Shocking Deaths in TV series. Shocking Deaths are upsetting!!! Most of the people like watching TV...

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Shocking Deaths in TV series. Shocking Deaths are upsetting!!! Most of the people like watching TV...

Shocking Deaths in TV


Shocking Deaths are upsetting!!!

• Most of the people like watching TV series rather than movies is because the way they portrait each & every character uniquely

• They get so much involved with these characters that things happening with them affects them

• It comes to times like this when main characters dies sudden death

• It's that hours upon hours of investment that leads people to lose their temper on social media

-George O Malley-

• George O Malley’s death was so shocking for fans that they never expected anything like this in Greys Anatomy

• Story takes turn when he decides to join military as field surgeon

• When John Doe, bus accident patient signifies his identity when hospital staff is waiting for George to return its mind shattering

• The whole story turns upside down with Izzie’s illness hitting on right nerve which is example of perfect execution


• Death of the adored McDreamy character on Greys Anatomy received so much of fan criticism

• An online petition was started to try to bring Patrick Dempsey's character back

• He died in an automobile accident, becoming brain-dead

• In the end his wife Dr. Meredith Grey decides to unplug his machines

-Joffery Baratheon-

• Joffrey Baratheon was the most hated character on Game of Thrones

• His death scene was quite surprising as he dies in his wedding scene with Margaery Tyrell

• As he takes sip of poisonous wine he starts coughing and chokes to death turning purple

• It was definitely a treat for eyes for fans to see Joffery dying after all his worngdoings

-Zoe Barnes-

• Zoe who was working on the truth about who killed congressman was pushed in front of a train

• Frank Underwood, her ex-lover and then-Vice President was behind her death

• There were hints in a previous episode about her death where Frank tell her to catch her last train

-Will Gardner-

• Goodwife is full of shocking moments but no one expected Will Gardner’s exit from show

• Will the charismatic lawyer was killed by one of his clients during courtroom shootout

• His death changed the whole equation along with end of relationship protagonist Alicia Florrick

• It was arguably the most shocking TV demise in recent memory

-Robb, Catelyn, Talisa Stark-

• Red Wedding was a bigger, meaner, more efficient, and vicious sequel to the beheading of Ned Stark from Game of thrones

• The whole wedding scene suddenly turns into brutal death scene giving one more example of utter violence

• The worst thing comes when Talisa’s pregnant belly was stabbed again and again leaving fans of Game of thrones speechless

-Rita Morgan-

• One of the lead character in Dexter, Rita Morgan who's Dexter's wife gets murdered in fourth season

• No one can imagine that, Trinity the serial killer will murder Rita taking toll on Dexter

• The scene where her body lies in bathtub full of Blood and baby Harrison crying beside her sends chills up your spine

-Lori Grimes-

• Zombie apocalypse is not a suitable place for a pregnant lady

• It was a emotional turn where her son Carl had to shot her after delivering baby Judith

• Carl makes it sure that his mom will not turn into walker by killing her

• Fans were hoping that Lori will manage to survive somehow being lead character in Walking dead

-Adriana La Cerva-

• Adriana La Cerva the dejected character of Sopranos ends with turning informant to FBI

• It makes her anxious leading her confession to her fiance Christopher Moltisanti

• When Tony Soprano comes to know about it he gives order of her assassination

• She gets murdered in the middle of woods

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