"Shot Heard around the World"

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of "Shot Heard around the World"

Brain Quest

Who is Paul Revere?If there was a revolution today would you join the fight? Which side would you choose?

Challenge Question:None

Objective (I Can)Identify how the Revolutionary War gets started and determine if the colonies are ready for war.

Brain Quest

Paul Reveres Midnight Ride


Battles of Lexington and Concord

British General Thomas Gage marched to Concord, MA, in order to seize a large supply of arms stored by the minutemen.

Lexington and ConcordBritish Gen. Thomas Gage Plans were also made to arrest Patriot leaders Samuel Adams and John Hancock.

The Sons of Liberty discovered the plot so they sent Paul Revere and William Dawes to warn the countryside of the arrival of the British army.

Minuteman statue Concord, Massachusetts

In Concord, Gen. Gage found no weapons. However, waiting minutemen killed 73 British soldiers. Libertys Kids: "The Shot Heard Round the World (10:51)First Revolutionary Battle at Lexington & Concord (1:58)

Complete the reading about Lexington and Concord and the questions with your partner.Close Reading

Second Continental Congress On May 10, 1775, the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia. By then, New England militia had gathered around Boston. John Adams suggested to Congress that a continental army be made up of troops from all the colonies. He nominated George Washington to lead the troops and the delegates agreed. They unanimously elected Washington to be the commander- in-chief of the new Continental Army.