Short and fast introduction to Scala

Post on 05-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Short and fast introduction to Scala

A short and really fast Scala Introduction

Sergi González

Why Scala?

• Java Virtual Machine

• Concurrency

• Functional and Object Oriented

Why Scala?• Immutable

• First Class Functions

• Type Interface

• Traits (oh yes!)

• Pattern Matching


• The IDE ❤

• ScalaTest

• Case classes, lazy, monads, implicits, Akka, Play, Spark…

Why Scala

In order to code less and save money in keyboards As a catalan lazy developer I want a programming language that makes for me the boilerplate


Why Scala

Variables and Values

If, while, functions …

Pattern Matching

Pattern Matching

Pattern Matching

Pattern Matching

Pattern Matching

Recursive functions + Pattern Matching = WIN

Lists and more…



Traits, Objects, Generics,

Multiple Inheritance…

FizzBuzz• Given a number:

• If it’s multiple of 3 return “fizz”

• If it’s multiple of 5 return “buzz”

• If it’s multiple of 3 and 5 return “fizzbuzz”

• If it’s not multiple of 3 or 5 return the number