonshave already been unhitched.


The new barn is framed and roofed. The women fill themakeshift tables to almost over flowing with food as theteenage girls set out quilts and blankets.

The men and boys, who have been working on the barn, line upfor a turn at washing under the pump. The youngest childrenjoin in the line.

Jane stands on an overturned bucket and loudly clears herthroat.

JANEI wanted to thank you all for comingand building this new barn. Nowlet's eat.

At the word "eat" the crowd converges on the food tables. Rather quickly the tables are bare except for the servingdishes with crumbs in them.


The gathered friends and neighbors are leaving. The Caufieldsare the last to leave. Mr. Caufield pulls the wagon around.

Siskiyou Pines 90.

MRS. CAUFIELDNow, Mr. Marrow, you be sure to getMiss Hendricks home before it getslate.

CAUFIELDIf you don't I will send the Marshallafter you.

Caufield winks at Henry.

HENRYDon't worry, Mr. Caufield, sir. We'll just watch the sunset herewith my sister and then be along.

Jonas walks up and lays a hand on Henry's shoulder.

JONASIf he doesn't, I'll arrest him myself.

CAUFIELDI'm confident then that allproprieties will be observed.

Caufield turns to his wife.

CAUFIELD (CONT'D)Shall we be off than, Alice?


They join the end of the line of wagons heading home.


As the sun sets, Henry stands with Mary in front of himwith his arms wrapped around her. Thomas sits next to himon the porch railing. Jane is standing on Thomas's otherside with one hand raised in farewell to the Caufields, thelast departing wagon, the other hand on the gentle swell ofher stomach. She is leaning her head on Jonas's shoulder,he has one arm wrapped around her shoulders. Emmaline playswith her doll on the porch steps.

Off the silhouette of the family against the fading sunlight-