Sierra Bennett

Post on 18-May-2015

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Transcript of Sierra Bennett


By Sierra Rhoda Faith Bennett

FACTS -Alberta is one of the three prairie provinces It is the fourth largest province Saskatchewan is east of Alberta; British Columbia is west The Northwest Territories are north of Alberta The state of Montana is south Alberta was named after Princess Louise Caroline Alberta,

fourth daughter of Queen Victoria. Edmonton (capital city) and Calgary are the largest cities Alberta's flower - Wild Rose, tree - Lodgepole Pine, bird -

Great Horned Owl

Alberta Facts

ALBERTA’S PEOPLE Alberta is home to over 3.5 million people.

(April, 2007) The largest cities are Edmonton (capital) and

Calgary More than half of the people live in these

two cities Immigrants came from Britain, Western

Europe, Eastern Europe, the East and Southeast Asia

Ethnic backgrounds - British (44 percent), German, Ukrainian, French, Scandinavian, Dutch,

HISTORY The first people settled in the area

about 8000 years ago In the woodland areas the Woodland

Cree and Chipewyan tribes hunted moose, caribou and deer, fished and gathered plants and berries.

They used bark canoes to travel up and down the streams

On the plains the Blackfoot, Blood, and Peigan hunted the bison and lived in tipis

HISTORY Anthony Henday ( European explorer

and fur trader ) came to Alberta in 1754. Fur traders built trading posts on the

Athabasca River and North Saskatchewan River

Forts were built to keep law and order The First Nations traded furs and

received guns, blankets and metal goods

In 1874 The North-West Mounted Police (NWMP) established their first post in Alberta at Fort Macleod

Alberta grew when the railroad was built in 1883

Early settlers were ranchers from England and the United States

Immigrants came from Ukraine, Germany, Romania and many parts of Europe to farm

Alberta became a province on September 1, 1905

Land & Water The main rivers are the Peace River,

North and South Saskatchewan River, and Athabasca River

There are icefields in Banff and Jasper National Parks

The icefields help to fill the rivers There are five national parks.

Banff National Park is the oldest national park in Canada


-Wood Buffalo National Park is the home to about 2200 wood buffalo (endangered).

A large mountain range ( Rocky Mountains ) is along the western border

The badlands ( dry, sandy, rocky area) are in southeastern Alberta

Northern Alberta is covered with forest and muskeg.

The rest of the province is on a great plain or prairie

CLIMATE The foothills receive the most rainfall Warm, dry "chinook" winds are produced

when air funnels through the Rockies Chinook winds sweep down on southern

Alberta and raise temperatures in the winter

Cold arctic air masses bring cool weather in the winter

RESOURCES Alberta has oil, natural gas, and coal Oil was discovered at Leduc (near

Edmonton) in 1947 It is the main producer of coal in Canada Coal was first mined near Lethbridge in

1872 The province is also the main producer

of oil and natural gas in Canada Alberta sells the oil, natural gas and coal

to other provinces and other countries

RESOURCES There is also sulfur, silica sand, potash,

quartz, thick salt deposits, clay and limestone

Forests cover over half of Alberta There is good soil for growing crops like

oats, canola and barley The main crop is wheat. Alberta is the

second largest producer of wheat in Canada

Alberta is the only province to produce sugar from sugar beets.

RESOURCES Alberta is the only province to produce

sugar from sugar beets. There are many dairy farms and cattle

ranches There are also poultry, hog and sheep

farms. Most of the beef cattle in Canada are

raised on ranches in the southern foothills.


The mountain scenery of Banff and Jasper national parks attracts thousands of tourists.

Calgary stampede has bull riding, calf roping and wagon racing

Dinosaur Provincial Park is in the badlands

Historical sites include Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, Rocky Mountain House (fur trade) and the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village

A 9 m. high Ukranian Easter egg is displayed at Vegreville, east of Edmonton


A 9 m. high Ukranian Easter egg is displayed at Vegreville, east of Edmonton

Figure skater Kurt Browning (born in Caroline, Alberta) won four World Championships.

Tantoo Cardinal (born in Fort McMurray) is a Canadian film and television actress

ALBERTA B.CThe province I am researched is Alberta. This province is important to me because, it is part of Canada. My brother went to Alberta for basic with all most all of the JCR’s. I don’t know if I am going to basic, its up to Bobby and all of the other people if some of the JCR’s go to Alberta for basic. And who is going or not going!!!