SIS II 2018 Statistics - eu-LISA...SIS II – 2018 annual statistics 7 On 31 December 2018 there...

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Transcript of SIS II 2018 Statistics - eu-LISA...SIS II – 2018 annual statistics 7 On 31 December 2018 there...

SIS II – 2018 annual statistics 1

SIS II – 2018 Statistics

February 2019

Protection level: PUBLIC

SIS II – 2018 annual statistics 2

This report has been produced pursuant to Article 50(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1987/2006 and Article 66(3) of

Council Decision 2007/533/JHA with the purpose of publishing statistics on SIS II.

This report is public. Reproduction is authorised, except for commercial purposes, provided that the source is


ISBN 978-92-95208-80-3

ISSN 2467-0766


Catalogue number: EL-AH-19-001-EN-N

© European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom,

Security and Justice (eu-LISA), 2019

SIS II – 2018 annual statistics 3

Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 4

1. Accesses to SIS II ...................................................................................................................................... 5

2. Number of alerts in SISII ........................................................................................................................... 6

2.1 Alerts on persons ............................................................................................................................... 8

3. Number of hits ......................................................................................................................................... 9

Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................................... 11

SIS II – 2018 annual statistics 4


Pursuant to Article 50(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1987/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council 1

(hereafter referred to as the “SIS II Regulation”) and, Article 66(3) of Council Decision 2007/533/JHA2 (hereafter

referred to as the “SIS II Decision”), each year the Management Authority shall publish statistics on the number

of records per category of alert, the number of hits per category of alert, how many times SIS II was accessed,

in total and by each Member State3.

Article 3 of Regulation (EU) No 2018/17264 on the European Union Agency for the Operational Management of

Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice states that eu-LISA shall perform the tasks

conferred on the Management Authority by the SIS II Regulation and the SIS II Decision.

On 28 December 2018, the new SIS Regulations 5 entered into force. Said regulations (Regulation (EU)

2018/1860, Regulation (EU) 2018/1861 and Regulation (EU) 2018/1862) foresee different reporting obligations.

However, the new obligations will only be reflected in this report once the Regulations become fully applicable.

This document provides the above-mentioned statistics from 01 January until 31 December 2018. Previous

years’ collections of statistics, and revised versions thereof, are available on the eu-LISA website6.


This report contains data:

Reported by Member States connected to SIS II: queries and hits

Generated by the Central System SIS: accesses for alert management and number of alerts

Europol7 and Eurojust8 have the right, within their respective mandates, to access and search data directly in

SIS II. However, the statistics on accesses to SIS II of the mentioned EU Agencies are not in the scope of this

document, as the document covers only accesses by Member States.

1 Regulation (EC) No 1987/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment, operation and use of the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II), OJ L 381, 28.12.2006. 2 Council Decision 2007/533/JHA on the establishment, operation and use of the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II), OJ L 205, 7.8.2007. 3 Under the term "Member States" the current document refers to the Member States of the EU and Associated Countries, which are bound under Union law by the legislative instruments governing SIS II, if not further explained. Member States of the EU currently connected to SIS II are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Associated Countries connected to SIS II are: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. 4 OJ L295, 14.11.2018 5 OJ L312, 7.12.2018: i) Regulation (EU) 2018/1860 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 November 2018 on the use of the SIS for the return of illegally staying third country nationals; ii) Regulation (EU) 2018/1861 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 November 2018 on the establishment, operation and use of the SIS in the field of border checks, and amending the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement, and amending and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1987/2006; iii) Regulation (EU) 2018/1862 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 November 2018 on the establishment, operation and use of the SIS in the field of police cooperation and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, amending and repealing Council Decision 2007/533/JHA, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1986/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Decision 2010/261/EU. 6 7 Article 41 SIS II Decision. 8 Article 42 SIS II Decision.

SIS II – 2018 annual statistics 5

1. Accesses to SIS II

Access to SIS II is intended as:

any query, regardless of whether it is made against the Central System or a national copy of SIS II9,

regardless of whether a hit is achieved or not

any transaction for alert management (create, update, delete or change of expiry date) performed

Every access is counted, even if an access resulted in an error and an error message was returned from the


In the whole of 2018, SIS II was accessed a total of 6,185,199,597 times by the sum of all Member States10.

9 Member States without a national copy, and therefore querying only the Central System are Denmark, Finland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Slovenia. In addition, in 2018 also Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden and Switzerland partially used the Central System for alphanumeric queries. Corrigendum for the SIS II – 2017 annual statistics published in February 2018: Portugal did not perform any query towards the Central System in 2017. 10 BE, DE, PT, SE and CH provided only the total of queries (without breakdown of manual and automated). The sum of the total manual queries and the total of the automated queries are the sum of breakdown provided by MS (if provided).









Accesses alert




AT 196,538,618 3,111,709 199,650,327 223,413 199,873,740BE 35,676,777 937,824 36,614,601BG 3,103,317 125,100,785 128,204,102 570,091 128,774,193HR 329,706,538 329,706,538 1,003,601 330,710,139CZ 90,431,021 78,693,629 169,124,650 684,676 169,809,326DK 53,907,482 53,907,482 197,080 54,104,562EE 25,210,244 23,553,533 48,763,777 56,828 48,820,605FI 86,994,186 8,631,675 95,625,861 48,105 95,673,966FR 427,123,610 635,525,827 1,062,649,437 5,487,506 1,068,136,943DE 602,562,256 4,058,678 606,620,934EL 65,403,512 3,275,846 68,679,358 294,277 68,973,635HU 157,166,077 157,166,077 374,304 157,540,381IS 8,944,318 82,724 9,027,042 2,914 9,029,956IT 166,438,244 277,621,298 444,059,542 3,920,156 447,979,698LV 35,955,257 35,955,257 42,626 35,997,883LI 546,169 265,958 812,127 1,831 813,958LT 39,823,223 39,823,223 104,555 39,927,778LU 3,422,450 2,767,951 6,190,401 9,845 6,200,246MT 14,753,662 6,470,713 21,224,375 21,583 21,245,958NL 133,036,924 31,194,999 164,231,923 563,732 164,795,655NO 85,521,833 85,521,833 123,395 85,645,228PL 355,772,065 355,772,065 926,688 356,698,753PT 115,572,865 141,522 115,714,387RO 336,020,752 336,020,752 315,966 336,336,718SK 3,500,352 1,904,057 5,404,409 299,828 5,704,237SI 115,488,828 115,488,828 62,496 115,551,324ES 156,052,936 677,764,820 2,776,155 680,540,975SE 36,703,838 221,049 36,924,887CH 156,711,836 157,821 156,869,657UK 84,197,814 516,796,650 600,994,464 2,574,810 603,569,274

Total 2,819,006,496 1,871,050,290 6,158,996,242 26,203,355 6,185,199,597

SIS II – 2018 annual statistics 6

The table above provides the breakdown, per Member State, of the queries and accesses for alert management

(create, update, delete and change of expiry date).

Manually processed queries are considered queries involving human intervention, e.g. queries by staff using

radios, telephones, computer terminals, document scanners and other forms of “traditional query” where a

user makes the decision to carry out a query. On the other hand, automatically processed queries happen when

there is no human intervention, e.g. queries carried out by automatic number plate recognition systems (ANPR)

or other forms of automated bulk queries.

In 2018, as over the past few years, France was the heaviest SIS II user as far as total accesses were concerned

with almost 17.3% of the total accesses. France performed 17.3% of the queries reported for 2018 and 20.9% of

the alert management accesses. The second main user, in terms of total accesses, was Spain with 11% of the

total accesses (reporting 11% of the queries and 10.6% of the alerts management traffic). Spain was followed

by Germany with over 9.8% of the accesses (9.8% for queries and 15.5% for accesses for alert management

purposes) and the UK with 9.8% of the total accesses (reporting 9.8% of the queries and 9.8% of the alerts

management traffic).

The chart below provides the breakdown of Member States’ total accesses in 2018.

2. Number of alerts in SISII

Alerts in SIS II can relate to:

Persons as referred to in Articles 26, 32, 34, 36 of the SIS II Decision and Article 24 of the SIS II


Objects as referred to in Articles 36 and 38 of the SIS II Decision

SIS II – 2018 annual statistics 7

On 31 December 2018 there were a total of 82,236,846 alerts in SIS II. The table below provides the breakdown

per Member State for the different categories of alerts.

Alerts on Persons represented 1.14% of the total amount of alerts in the SIS II database. The biggest categories

of alerts were Issued document11 counting for 74.7% of the total volume of alerts, followed by Security12 with

7.4% of the total. The following graph provides the breakdown of alerts per category.

11 Issued identity papers such as passports, identity cards, driving licenses, residence permits and travel documents, which have been stolen, misappropriated, lost or invalidated. 12 Securities and means of payment such as cheques, credit cards, bonds, stocks and shares which have been stolen, misappropriated, lost or invalidated.




per MSPerson Vehicle Aircraft Banknote


documentBoat Boat engine Container Firearm








regis. doc.

AT 463,856 20,020 24,053 0 137 643 30 241 1 4,603 622 366,975 43,774 1,863 894

BE 3,950,297 15,210 39,928 0 3,409 11,885 44 151 92 37,945 6,414 3,265,227 300,667 2,745 266,580

BG 1,428,600 2,227 31,867 0 0 0 7 7 0 287 272 1,011,391 163,139 229 219,174

HR 996,781 3,867 35,077 5 6,760 9,623 798 1,591 8 70,770 3,912 550,461 292,704 53 21,152

CZ 2,725,036 17,152 39,298 2 5 3,784 10 47 0 15,402 7,122 1,422,135 72,267 431 1,147,381

DK 782,573 5,438 28,239 6 6 1,664 983 5,130 1 5,071 5,781 715,173 15,081 0 0

EE 355,480 1,267 1,645 0 0 0 17 4 0 152 1 352,381 13 0 0

FI 229,503 3,559 5,394 0 0 19 84 666 0 7,071 22 210,029 2,622 1 36

FR 11,625,459 214,515 533,959 32 25,125 10,359 1,758 2,881 221 50,770 20,163 7,945,658 64,150 2,321,206 434,662

DE 11,179,680 86,051 314,794 228 188,838 298,397 1,651 11,314 131 185,592 97,964 8,032,474 977,317 647,410 337,519

EL 1,628,699 35,521 262,014 0 28,334 146,274 751 2,060 2 19,086 72 825,444 308,877 17 247

HU 817,256 12,743 11,281 0 36 423 17 37 0 461 44 736,699 31,457 151 23,907

IS 19,010 206 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 18,797 1 0 0

IT 20,967,154 230,306 1,030,982 0 6,093 614,903 727 115 1 74,367 6,008 13,772,185 989,109 3,148,237 1,094,121

LV 124,100 1,407 3,300 0 0 0 6 13 0 13 85 117,361 1,760 2 153

LI 7,161 229 22 0 0 1 0 0 0 28 62 6,564 199 50 6

LT 1,104,116 2,453 7,429 0 19 37 60 21 1 783 25 831,788 176,455 3 85,042

LU 32,022 1,755 1,099 0 43 5,096 3 1 0 143 152 22,978 192 246 314

MT 137,391 1,806 1,345 0 15 27 48 74 0 254 0 132,277 112 3 1,430

NL 4,441,787 30,788 86,722 0 40 836 370 726 9 3,049 1,112 4,317,993 137 2 3

NO 602,491 20,033 10,673 0 97 323 677 2,811 1 3,166 86 512,765 51,148 0 711

PL 2,912,031 30,290 124,450 2 1,207 1,578 604 518 63 23,844 3,507 2,373,907 73,392 403 278,266

PT 343,619 18,909 60,091 0 2 2,166 35 160 1 7,619 24 250,196 12 263 4,141

RO 1,400,233 13,457 7,301 0 16 35 0 1 0 555 0 1,216,978 0 0 161,890

SK 1,434,809 7,331 30,479 0 201 321 18 19 15 5,186 32 1,300,842 90,075 0 290

SI 282,820 1,832 8,758 0 414 1,640 56 221 2 795 6 226,447 40,971 0 1,678

ES 7,561,896 71,164 700,271 7 778 16,210 962 0 25 69,950 10,822 6,684,378 2,648 605 4,076

SE 418,973 10,345 34,046 0 319 1,151 1,526 4,699 21 25,948 10,421 329,872 611 14 0

CH 1,340,867 37,700 28,222 0 1,605 109 158 1,009 0 7,009 12,359 1,250,024 0 2,644 28

UK 2,923,146 37,916 209,506 6 0 0 455 1,166 158 2,967 15,970 2,655,002 0 0 0

Total 82,236,846 935,497 3,672,247 288 263,499 1,127,504 11,855 35,683 753 622,890 203,060 61,454,401 3,698,890 6,126,578 4,083,701

SIS II – 2018 annual statistics 8

At the end of 2018, similar to previous year’s reports, Italy was the Member State owning the majority of alerts;

25.5% of the total volume of alerts, including 24.6% of the alerts on persons. France was the second biggest

owner of data with 14.1% of the alerts (including 22.9% of the alerts on persons), followed by Germany owning

13.6% of the total alerts (including 9.2% of the alerts on persons).

The chart below provides the breakdown of alerts per Member State at the end of 2018.

2.1 Alerts on persons

Alerts on persons can be issued for the purposes of identifying the following people:

Persons subject to arrest for surrender or extradition pursuant to Article 26 of the SIS II Decision

Third country nationals to be refused entry into or stay within the Schengen area pursuant to Article

24 of the SIS II Regulation

Missing persons (adults and minors) pursuant to Article 32 of the SIS II Decision

Persons to assist with a judicial procedure pursuant to Article 34 of the SIS II Decision

Persons for discreet or specific checks pursuant to Article 36 of the SIS II Decision

At the end of 2018, SIS II contained 935,497 alerts on persons as per the table below.

Alerts on persons







935,497Total alerts on persons

Missing person (Minors)

Art. 32 SIS II Dec.

Person to assist with a judicial procedure

Art. 34 SIS II Dec.

Person for discreet and specific check

Art. 36 SIS II Dec.

Alert for the purpose of arrest and surrender or extradition

Art. 26 SIS II Dec

Third country nationals to be refused entry or stay into the Schengen Area

Art. 24 SIS II Reg.

Missing person (Adults)

Art. 32 SIS II Dec.

SIS II – 2018 annual statistics 9

The majority of alerts on persons, with over 54% of the total, were alerts pursuant to Article 24 of the SIS

Regulation (i.e. to refuse entry into or stay in the Schengen area); followed by the alerts pursuant to Article 36

of the SIS II Decision (i.e. person for discreet and specific check), accounting for 17% of the total alerts on


The following chart provides the breakdown of alerts on persons per article.

3. Number of hits

As per the SIRENE Manual13 a hit occurs in SIS II when all of the following criteria are met:

a search is conducted by a user

the search reveals a foreign alert (alert issued by a Member State other than the one undertaking the

search) in SIS II

data concerning the alert in SIS II matches the search data

further actions are requested as a result of the hit

In 2018 a total of 267,239 hits on foreign alerts were reported. The breakdown is available in the table below.

The highest number of hits, 89,159 representing 33.6% of the total hits, were triggered by alerts pursuant to

Article 36 of the SIS II Decision (persons and objects for discreet or specific checks). The second highest category

of hits were the ones reported on alerts pursuant to Article 34 of the SIS II Decision (person to assist with a

judicial procedure) 20.6% of this subset, closely followed by hits on Article 38 SIS II Decision (objects for seizure

or use as evidence in criminal proceedings) 19.6% of the total.

13 OJ L231, 7.9.2017.









Hits on foreign alerts

Art 26 SIS II Dec

Art 24 SIS II Reg

Art 36 SIS II Dec

Art 38 SIS II Dec


Art 32 SIS II Dec

Art 34 SIS II Dec

SIS II – 2018 annual statistics 10

The chart below provides the breakdown of hits per article.

The following table provides the breakdown on hits for Article 38 of SIS II Decision per category of object.

vehicles, trailers, caravans 15,554

boats 8

aircraft 0

industrial equipment 171

boat engines 58

containers 6

firearms 199

blank docs 1,216

vehicle registration certificates 1,221

number plates 2,524

issued docs 31,714

banknotes 56

securities & means of payment 43

Total 52,770

Breakdown hits Article 38 Dec

SIS II – 2018 annual statistics 11


The Schengen Information System enables mandated national authorities, such as law enforcement, judicial

authorities and border guards, to enter and query alerts on persons or objects. The usage of SIS II in Member

States differs largely due to the influence of several factors. In particular, on the national implementation of the

system14, on how business processes and workflows are defined but also on the demographic, criminality and

geographical situation. In addition, the number of border crossing points (air, sea and land borders) and the

length of the external land borders also have a big impact. Comparisons among countries should not be based

on numerical data alone, but take into account other factors too.

The statistics for 2018 confirm that SIS II remains the largest information sharing system for security and border

management in Europe, and its usage is steadily increasing15. In 2018, SIS II was accessed more than 6.1 billion

times by Member States. On the 31 December 2018, SIS II stored more than 82 million alerts. The biggest

category of alerts was Issued document, which represented almost 75% of the total number of alerts. Alerts on

persons represented 1.14% of the total number of alerts, but still they were the main trigger for hits (generating

77% of the total hits).

In 2018, an important development was implemented in SIS II to further enhance the internal security of the

Schengen area. On 5 March 2018, the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS), enabling end-users

to search SIS II on the basis of fingerprint data, entered into operations at the Central level. One third of the

Member States implemented AFIS at national level in the course of the year, resulting in an additional usage of

the system. The remaining Member States should join at the latest in 2020, as set by the new SIS legal


Further enhancements are foreseen for SIS in the coming years. The entry into operations of the new legal base

and the probable implementation of interoperability16, are evolutions that will have an undoubtable impact on

its usage.

14 For example the integration to national systems (e.g. ANPR). 15 For previous years statistical data, see 16 Proposals currently under negotiations.

SIS II – 2018 annual statistics 12

ISBN: 978-92-95208-80-3 ISSN: 2467-0766

doi: 10.2857/29573

© European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, 2019