SHMD 139 27/8/2012 1. Resistance Training Means using any form of resistance to place an increased...

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Transcript of SHMD 139 27/8/2012 1. Resistance Training Means using any form of resistance to place an increased...

SHMD 13927/8/2012


Resistance TrainingMeans using any form of resistance to place an

increased load on a muscle or muscle group.

Resistance training can be done to develop:

Muscular endurance, strength, muscle size or power;

by manipulating: reps, sets, speed of movement &

the recovery period.


Resistance TrainingMuscle endurance:

high reps (12-20), low sets (2-3), low weights.

Strength training:

low reps (1-5), high sets (2-6), heavy weights.


low reps (1-5), high sets (2-6), heavy weights, performed

at speed.


Resistance Training Methods


Resistance Training MethodsResistance machines

Cable machines


Resistance Training MethodsMedicine balls


Resistance Training MethodsGravity



Resistance Training MethodsResistance bands

Circuit training


Resistance Training MethodsWater


PlyometricsPlyometric training develops powerPower: producing strength at speed Involves moving your body weight very quickly Very strenuous type of trainingExamples of PT:

Jumping onto boxes & over hurdlesDepth jumpingVertical jumps/standing long jumpsMedicine ball throwsSquat & jumpPush-up & clap


Circuit TrainingA series of exercises arranged in a specific order & performed 1 after the


8-12 exercises set out, each muscle group is worked

Each exercise performed for a certain number of reps or a set time period

Exercise both upper & lower body, therefore don’t place exercises for the

same muscle group after each other, as it will cause fatigue

Used to develop:

Muscular endurance – work flat out for 30 seconds at each station, or

Aerobic fitness – 45 seconds, with slower speed of movement


Adaptations to Resistance TrainingIncrease in muscle size (hypertrophy)

Increase in strength of ligaments & tendons

Increase in bone density

Improved nervous system function

Decreased body fat

Improved body composition

Improved posture

Less risk of injury


Revision QuestionsRevision Questions1. Define resistance training. 3

2. Describe how resistance training can be used to develop muscular

endurance, muscle strength and power. 4

3. List 5 different methods of creating resistance when training.


4. Discuss plyometric training. 3

5. Describe how circuit training is performed. 5

6. list 5 adaptations to resistance training. 5