Sheep Spirit Animal _ Meaning

Post on 12-Oct-2015

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Sheep spirit animal.

Transcript of Sheep Spirit Animal _ Meaning

  • 1/22/2014 Sheep Spirit Animal | Meaning 1/4

    Sheep spirit animals remind us of times of innocence

    and vulnerability.

    Sheep Spirit AnimalThe presence of the sheep spirit animal offers ways to get in touch with the innocence and

    vulnerability in you. In the realm of spirit animals whether its in dreams or in physical reality, when

    you encounter a sheep , it usually represents an innocent, child-like aspect of yourself. Sheep

    spirit animals could also symbolize a tendency or desire to conform to social norms.

    The symbolism of the sheep generally means:

    Sheep spirit animals represent an

    innocent aspect of yourself; your

    childhood, child-like qualities

    characterized by innocence, gentleness

    Vulnerability with a negative meaning,

    weakness, vulnerability that could turn

    into powerlessness

    Vulnerability with a positive meaning:

    Self-acceptance, ability to respect your

    own limits

    A common meaning for the sheep totem

    is a part of yourself that tends to

    conform to social norms or family values.

    The sheep can symbolize a vulnerable part of you that is associated with positive or negative

    meanings depending on the overall feeling at the time of the encounter with your spirit animal.

    The sheep spirit animal has strong bonds to innocence. The presence of this power animal may

    express a longing to have more innocent, child-like qualities in our life. It could also call on

    memories of situations or events where we felt innocent, when we or life had qualities of

    gentleness, and inspire you to bring more of these qualities in your present life.

    When your spirit animal shows up in the shape of a sheep, it may point out feelings of vulnerability

    youre experiencing in your waking life. If the tone of the encounter is tinted with despair or fear,

    especially if its in a dream, the presence of the sheep suggests that youre overwhelmed by

    feeling vulnerable and powerless facing a difficult situation.

    Theres also a positive side of the presence of this power animal that sheds a brighter light on

    what vulnerability means. The presence of the sheep could mean that you are getting in touch with

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  • 1/22/2014 Sheep Spirit Animal | Meaning 2/4

    a softer part of yourself, vulnerable in a positive way as open, available to feeling in a gentle,

    innocent manner.

    When the sheep shows up in your life, it can symbolize a desire to conform, to belong to a group

    or an environment. Having a sheep as a totem could be an expression of a part of you that desires

    to be like everyone else in order to better fit in, to belong and be part of the crowd.

    An alternative perspective sees the sheep as a representation of a part of you that does not want

    to follow the same path or doctrines as the others. Being part of the crowd may feel comforting at

    first, but you may not be so happy about feeling like youre being herded and have limited

    choices because youre lost in the middle of the herd.

    Sheep spirit animals could be an expression of our vulnerability in positive way. They would

    represent vulnerability in the sense of compassionate acceptance of ones limitations or pain.

    This spirit animal points to being more tolerant with yourself, to look at emotional suffering you may

    experience in your current life with compassion and take care of yourself instead of blaming

    yourself or others for how bad you feel.

    The spirit of the sheep could be calling you to work towards a state of self acceptance of your

    limits or weaknesses or the ones of others. Theres a lot of possibility for healing in the presence

    of this animal spirit guide.

    A dream about your sheep could refer to your commitment to take care of yourself, of your needs

    in a gentle way. The dream could also relate to your commitment to your spiritual development.

    Post your ideas and comments about the sheep spirit animal by using the submission form

    below. Other people passionate about animal totems can give their comments too.

    13 Responses to Sheep Spirit Animal

    Sheep spirit animals and desire for conformity

    Healing potential of sheep spirit animals

    Dream interpretation: Sheep in dreams

    Next Step: Share your experience about your sheepspirit animal!

    January 13, 2014Matt99

    Had a dream about lots of dead sheep on a mound as I was flying past I had a

    closer look to see what was wrong and some were still alive but eating bits of flesh

    from the others, I started to lead one away and he came with me then ran off which

    was good because he was not eating with the others. All before this I was being

    chased by the police and got away with someone flying on a giant paper plate. Any

    interpretation much apresheated.


  • 1/22/2014 Sheep Spirit Animal | Meaning 3/4

    January 12, 2014grace

    i own 4 sheep and am in a 4H sheep club


    December 29, 2013Noel

    I was meditating and a lamb came into view; I felt a lot of gentleness. The face

    looked so much like the picture on this web page!! My animal spirit guide book

    didnt have lamb or sheep for some reason.


    December 3, 2013Suzy

    I walk the Red Road, but as a former follower of Jesus, I find his comparison of

    humans as sheep profound. Childlike conforming to lessons from the shepard. So

    much is woven together, aho Metakeuye oyasin


    December 1, 2013A R

    Hey,i just had a dream where a sheep appeared out of no where,for some reason it

    made me feel slightly afraid at first. But the sheep kept following me,after some

    time,i wasnt so afraid anymore. and thats all i remember


    November 6, 2013Rachel

    Well I havent had any sheep dreams recently but my name means ewe which is a

    female sheep, I caught a shiny Mareep in my pokemon game on my birthday which

    is a sheep pokemon, and recently I found one of my old sheep dolls and curently

    have it in my bedroom.


    October 11, 2013Noelene

    I had my dream last night about 9 lambs I was caring for and they were so cute each

    one was special with their own personalities. All vulnerable, playful not knowing

    whats going to happen and that is me.


    September 24, 2013Judy

    I had a dream about my past life and I had sheep which is iroinic because I had

    sheep in my currant life and want to get sheep again. so cool


    June 13, 2013Alice

    YES! this is so definitely me! innocence, check. vulnerability, double check (i have a

    history of extreme bullying and discrimination). Dreams of taking care of myself,

    check (though i always fail in my dreams). and of course my love of sheep!



  • 1/22/2014 Sheep Spirit Animal | Meaning 4/4

    Leave a Reply

    July 20, 2013rachael

    My name led me here, I looked up my name meaning it was ewe

    I thought? Ewww? lol..

    means sheep

    most the time Im a baaad girl though

    haha, not really Im very child-like, and vulnerable to bad situations

    Im probably the most rebellious sheep though :/


    October 14, 2013olivia sidhu

    They are very cute what is a sheep mean very cute sheep.


    May 13, 2013timothy

    omg this is me! for ages i was struggling with who i was and now i have found my

    animal totem to be a sheep! i have definately found my place in life



    March 10, 2013Manda

    This is the cutest one lol! I kinda feel like this could be me other then I dont

    conform. But I am very childlike and sensitive



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