Shooting Schedule

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Shooting Schedule

Shooting Schedule (A)

Tuesday 24th March

10:00am Arrive on set. Meet with cast and crew for final briefing

10:30am Set up equipment. Final preparations before shoot.

11:00am Begin shoot. Adhere to shot list here

12:00pm Five minute break

12:05pm Resume shoot

1:30pm Lunch break

2:30pm Resume shoot

4:00pm Finish shoot. Begin pack up

4:30pm Finish.

Shooting Schedule (B)

Tuesday 24th March

10:00am/1:00pm Arrive on location, final brief cast and crew

10:30am/1:30pm Set up and begin shoot, adhere to shot list

12:00pm/3:00pm Five minute break

12:05pm/3:05pm Resume Shoot

1:15pm/4:15pm Finish shoot, pack up

1:30pm/4:30pm Finish