Signs your furnace is getting too old

Post on 28-Jul-2016

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If you have a furnace that looks like something out of an old 1800s movie or it looks like something Ned Stark from Game Of Thrones would want to sit next to on a shivering cold night, chances are it might be a good time to start looking for a new furnace. Unfortunately, besides looks, most people don't really know when its "time" to get a new furnace.

Transcript of Signs your furnace is getting too old

Signs Your Furnace Is Getting Too Old

If you have a furnace that looks like something out of an old 1800s movie or it looks like something Ned Stark from Game Of Thrones would want to sit next to on a shivering cold night, chances are it might be a good time to start looking for a new furnace.  Unfortunately, besides looks, most people don't really know when its "time" to get a new furnace.  Really, a good furnace can work for about 20 to 30 years after its installed, but eventually it will start showing signs of wear and tear and it’s important that you know the signs and pay attention to them.  And it’s not just about looks either, but sounds, smells, how well its working, etc.  Here are a few things you should be looking/hearing/smelling out for... And if you suspect that your furnace has reached its prime and you are ready for a younger model you should contact a company that offers furnace repair and installation in Essex County. There are many great companies in Essex County NJ that offer home heating services!

Energy Efficient

Obviously every year is different.  In 2014 maybe you had a really mild winter and hardly used the heater at all.  Maybe in 2014 you also had a really hot summer, so you used the AC a lot.  In 2015 however, maybe the winter was really bad and you used the heater a lot and the summer was really mild, so instead of using the AC you opened the windows.  Well, this is great, but you will notice few fluctuations in the cost of your bill.  However, if you notice a LARGE difference, say a few hundred bucks, this might be a sign that something is wrong.  If you have a suddenly high increase and no reason for it, it might be time to call an HVAC repair company to see if something is up with the furnace and if you need it fixed or need a new one altogether!

Nickel And Time Repairs

Aging furnaces have this really unique way of telling you when they need to be fixed or replaced, but sometimes people just don't pay attention or worse, they keep feeding into these small repairs without thinking anything of it.  Think of it this way, if you are repeatedly fixing these small repairs, maybe a few hundred dollars each time, it’s a waste of money and time.  You could just as easily save that money (in a perfect world) and use it to by a new system that won't need nickel and dime repairs every single month.  Eventually down the line it’s not even going to be repairable anymore.  Eventually, it’s just going to give out, so all that time, energy and money you spent trying to keep it going is going to simply be flushed down the toilet.

Crazy Wailing, Screeching, or Bumping Noises

Okay, so every single furnace is different, especially depending on the kind you have.  Single stage furnaces tend to be the noisiest, two stage furnaces are right in between and Modulating Furnaces are some of the quietest options around.  But, if you have been noticing some really crazy sounds coming from your unit where the HVAC system is like wailing banshee sounds, screeching sounds, or bumping noises - or whatever other crazy noises you can think of, it might be time to get a new furnace.  Just like with anything else, listen to the signs and it’s probably trying to tell you something.  Like when you are driving your car and you hear a gritting sound and know that your brake pads have been worn down.  This is the same thing.  Those noises are happening for a reason.  And that reason is usually because something is either loose or needs to be fixed, or... its on its last leg and needs to be replaced.

Safety Issues

This is an important one.  More important than creaking noises, more important than nickel and dime repairs and way more important than lack of energy efficiency.  In fact, this issue can cause death or sudden sickness.  What we’re talking about here is carbon monoxide poisoning.  This is an odorless, colorless gas.  And it can become a common problem with older furnaces.  Now you are probably thinking, this will never happen to me, but you are sorely mistaken.  In fact, carbon monoxide is the leading cause of making 20,000 to 30,000 people sick a year and it kills over 500 people a year as well.  This is a serious issue and it all starts with the flame inside your furnace and the furnace itself.  If your flame has gone out or even if it hasn’t, and it’s an old furnace, it could be leaking this deadly gas.  One way to tell if you might have an issue is by looking at the flame itself.  If its flickering or yellow in color instead of blue, this is a sign that you could have a carbon monoxide problem.  

If you are having chest pains, nausea, light-headedness, vomiting or anything else out of the ordinary, please go see a doctor now, because you might have carbon monoxide poisoning.  Don't ignore the signs, smells, noises and other things that come from an old furnace or you could end up paying for more than you bargained, even possibly with your life or your family’s life.  Always make sure that your furnace is checked every single year, and if you do have an old furnace, consider getting a new one.