Sierra Backpacking Pre-Trip Powerpoint

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Transcript of Sierra Backpacking Pre-Trip Powerpoint

Backpacking the Sierra Nevada Mountains August 25-30, 2013

Welcome to Pre-O Adventure: Backpacking the Sierra Nevada Mts!

Can you believe that in a few short weeks you will be backpacking in the Sierra Nevada Mountains! You will have an opportunity to learn new camping skills or build upon your current knowledge and create new friendships along the way! This will be an amazing way to start your journey at USD!

To ensure that you are best prepared for our upcoming adventure we have included important information in a short presentation. After reviewing, please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Questions Answered?

What can I look forward to?What is the schedule?What will I eat?Where will I sleep?What do I need to bring?What skills and experience do I

need?What are Outdoor Adventures

Policies?What will the weather be like?What are the risks?

Trip Highlights

Camp out under the stars!

Make new friends while traveling through a pristine

mountain environment!

Amazing alpine lakes & panoramic views!


Day 1: Sunday, August 25 9:00 AM: Check-in at Outdoor Adventures at

and move into your residence halls 12:30PM- Meet up with your guides and get to

know the rest of the group. Prepare to depart for the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Day 2 Travel to the trailhead and make sure

backpacks fit properly before hiking to our first campsite.

Itinerary (Cont.)

Days 3-5 Wake up to the warm sun and backpack between 6 and 8

miles to our next campsites. Enjoy time to relax by the lakes, take in some amazing Sierra views, stargaze, cook awesome meals, enjoy living as a small community in the wilderness.

Day 6 We will start out early on the trail today before we stop

to check out some of the largest trees on the planet. We will leave the mountains today and return to San Diego by 6pm.

Meals: What to Expect

Included with the trip are all meals starting with breakfast on day 2 through lunch on day 6.

Please bring some money for a fast food dinner stop on our drive to the Sierras

We can accommodate most dietary preferences, please let us know.

Where will I sleep?

Two and three-person tents will be provided.

Everything we need will be carried in our packs.

There are primitive restroom facilities at the trailhead, however, we will NOT have any bathroom facilities while backpacking.

What do I need to bring?

Please refer to the detailed packing list that outlines what to bring.

Limit extra items. We will be carrying everything in our backpacks.

We provide you with a backpack.

Some items are available to rent through Outdoor Adventures before 8/2/13.

To rent equipment:

What experience do I need? Generally speaking, backpacking is

walking on uneven terrain while you carry things on you back.

The difficulty of this trip is considered moderate, but no prior experience is necessary and we have taken many first-time backpackers on this trip.

We will be carrying upwards of 40+ lbs for 5-10 miles a day and the elevation will range from 8,000 ft up to 10,000 ft.

We encourage you to be active leading up to the trip to ensure your comfort.


Average temperatures in Sierra Nevada will range 70s and 80s during the day to 40s/50s at night

You should expect unpredictability: We could have hot and sunny days, rain storms and high winds. We need to be prepared for anything.

When packing please be prepared for both cold and hot weather

Leave No Trace

On every Outdoor Adventures trip, we abide by the principles of Leave No Trace. They are an integral part of our program and we ask each participant to do their best to follow the seven principles:1. Plan Ahead and Prepare

2. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces

3. Dispose of Waste Properly

4. Leave What You Find

5. Minimize Campfire Impacts

6. Respect Wildlife

7. Be Considerate of Other Visitors

What about drugs and alcohol?

Illegal drugs and alcohol are never allowed on trips, nor being under the influence. Prescription medications are required. Please make sure you bring them in the original bottle with the physicians name on it.

What are some Risks and Hazards?

Weather is something we will constantly have to deal with, especially afternoon thundershowers.

There is a risk of dehydration and heat stroke, so be sure to bring two water bottles.

Be sure to bring sunscreen, sunglasses and/or a hat for extended exposure to the sun

Break in your hiking shoes or boots weeks in advance, and don’t be afraid to tell us if you begin to develop any hot spots on your feet during the trip – blisters can make backing trips very uncomfortable.

Questions or Concerns?

Please don’t hesitate to call or email us:

We look forward to seeing you in August!