Shipwrecks of the Maldives

Post on 21-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Shipwrecks of the Maldives








FRONT COVER: Founder member of the RSWA, Colin Murphy exploring the Maldive Victory, sduring our first wreck exped shortly before his untimely death due to a non diving illness.












The Maldives are by no means a Truk Lagoon or Scapa Flow. Indeed war seems

to have passed these idyll ic islands by, and to date we have only a few war time

casualties listed.

Many local wooden trading vessels are known to have been lost, a few cargo

ships and numerous fishing vessels have been located over the years. The diving

industry too has been responsible for numerous vessels sunk as tourist




The sheer length of coastline formed by these islands atolls and reefs, must

hide the remains of many doomed vessels, the most romantic and intriguing of

all dating back to 1400.

Since its conception, the RED SEA WRECK ACADEMY has been responsible for

the discovery, identification and survey of over 30 shipwrecks in the Egyptian

Red Sea, its founder and author of this publication, Peter Collings, receiving a

national award from the Governor of the Sinai for his contribution to the

tourist industry through research and discovery. Like the Red Sea back in the

early days of tourism, the Maldives gained recognition as a dive location , not

through shipwrecks but through its fish and coral diversity, and clear warm

waters. Recent natural events have had their effect, but the Maldives remain a

jewel in a glittering ocean.

A series of wreck hunting and research expeditions were put together by the

RSWA, and this publication is the results so far .Many wrecks in these waters

were purposely sunk, and while they don’t have colourful history, they lend

themselves to great photo opportunities and animal encounters.

As with the expeditions to Aruba, Coron and of course Egypt, mis- identification

of at least one shipwreck has come to light, but thanks to the many historians

involved in the team the facts have been verified-at the risk of upsetting local

experts-and are published here in good faith.

While these wrecks do not boast the kudos of war ti me stories or Greek

Tragedies they do offer an alternative to repetitive swims along si milar looking

reefs. These man made reefs offer the new diver an insight into the exciting

world of shipwreck exploration and often become class rooms for skill


This paper is by no means complete, the story unfinished. The last expedition

raised as many questions as answers .Do the Maldives have more hidden

treasures than just the reefs, manta’s, sharks and fishes?. At least 20 known

vessels still remain undiscovered. Perhaps they lie on some as yet undived reef.

Perhaps ZHENG HE’s treasure still awaits, perhaps not, it may lie deep under

hundreds of years of coral, but as we found with the Ottoman trader from

1700c (text books tol d us the wooden frame work should have dissolved

hundreds of years ago), history has its own way of revealing itself, often in the

least expected places.

The RSWA plans to return to these waters when time permits and continue its

work .Any new discoveries will be added to this publication thereafter.




The idea of the E BOOK series came about after seeing so many incorrect publications quoting the

wrong identity of the Tile Wreck at Abu Nuhas in the Red Sea. Despite a plethora of undeniable facts

presented by myself and members of the Red Sea Wreck Academy, self proclaiming experts still, for

reasons known only to themselves, continued to quote the MARCUS as the CHRISOULA K. It was

archive photographs from Howard Rosenstien and the location of the ships bell, which added weight

to Stephan Jablonski’s accounts of the sinkings’. This new material gave us enough to produce the

first E book in 2008.

Being free from restrictions it soon found its way around the world and was passed on from diver to

diver. It had the desired effect-Now more and more reports carry the correct identity.

It was also an opportunity to give something back to diving –and promote the forthcoming

“EGYPTIAN SHIPWRECKS.” Of course there was also controversy over the identity and purpose of the

RUSSAIN WRECK at Zabagad, and this lead to the second title. THISTLEGORM REVEALED is a leader

for the new publication “SUNDERLAND TO SUEZ THE STORY OF THE THISTLEGORM”, out now. “SUEZ

WRECKS ” highlights the achievements of our regular wreck hunting trips up into the Gulf, and

“EGYPTIAN SHIPWRECKS” gives a glimpse of the forthcoming book featuring over 200 wrecks in

Egyptian waters.

Now we focus on other wreck locations around the world in this second series.

So now we have a total of11 titles available,, yours to enjoy and pass on-to anyone who may be

interested-and don’t forget we run regular expeditions and safaris to all these featured Wrecks

Safe diving



CHAPTER 1 Treasure islands?


Between 1405 and 1433, the Ming government sponsored a series of seven naval

expeditions. The Yongle emperor designed them to establish a Chinese presence,

impose imperial control over trade, and impress foreign peoples in the Indian

Ocean basin. He also might have wanted to extend the tributary system, by

which Chinese dynasties traditionally recognized foreign people..


Zheng He was originally named 'Ma He' and was born in 1371. at Jinning, just

south of Kunming near the southwest corner of Lake Tian in Yunnan.

In 1381, the year his father was kil led,, then only eleven years old,he was

captured and made a eunuch. He was sent to the Imperial court, where he was

called 'San Bao' meaning 'Three Jewels.' He eventually became a trusted

adviser of the Yongle Emperor), assisting him in deposing his predecessor, the

Jianwen Emperor. In return for meritorious service, the eunuch received the

name Zheng He from the Yongle Emperor.

In 1425 the Hongxi Emperor appointed him to be Defender of Nanjing. In 1428

the Xuande Emperor ordered him to complete the construction of the

magnificent Buddhist nine-storied Da Baoen Temple in NanjingZheng He was

placed as the admiral in control of the huge fleet and armed forces that

undertook these expeditions. Wang Jinghong was appointed his second in

command. Zheng He's first voyage consisted of a fleet of 317 treasure ships

(other sources say 200 ships) holding almost 28,000 crewmen (each ship housing



up to 500 men), and in 1430 appointed him to lead the seventh and final

expedition to the "Western Ocean" Zheng He died during the treasure fleet's

last voyage, on the returning trip after the fleet reached Hormuz in 1433.

Zheng He generally sought to attain his goals through diplomacy, and his large

army awed most would-be enemies into submission But a contemporary reported

that Zheng He "walked like a tiger" and did not shrink from violence when he

considered it necessary to impress foreign peoples with China's military might

ruthlessly suppressed pirates who had long plagued Chinese and southeast Asian

waters. He also waged a land war against the Kingdom of Kotte in Ceylon, and he

made displays of military force when local officials threatened his fleet in

Arabia and East Africa. From his fourth voyage, he brought envoys from thirty

states who traveled to China and paid their respects at the Ming court.

In 1424, the Yongle Emperor died. His successor, the Hongxi Emperor (reigned

1424–1425), decided to stop the voyages during his short reign. Zheng He made

one more voyage under the Xuande Emperor (reigned 1426–1435), but after

that the voyages of the Chinese treasure ship fleets were ended.

Order Time Regions along the way[15]

1st Voyage 1405–1407 Champa, Java, Palembang, Malacca, Aru, Sumatra, Lambri, Ceylon, Kollam, Cochin, Calicut

2nd Voyage 1407–1409 Champa, Java, Siam, Cochin, Ceylon

3rd Voyage 1409–1411 Champa, Java, Malacca, Sumatra, Ceylon, Quilon, Cochin, Calicut, Siam, Lambri, Kaya, Coimbatore, Puttanpur

4th Voyage 1413–1415

Champa, Java, Palembang, Malacca, Sumatra, Ceylon, Cochin, Calicut, Kayal, Pahang, Kelantan, Aru, Lambri, Hormuz, Maldives, Mogadishu, Barawa, Malindi, Aden, Muscat, Dhufar

5th Voyage 1416–1419

Champa, Pahang, Java, Malacca, Sumatra, Lambri, Ceylon, Sharwayn, Cochin, Calicut, Hormuz, Maldives, M ogadishu, Barawa, Malindi, Aden

6th Voyage 1421–1422 Hormuz, East Africa, countries of the Arabian Peninsula

7th Voyage 1430–1433 Champa, Java, Palembang, Malacca, Sumatra, Ceylon, Calicut, Hormuz... (17 states in total)



Zheng He commanded seven expeditions. The 1405 expedition consisted of

27,800 men and a fleet of 62 treasure ships supported by approximately 190

smaller ships The fleet included

Treasure ships, used by the commander of the fleet and his deputies (nine-

masted, about 126.73 metres (416 ft) long and 51.84 metres (170 ft) wide),

according to later writers. The treasure ships purportedly could carry as

much as 1,500 tons.

Equine ships , carrying horses and tribute goods and repair material for the

fleet (eight-masted, about 103 m (339 ft) long and 42 m (138 ft) wide)

Supply ships , containing staple for the crew (seven-masted, about 78 m

(257 ft) long and 35 m (115 ft) wide).

Troop transports , six-masted, about 67 m (220 ft) long and 25 m (83 ft)


Fuchuan warships , five-masted, about 50 m (165 ft) long.

Patrol boats, eight-oared, about 37 m (120 ft) long.

Water tankers with 1 month's supply of fresh water

Zheng He led seven expeditions to what the Chinese called "the Western

Ocean" (Indian Ocean). He brought back to China many trophies and envoys

from more than thirty kingdoms — including King Alagakkonara of Ceylon, who

came to China as a captive to apologize to the Emperor.

The records of Zheng's last two voyages, which are believed to be his farthest,

were unfortunately destroyed by the Ming emperor. Therefore it is never

certain where Zheng has sailed in these two expeditions. The traditional view is

that he went as far as Iran. Zheng He died during the treasure fleet's last

voyage. Although he has a tomb in China, it is empty: he was, like many great

admirals, buried at sea





François Pyrard de Laval (ca. 1578 – ca. 1623) was a French navigator who is

known for his accounts of his experiences while shipwrecked in the Maldives

from 1602 to 1607, .

On July 2, 1602 Pyrard and a handful of sailors were shipwrecked on South

Maalhosmadulu Atoll of the Maldives. They were taken captive by the Maldivians

and spent five years as "unwilling guests" on the islands, with most of the time

spent on Malé. The sailors endured malaria and sporadic cruel treatment during

their captivity.

In the 16th century, a Chinese ship with a cargo of porcelain and Chinese

merchandise was wrecked near the island of Guraidhoo . Pyrard, who visited the

island in 1605 recorded

”I was at that island one day, and saw the mast and rudder of the ship that was lost

there. 1 was told it was the richest ship conceivable. It had on board some 500 persons,

men, women, and children, for the Indians take the greater part of their household to

sea with them. These 500 persons were nigh all drowned, and there remained but a

hundred saved. This ship came from Sunda (Indonesia), laden with all kinds of spices

and other merchandise of China and Sunda. Judging merely from the mast of this

vessel, I thought it the largest I had ever seen, for the mast was taller and thicker

than those of the Portuguese carracks; and the king of the Maldives bui lt a shed of the

length of the mast to keep it as a curiosity. I saw also another mast and a top much

larger than those of Portugal. Thus was I led to believe that in the Indies they bui ld

vessels larger and of better material than in Portugal or anywhere else in the world.

The greatest ships come from the coast of Arabia, Persia, and Mogor, and some have as

many as 2,000 persons on board”.











S.S.VICISSITUDE 1836; A sailing ship on a journey from Mauritius to Ceylon was wrecked at

ihavandhippolhu- fulu (HAA-ALIF ATOLL)

UNKNOWN WRECK (HATHIFUSHI); An unidentified wreck sank 30th july 1917

S.S.“OCEANO” (KADUFUSHI);A British 4657 ton,369 ft x 52 ft steal hulled single screw cargo ship

built in 1900 by Russel & Co at glasgow for Andrew Weir & Co, .sailing under the Bank Line flag. She

was capable of producing 403 nhp from her triple expansion steam engine. She was wrecked during

a voyage from Port Said to Calcutta with a cargo of salt on the 19th July 1917,while under the

command of Master T.George.

“CAPTAIN PENTAILS” ( FILLADHOO);3132 Ton freighter sank 4th June 1963


“ROYAL FAMILY” (RUFFFUSHI)a wooden vessel from Liverpooll, wrecked 19th Aug 1868, 1750 tons, on

a voyage from Aden to Callao in balast.




In August 1658, five months after her departure from England, the Persia Merchant

was wrecked on Maamakunudhoo Atoll, while en route to Bengal. On board were eight

chests of silver and probably gold from West Africa. Salvage was attempted at the

time of loss but was unsuccessful.

Many were drowned, but the 50 survivors were well treated by the islanders and after

one month they were given a good boat in which they sailed to Sri Lanka. Among the

survivors were Captain Roger Williams and the mariner-captain Roger Middleton, who

wrote an account of his adventures to his family after reaching India.

Middleton said the ship fi lled with water quickly, leaving the survivors with nothing and

within four hours she had broken into pieces. One of the boats sunk under the ship,

leaving just one other to rescue the victims. The survivors found their way by boat and

broken pieces of the ship to an uninhabited island south of Makunudhoo, but without

food, drink or arms.


”Being without food, wee ranged about the island. Wee found a well of water, of which

wee dranke like pigeons, lifting head and harts for soe greate a mercy. Thus drinking

water, by good providence wee found coker nutt trees, which is both food and payment,

soe wee went by the sea side and found little shell fish and the like, but wanting fire

wee tooke sticks and rubbed them together untill they kindled, thus wee lived heare

ten or twelve dayes, not knowing wheather it was better for us to be seen by the

Neighbouring Islanders, for the ancient seamen sayd they would cutt our throats. Att

last there arived three of their boats full of men, which wee dreaded but could not


The stricken castaways were taken to the island of Kuburudhoo (South

Thiladhunmathee) "where wee had fish and other good things, as honey and rice, on

which wee, feed like farmers". For the price of a gold chain and a 100 dollars from one

of the merchants, they obtained a vessel and sai led to Ceylon.

“HAYSTON” (MAKUNUDHOO)An English sailing vessel with a cargo of wine, spices, metals and glass

was wrecked “in the MALE ATOL” in 1819

The Hayston, a three-mast English vessel commanded by Captain Sartorius, set

out from Isle-de-France ( Mauritius) for Calcutta on July 1, 1819. For several

days bad weather had prevented them from taking any observations and on July

20 at 8pm, some reefs were noticed in the gloomy darkness. There was little

time to tack and the ship struck the reef on Maamakunudhoo Atoll on the north

west of the Maldives. Within a quarter of an hour, there was seven feet of

water in the hold and the ship's crew were at the mercy of the elements.



Next morning the sailors discovered they had run on to an enormous reef, as far

as the eye could see, which turned out to be covered with water on the high

tide. A small islet was seen by telescope 25 km away which they called the "Isle

of Hope". On the 22nd, three sailors tried to reach this isle by raft but were

never seen again.

On the 24th, every sailor was employed in building a raft large enough to carry

them all, but when it was nearly completed the Lascar sailors cut the rope and

sailed away. One man who tried to reach them, was threatened with an axe.

The long boat was taken out from the ship but was damaged on the reef and

went adrift with a woman and her two daughters and three men, who were never

heard of again. Then the barge was launched and it was not long before she

capsized and split on the reef.

A Maldivian sailing boat was seen and appeared to be heading in their direction,

so an officer, Schultz, and some crew gave chase in a dinghy. After several

hours rowing, they found they were separated by the boat by a big reef and it

passed by without noticing the castaways.

Two more sailors, Serang and his brother, were separated from the remaining

survivors when a raft on which they were paddling between the reef and the

shipwreck, was caught in the current and drifted away to the south east. In

another accident, a rope was stretched between the reef and the ship and a

young boy died trying to return to the ship.

Finally, on the 26th some sailors embarked on the small dinghy and sailed for

the Isle of Hope. They were discovered by fishermen from the island of

Makunudhoo and the remaining passengers were rescued. The survivors arrived

in Male on August 4 and were treated with much hospitality.

On August 10, Serang and his brother arrived in Male'. After drifting away on

their raft, they spent three nights and four days out at sea and passed eleven

islands before they landed on an uninhabited island. They were both very weak

and survived on coconuts before being rescued by a passing fishing boat. They

were conducted to t he island where the fishermen lived and were treated with

much kindness.

On August 14, the six Lascars who stole the large raft, arrived at Male'. They

resorted to lies to explain the infamy of their behaviour, claiming the raft had

been broken, had gone adrift and the current had carried them away. Despite

their treachery, they were treated equally by the sultan.



The wreck of the Hayston is noted for the humanity of the Maldivians and

generosity of the sultan. In all cases, the castaways were well provided for and

the sultan would not allow them to pay for anything in his country.

NUUNU ATOLL- SHAVIYANI GEORGE REID 1872 115 ton British iron hulled sailing ship on a journey from London to GALLE to

pick up a cargo was wrecked “ on the south west barrier of milaghummadulu atoll (SHAVIYANI and

NOONU ATOLLS)” on 25th September 1872 �





The Skipjack 11 was being towed out to sea to be scuttled when it caught fire and was cut from its

tow. It drifted onto the reef between the islands of FELAVARU and GAAVERIFARU sinking stern first,

he bow still protruding out of the water to this day. She had been a fish factory then used as a freezer

unit until it was no longer serviceable. The stern of the vessel is in 30 mtrs, holds and superstructure

easy to explore. Strong currents can prevail over both wrecks.

The attitude of the wreck makes for an exhillerating dive-strating off with a plummet down the

outside sheltered from the current with a visit to the wheelhouse on the sae bed.

If no current is present then a swim to explore the second wreck is a must, otherwise you can swim

slowly up through the hull of the Skipjack.

We made several dives on these two wrecks and witnessed eagle rays sweeping into the seebed




M.V.GAAFARU, FACTORY SHIP Only 30 mtrs away from the SKIPJACK is another factory ship, this one

also scuttled but now lies on its portside in 30 mtrs. Festooned in marine life it is a dive or two in its

own right-with endless photo opportunities

Both wrecks are totally covered in marine li fe and are full of sweepers and reef fishes. The structure is

relatively intact and there are many areas to explore inside the wrecks.

Like father like son; a very young Matthew Collings on his first wreck expedition, exploring the bridge

of the Skipjack.


THE CORBIN The Corbin was a French ship of 400 tons, which set sail from St

Malo with the Croissant on May 18, 1601, in search of trade with the east.

Plagued by misfortune and ill discipline, the Corbin was destined for disaster

and met its end on Goidhoo, or Horsburgh Atoll, on July 2, 1602. It was carrying

a cargo of silver and attempted salvage at the time of loss was unsuccessful

because of deep water.

At the start of the journey, a bad omen occurred when the mast broke and the

crew threatened to jump ship. Sickness and desertions threatened the



expedition before the ship had even begun to cross the Indian Ocean. The

stifling heat had destroyed many provisions, the water was putrid, fish and

meat had gone bad and was full of big worms, butter had turned to oil, and

scurvy was rampant. A short stay of 15 days at Malailli, one of the Comoroes

islands, vastly improved the health of the crew before they crossed the Indian

Ocean. On July 1, some reefs and islands were sighted which were correctly

recognized as the Maldives by the English pilot. The night was supposed to be

spent beating about, but the Corbin was virtually left to herself. During the

night the captain was ill and in his bunk, the mate and second mate were drunk

and the watch was asleep. In the early hours of the morning of July 2, the ship

struck the reef.

Of the 40 or so survivors, one band of 12 men stole a boat and made it to India.

Only four of the remainder survived the five-year captivity. One of them was

Francois Pyrard, who wrote about his adventures when he returned. It wasn't

until February 1607, when an expedition from Chittagong invaded the capital,

that Pyrard and his three remaining companions were taken to India and

eventually returned to France. Ironically, it was the excellent cannon on board

the Corbin that the raiding party was after, which eventually freed the

captives. The treatment of Pyrard and his companions by the Maldivians was

uncharacteristically cruel but their fate was largely determined by their

conduct in the days following the wreck of the Corbin. All the silver and the

most precious merchandise were stowed at the bottom of the ship which, after

running onto the reef was under water and irretrievable. What remained of the

silver was hidden in their waistbands.

During their first night on Fulhadhoo, they hid their waistbands for fear they

should be searched by the islanders. At length, the sailors obtained little to eat

and were dying of hunger, so they unearthed the coins and offered money for

food, which they received. In turn, the natives would give nothing except for

money and before long the coins started to run out.

Pyrard wrote: “those who had money, and who by this means could obtain food,

filled their bellies without discretion; and being in a country where the air is

very unhealthy for all strangers, even for those of a similar climate, they fell ill,

and died one after another, nay more, in place of receiving aid and consolation

from their fellows, those who were without money and in great need came and

stripped them, and took their money before they were dead, the healthy who

survived fought with one another who should have it, and banded themselves

two against two, and finally messmate against messmate, with so little charity,

that they would see their comrades and fellow countrymen die before their



eyes without giving them any assistance or succour. I have never seen a sight so

pitiable and deplorable”.

Pyrard was taken with two other crewmembers to another island, Fehendhoo.

Unlike the others, they had no belts of money and although this caused some

trouble at first, they found they were better off with nothing, as little by

little, the natives gave them some food. News of the wreck and the money

reached Male and commissioners were sent to Fulhadhoo to secure the wreck on

behalf of the sultan. All merchandise and money from shipwrecks automatically

became the property of the sultan and Maldivians were prohibited from selling

anything to the shipwreck victims. When the commissioner arrived at Fulhadhoo,

he demanded to know who had the money from the vessel. To get hold of it, he

arrested all the inhabitants, even the women, and had their thumbs put into

cleftsticks and squeezed and bound with iron clasps, to see if they would

confess. The villagers on the island of Pyrard's captivity were in no trouble

when it was proved they had taken nothing, for which they were grateful.

Pyrard took great pains to learn their language and by doing so was able to

largely determine his own destiny and obtain an insight into Maldivian society

never before seen by a westerner, on which he wrote extensively.


”I have remarked that nothing served me so much, or so conciliated the goodwill

of the people, the lords, and even the king, as to have a knowledge of their

language, and that was the reason why I was always preferred to my

companions, and more esteemed than they”.

The wreck of the Corbin may have passed unnoticed through history were it not

for the historical accounts left by Francois Pyrard. His account of the wreck

and ensuing captivity makes compelling reading and his description of l ife in the

islands and the customs of the people make his book a valuable source of

reference for historians and students of Maldivian history and culture.








S.S.ERLANGEN This was a 2750 ton iron hulled German steamship, built by Blohm und Voss,at

Hamburg 1889.She was 321 ft long with a 38ft beam, and her triple expansion engine could deliver

320hp.She was described as a twin deck steel screw schooner, mastered by Captain E Oohnsorg. She

sank during a storm in 1894 while on a voyage from Cylon to Germany fully laden.

Until quite recently, it was thought this was the large wreck lying in a central location on the reef,

however when the Red Sea Wreck Academy carried out a survey of the area looking for the

S.S.ARACAN, a fiddlers plate revealed a new identity to the wreck age. Thus the ERLANGEN remains


S.S.SEAGULL 1012 ton, 32 crew 2 passengers, reputed to have sunk in 1879 similar in build to the

Dunraven lies on the north east of Gaafaru Island. She was a Carnatic like ship, iron hulled, single

screw, primitive steam engine and rigged for sail. She was on a voyage from London to Calcutta .

The stern is the only part which is relatively intact and lies on its starboard side in 35 mtrs at the

base of the reef. The wreckage starts in 5 mtrs and is strewn over the reef covered in corals. Her bow

sprit points towards the surface but is also well dispersed. Remains of the 2 cylinder inverted

compound engine can still be seen in the shallows.There is also evidence of a traction engine, and this

may play a part in the eventual identification of the wreck. Despite intensive research we have not

been able to formally identify this wreck or prove that a ship of this name existed, and confirmation

would be welcomed!

THE LADY CHRISTINE A cable laying vessel which ran aground on April 16th 1974 in a heavy swell on

the western side of the atoll below Hulhangu Kandu, while laying communication cables. Despite

salvage attempts she sank and her remains now lie from 10 mtrs to 30 mtrs, Her engine cable laying

drums and other deck fittings can be explored and the entire wreck is covered in a vast array of

corals , supporting a great multitude of fish li fe. Built in 1965 at Bremerhaven by SCHIFFB

UNTERWESSER. Panamanian registered she was owned by International Offshore Services ( Liberia)

Ltd 862 tons, 178 ft long with a 32 ft beam and a 23 ft draught . (dodas3/263)




Built in 1854 at Whitehaven for the Brocklebank Shipping Co,1174 TON iron hulled ,Glasgow

registered vessel, voyage from Rangoon to London sank Aug 12 1873, 42 crew 12 passengers (alt

spec-788t,183x 37 x23). Her Master was SC Harwood. The wreck now lies in two halves, Located to

the west of Iruvai Kandu. On the northern tip of the atoll, the stern in 45 mtrs on its starboard side

with a typical propeller of its day ( akin to the Ulysses).The engine room can be explored revealing

her triple expansion engine. Lying in the reef are her two massive boilers masts and cargo remains.

Her bow section now well dispersed lies in 15mtrs and the ribs and framework make excellent photo


She was the subject and one of the main targets for the RSWA, however, noticing a raised section on

the windlass sitting upright in the shallows, members of the team cleaned away the concretion to

reveal the date 1871,and DUMBARTON. Clearly this could not be the Erlangen-she wsa not built until

1889.Our contacts in Glasgow confirmed that the ARACAN was fitted with a steam windlass in 1871





“CLAN ALPINE” ( GAARARU) 362 barque wrecked October 1879 on a voyage from Mauritius to

Bombay with a cargo of sugar registered at Lieth.

“CRUSADER” ( GAARARU) Wrecked in 1905,with a cargo of sugar cargo sugar,she lies 200mtrs north

of the shallow entrance at Gaaararu.The anchor is visible at low tide.,with her funnel,ribs and spars

in shallow water


“SWISS” (HELEGELI) 1397 TON iron hulled barque, cargo of iron, sank May 29th 1890 on route from

Pondicherry to Marsailles.

DHORAMA,lies on top of the reef south of the Swiss and is broken up



A makers plate, the “Fiddlers Seat” was

uncovered on the windlass of the wreck

thought to be the Erlangen, revealingher

true identity;

Matthew Paul &co, DUMBARTON 1871






Built in Scotland at Lieth by Henry Rob Ltd. The 1420 ton, 82 mtrs general cargo motor vessel was

owned by the Maldives Shipping Co. She was returning to her home port from Singapore when she

struck Helule Island reef at the entrance to Male Harbour on feb 12th 1981 and sank on the west

side of the reef next morning.

Perhaps the best wreck in the Maldives, sitting upright and swept by strong currents she is a

challenging and worthwhile dive, worthy of several vists. Her accommodation block offers exiting

areas of exploration for the experienced diver trained in wreck diving techniques.




TUGBOAT WRECK Only 20 mtrs long this is an intact tugboat, sitting upright in 22 mtrs. Sunk as a diving attraction in 1988, it has an intact wheelhouse forward, with mast still in place, behind which is a small hold , with deck winches at the stern. The wreck is a haven for marine life and there are a vast assortment of invertebrates as well as fish to be encountered


THE DREDGER WRECK, “RANNAMARI”. Having completed its work in land

reclaimation this 21 mtrs dredger, originally from Singapore, was stripped

of its engine, batteries, oil and other contaminates and prepared for sinking

as a diving attraction on the 25th April 1999,Before she could be sunk she

filled with water and sank of her own accord. She now lies on a flat sandy

bed in 25 mtrs on her side.


GURAIDHOO WRECK In the 16th century, a Chinese ship with a cargo of

porcelain and Chinese merchandise was wrecked near the island of Guraidhoo .

Pyrard, who visited the island in 1605 recorded

”I was at that island one day, and saw the mast and rudder of the ship that was lost

there. 1 was told it was the richest ship conceivable. It had on board some 500 persons,

men, women, and children, for the Indians take the greater part of their household to

sea with them. These 500 persons were nigh all drowned, and there remained but a

hundred saved. This ship came from Sunda (Indonesia), laden with all kinds of spices

and other merchandise of China and Sunda. Judging merely from the mast of this

vessel, I thought it the largest I had ever seen, for the mast was taller and thicker

than those of the Portuguese carracks; and the king of the Maldives bui lt a shed of the

length of the mast to keep it as a curiosity. I saw also another mast and a top much

larger than those of Portugal. Thus was I led to believe that in the Indies they bui ld

vessels larger and of better material than in Portugal or anywhere else in the world.

The greatest ships come from the coast of Arabia, Persia, and Mogor, and some have as

many as 2,000 persons on board”.

“Old folk on Guraidhoo still talk about a wooden ship believed to be wrecked on Medhu Faru near Guraidhoo centuries ago;



however no visible remains are to be seen”. Halaveli wreck(Stingray wreck) Sank in 1001 as a diving attraction this 40

mtr long coastal cargo ship sits upright in 30 mtrs close to the reef. on a

sandy shelf The superstructure and engine room ar positioned aft. Attracts

a large varaiet of life, although the stingrays seem to be less apparent



FISH TRANSPORTER WRECK, KUREDO Located at the northern end of Viligili

Falhu, this is a 30 mtrs long fish transport vessel lying with her stern in 35 mtrs

and her bow rising up towards the surface. The wheel house and holds are full

of sweepers and the wreck is heavily encrusted. With soft and hard corals.

There is a swim through under the ships keel and here fish gather at a cleaning


FESDU WRECK Located at the northern end of VILIGILI FALHU, this is a 30 mtr trawler sitting intact

and upright on a sloping sandy bottom from 35 to 29 mtrs, with a surrounding eel garden.A small 3

cylinder steam engine can still be found and access is via thegalley at the rear of the wheel house.

The wheelhouse and holds are full of sweepers and the deck and superstructure are covered in both

soft and hard corals Its compactness allows for full exploration and is great for photography.



HALAVELI WRECK (STINGRAY WRECK) Sank in 1991 intentionally as a diving attraction, this 40 mtr

long coastal cargo ship sits upright in 30 mtrs, close to the reef on a sandy shelf. The superstructure

and engine room are aft and her holds forward (similar to the Russian wreck at Zabagad)

KUDA GIRI WRECK A 40 mtr long cargo ship sitting upright in 30 mtrs to within 15 mtrs of the

surface. The superstructure is situated aft, with raised stern and winches, forward of the bridge is a

single hold, foremast then raised fo’c’le. Many areas of easy access for penitration.The handrails and

canopy are totally encrusted, intact and teeming with life.Large green trees of coral grow all over

the wreck and the winch is surrounded by clouds of antheas. Purpose sunk as a diving attraction




KHUDI MAA. Situated near the village of Machchafushi, in the south east of

South Ari Atoll, this is the wreck of a bulk cargo ship some 44mtrs long. She

sits upright in 31 mtrs of water on a sandy bottom, her masts still rising to

within 10 mts of the surface. She is covered in life from bow to stern and

attracts large shoals of horse eyed jacks, and snappers. The superstructure is

situated aft above the engine room. The Galley, helm radio mast and funnel are

all interesting features. Forward of the bridge is a crane with its jib pointing

forward, the control cab easily accessible. One continuous hold runs towards the

bow, home to many spinney lobsters. Her fo’c’sle is accessed from a deck hatch

and her anchor chain runs out to the nearby reef.

AL KARIM. Located near Ranveli Village on the east side of South Ari Atoll. A

bulk cargo ship sitting upright in 33mtrs about 60 mtrs long, on sand

,surrounded by an eel garden. Sunk in 2000, her superstructure boast 3 levels

and is located aft and features a galley, bridge, ajoining corridors and access to

the engine room. Her engine was removed prior to sinking.The holds are empty

are are beginning to fill with sand.The fo’c’sle has an anchor winch and square

ventilators run the length of the wreck






FAAR ATOLL- HIMITHI “DURAS”1777 A French sailing vessel wrecked on the 12th April 1777

Km agro mina 11. In November 2009 the fishing boat KM AGRO MINA 11 was

purposely sunk at the north side of FILTHEYO in 30mtrs as an attraction for

resident divers.





MADI GE A small trawler sank in September 2000 off Mirihi resort.

Lies bow down in the sand and attracts batfish glass fish and jacks

in 20 mtrs

RHANDI 11 Situated on the south east corner of South Ari Atol sunk

in 1998 in 20 mtrs

DURAS A French sailing vessel which sunk in 1777, april 12th.

ALIF ATOLL- KURAMATHI “SS REINDER” REINDEEER? British vessel, registered in Liverpool, on a journey from Mauiritius to

Galle in ballast 965 ton, 26 crew wrecked 29th may 1868

VAAVU ATOLL- HIGAAKULHI “PIONEER” A general cargo vessel, built in 1899 at Danzig by Johannsen as the “RIO” she later

became the EXPRES Then the EXPRESS before she was renamed by her final owners O Nielson

(Denmark).She Was wrecked on a voyage from Colombo to Male was wrecked on 13th May 1958

with a general cargo. Fitted with oil engines, 2 SA 2cy 320x320(91 X 20 X8)


RAVENSTEIN” The 800 ton Dutch East Indiaman Ravestein was sailing to Jakarta from

the Netherlands with a valuable cargo of gold and silver when it ran aground at

Madhuveri Island in Mulaku Atoll on May 8, 1726. At the time of loss, nine chests of

silver and one chest of gold were recovered. The captain, Antony Klink, sent the rest of

the crew to Male', while he remained for one month at the island near where the vessel

was lost. The arrogant conduct of Klink tested the patience of the Maldivians, in

particular, Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar II (1720 - 50 AD). In a letter sent to the Du tch

Governor of Ceylon, the sultan said Klink did nothing but complain bitterly of the

inhabitants of the islands.

The Sultan wrote:

”He [the captain] expected them to work like European sailors, not taking into

consideration the fact that they are only wretched creatures who look upon the

smallest service extracted from them as a grievous oppression. You are well

aware gentlemen, of the nature of the islanders”



When the captain arrived in Male' on June 13, he demanded from the sultan 50

men and four large boats to save the property of the company. The sultan was

outraged by this extraordinary demand and gave no answer and, in any case, was

not prepared to send boats to the site as the vessel was cast away on a place to

which a small boat can approach only with difficulty, as the seas were rough and

the surf dangerous.

The Dutch were invited to return in the calmer months to attempt further recovery and the crew of

the shipwrecked Ravestein were returned to Ceylon with the gold and silver chests and other goods

recovered from the wreck.

MEEMU ATOLL- MAALHAVELI “PRAZERE ALGERIA” The Prazer e Allegria left Lisbon, Portugal, on November 8,

1843 with 84 convicts and relief officers and others, bound for Goa, India. She

reached the Cape of Good Hope with the loss of 29 convicts from scurvy and on March

16, 1844, the crew sighted several islands which the captain declared were the

Maldives. With the current running at three miles an hour towards land, the captain

continued on the same course.

Major de Quinhones, who was in charge of the conv icts, said in a report of the disaster: ”At about 4 o'clock in the evening the ship was so near land that we could see

the people distinctly; and it was then that a little boat manned by blacks, and

with an English jack fixed at the poop, came off from one of the islands.

Approaching the ship one of the Moors pointed towards a channel which lies

between three or four islands. The Captain hailed the Moors, and told them to

come on board; but seeing the convicts they immediately departed through fear,

lowering the jack. Thus we were committed to the current, which every moment

drove us much nearer land, and upon a reef of coral which lies opposite the

second island. The night was dark, and there was lightning; the breakers dashed

incessantly on the si des of the ship, forcing her more on to the reef; at length

the rudder broke, and the ship rested; but a large leak was sprung. All of us

worked the pumps, but it was impossible to reduce the water”.

The ship had struck the reef off Muli Island in Mulaku Atoll and on the morning

of the 18th, the passengers and crew were transported to Muli Island without

loss of l ife. On the following day the cock-boat, the long boat, and a hired boat

from the villagers were dispatched in order to procure more provisions but all

three boats were sunk by waves. Eleven lives were lost mostly convicts.

The 104 survivors remained on the island of Muli for five days before being

transported to the "King's Island". It took seven days sailing by day only and stopping



the night at islands to reach Male'. The captain hired two Catamarans to transport the

survivors to Ceylon, among whom were two ladies and three children


KALHAUOHFUMMI. Noted to have sunk here in 1573,south east of

Kohovaariyaafushi,south east corner of Mukuku Atoll

DHAAL ATOLL- KUDAHUVADHOO “LIFFEY” Bui lt in 1870 by Potters at Liverpool for WCA Altringham this 3 hold screw

schooner was mastered by G.H.Rake, when on a voyage from Mauritius to Calcutta she

wrecked on 3 August 1879.The vessel was 116ft long fitted with a 2 cylinder, dirct

acting steam engine producing 30hp.

“UTHEEMU 1”Wrecked on 15th July 1960



“FRANCEOIS”The French registetred vessel was on a voyage from Bourbon to Calcutta

when she was wreckd on the 3RD JUNE 1873

LAAMU ATOLL-HADDUMMATHI “ST. CLAIR PARAMATTA” .A small sailing vessel, crew of 11 wrecked in 1855


“LAGAN BANK”A 5583 ton, British twin screw steel Steam ship with a cargo of Jute

gunnies was wrecked on 13th January 1938, while on a voyage from Calcutta to The

River Plate

“UMAANA”an unknown vessel which sank in1903


ton,469 ft long,.61 ft beam,39 ft draught, bui lt in 1958 by Cammel Laird Ltd

Birkenhead for the Cia, Navagation Elpsilom S.A. On May 15th,1969 she ran aground on

Sunadiva Atoll While on a voyage from Calcutta to the United States Gulf with a cargo



of 6.139 tons of jute gunnies, cotton and tea. Number 1 & 2 holds flooded and 3 tugs

tried un- successfully for 13 days to refloat the vessel. Most of the crew abandoned

ship and the master and 3 officers remained on board until it was concluded that the

ship was lost. The salvors then decided to break the vessel in two with explosives and

cutting, leaving the forepeak behind. This was accomplished on July 14th and the day

after the jute caught fire causing severe damage to the superstructure and the engine

room. The refloated stern section was eventually taken to Singapore to be scrapped.

GAAF ALIF ATOLL- VILIGILI UNKNOWN VESSEL.Reported to be a liner with 700 passengers on board ran aground

24th May 1902- more research required

SPIRIT Wrecked on the GAAF ALIF and GAAAF DHAAL ATOLLS, September 1856

AEGEAN 1873 An iron hulled sailing ship of 836 tons registered in Lieth, on a voyage

from Sourabaya to Amsterdam with a cargo of tobacco cotton and sugar was wrecked


ADELINE 1874A 145 TON 3 masted iron hulled schooner of French registry sailing

from MAURITIUS to COLOMBO with a cargo of sugar and empty casks which sand in


S.S.CONSETT. Built in 1872 by Mitchells ( who also bui lt the Dunraven) for William

Milburn & Co.. She was 1727 tons, 259ft long screw schooner, her 2 cylinder direct

acting steam engine was built at Hawthorns Marine engine works at Wallsend. She was

mastered by J. Hodgeson, when she was wrecked on the 7th May, 1880 sailing from

Bassien to Port Said with a cargo of rice. On the north east edge of GAAAF ALIF /





“BRITISH LOYALTY”A 5583 ton British oi l tanker, bui lt in 1928 by Palmers of

Newcastle. She survived an attack by a midget submarine in Diego Suarez harbour May

30th 1944.Damaged but repaired, she was torpedoed in Addo Atoll harbour and

remained there until the end of the war when she was sunk by gunfire from a British

warship during the British withdrawal of Gan on Jan 5th 1946

She lies between the island of MARADHOO and HITHAHOO on her starboard side in

33 mtrs. The port side is in 16mts, bow pointing north she is 140mtrs long with a cen tre

island bridge arrangement and stern engine room. The hole made by the torpedo is huge

and divers can gain access to her interior through this. Raised walkways connect the

centre island to the fo’c’sle and aft superstructure


other vessels known to have foundered

L’ ECUREUIL 204 ton French brig, registered at Bayonne,with a crew of 10 was on a

voyage from Buenos Aires to Singapore in ballast ,when she was wrecked on the reefs


TRANQUABAR A sailing vessel on a voyage to Colombo with a cargo of cloth, she was

wrecked “near MALE” on 29th Jan 1797



EUROPA A sailing vessel with a cargo of arms and cloth was wrecked “in the southern

atolls” 23 may 1812

JAMES MC INROY 1837 Exact location unknown

Kanzler;built by Blohm Und Voss, owned by Indian trading co DADA MIA

KHANDANI,3136 tons, 321 ft x 39.2 x 27, triple expansion engine, general

cargo. Sank Aug 14th 1914 Karachi to Maurtius

SS Khedive Ismail The 7,513 ton steamship was launched as the Aconcagua by

Scotts of Greenock in 1922. The Aconcagua passed into Egyptian ownership in

1935 and was renamed Khedive Ismail . In 1940 the Khedive Ismail was

requisitioned as a British troopship by the Ministry of War Transport (MoWT).

On 6 February 1944 Convoy KR-8, consisting of 5 troop ships, sailed from

Kilindini Harbour at Mombasa, Kenya to Colombo, Ceylon, escorted by the heavy

cruiser HMS Hawkins and the destroyers HMS Petard and HMS Paladin.

In the early afternoon of Saturday 12 February 1944, the Japanese B1 type

submarine I-27, commanded by Lt-Cdr Toshiaki Fukumura, attacked the convoy

in the One and a Half Degree Channel, south-west of the Maldives .

The ship was carrying 1,511 personnel including 178 crew, 996 officers and men

of the East African Artillery's 301st Field Regiment, 271 Royal Navy personnel,

and a detachment of 19 Wrens. Also on board were 53 nursing sisters

accompanied by one matron, and 9 members of the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry.

As survivors floundered in the sea, I-27 submerged and hid beneath them.

While HMS Paladin lowered boats over her side to begin rescuing survivors,

HMS Petard raced in to release depth charges. The destruction of an enemy

submarine that might sink more ships took precedence over the l ives of the

survivors, and I-27 under Commander Fukumura had a history of machine-

gunning survivors of ships she had sunk, On Petard’s third run, her depth



charges forced I-27 to the surface. Paladin rammed the submarine, in the

process causing considerable damage to herself. Finally a torpedo from Petard

destroyed the I-27.

1,297 people, including 77 women, lost their lives.