Silver Wheaton Equity Research Report (TSX: SLW)

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Transcript of Silver Wheaton Equity Research Report (TSX: SLW)

  • 7/30/2019 Silver Wheaton Equity Research Report (TSX: SLW)


    Silver Wheaton Equity Researc




    Metals and Mining


    Macic 2011 2012

  • 7/30/2019 Silver Wheaton Equity Research Report (TSX: SLW)


  • 7/30/2019 Silver Wheaton Equity Research Report (TSX: SLW)


    www.mMac Investment

    Silver Wheaton Equit

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    Price Chart One Year Silver Wheaton

    Silver Wheatons stock price correlates closely with silver price, which can be volatile because investorstend to sell silver during a down market. In Q2 2012, as the debt crisis in Europe deepened and investorsflocked out of silver, SLW stock price plummeted along with physical price. During Q3, silver price climbedback up due to brighter market outlook and expectation of further monetary policy from the U.S. FederalReserve. Following the annoucement of QE3 by the Federal Reserve in September, silver price and SLWstock price have held close to its 52-week high of $40.00.

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  • 7/30/2019 Silver Wheaton Equity Research Report (TSX: SLW)


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    Silver Wheaton Equit

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    Price Chart One Year Silver Wheaton VS. Comparable Companies

    Silver Wheaton stock price tracks closely with silver spot price. As of October 22nd, 2012, by looking at theprice chart alone, Silver Wheaton is relatively overvalued compared to price of physical silver and some ofits peers. However, due to its unique business model and deal growth, overvaluation might be justified, aswill be discussed below.

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  • 7/30/2019 Silver Wheaton Equity Research Report (TSX: SLW)


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    Silver Wheaton Equit

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    Price Chart One Year Silver Wheaton VS. TSX Composite

    Silver Wheaton stock price correlates closely with S&P/TSX Composite.


    Precious metals (gold and silver) are the ultimate hedge against inflation. With expansionary monetary

    policies coming out from central banks around the world, gold and silver prices will continue to increase. In

    September 2012, the U.S. Federal Reserved announced QE3, buying $40B Mortgage Backed Securities

    every month indefinitely. In the same month, the European Central Bank announced it will engage in

    unlimited buying of troubled European Sovereign Bonds from nations such as Spain and Italy. Furthermore

    in Asia, Bank of China and Bank of Japan are both stimulating their economies by increasing credit and

    injecting money supply. More money supply directly leads to inflation and ultimately higher gold and silve


    Being a silver royalty and streaming company, Silver Wheaton is well positioned to take advantage of the

    potential of a silver spot price increase. Recently, the company announced an upward revision to its one

    and five year production guidance due to the addition of two new silver streaming deals. For fiscal yea

    2012, attributable silver equivalent production is forecast to increase from 27 million silver equivalent

    ounces to 28 million silver equivalent ounces, including 42,000 ounces of gold. For fiscal 2016, annua

    attributable production is anticipated to increase 90% compared to fiscal 2011 levels, growing toapproximately 48 million silver equivalent ounces, including 100,000 ounces of gold.

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  • 7/30/2019 Silver Wheaton Equity Research Report (TSX: SLW)


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    Silver Wheaton Equit

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    In late September, 2012, Silver Wheaton announced that it has closed the previously announced purchase

    from HudBay Minerals Inc. (Hudbay) of 100% of the life of mine silver production from its currently

    producing 777 Mine (777), 100% of the life of mine silver production from its Constancia Projec

    (Constancia), as well as 100% of gold production from the 777 Mine until Constancia satisfies a completion

    test, or the end of 2016, whichever is later. At that point, Silver Wheaton's share of gold production from

    777 will be reduced to 50% for the remainder of the mine life. Silver Wheaton will pay Hudbay total cash

    consideration of $750 million, of which $500 million was paid upon closing, with two further payments o

    $125 million each to be made upon the satisfaction of minimum capital expenditures having been incurred

    at Constancia. In addition, Silver Wheaton will make ongoing payments of the lesser of $5.90 per ounce o

    silver and $400 per ounce of gold (both subject to an inflationary adjustment) or the prevailing marke

    price per ounce of silver and gold delivered. Silver Wheaton made the initial upfront cash payment of $500

    million using cash on hand. Subsequent upfront cash payments totaling $250 million are also expected to

    be financed with the remaining cash on hand and continued strong operating cash flows.


    As a silver royalty and streaming company, Silver Wheaton is able to reduce its geopolitical and

    operational risks that are commonly associated with mining companies. Because the company does not

    own mines, it can effectively diversify projects in politically stable countries such as the U.S., Sweden

    Mexico and Peru. In addition, Silver Wheaton is not affected by ongoing capital or exploration costs and

    increases in cost of production.

    The Bloomberg Default Risk for Silver Wheaton is IG2 with 0.0031% chance of defaulting on debt. Deb

    accounts for 0.7% of its total capital and equity accounts for 99.3%. Weighted Average Cost of Capital is

    18.7% - high compared to its peers and may suggest higher risk and volatility. The 180-Day Volatility is

    37.41, which is around the industry average of 38.93. A beta of 1.62 suggests volatility higher than the

    industry average.

    Credit Rating Moody's Recommendation VaR

    IG2 N/A N/A

    Volatility Implied Volatility WACC BETA

    37.41 42.83 18.70% 1.62

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  • 7/30/2019 Silver Wheaton Equity Research Report (TSX: SLW)


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    Silver Wheaton Equit

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    Because of its unique silver streaming business model and not having to pay for cost of production, SilverWheaton has a EBITDA Margin much higher than its peers. EBITDA Margin for LTM is more than 20% higher

    than the average of its peers. Silver Wheaton is trading at a P/E multiple of 24.82x, close to the peer

    average of 23.26x. The company should be trading at a multiple higher than the industry average because

    the higher EBITDA Margin. The market capitalization ins Silver Wheaton is $13.47B, far exceeds that of its

    peers. Largest of any of its peers.


    Market Cap

    (Billion) Price Div Yield





    3 Month


    1 Year


    TSX: SLW C$13.47 C$39.13 1.00% 83.86% 24.82 x 3.42% 30.70%

    TSX: PAA C$3.17 C$21.13 0.94% 43.54% 10.15 x -13.49% 10.41%

    NYSE: CDE C$2.55 C$29.56 N/A 48.59% 35.19 x 10.09% 38.77%TSX: SVM C$1.00 C$5.95 1.68% 59.19% 18.85 x -36.10% 6.43%

    TSX: FR C$2.54 C$22.59 N/A 60.37% 27.27 x -19.50% 20.28%

    Average C$4.55 C$23.67 1.21% 59.11% 23.26 x -11.12% 21.32%


    Silver Wheatons main source of revenue is from the sales of silver, which accounts for 95.98% of revenue

    with the remaining percventage rest coming from gold. During the past three years, the company has

    done well in growing its sales numbers. From 2009 to 2010 and from 2010 to 2011, revenue increased by

    77% and 72.43%, respectively. In 2012, due to the decrease of the silver price in the middle of the year

    revenue of Silver Wheaton slowed down to a growth of only grew by 13.18%. Given the current increasingtrend in silver price, it is estimated that Silver Wheaton will be able to achieve a revenue growth rate of

    32.65% in 2013.

    Two factors drive revenue growth at Silver Wheaton. First is the potential rise in physical silver prices

    Whileith Central Banks around the world continue implementingadopting expansionary monetary policies

    investors will continue to buy invest in precious metals to preserve purchasing power, driving up prices

    The Ssecond driver of revenue is the increase in the number of royalty deals the company is able to

    secure. When the silver price decreases, the company is able to engage in attractive deals by providing

    upfront capital financing in exchange of the right to purchase the silver within the mine at fixed low prices

    Regardless of volatility in the underlying commodity price, Silver Wheaton is well positioned to benefit in

    the long term.

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  • 7/30/2019 Silver Wheaton Equity Research Report (TSX: SLW)


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    Silver Wheaton Equit

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    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total

    Est 2013 284.00$ 268.00$ 273.50$ 270.50$ 1,096.00$

    2012 199.64$ 201.41$ 195.80$ 229.40$ 826.25$

    2011 158.18$ 194.75$ 185.20$ 191.87$ 730.00$

    2010 85.94$ 95.00$ 92.83$ 149.58$ 423.35$2009 37.57$ 41.40$ 69.77$ 90.55$ 239.29$

    Revenue (Million)

    Comment on net income growth as well.. what % increases year to year?

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total

    Est 2013 210.00$ 185.00$ 188.00$ 182.00$ 765.00$

    2012 147.18$ 141.41$ 139.00$ 169.33$ 596.92$

    2011 122.18$ 148.07$ 135.04$ 144.75$ 550.04$

    2010 50.56$ 15.25$ 23.67$ 63.90$ 153.38$

    2009 15.11$ 18.44$ 33.57$ 50.81$ 117.93$

    Net Income

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total

    Est 2013 0.59$ 0.52$ 0.52$ 0.51$ 2.14$

    2012 0.42$ 0.40$ 0.39$ 0.49$ 1.70$

    2011 0.35$ 0.42$ 0.38$ 0.41$ 1.56$

    2010 0.15$ 0.04$ 0.07$ 0.19$ 0.45$

    2009 0.06$ 0.06$ 0.11$ 0.16$ 0.39$


    Revenue Annually:

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    Silver Wheaton Equit

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    Revenue Quarterly:

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  • 7/30/2019 Silver Wheaton Equity Research Report (TSX: SLW)


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    Silver Wheaton Equit

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    Income Annually:

    Income Quarterly:

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    Silver Wheaton Equit

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    EPS Annually:

    EPS Quarterly:

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  • 7/30/2019 Silver Wheaton Equity Research Report (TSX: SLW)


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    Silver Wheaton Equit

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    FUNDAMENTAL RATIO ANALYSISSilver Wheaton uses its resources efficiently, having a Return on Equity ratio of 22.38% and a Return on

    Asset ratio of 19.38%. Both Current Ratio and Quick Ratio are at 5.03, which demonstrate that the

    company has little short-term debt that needs to be repaid. Debt to Capital Ratio is 2.88, which means the

    company has little leverage since only 3% of companys assets is debt. Furthermore, revenue growth for

    next year is expected to be 14.4%. This is low compared to previous years likely due to higher silver prices

    limiting opportunities for new royalty deals. Gross Margin and Net Profit Margin are above 70%, which both

    far exceed the industry average of 53.39% and 22.65% repsectively. This again is a result of the

    innovative silver streaming model the company has. Lastly, to value the company for the year 2013,

    estimated leading P/E of 20.49 is multiplied with the estimated EPS for 2013, which results in a valuation of

    $43.85 per share.

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  • 7/30/2019 Silver Wheaton Equity Research Report (TSX: SLW)


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    Silver Wheaton Equit

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    Revenue Growth ROE Current Ratio Price to Book

    14.40% 22.38% 5.03 4.89

    Gross Margin ROA Quick Ratio Est P/E Value

    75.32% 19.38% 5.03 20.49 43.85$

    Net Margin Forward P/E Debt/Capital Est EPS

    70.21% 20.49 2.88 2.14$


    As of October 2012, Silver Wheaton has a strong cash position of over $1B, which the company keeps

    ready ifin case of any attractive roytalty deals emerge. The company generated $667.66 million of cash

    from operational activities in the last twelve months; investing activities in capital expenditures

    tookaccounted for away $125M decrease in cash due to capital expenditures and financing activities in

    the form of divident payouts accounted for took away $127.84M due to dividend payouts and retiring of

    long term debt accounted for $28.56M of long term debt. In total, the company added a net of $414.44M

    inof net cash in the last twelve months.

    Net Cash Position Dividend Div. Growth Rate (for year) Price/Cash Flow

    $1122.62 (millions) $0.3 200% 20.76

    FCF Per Share Dividend Yield OCF Ratio

    $1.50 1.03% 3.73111

    FCF Yield Dividend Payout OCF/Net Sales

    3.82% 22.51 0.821511


    Two technical indicators were used to estimate short-term entry and exit points. First is the 50

    Day and 200 Day Simple Moving Averages that are used

    Describe your technical analysis methodology and findings here. Discuss the indicators you used,

    as well as what the trends they suggest or confirm. Do this for each chart used and feel free to

    use more than or less than four as long as your point is made.

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  • 7/30/2019 Silver Wheaton Equity Research Report (TSX: SLW)


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    Silver Wheaton Equit

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    50 Day Simple Moving Average: Add 200 as well on this

    I looked up the RSI (at 53 currently) . Would be a good idea to suggest a limit order just above

    the 50MA (volume is declining)


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  • 7/30/2019 Silver Wheaton Equity Research Report (TSX: SLW)


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    Silver Wheaton Equit

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    Bollinger Bands:

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  • 7/30/2019 Silver Wheaton Equity Research Report (TSX: SLW)


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    Silver Wheaton Equit

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    In this section you will discuss the criteria and methodology you used to select this company

    from the multitude of securities in your particular sector. Be sure to not breeze over this section

    as poor justification for selection may affect the chances of your pick being voted on. This should

    not be longer than two paragraphs. Also include reasoning behind price target

    Comment on SLWs unique business model (higher margins, less expenses)

    -Filtered by market cap (largest in sector)

    -Expect silver prices to continue upward trend due to expansionary monetary policy, therefore

    our price of X is justified.

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