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Transcript of SingleEntryExamplePartIV

  • 7/25/2019 SingleEntryExamplePartIV


    Accounts from

    Incomplete Records

    Single Entry System

    Module IV(2) of IV


    CA Intermediate (IPC) Course Paper 1 Accounting

    Chapter 10

    CA. Prathap. S.S

    The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

    This e-Lecture was Recorded on:

    April, 2013

  • 7/25/2019 SingleEntryExamplePartIV


    ICAI, 2013 ICAI, 2013

    1 This lecture has been delivered by faculty members to supplement the

    Study Material, Practice Manual and other content

    2 The views expressed in this lecture are of the Faculty Member.


    The content of this video lecture has not been specifically discussed

    by the Council of the Institute or any of its Committees and the viewsexpressed herein may not be taken to necessarily represent the viewsof the Council or any of its committees



  • 7/25/2019 SingleEntryExamplePartIV


    ICAI, 2013 ICAI, 2013

    The e-Lectures, PPT, Podcastsand Video lectures on ICAI

    Cloud Campus aim tosupplement the Study Material,

    Practice Manual and

    Supplementary Study Material

    The lecture recordings are madeaccording to the syllabus andlaws existing/ applicable as on

    the date of recording.

    Due to changes in law, there is

    likely to be some time gapbetween these changes and therecording of updated lectures.

    Hence, students are advised torefer to the Study Material

    including Supplementary Study

    Material, if any, and otherrelevant legislation for latest

    provisions/ amendmentsrequired for forthcoming


    Important Notes

    This e-Lecture was Recorded on:

    April, 2013


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    ICAI, 2013 ICAI, 2013


    To apply Sundry Creditors and Sundry debtors

    velocity to calculate Annual Credit Purchase and

    Annual Credit Sales respectively.

    To learn to use current ratio to ascertain missing



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    Illustration 1

    20 marksIntermediate May 1997


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    Sanjay Sum

    The following is the Balance Sheet of Sanjay a small trader

    as on 31.3.96


    Capital 200000 Fixed asset 145000Creditors 50000 Stock 40000

    Trade debtors 50000

    Cash in hand 5000

    Cash at bank 10000

    250000 2500007

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    Sanjay Sum

    A fire destroyed the accounting records as well as theclosing cash of the trader on 31.3.97. However thefollowing information was available:

    1. Debtors and creditors on 31.3.97 showed an increaseof 20% as compared to 31.3.96

    2. Credit period: Debtors-1 month Creditors- 2 months3. Stock was maintained at the same level throughout the


    4. Cash sales constituted 20% of total sales.

    5. All purchases were for credit only.

    6. Current ratio as on 31.3.97 was exactly 2.7. Total expenses excluding depreciation for the year

    amounted to Rs. 250000

    8. Depreciation was provided at 10% on the closing valueof fixed asset


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    Sanjay Sum - 2

    9. Bank and cash transactions :

    a) Payment to trade creditors includedRs.50,000 by cash

    b) Receipts from trade debtors included Rs.5,90,000 by way ofcheques.

    c) Cash deposited into Bank Rs. 1,20,000d) Personal drawings from bank Rs.50,000

    e) Fixed assets purchased and paid by cheques Rs.2,25,000

    You are required to prepare,

    (a) Trading and profit and loss account for the year ended 31stmarch

    (b) A Balance Sheet on that date

    Assume Cash Destroyed by Fire is written off in the P&LA/c. 9

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    Requirements of the Sum

    The following A/cs have to be opened.

    Cash A/c

    Bank A/cSundry Debtors A/c

    Sundry Creditors A/c leading to

    Trading A/c, P&L A/c, Closing Balance Sheet.


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    Steps to be followed

    We will now deal with the details of Sanjaysadjustments one by one, giving journal entries and

    posting it in their respective T a/cs.


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    (a) Debtors and creditors on 31.3.97 showed an

    increase of 20 as compared to 31.3.96

    (b) Credit period: Debtors - 1 month,

    Creditors - 2months

    Closing Debtors = 50,000 * 120 %

    = 60,000

    1 month = 60,00012 month = 7,20,000

    ACS = 7,20,000

    Closing Creditors = 50,000 * 120 %

    = 60,000

    2 months = 60,000

    12 months = 3,60,000

    ACP = 3,60,000


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    Debtors & Creditors position

    To o/p bal 50,000 By bank ?

    To Credit sales 7,20,000 By cash ?

    By c/s balance 60,000


    To Cash ? By o/p Bal 50,000

    To Bank ? By Credit Purchases 3,60,000

    To c/s Balance 60,000

    Sundry Creditors A/c

    Sundry Debtors A/c

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    (c) Stock was maintained at the

    same level throughout the year.

    So, Closing Stock is same as OpeningStock at Rs.40,000


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    (d)Cash sales constituted 20 of total


    Total Sales = cash sales + credit sales

    = 20 % + 80%

    80% = 7,20,000

    20% = 1,80,000


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    (e) All purchases were for credit


    So, Cash Purchases is Nil. So

    Total Purchases consist only of Credit

    Purchases which is Rs.3,60,000

    Sundry Creditor A/c


    To Cash ? By o/p Bal 50,000

    To Bank ? By Credit Purchases 3,60,000

    To c/s Balance 60,000

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    ICAI, 2013 ICAI, 2013

    (f) Current ratio as on 31.3.97 was exactly 2.

    Current ratio = current assets/ current liabilities

    = stock + Debtors + cash + bank


    = 2= 40,000 + 60,000 + 0 + x = 2


    = 1,00,000 + x = 1,20,000

    x = 20,000

    Closing Bank Balance = 20,00017

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    ICAI, 2013 ICAI, 2013

    (g) Total expenses excluding depreciation

    for the year amounted to Rs. 250000

    We don't know how much of

    this 2,50,000 is paid in cash and how much

    has paid out of Bank.


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    ICAI, 2013 ICAI, 2013

    (h) Depreciation was provided at 10

    on the closing value of fixed asset

    Fixed Asset = 1,45,000

    (+)Purchases 2,25,000

    = 3,70,000

    Depreciation = 10%(3,70,000)

    = 37,000

    Depreciation = 37,000


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    ICAI, 2013 ICAI, 2013

    1. Payment to trade creditors

    included Rs.50000 by cash

    Sundry Creditor s A/c Dr. 50,000

    To Cash A/c 50,000

    Sundry Creditor A/c

    Cash A/c

    20To o/p bal 5,000 By Creditors 50,000

    To Cash Sales 1,80,000

    To Cash 50,000 By o/p Bal 50,000

    To Bank ? By Credit Purchases 3,60,000

    To c/s Balance 60,000

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    ICAI, 2013 ICAI, 2013

    Sundry Creditor A/c

    To Cash 50,000 By o/p balance 50,000

    By credit

    To Bank 3,00,000 purchase 3,60,000

    To c/s

    balance 60,000

    3,90,000 3,90,000


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    ICAI, 2013 ICAI, 2013

    2.Receipts from trade debtors included

    Rs.590000 by way of cheques.

    Bank A/c Dr. 5,90,000

    To Sundry Debtor s A/c 5,90,000

    Bank A/c

    Sundry Debtors A/c


    To o/p balance 10,000

    To S.Debtors 5,90,000

    To o/p bal 50,000 By bank 5,90,000

    To Credit sales 7,20,000 By cash ?

    By c/s balance 60,000

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    ICAI, 2013 ICAI, 2013

    Sundry Debtor A/c

    To o/p 50,000 By bank 5,90,000

    balance By cash 1,20,000

    To credit sales 7,20,000 By bal c/d 60,000

    7,70,000 7,70,000


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    ICAI, 2013 ICAI, 2013

    3.Cash deposited into Bank Rs. 120000

    Bank A/c Dr. 1,20,000

    To Cash A/c 1,20,000

    Bank A/c

    Cash A/c


    To o/p balance 10,000

    To S.Debtors 5,90,000

    To cash 1,20,000

    To o/p bal 5,000 By Creditors 50,000

    To Cash Sales 1,80.000 By bank 1,20,000

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    ICAI, 2013 ICAI, 2013

    4.Personal drawings from bank Rs.50000

    Drawings A/c Dr. 50,000

    To Bank A/c 50,000

    Bank A/c


    To o/p balance 10,000 By drawings 50,000To S.Debtors 5,90,000

    To cash 1,20,000

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    ICAI, 2013 ICAI, 2013

    5.Fixed assets purchased and paid

    by cheques Rs.225000

    Furniture A/c Dr. 2,25,000

    To Bank A/c 2,25,000

    Bank A/c


    To o/p balance 10,000 By drawings 50,000To S.Debtors 5,90,000 By Fixed Assets 2,25,000

    To cash 1,20,000

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    ICAI, 2013 ICAI, 2013

    Bank A/c

    To Opening bal 10,000 By drawings 50,000

    To S. Debtors 5,90,000 By Sundry.Crs 3,00,000To Cash 1,20,000 By Fixed Assets 2,25,000

    By Expenses paid 1,25,000

    By Closing bal 20,000

    7,00,000 7,00,000


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    ICAI, 2013 ICAI, 2013

    Cash A/c

    To o/p bal 5,000 By Creditors 50,000

    To S.Debtors 1,20,000 By bank 1,20,000

    To cash sales 1,80,000 By expenses 1,25,000

    By abnormal loss 10,000

    By c/s cash 0

    3,05,000 3,05,000


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    ICAI, 2013 ICAI, 2013

    Trading A/c

    To o/p stock 40,000 By sales 9,00,000

    To Purchases 3,60,000 By c/s stock 40,000

    To Gross Profit 5,40,000

    9,40,000 9,40,000


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    ICAI, 2013 ICAI, 2013

    Profit & Loss A/c

    To expenses 2,50,000 By gross 5,40,000

    To depreciation 37,000 profit b/d

    To abnormal loss 10,000

    To Net profit c/d 2,43,000

    5,40,000 5,40,000


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    ICAI, 2013 ICAI, 2013

    B/s of Sanjay as on 31.3.97

    Capital 2,00,000 Fixed Assets 370000

    (-)drawings(50,000) (-) Dep (37,000)

    (+)profit 2,43,000 3,33,000

    3,93,000 Stock 40,000

    S. Creditor 60,000 Debtors 60,000

    Cash 0Bank 20,000

    4,53,000 4,53,000


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    ICAI, 2013 ICAI, 2013


    This is a very interesting sum where we learn to use

    the velocities (Sundry Creditors & Sundry Debtors)

    as well as current ratio .


  • 7/25/2019 SingleEntryExamplePartIV


    Thank You

    Do keep moving forward33