Sheaf Valley Park Update

Post on 05-Jan-2016

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SHEAF VALLEY PARK Sheffield’s Central Park. Sheaf Valley Park Update. 1. SHEAF VALLEY PARK The story so far. 2005 Urban Splash develop vision for South Street Park 2005 City Council extends vision for wider Sheaf Valley Park with connections from Norfolk Park to City Centre - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Sheaf Valley Park Update

Sheaf Valley Park Update 1Sheaf Valley Park Update 1


Sheffield’s Central Park

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The story so far

• 2005 Urban Splash develop vision for South Street Park

• 2005 City Council extends vision for wider Sheaf Valley Park with connections from Norfolk Park to City Centre

• December 2005 Public Consultations in Winter Gardens and at Park Hill

• January 2006 Sheaf Valley Park submitted for Living Landmarks lottery bid. Bid rejected.

• Decision to develop masterplan for implementation in Phases – completed May 2008. Grant Associates and SCC Landscape Architects collaboration

• Consultation in October 2008 on the first phase

• 2009 – 2010 funding assembly and Planning permission for Phase 1 – HMR, Section 106, LTP, ERDF

• Start on site - Sept. 2010. Opening Sept 2011.

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• Urban Splash / City Council

•Friends of Sheaf Valley Park

•Friends of Monument Gardens

•Friends of Claywood

•Park Hill, Tenants and Residents Association

•Green Estate

•South Yorkshire Forest

•And Many Others

THE PARTNERS: Too many to count

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Sheaf Valley Park – the vision

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Sheaf Valley Park – the vision


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Norfolk Park

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Event Space

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Link to Victoria Quays

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From Green Bank………………….

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To Animated Park : The Urban Splash vision for a new place

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Sheaf Valley Park and the Green Network

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The landform splits the city into two poorly connected districts.

The major modes of transportation are in this valley i.e. the railway station, the bus station and the Ring Road.

Lack of safe DDA compliable routes and pedestrian routes between the City Centre, the station, Park Hill and Manor and Castle neighbourhoods.

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• Severance due to the road and the railway

• Lack of well defined spaces

• Lack of activity generators

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Key Linkages





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Cycle Links

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2008 Draft Framework – Links and Attractors

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Landuse context

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Bridge Connections

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Bridge Connections

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Bridge Connections

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Bridge Connections

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Bridge Connections

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Bridge Connections

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Bridge Connections

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Bridge Connections

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Currently only one realistic link south of Park Square

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2008 Draft Framework – Components Plan

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2008 Draft Framework – South Park Link

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Developing the Plan: 6 Key Moves proposed by Grant Associates

6.Reinforcing the sublime setting of Park Hill

1. Introduce well defined new uses

2.Celebrate views of the City Centre

3. Improve Connections with the City Centre

4. Remake Connections

5. Improve Connections with Park Hill

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6.Reinforcing the sublime setting of Park Hill

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Park Hill Access and Activity Terraces

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Park Hill Access and Activity Terraces

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Park Hill Access and Activity Terraces

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Park Hill Access and Activity Terraces

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Park Hill Access and Activity Terraces

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2008 City Model Context

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2008 Amphitheatre

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Amphitheatre / Event Space and Connections

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A Place for Events

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A Place for People

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A Place to sit and look at the view

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Pennine City / Metal City

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2008 Masterplan – Taking the plan to the next stage

What sort of interventions?

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Biodiversity and Sustainable Horticulture

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Sustainable Urban Drainage ?

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Architectural Interventions and structures

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Another layer of Lighting?

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Ongoing insertion of Public Art?

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Making the most of the topographic challenge?

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Celebrating our unique landscape