Short intro to scala and the play framework

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A short introduction (with many examples) to the Scala programming language and also an introduction to using the Play! Framework for modern, safe, efffcient and reactive web applications.

Transcript of Short intro to scala and the play framework

Short intro to Scala and the Play! Framework

50 - 60 minutes Last updated: Sept 2014

Leveraging modern programming techniques to make safer, faster and more predictable applications

Scala - First encounterdef hello() = {

println("Hello, world!")


var aMap = Map("Red" -> "Apple", "Yellow" -> "Peach")

aMap += ("Purple" -> "Grape")

def factorial(x: BigInt): BigInt =

if (x == 0) 1 else x * factorial(x - 1)

class MyClass(index: Int, name: String)



recursive functions


Scala - Background● Created by Martin Odersky at EPFL in 2003

● Aimed at overcoming Java’s weaknesses while allowing for easy migration for former Java developers

● One of the few object-functional languages (also: F#)

● One of the JVM-compliant languages (also: groovy, clojure, jruby, jython)

Scala selling points● Functional/Object Oriented hybrid - use one, the other, or both

● More elegant, less painful concurrency constructs

● Uncluttered, concise syntax

● Seamless interoperability and compatibility with Java

● Typing: expressive type system / static typing / type safety / type inference

Quick syntax walkthrough● no type declaration prior to use (due to type-inference)

var msg = "Hello, world!"

● braces are only needed for multiline blocks

def max(x: Int, y: Int) = if (x > y) x else y

def max2(x: Int, y: Int) = {

if (x > y) x

else y


no braces

yes braces

Quick syntax walkthrough● no semicolons at the end (unless you want multiple statements)

println(line); println(line)



equivalent code

Quick syntax walkthrough● type comes after variable name (only when required or for usability)

def max(x: Int, y: Int): Int =

if (x > y) x else y

val m = new HashMap[Int, String] ()

val m1: Map[Int, String] = new HashMap()

val m2: HashMap[Int, String] = new HashMap[Int, String] ()

required types for arguments

optional return type

either is acceptable

not necessary to annotate both sides

Quick syntax walkthrough● val for immutable variables, var for mutable variables

val msg = "Hello, world!"

msg = "Another message!" // ERROR: reassignment to val

var msg2 = "Hello, world!"

msg2 = "Another message!" // no error

Quick syntax walkthrough● statements also return a value (if, for, while, def) - which means they are

also expressions

var result1 = ""

if(marks >= 50)

result = "passed"


result = "failed"

val result2 = if(marks >= 50)




using if as a statement

if as an expression

Quick syntax walkthrough● return statements are allowed but generally not needed

def multiply(a:Int,b:Int):Int =

return a*b

def sum(x:Int,y:Int) =

x + y

def greet() = println( "Hello, world!")

When no return is provided, last value computed by the

function is returned

explicitly using return

Functions that return no useful values have a result type of Unit

Quick syntax walkthrough● function literals or anonymous functions

(x: Int) => x * 2

val double = (x: Int) => x * 2

● example usage: as parameter to function map: List(1,2,3,4,5).map{ (x:Int) => x * 2 }

//evaluates to List(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)

a function that takes an Int and multiplies it by two

function value being assigned to a variable

function map takes another function as argument

Scala, Java Comparison

class MyClass {

private int index;

private String name;

public MyClass(int index, String name) {

this.index = index; = name;



class MyClass(index: Int, name: String)scala


Scala, Java Comparison

boolean nameHasUpperCase = false;

for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); ++i) {

if (Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(i))) {

nameHasUpperCase = true;




val nameHasUpperCase = name.exists(_.isUpper)scala


Scala, Java Interoperability● You can use Java code in Scala as-is (i.e. no changes needed).

● Scala classes can subclass Java classes, you can instantiate Java classes in Scala, you can access methods, fields (even if they are static), etc.

● You can also use Scala code in Java projects, as long as you don’t use many advanced Scala concepts that are not possible in Java.

● Similar code generated by Scala and Java usually generates the exact same bytecode, as can be verified using tools like javap

Environment● Console

● sbt - dependency and package management

● JVM integration

● Typesafe products (Akka, Play, Activator, Spray, Slick, etc)

● All of your favourite Java libraries

● Testing suites (Unit, Integration, Acceptance, Property-based, etc)

● Small but high-level community

Weaknesses● It’s a large language. Users are advised not to try to use many different

concepts at the same time, especially when starting out.

● Scala has a somewhat steep learning curve and its complex type system is powerful but hard to grasp at times.

● Implicit conversions are useful but easily misused and may make code harder to understand.

● Complex function signatures may put some off.

Play Framework● MVC Web Framework; supports Java and Scala

● Created in 2007

● Used at Linkedin, Coursera, The Guardian, etc.

● Uses sbt for dependency management

● As of September 2014, it has had 5000 commits by over 350 contributors.

● The Simplest Possible Play App

Play Features● Play has all default features one can expect from a modern framework:

○ MVC-based separation of concerns○ Support for ORMs (Java) or FRMs (Scala)○ Rich models with support for Forms, Validation, etc.○ Database Migration (called evolutions)○ Template engine (Scala-based)○ Extensive routing○ Support for REST-only Apps○ Lots of community-provided plugins○ Supported by Typesafe

Play - Application Layoutapp/ -- Application sources

| assets/ -- LESS, Coffeescript sources

| controllers/ -- Controllers

| models/ -- Domain models

| views/ -- Templates

build.sbt -- Build configuration

conf/ -- Configuration files

| application.conf -- Main configuration file

| routes -- Routes definition

public/ -- Public folder (CSS, JS, etc)

project/ -- sbt configuration files

logs/ -- Logs

target/ -- Generated files - ignore

test/ -- Sources for tests

Play Framework - Examples● Displaying a view from a controller action

package controllers

import play.api._

import play.api.mvc._

object Application extends Controller {

def index = Action {

Ok(views.html.index("Your new application is ready."))



import libraries

create a controller

define actions as methods

Play Framework - Examples● Displaying a view with some data

package controllers

import models._

import play.api._

import play.api.mvc._

import play.api.Play.current

object Application extends Controller {

def index = Action { implicit request =>

val computers = Computer.list

Ok(views.html.web.index( "Hello! I'm the WEB!" , computers))



the Computer model was defined in package models (not shown here)

instantiate a view file and feed it a string and a list of computers

this method returns a List[Computer]

Activator● Web-based IDE and project viewer, built by Typesafe

● A large number of sample applications (templates) to study and learn from

Resources● Scala Programming Language (Wikipedia Article)● Scala official site● Typesafe● Programming in Scala Book on Amazon● A preset Virtual Machine for Scala/Play Development● Functional Programming Principles in Scala on Coursera● Principles of Reactive Programming on Coursera● Play Framework Official Website● ScalaJavaInterop Project● Play Framework (Wikipedia Article)● Using Scala on Heroku● Typesafe Activator● All Available Activator Templates