Single Salli

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Single Salli

Single Salli

© 2010 Chuck Cantrell, Mike Webb & Ed Garcia

“My personal life is out of control, I need help managing all the places I am supposed to be.” Young Professional Demographic Age: 24 Marital Status: Single Education: Bachelors Degree Income: $75,000 Salli works hard and has very little time to organize her personal life. With her work life being so demanding she really needs to get the most out of the time she has with friends and family. Salli has missed a couple of family get togethers in the last month and completely forgot to bring a gift to her nephew’s birthday party. She even missed the opening of Hotixs the hottest new club in Showtown. Salli’s friends are feeling her absence. Once Salli bought her Y! Stack and put it to use she hasn’t missed any important occasions. She is grateful to have Y! simplify her life.

Scenario Y! Stack Feature Behavior She decides to grab a quick bite to eat after work but notices her friends in the vicinity. Salli has been without a boyfriend for months and simply can not show up to another event dateless

Y! Networks: WiFi, RFID, DSL and Satellite Profiles Hotspots Trolling module

Salli uses her Y! Stack with the Hotspot module to locate the places to eat and notices her Y! Stack enabled friends at Hubbies, a nearby local place. She meets Kelly, Jen, and Sue there and quickly makes few updates to her public profile. She turns on the Trolling module which allows other Y! Stack enabled users to see each other’s profiles if they’re single, to increase her chances of success tonight. She sees a few interesting individuals and marks them as hotties. She then instantly gets notified that they equally are interested in her too. They agree to meet at the dance floor. “You can’t catch a fish if you are not using bait” she thinks to herself.

Salli has been so busy at work that she has not had time to catch up with a guy she met last week at the bar. He has already called her twice and pinged her on IM once. She knows that if she is going to have a chance with this guy she better try to catch-up with him soon.

Y! Networks: WiFi, RFID, DSL and T1 Profiles Locator Local Menus Advance Ordering Y! Wallet

Salli can see on her Stack that he is at the pub just down the block having dinner alone. She IMs him and tells him she is on her way. She quickly order’s a salad and white wine so that it’s there waiting when she arrives and pays for it using her Y! Wallet. Salli is now well on her way to making a meaningful connection with a great guy and just in time for the holiday party season.

Determined not to make the mistake of showing up at another party without a gift, Salli needs to have her stack help her find a gift for her friend Kelly’s birthday.

Y! Networks: WiFi Profile Registry Y! Wallet

Salli finds Kelly’s profile on her Y! Stack and notices that Kelly has created a gift registry at Macy’s for her birthday. Eager to please her trend setting friend, Salli uses her Y! Wallet to instantly pay for and deliver the belt that Kelly has been crazy for.