Shocking facts of drinking soda

Post on 22-Aug-2014

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Sodas as we all know as flavored soft drinks aren’t doing anything good for your health; instead it seriously harms your body in many ways when you consume it each and every time.

Transcript of Shocking facts of drinking soda

Shocking Facts Of

Drinking Soda

Soda’s may taste good for most of us but the real fact is, it harms us the same way as it tastes good. Experiments on regular Soda consumers have proved that, there is chance of serious health issue related to heavy or regular consumptions of soda.

Tooth Decay

Sodas or carbonated soft drinks contains high amounts of Acids which damages your tooth’s enamel and will eventually causes cavity buildup in your teeth and in extreme case it will spoil the entire teeth.


Carbonated Soft drinks contain high amount of calories i.e. approximately 240 calories per drink. An average drink is made up of 15 to 18 teaspoon of sugar, and regular consumption may lead to obesity.

Premature Aging

Phosphate content found in soda is a chemical agent that promotes early aging symptoms, making skin, and muscles wither and look aged.


Drinking soda when you are dehydrated may increasingly damage your body, dehydration leads to acid buildup in your body and drinking soda will make body intensively acidic.


Nowadays sodas are now consumed as a replacement for milk, but in the long run it would weaken your bone due to lack of calcium that we get from drinking milk.

Weird Uses of Soda are:

1. It is used to remove the stains and clean the toilet bowl.

2. Apply a cloth soaked in coke to loosen the rusted bolt.

3. It can remove rust spots from car bumpers.

4. It removes grease from clothes.

5. In many states it is used to remove blood stains from the highway after an accident.

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