Short folio

Post on 02-Mar-2016

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Collage of projects done in studies and practise

Transcript of Short folio

Sander Janssen

Example Projects


Phone: +31 (0)6 1246 1646

Address: Marga Klompéhof 34 1314 WN Almere The Netherlands

IM: skype.sanderjanssen (skype)

About me

Graduated in 2010 at the Faculty of Architecture of the TU Delft, I am a young and ambitious architect that is always eager to dive into new challenges. During my studies and practical occupations, I have maintained an open-minded approach that brought me into contact with many different f ields of interest, both in and outside architectural design. I strive to maintain an intense focus on research through all stages of the design process, whether the goal is to design an interactive pavilion or a public space, write a historical report or develop visionary concepts for future cities.

As for my practical experience: I have worked in several off ices, where I was involved with design projects varying from small scale interior design to competition designs for buildings abroad. Past employers have acknowledged me as a dedicated and hard working architect with a high level of integrity.

During my last year of studying at the TU Delft, I was confronted with a way in sustainable thinking that reinvigorated my lifelong interest in biology. The discovery of the principles of biomimicry made me wonder whether architecture could be approached in a more biological way, making the built environment an active contributor to surrounding ecosystems. Luckily, I have been given the opportunity to take this fascination a step further in a research project at the TU Delft. This project has strengthened my opinion about combining architecture and biology. I see a huge potential in this for developing a more sustainable society, a process in which architects can and should play an exemplary role.

I hope you enjoy reading this portfolio.

Sander Janssen



Curriculum vitae


Personal informationPlace of birth: Hilversum, the NetherlandsNationality: Dutch

EducationSept. 2007 - June 2010: Masters Degree Architecture, TU Delft

Graduation project: Studio Public Realm Transvaal: personal design of the Music Cluster Transvaal, a music building integrated into a public landscape in the neighbourhood of Transvaal in The Hague.

History thesis:History of the Great Metropolises: historical research and excursion into the city of Buenos Aires, resulting in the thesis The Evolution of Buenos Aires - a chronological explanation of the events that shaped the city into the Buenos Aires of today.

Sept. 2004 - June 2007: Bachelors Degree Architecture, TU DelftSept. 1998 - May 2004: Achieved ‘Gymnasium‘ level in subject cluster ‘Nature and Health‘ Gemeentelijk Gymnasium Hilversum

Other activitiesParticipation in the workshop ’Biomimicry: innovative solutions inspired by nature’ - the f irst off icial Biomimicry workshop in Europe, organised by the Biomimicry Guild (certif icate of participation acquired)

Work experienceApr. - June 2011: Design for Europan 11 competition

Feb. - Mar. 2011: Competition design for Hotel Centro Guadalajara, in collaboration with 8A Architecten, StudioREDD and Studio EI

Nov.‘10 - Jan.‘11: Voluntary teaching assistant for project ’BiodiverCity’ at T?F (The Why Factory), TU Delft

Sept. - Nov.2010: Löhmann’s Architecture, Amsterdam Design, realisation and management of the exposition Noord Publiek in Amsterdam (

Oct 2008 - ... : Freelance designer 8A Architecten, Studio EI, various private assignments Designing and visualising buildings and interiors

Mar. - Sept. 2008: Architectural assistant Denc Netherlands B.V. (Design Engineering & Contracting), The Hague Design and visualisation of architectural and urban projects; layout activities for project portfolio and f lyers; furniture design for the Hague off ice

SkillsLanguagesDutch (native language)English (f luent, conversation and reading)German (good, conversation and reading)

ComputerAutodesk Maya, Autodesk Autocad, Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Google SketchUp, Vray for SketchUp (rendering software), Rhinoceros

ModellingArchitecture and interior modelling, 3d-printing and laser cutting (CAD-CAM)

Noord Publiek

Design and realisation of the exposition ‘Noord Publiek: Proposals for an Undivided City’ in Amsterdam

Löhmann’s Architecture2010

The Noord Publiek exposition in the Storkhal featured graduation projects of 30 architecture students of the TU Delft

3rd/4th f loor - 20 single rooms, 2 patio roomsGround f loor - lobby, bar, restaurant

Hotel Centro, Guadalajara

Competition design with 8A Architecten

View inside hotel roomsLobby - bar and restaurant in backgroundSection showing the green patio


MSc Studio (involved as assisting teacher)

The Why Factory, TU Delft 2010-2011

The Why Factory (T?F) at the TU Delft is a department that investigates visionary models for future cities. BiodiverCity was one of the studios at T?F and it explored the possibilities of providing the existing city of Amsterdam with a much higher degree of biomass production, leading to a great increase in biodiversity.

The studio consisted of two parts: a research part in which the students investigated the current biomass production of Amsterdam, together with dietary and spacial needs of different kinds of animals. In the second part, students were asked to design strategies and products for increasing biomass production and accomodating the new residents of Amsterdam that would be attracted to this environment. Bijlmermarsh - conceived by Bo Hogenberk and Fabian van Aerschot

Anders Sletbak - Canal XLAleksandra Vlasova - Silent block Louisa Au - Urban jungleAnthony Sharples - Reclaim

Music Cluster Transvaal

Graduation studio Public Realm Transvaal

TU Delft 2009-2010

The Music Cluster Transvaal is my outcome of the graduation studio ‘Public Realm’ at the TU Delft. The design was made for an area in The Hague which features a high cultural diversity, but is also known as an area of social problems - ’Krachtwijk’ - in the Netherlands.

The f inal design aims at creating a program which is attractive to all the different groups represented in Transvaal, and bringing these groups together in a surprising and exciting public space.

The input leading to the urban plan for the northern area of Transvaal and the architectural design of the Music Cluster consisted of three main ingredients: thematical analysis on 'fear in public space'; formulation of various possible 'urban scenarios' to make public life more appealing and individual fascinations outlined in an essay.

In this case, the notion of Liberty - as seen by philosopher Isaiah Berlin - and Play - as explained by Quentin Stevens, would be the main elements serving as theoretical backing for the project.

Now: cramped, isolated from the city by busy roads and industry

Ambition: openness; more public spaces and functions, more compact industry

Result: car traff ic is less dominant; appealing public life

The current urban situation of the northern area of Transvaal comes with several issues that make its public life unappealing. First of all it is bordered on all sides by busy roads. Secondly, there is an introvert industrial area on the eastern side that is hidden from view by a long strip of dwellings specif ically built for that purpose. Also, a well-known strip of exotic shops runs right through the area, attracting even more car traff ic.

The points of departure for restructuring the site come down to providing much more space for public life to be possible. Therefore, the industrial site and some building blocks are compacted; car traff ic is diverted from the shopping street and the small amount of public space available is drastically expanded.

f lat podium ramp/bowl wall skew tribune gutter gallery

The aim of the public landscape is to provide freedom through regulation - a concept which is outlined in my essay 'Control, liberty in physical and virtual space' which was written as a basis for this design. To do so, a set of f ixed operators is used as a design tool, generating series of sections to compose the building and its public landscape.

Médiathèque Casablanca

Public Realm design studio, TU Delft 2008

MeCa as seen when approaching from the front: public space f lows under the road into the heart of the building

south elevation east elevation north elevation west elevation

Bar looking out over the medina Central core running through the building Low exhibition hall

F(r)eed Frame

Competition entry 2011(results pending)


Interactive pavillion for the Hyperbody Research Group

TU Delft 2007

MuscleSpace reacts to sensors to change its form according to the movements of people inside