Simple Field Tests to Assess Soil Quality in Precision Agriculture

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Title. Simple Field Tests to Assess Soil Quality in Precision Agriculture. Apurba Sutradhar BAE/Soil 4213 April 28, 2010 Soil Quality. The capacity of specific kind of soil to function. To evaluate the soil’s ability to perform basic function - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Simple Field Tests to Assess Soil Quality in Precision Agriculture


Simple Field Tests to Assess Soil Quality in Precision Agriculture

Apurba SutradharBAE/Soil 4213April 28, 2010

Soil Quality

The capacity of specific kind of soil to function.

To evaluate the soil’s ability to perform basic functionMaintaining productivityFiltering and buffering against pollutantsStoring and cycling nutrients.

Source: USDA Soil Quality Test Kit Guide

Soil Quality Varies

Source: USDA Soil Quality Test Kit Guide

Differences in agricultural practices Till Vs No till Differences in crop growth areas Fast growth Vs Slow growth Differences in slope Plain land Vs Slope land Differences in wheel and non wheel areas Wheel Vs Non wheel Differences in wet and dry areas Wet Vs Dry areas

Soil Quality Varies

Source: USDA Soil Quality Test Kit Guide

Also Field Variability can be determined by

Differences in soil type Eroded and non-eroded areas Row and inter -row areas

Assessing Soil Quality

Source: USDA Soil Quality Test Kit Guide

Two fundamental ways-

Take measurements periodically over time to monitor

changes or trends in soil quality.

Compare measured values to a standard or referenced soil condition.

Soil Quality Testing Kit

Source: USDA Soil Quality Test Kit Guide

Developed by John Doran and associates, Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, NE.

Soil Quality Testing Kit

Source: USDA Soil Quality Test Kit Guide




Electrical Conductivity

Nitrate level

Water quality


Bulk Density

Water content

Infiltration Rate

Aggregate Stability


Soil Respiration


Soil Quality Testing Kit

Source: USDA Soil Quality Test Kit Guide


On farm test Provide immediate results Can be monitored changes in soil quality over time Can be diagnosed soil health problems due to land use and management. Simple- can be conducted by landowner and extension worker

Soil Quality Testing Kit

Source: USDA Soil Quality Test Kit Guide

An example- Soil Respiration TestEstimated time required : 40 minutes

Soil Quality Testing Kit

Source: USDA Soil Quality Test Kit Guide

An example- Soil Respiration Test

CALCULATIONS:Soil Respiration (lb CO2-C/acre/day) = PF x TF x (%CO2 - 0.035) x 22.91 x HPF = pressure factor = 1TF = temperature factor = (soil temperature in Celsius + 273) ÷ 273H = inside height of ring = 5.08 cm (2 inches)


Courtesy: Dr. Kefyalew Desta

Set Goal Standard Value Scoring



Applying Scoring

Monitoring and Maintenance

Data Collection and Scoring Steps

Courtesy: Dr. Kefyalew Desta

Data collection

Apply scoring system

Sum individual indicator values

Sum component values

General score and intervention

Individual indicator intervention


Standard values

Standard/Reference Values

Courtesy: Dr. Kefyalew Desta

3.5-5 (>3.5)% SOM, %

>80 % Aggregate, %

<1.1, <1.4, <1.6 : clayey, silty, sandy BD,g/cm3

>40 Depth, in

0.4-2.0, 0.08-1.0, 0.01-0.1 : sand,loam,clay Infiltration rate, in/hr

2.4 - 3.5 Water holding, in/24 in soil

5.8-7.3 pH

N-100% of yield goal P&K- 100% sufficient Fertility

>50/50-100 CEC, meq/100g

<0.98 EC , dS/m

32-64 Soil respiration, lbs CO2-C/a/d

345-700 Soil microbial biomass mg , C/kg soil

> 15 Earth worm, #


Courtesy: Dr. Kefyalew Desta

Applying the Scoring System

Courtesy: Dr. Kefyalew Desta

Indicator Value and (corresponding score)Best Good Poor

OM, % 3.5-5 (25) 2.5-3.5 (20) <2 (15)Physical properties

Water stable aggregation, %

>80 (6) 60-80 (4) 50-60 (2)

Bulk density, g/cm3 <1.1, <1.4, <1.6 (6) 1.1<BD<1.3,1.4<BD<1.6, 1.6<BD<1.7 (3)

>1.4, >1.6, >1.7 (1)

Depth, inch >40 (4) 20-40 (3) <20 (2)Infiltration rate, in/hr 0.4-2.0, 0.08-1.0,

0.01-0.1 (4)± 0.2 of best value (3) ± 0.4 of best value (2)

Water holding capacity, cm/60 cm soil

6-9 (5) 4-6, 9-10 (3) <4, >10 (1)

Applying the Scoring System

Courtesy: Dr. Kefyalew Desta

Chemical propertiespH (6) 5.8-7.3 (6) 5.0-5.7, 7.3-8.0

(4) <5, > 8 (2)

Fertility ( N, P and K),

N-100% of yield goal P&K- 100% sufficient (5)

N-80% of yield goal P&K- 80% sufficient (3)

N-< 80% of yield goal P&K- < 80% sufficient (1)

CEC, meq/100g soil

50-100 (5) 16-50 (3) <16 (1)

EC (dS/m @ 77 F) <0.98 (4) 0.98 - 1.71 (3) >1.71 (1)

Indicator Value and corresponding score (in parenthesis)Best Good Poor

Applying the Scoring System

Courtesy: Dr. Kefyalew Desta

Soil Biological PropertiesSoil respiration lbs CO2-C/a/d

32-64 (10) 16-32 (7) <16, >64 (4)

Microbial biomass mg C/kg soil

345-700 (8) 200-345 (5) <200 (3)

Earth worm (#/ft2 in holes)

> 15 (7) 5-15 (4) <5 (2)

Indicator Value and corresponding score (in parenthesis)Best Good Poor

Total Score and Intervention

Courtesy: Dr. Kefyalew Desta

Total score

Intervention type Description

>90 Minor new intervention; continue with maintenance to avoid degradation

Look for the indicator with lowest score and intervene with appropriate remediation practices

80-90 Moderate intervention

Look for the indicator with lowest score for each component and intervene with appropriate remediation practices.

<80 Major and immediate intervention is required

Investigate the score of indicators in each component and apply comprehensive best management practices. This level of soil quality warrants the need for raising soil organic matter level.

Online Soil Quality Assessment

This SQA algorithm is under construction

References and Links

United States Department of Agriculture

Free Soil Quality Test Kit Guide can be downloaded from

Dr. Kefyalew

