Shavuos 5770

Post on 07-Mar-2016

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Tefilas Hashela"h by the Gedolei hador: a rare and unique opportunity

Transcript of Shavuos 5770

On erev R

osh Chod

esh Sivan, the day the Shela”h


osh declared

to be auspicious for davening

on behalf of one’s child

ren, the Ged

olei Had

or will

daven and

recite Tefilas HaShela”h on behalf of

contributors to Kupat H

a’ir and their child


Kulam Ke’echad on the eis ratzon of erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan


A Rare and U

nique O




OOppeniinnnggg tthhhe GGGaaates oof SSaalllvvaattiiioonn

Every year, the segulah returns to us. Some families await it eagerly, practically from erev Shavuos of the previous year. 91 perutos, adding to reach twice the numerical equivalent of the word ben = 104 coins, one hundred and four messengers ascending to Shamayim to open the gates of yeshuah.

So much has already been said about this ancient, holy segulah. So many people have tried to learn its secret, its power. It is not our job to plumb the depths of the hidden Torah. Rather, we follow in the path forged for us by our Gedolim - and merit yeshuos.

“We waited six years,” a Yid from abroad writes in a touching fax that just came in to Kupat Ha’ir. ‘Then we saw your brochure, contributed ‘104’ according to

the instructions and davened. This coming Friday night, we will, with Hashem’s help, be celebrating our eldest son’s shalom zachor.”

There are so many such letters filed away in folders at Kupat Ha’ir. Many of them are small squares of paper containing just a few words: We contributed 104 coins to Kupat Ha’ir on erev Shavuos and we merited an immediate yeshuah, or similar variations of the same. Each such memo contains months and years of waiting and longing, difficulties, disappointments, hot tears, fervent prayers and – tremendous chessed from Hashem in the form of a baby girl or boy who fills a home with

light and joy.

Yeesshhuuuoss foorr OOOttthhheerrs

It is extremely touching that in so many homes on erev Shavuos, people perform the segulah, giving of their own money and davening from the bottom of their hearts – on behalf of neighbors, cousins, acquaintances.

More people perform the segulah on behalf of others

Thhee cchhecck cooonttribbbutteed bby MMMaarrana HHHagagagaaonn HHaaarravv Shhmmuuuel Haallevii Wooosnnner, shhs llil t”aa, foorr thhe sssegge uulahh of f f RaRav v Chaimm PPaPalalaagi on eerereevev Shhavvvuoss 577669..

than on their own behalf.

“They’ve been waiting for so many years already. Two years ago, they contributed on their own behalf. Last year, we contributed for them - but the long-awaited miracle has yet to occur. Maybe we need 40 families to perform the same segulah on the same erev Shavuos for this family.”

This last sentence was said with a smile, but beyond the smile lay a deep sense of hope that yes, if forty families would perform the segulah and daven from the bottom of their hearts – even the toughest of decrees would disintegrate. It just couldn’t be otherwise!

The power of Yidden doing everything in their power to help a fellow Jew is formidable indeed.

Itt iiss soso movinning to tthink abboutt what goess on inn ShS amaayim onn errev Shavavuou s, whehen heheeaps ofof “packkaagges” oof 104 pererutoss ascceend evven higgheer, flooding thhe woworldd d with tzedakkaah, chessed, sennsittivittyy to the ppaiin of others annd tht ee joy of neeeddy

taalmmidei chachchhammimm. Hakadodoshsh Barucch HHu iiis a kkind KKini gg aandd He wwantss to sshoower uss with ggoodneesss onn tthis hholy Yoomm TTovv celebbratinnng ththe day wwe aaccepeptted hiss Toorahhh andd becammee hhiss natioon. Thhhesee ppackaggees rripip aappart hharssh dddecreees, rellaxx mmiddas haadin aandd allow mmeerccy aanndd comppasssioonn a chhance too sspeeak.

Frroomm Kiseeii DDiin too KKisssei RRachamimm

These “packages” of 104 perutos convert midas hadin into midas harachamim. They divert the regular route of midas hadin and allow midas harachamim to do what has never been done before.

How much joy is generated from this, both here on earth and up in Shamayim! How much happiness, how much chessed! The world fills with chessed! It is with good reason that Megilas Rus is read on Shavuos. The megillah is all chessed and Torah is all chessed. This segulah is the practical expression of that chessed in this world!

Andd d in tthee meantimme,e in other hommes, peopllee ccontinininue waittinini g fofor ere ev Shavuosos. EvEvereryoyonne knows ssttoriries aaabbbout peoplelee whoho mmerited yeshuos – some of whohom m he kkknows personnnala ly aandn ssomo e he’s heard about from m oothehers. Ittt is now ses ven yeeeara s sisincn e KuK pat Ha’ir publicizeded thee seguululah andd alalready clcllasa srooomsm ffulu l of boys and gigirls ccould bbebe formeedd justs from chchchildrenn bborn asas aa rresesulultt, ken yyirbu. HHuHundreds of fammilies with hh dad rk, emmptpty homes are e nnow baththhed in lighhtt in joy ththanks to ththhe e performance fof this seguulalalahh.

Maran Hagaon Harav Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz, shlit”a, contributing 104 coins to Kupat Ha’ir with a pre-prepared bag of 104 individual coins on erev Shavuos 5769.

Maran Hagaon Harav Aharon Leib Steinman, shlit”a, contributing 104 coins to Kupat Ha’ir with a pre-prepared bag of 104 individual coins on erev Shavuos 5769.


The Gedolei Hador were asked about this matter as well. Is it proper to perform segulos, do they really have power beyond the power of tefilah, can a segulah overturn a decree or hasten a yeshuah – all these questions were brought to the gedolei hador, who discussed them at length.

The basic response was as follows: A.Rav Chaim Falagi, Rav of Izmir and one of the gedolei hador two hundred years ago, a giant in both the revealed and the hidden Torah, does not need our haskamah. B. The segulah is a mitzvah in its own right; the money goes to needy and humble Torah scholars. The power of this mitzvah is inestimable. C. Performing the segulah specifically through Kupat Ha’ir enhances and augments its power and ensures that the part about the money going to a “poor and humble Torah scholar,’ a condition of the segulah – be carried out in the best manner possible.

Lasst yyear, thhe geddooolei hhaador added tthah t tththe seggulah oof RRav Chhaaimm Falaggi, zt”ll, , iis helelpfull iinn anny y areaa.. Marraan Haggaon HHarrav Miichhel Yehhudahhh Leffkkowiwitz, shlit”a,a, dededicatatted thhe segulu aah foor aa refuaah shlhlleeimamah ffor a baby girll in hhis fffamilyy who waas suufffering frommm an eyee ailment. Immedediatet lyy afterr Shavuuoos, thhe baby mmerittted aa coomplete recovery.

Juustt Foollloww TThhheeir AAcctiooonss!TThiis yeaar – iinnsteeadd of aannswewerinngg quesstioonss and makiingg eexpplanattions,, thee ggedoleii hhaadoor r hhave ddeccidedd to perforrmm tthee segullah innn a mmannner ththaat willll mmake ttheeir ooppinioon on tthee mmaatter abbunddaanttly cclear.

Eight gedolei hador have performed the segulah, down to the tiny details, specifically via Kupat Ha’ir, with little bags of money prepared by Kupat Ha’ir for this purpose. Not only did they perform the segulah, they also added a heartfelt prayer and showered other contributors who would contribute their 104 coins to Kupat Ha’ir with great blessings.

A particularly poignant scene took place this year at the home of Maran Hagaon Harav Aharon Leib Steinman, shlit”a. Maran purchased with his own money a bag of coins prepared by Kupat Ha’ir. The bag contained 91 coins and an additional bag of 13 coins. He added one bag to another and contributed the coins to Kupat ha’ir. The air was charged with emotion; it was clear that performing the segulah was of great significance to him. When he finished, Maran said, “in the merit of having contributed 104 coins to Kupat Ha’ir, may all the tzaros I heard about today merit a yeshuah!”

Those present were astounded. They looked at one another in amazement. Each of them tried to remember who had been there earlier that day, which tzaros Harav Steinman had heard that morning. Some people had certainly spoken to him after davening or after Maran’s shiur. They may have exchanged no more than two words. Who knew what had been whispered into his ear?

The Nadvorner Rebbe, shlit”a, contributing 104 coins to Ku-pat Ha’ir with a pre-prepared bag of 104 individual coins on erev Shavuos 5769.

Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlit”a, contribut-ing 104 coins to Kupat Ha’ir with a pre-prepared bag of 104 individual coins on erev Shavuos 5769.


AA Onnnccce-inn--aa-Lifetiimmee Prrooommisee“SShould I wwwrite dodown tthehe date?” someeono e asasked quuuickly.

“Maran, , shlit”t”a’s wwords carry tremenndousus weieieighg t in Shamaayayim. WWithh Hashem’s help, we will yeet t heear whhoh had the mmmerit oof bbeeing here today, of unburdeninng g hihis heeaara t to Maraaan, shlhlit”a”a – and of merirititingng, wiw thout even kknoowinggg it – suchchh a ppoowweerful prommisise!”

Thhhee datte wwas Tuesddaay, 25 Iyar, 5769. Thosese of you whwho viv sitteted MMaMarann onn that daayy – rejoice and be uplifteed!d

In the face of the excitement of those present, Maran added, “And whoever contributes on erev Shavuos – may he, too, have a yeshuah!”

Wee nneeed doo nothiinnng morree ththanan repeaat t thesee marvvele oous woordds: “Whooever ccocontriibbutes on ereev v Shavavvuou s – mmay hee, tooo, haavee a yeshhuah!”

Maran Hagaon Harav Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz, shlit”a, too, was very emotional as he performed the segulah. “In the merit of these 104 coins that we have contributed to Kupat Ha’ir,” he said, “may all those who need a yeshuah be helped.”

The Rachmastrivka Rebbe, shlit”a, withdrew from his wallet a one hundred bill and another four coins, with which he purchased the bag of coins from Kupat Ha’ir and performed the segulah. “Tzedek tzedek tirdof,” he said. “This segulah is tzedakah that brings more tzedakah in its wake. This tzedakah returns to the contributor and helps him as well!”

Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlit”a, withdrew one hundred and four coins and purchased one of Kupat Ha’ir’s ready bags in order to perform the segulah. This was his way of emphasizing the extreme importance he sees in performing the segulah specifically via Kupat Ha’ir, for all the right reasons, especially the specific one that with Kupat Ha’ir, one can be certain that the money will, with Hashem’s help, reach a poor and humble talmid chacham.

The Lelover Rebbe, zt”l, davened with great kavanah and fervor that evoked much excitement and emotion among all those present at the time. When he finished, the Rebbe added, “In the merit of this contribution, may all childless couples merit righteous children, yeshuos and nechamos!” Once again, these words spread quickly and a number of people were dispatched to inform various childless couples of the Rebbe’s holy words.

The Nadvorner Rebbe and the Rebbe of Chernobyl, shlit”a, too, performed the segulah with passion and fervor and then prayed on behalf of contributors to Kupat Ha’ir and blessed them warmly.

TThhe BBags Are RReeaaddyAnd now – now all that is left is to wait for erev Shavuos.

The bags have already been prepared and distributed to the

The Lelover Rebbe, zt”l, contributing 104 coins to Kupat Ha’ir with a pre-prepared bag of 104 individual coins on erev Shavuos 5769.

The Rebbe of Chernobyl, shlit”a, contributing 104 coins to Kupat Ha’ir with a pre-prepared bag of 104 individual coins on erev Shavuos 5769.


ביו של רבי חיים פאלאג'י זיע"א א

homes of the rabbanim accepting contributions on behalf of Kupat Ha’ir. These mitzvah bags, counted and prepared by loving hands, are waiting to have

the segulah performed through them so that the gates of heaven will open wide. They’re waiting for those who want to perform the segulah exactly

in the same manner it was performed by the gedolei hador. A special meeting

of rabbanim has taken place to create a list of needy and humble

talmidei chachamim to receive the money that comes in from people

performing Rav Chaim Falagi’s segulah. They’re all truly

worthy, due to both their poverty and their character traits.

One should set aside 91 perutos and than add until twice the numerical equivalent

of the word benAnd give them to a poor and humble Torah scholar.This is a tikkun for Adam Harishon and Chet Ha’egel and the

pgam habris

The lashon of the segulah:

“On erev Shavuos,

Remembered fondly is the wealthy man…who would distribute a large sum to all the modest Torah scholars on erev Shavuos with happiness and joy, including my own relatives… I have mentioned their names so that others should see their actions and do the same, each man in his place. I have already written in my small sefer “Tochachas Chaim” of the inyan of the obligation to support Torah scholars on Shavuos more than on any other holiday”

Hagaon Harav Chaim Falagi in his sefer Mo’ed Lechol Chai, siman 8, se’if 6

And this is a segulah for childless people

And it hastens the geulah.

The rabbanim know them all personally and can vouch for them being humble Torah scholars. Just imagine the simchas hachag that will take place in these homes when they receive a special stipend in honor of Yom Tov. (Some families are not even aware that they are the beneficiaries of public assistance. These families will receive the money in any one of various clever methods that will put them at ease and spare them distress.) And just imagine the distress the rabbanim will feel after Yom Tov when they see the list of Torah scholars who did not receive the stipend…

DDrraawinngg Hashem’s GGooodnneesss Doowwwn to EEEaaarrth

Could it be that this year, everyone on the list will receive a stipend? Maybe. Hope affords us a lot of strength. The envelopes are already addressed. The messengers have been appointed. All that remains is for contributions to come in…

And come in they will. Undoubtedly they will come in. We don’t know how many will come in, true, but we can sense the expectation in the air, the tension, the public’s desire to contribute and merit yeshuos.

“Aside from the 104 perutos we contribute in order to draw Hashem’s chessed upon us, we would like to contribute once again solely lesheim Shamayim,” a family once told Kupat Ha’ir. “We’re so touched by the fact that these contributions go specifically to poor and humble talmidei chachamim on erev Shavuos, the Yom Tov that marks Hashem’s giving of the Torah. We don’t want a business deal; we don’t want tit-for-tat; we want to contribute and rejoice in the knowledge that we helped talmidei chachamim”. They did not submit names for tefillah.

We at Kupat Ha’ir were very touched. We couldn’t think how to close the gates of yeshuos to them, couldn’t think how to block the yeshuos that would surely rain down upon them – but we were touched by their sincerity, goodwill and purity.

“But this isn’t a business deal, ”Maran Hagaon Harav Yaakov Edelstein told us. “Even when you contribute explicitly for a yeshuah, the pure intentions of tzedakah for its own sake are still there, and that gives Hashem nachas ruach”.

Thee GaGates of SShah mayim are open wide. EErev Shavvuoos, thhehe timme oof preparrata ion for kabbalas haTToorah, is a ppowowerffuful

timme. EvE eryone’ss ppreparing; everyoonne’s exciteded. WWe offfffer Hasshemm our best tetefilfi los, learnnining and tzeddakaah.

Rav Chhaia m Falagi’s segulah plays a verery imimpoorrrtant role aamoongn all this. It is a tzedakah ththatt is foolllllowed

byby yet more tzedakah ass itit opepens thhhe gates of yeshuos wide.e.

The Rachmastrivka Rebbe, shlit”a, contributing 104 coins to Kupat Ha’ir with a pre-prepared bag of 104 individual coins on erev Shavuos 5769..

Rav Dovid Abuchatzeira, shlit”a, contributing 104 coins to Kupat Ha’ir with a pre-prepared bag of 104 individual coins on erev Shavuos 5769..


You are the child of the Gedolei Hador. Kupat Ha’ir is arranging a unique event at which the Gedolei Hador will recite the tefillah penned by the saintly Shela”h 400 years ago, a tefillah for parents to recite on behalf of their children. The Gedolei Hador are your parents and you are the

child they’re davening for!

A Holy,Auspicious Time

Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan.

All over the world, Yidden recite with great emotion the ancient, saintly prayer penned by the saintly Shela”h some four hundred years ago specifically for this auspicious time.

Erev Rosh Chodesh is a Yom Din, a “mini Yom Kippur.” It is a day upon which the record books are opened and a spirit of forgiveness and eis ratzon rests upon the world.

The month of Sivan, the month of the giving of the Torah, is a holy time.

Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan is a Yom Kippur of ruchniyus, of Torah, of spiritual ascension and closeness to Hashem and His mitzvos.

The saintly Shela”h, the leader of all of Klal Yisrael in his time both in the revealed Torah and the hidden

Torah, penned a heartfelt tefillah for this special time, erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan.

An Inspiring, Heartfelt Tefillah

This tefillah, composed mainly for fathers and mothers to recite on behalf of their offspring, touches a deep chord in the heart of every Jew. Ruchniyus and gashmiyus, present and future, good health, an abundant livelihood, shidduchim, marital harmony, success – it’s all there. Aside from the open, obvious requests, far deeper, more hidden bakashos surface. Even people who have no understanding of the hidden Torah can sense that this tefillah enters Shamayim through other, more hidden gates.

When a Jewish mother recites these holy words in a pleading voice, davening for her children, her soul claves to her Father in heaven. When a Jewish father pleads on behalf of his offspring, he’s offering the very essence of his heart; it’s as if he’s bringing a korban. How great are these moments; how deep and overflowing are these sentiments!

Hador will recite the tefillah penned by400 years ago, a tefillah for parents to recite on behalf of their

hild Th G d l i H d t d th

You are the child of the Gedolei Hador. Kupat Ha’ir is arranging a unique event at which the Gedolei H d will recite the tefillah penned by the saintly Shela”h

h i

The sense of tense expectation on erev Rosh Chodesh spreads from one person to another, from one family to the next. People set aside a few minutes of time just for this purpose. They take their phones off the hook, switch off their cell phones. There are no knocks on the door, no faxes coming in or going out. Everyone’s attention is focused on becoming one with the Ribono shel Olam through this special tefillah.

Can parents afford to miss this great day, this auspicious time? No way. No one is capable of denying his beloved children this wonderful gift, this uplifting tefillah for their physical and spiritual wellbeing, for their future, for their success in life, for their happiness and good fortune, for their future homes and children…

Everything on Behalf of

the Children’s Neshamos

Parents do everything for their children. They sit at their bedsides when they burn with fever, hold their hands when they go through the chicken pox, cradle them when they suffer an earache, accompany them to the dentist and provide loving support and encouragement while there.

Their hearts pound with excitement when their children start first grade and they offer up a fervent prayer when they begin high school. They ache along with them when they fall and scrape their knees on the pavement and wipe their tears when they do poorly on a test. They console them when their report card is not the greatest and nearly die of fright when there’s a threat to their safety.

Parents are there for their children when they endure the inevitable social difficulties all children do at some point or another. They sympathize when

hook, switch off their cell phones. There are noknocks on the door no faxes coming in or going

The sense of tense expectation on erev Rosh Chodesh spreads from one person to another, from one family to the next. People set aside a few minutes of time just for this purpose. They take their phones off the

h ff th ir cell phones There are no

nd with excitement when their

their son has trouble adjusting to yeshivah dorm life and have butterflies in their stomach

when their daughter delivers her first model lesson. They receive shidduch suggestions, check them out and listen carefully and attentively, offering support and wise suggestions. They’re there for the flowers and gifts as well as for the doubts and fears. They’re there when the time comes to walk them down the aisle and when the grandchildren are born. Parents are there all the time. They’re constantly at their children’s side. Actively, in spirit, financially. One can never divorce a child. Children are a part of us, a larger part than we ourselves are.

The tefilas haShela”h is all this rolled into one! Everything in the world at once, with the only type of hishtadlus for which there is full compensation for every blink of the eye, every glistening tear, every quiver of the heart: true prayer to Hashem above, tefillah to He Who can truly help, Who can truly grant success and prevent anguish and banish pain and distress.

This exalted time during which the Tefilas HaShela”h is recited is the essence of parenthood. The best of the best, the very peak.

The Gedolei Hador are parents and they recite the Shela”h’s

prayer – for you!And this tefillah, from the Gedolei Hador – for you, contributors, is Kupat Ha’ir’s gift to its contributors.

The Gedolei Hador carry Am Yisrael in their arms the way a nursemaid carries a baby – with love, compassion and concern. Their gaze is far-reaching and they take everything into consideration when helping us reach decisions-present and future, difficulties and hardships, spiritual fortitude and physical strength. The Gedolei Hador are the spiritual parents of our entire nation. They are our leaders, they pave the way for us, they greet the incoming generations, cultivating them and supervising their growth.

And contributors to Kupat Ha’ir are the spiritual children of the Gedolei Hador.

Did you ever wonder why the Gedolei Hador invest so much time and effort, even taking off time from the hours devoted to Torah study or public service and sometimes departing from their usual custom – for the sake of Kupat Ha’ir? Why is it that they’re prepared to devote the holiest, most auspicious times of the year for contributors to Kupat Ha’ir? The answer is that they want to strengthen Kupat Ha’ir as much as possible so that it will be able to provide for all those who seek its assistance.

Kupat Ha’ir is Crucial for Our

GenerationThe Gedolei Hador do this with unmatched love and devotion, because Kupat Ha’ir is the guardian of chareidi Jewry in Eretz Yisrael. Without it, beautiful families would break apart and precious children would tumble out into the streets without anyone to care for them. The tzaros come in droves, the economic situation is deteriorating steadily and more and more families keep joining

lesson. They receive shidduch suggestions, check them out and listen carefully and attentively,

ff d Th ’consideration when helping us reach decisions-

d f d ffi l d h d h

their son has trouble adjusting to yeshivah dorm life and have butterflies in their stomach

when their daughter delivers her first model i hidduch suggestions check

The Gedolei Hador carry Am Yisrael in their arms the way a nursemaid carries a baby – with love, compassion and concern. Their gaze is far-reaching and they take everything into

h decisions-

the ranks of the needy.

Kupat Ha’ir is keeping matters at bay. Kupat Ha’ir is preventing matters from spinning out of control as it helps families get back on track.

The Gedolei Hador are aware of Kupat Ha’ir’s activities. They know it up close and personal from their position as its managers who make every decision, big or small.

They are aware of how crucial a role it plays, how critically it is needed. They know that it is a matter of pikuach nefesh for our nation, for our generation.

Anyone who supports Kupat Ha’ir, anyone who contributes anyone who acts as a partner – becomes the apple of the Gedolei Hador’s eye.

And when the Gedolei Hador recite the tefillah on behalf of themselves and their children – it is only natural that contributors to Kupat Ha’ir are in the list right along with their biological children!

They feel as parents to contributors! They feel responsible for them; they want to see them happy and successful!

Eight Fiery TorchesEight Gedolei Hador, eight fiery torches, Eight pillars upon which the world rests – will simultaneously recite Tefilas HaShela”h on behalf of contributors to Kupat Ha’ir.

Maran Hagaon Harav Aharon Leib Steinman, shlit”a, Maran Hagaon Harav Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz, shlit”a, Maran Hagaon Harav Nissim Karelitz, shlit”a, the Nadvorner Rebbe, shlit”a, Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlit”a, the Rebbe of Chernobyl, shlit”a, the

Rachmastrivker Rebbe, shlit”a and Maran Rabi Dovid Abuchatzeira, shlit”a – eight great lights of this generation will all clear their schedules and recite the Tefilas HaShela”h with great fervor at the very same time on Thursday Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan on behalf of contributors to Kupat Ha’ir.

What a event that will be! What an event!

Eight fiery torches ascending heavenward, eight pure hearts beseeching the King of Kings. One heartrending prayer, saintly and pure, soaring upwards simultaneously from eight pure mouths on the auspicious time of erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan.

And who will they be davening for? On whose behalf will they plead?

For you!

On yours!

You are the one standing in the center. You, the contributor to Kupat Ha’ir.

It is upon you that their tefillah will center. It is for you that they will shed tears, your happiness and success they long for – and Hakodosh Baruch Hu will see that!

How great these moments will be, how exalted! Just think of the holiness that will envelop the world at that moment, boosting the tefillos higher and higher!

For you!

The holy words of the Tefilas HaShela”h cry out all on their own, they pray themselves…

“And so I come before You… and I cast my supplication before You… grant me sons and daughters and may they, too, be fruitful and multiply – they and their children and their grandchildren until the end of all



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nnhe ranks of the eedy




generations – so that they and I might be engrossed in

Your holy Torah…fulfilling all the words of Your Torah’s

teaching with love..”

Picture Maran Hagaon Harav Aharon Leib Steinman, shlit”a, reciting this prayer on behalf of you and your children! That you merit sons and daughters and that they, too, be fruitful and multiply, and that all of you, the whole tribe, until the arrival of Moshiach, be osek beTorah and mitzvos, all of you loyal to Hashem and His Torah! Is there anyone among us who is not concerned for the chinuch of his offspring? In today’s materialistic generation, as secular culture seeps insidiously into our midst – who is complacent about his children’s spiritual welfare? But Maran Harav Steinman, shlit”a, will pray for you, that in your family, everyone remain loyal to Torah and mitzvos forever and ever…

“Grant us all long and blessed life” – Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlit”a, will say these holy words on your behalf, contributors to Kupat Ha’ir. A long and blessed life! For you, for your children, for your family!

“Remember us for eternal life” – life in the World to Come. Maran Hagaon Harav Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz, shlit”a, will plead on your behalf “that

my children and grandchildren be upright offspring

…” Can you fathom an event at which Harav Lefkowitz prays, his eyes streaming hot tears – and you know that those fervent prayers are for you?! Maran the Nadvorner Rebbe, shlit”a, will say “May they become people of Torah, masters of Mikra

(Scripture), masters of Mishna, masters of Talmud…” What a blessing; what a blessing! Has anyone ever merited so lofty a string of blessings from the Gedolei Vetzaddikei Hador, shlit”a? Maran Rabbi Dovid Abuchatzeira, shlit”a, will rap on the gates of Shamayim and request that your offspring be “people of sterling character, and may they serve

You with love and with truth, internalized fear of

Heaven,” and you’ll be able to look at the family you’ve raised, or that you will yet merit to raise, and see the amazing influence of these blessings on your offspring! Maran the Rachmastrivker Rebbe, shlit”a will cry out on behalf of you and your children, “Please give each individual among my

descendants all their needs in an honorable fashion,

and grant them health, honor, strength, and give them stature, beauty, charm and kindness.!” What more could one ask for? What more? Good health and strength, stature, beauty, charm and kindness! Charm in the eyes of people, kindness from Hashem, long life, a good and blessed life…

Maran Hagaon Harav Nissim Karelitz, shlit”a, will request, “Answer me, Hashem, please answer me, assist the offspring so that they grow to be branches which reflect their roots,” and Maran the Rebbe of Chernobyl, shlit”a, will daven on your behalf, “Provide for them proper mates from families of Torah scholars and righteous, G-dfearing Jews. And may their mates also be blessed with everything I have asked You to grant them…” One’s heart overflows with emotion at the very prospect of such a scene!

Not only will each fiery torch, each pillar of the world, each Gadol Hador, shlit”a, recite one particular part of the prayer on your behalf – but each of them will recite the entire tefillah! This

With a contribution of $120 per family.

Names may be submitted to our telephone hotline until 11:00 p.m. on Wednesday, 28 Iyar,

May 12


To the Gedolei and Tzaddikei Hador, Shlit”a

With Hashem’s help, I have given

tzedakah to worthy aniyim – to

Kupat Ha’ir – according to the

directive of the saintly Shela”h.

I have contributed ___.

Please pray on my behalf and on

that of all my children When you

recite the holy tefillah of the

Shela”h HakadoshOn the day he determined

Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan

at the unique tefillah you will recite

on behalf of contributors to Kupat

Ha’ir and their children.

Name: ___________________________________

Request: _________________________________

Name: ___________________________________

Request: _________________________________

lengthy string of blessings will pour out of eight pure and saintly hearts at once – on your behalf, dear contributors to Kupat Ha’ir!

All this on the holy day of erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, the very day that the Shela”h himself declared to be an auspicious time for the recitation of this tefillah. The very day that every Jewish parent waits for each year in anticipation that the combined power of the auspicious day and the holy tefillah penned by the Shela”h will surely move mountains. On this day, the Gedolei Hador will pray for you, dear contributors, and for your children.

One more less-well-known point. The saintly Shela”h wrote that before reciting the tefillah, one should give charity to worthy aniyim. The Gedolei Hador have testified that when you contribute to Kupat Ha’ir, every cent of your money goes to extremely worthy Yidden and that the gabba’im are trustworthy as Rabbi Chanina ben Tradayon. It is clear that the tefillah is more readily accepted when the Shla”h’s words are carried out to the letter and tzedakah is given to worthy aniyim – to Kupat Ha’ir – after which the Gedolei Hador will recite the powerful prayer.

There is nothing more to add – nor is there any need to.

May we all be zocheh!

lengthy string of blessings will poeight pure and saintly hearts at once – on your lengthy string of blessings will pour out of

The Best of All Worlds

1. On erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, the day determined by the Shel”ah Hakadosh.

2. Recitation of Tefilas HaShela”h by eight Gedolei Hador simultaneously with the approach of nightfall especially on behalf of contributors to Kupat Ha’ir.

3. After the dispensation of tzedakah to worthy aniyim – to Kupat Ha’ir – in accordance with the Shela”h’s instructions.

4. The names of contributors and their children will be presented one by one along with their accompanying requests to the Gedolei and Tzaddikei Hador, shlit”a, that they be included in their prayer.

The sum of .......................................................................................................................

On a monthly basis, For............................................................ months

One time donation .........................................................................................

Credit card # ......................................................................................................................

Expiration date .......................................... CVC ......................................................

Name .......................................................................................................................................

Address .................................................................................................................................

Tel ................................................................................................................................................

Signature: ............................................................................................................................


Name ............................................................................................................................

Address: .....................................................................................................................

City, State & Zip....................................................................................................

Phone #:.......................................................................................................................

Amount:...................... How many Months:............................................

Bank Routing #: ...................................................................................................

Account #:................................................................................................................

Signature: ...............................................................................................................


Donations can be sent to:

Rabbi Chaim Leib Epstein Shlita 1608 46th Street

Brooklyn, New York 11204

Rabbi Shlomo Feivel Schustal Shlita

1043 East 17th StBrooklyn, NY 11230-4412

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser Shlita

1336 East 21st StreetBrooklyn, New York York 11210

Rabbi Aryeh Z. Ginzberg Shlita

568 Kensington Place Cedarhurst, N.Y. 11516

Rabbi Chaim Schabes Shlita 7 Barrie Drive

Spring Valley NY 10977

Rabbi Aron Schechter Shlita

1248 East 12th StreetBrooklyn, New York 11230

Kupat Hair4415 14th Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11219

Rabbi Malkiel Kotler Shlita

521 5th StreetLakewood, New Jersey 08701

Home of Rabbi Shmuel Berenbaum Ztl

1795 East 7th StreetBrooklyn, New York 11223

Rabbi Moshe Wolfson Shlita

1574 43rd StreetBrooklyn, New York 11219

Rabbi Don Blumberg Shlita

4 Yale DriveMonsey, NewYork 10952

Rabbi Ephraim E. Shapiro Shlita

971 NE 172nd StreetNorth Miami Beach FL. 33162

at the Koseldays

TToo mmmmeeeerrrriiiiittttt ttthhhhhiiiiissss sssspppppeeeecccciiiiiaaaaallll ssssseeeeggggguuuullllaaahhh::

1. SeSeenndndndd tttthhhehee nnnnaaaamammmeee totototo bbee prprpp ayayyedededed ffffororoo aaaaloolololongngnggn wwwwittii hhh the mmmmootthththhheerrrr’s’s’s’ss nnnnaaamammmeee anannddddd aaaa spspspspecece ifiifiifiificcc reeereququqq UUUpppp toot 3 nnnaammmmmeeeessss mmmmaay y y bbbebeeee sssssenennnntt.t.t.

22. NNaaaammmememess mmmaaayayyy bbbbbee ssubububbmimimimittttttt ededee vvvviaiai ttttellle eeppe hhhoonnneen , aafffteett rr mmmmmaakkkik nnggg aaa ccrrrereddidididit t cccaardrdrdd ccononono trrrt ibbuuuttu iiioioonnn, oorrr eennnncclllloossseddd innnnn aannn n eennnvveeelloooppeeeepp wwiitti hhhh aaa ccococonntttrrriibbbbuuttititioonnn aaannnndddd mmmmmaaillleddd totooot : :: : KKuKuKuKuppaaatt HaHaaaaHH irriii 4444414115555 141414ththth AAAveveveveennunununuuee BBrBrrroooooookkkllk yyynynn, NNYY 1111112211199 99

3. MMiMiMinniiiimmumuuuumm mm mmm cococoontntntn riiriribubutiitititionon ooff $$1$1$122200.4. IIf ff yoyooy u u wwwwowoululululu dd dd lilililikekeke tttoo dedesisigngngngnatatateee aa a a spspspsppeececcciifiifiifificcc 40400 dday

periiriodddod, plplllpp eaeaeaeae sesess mmmmmakkakakake e ee a a nnonooottetetete ooooffff f itit..

Name and mother’s name:________________________

Request: ______________________________________

Name and mother’s name:________________________

Request: ______________________________________

Name and mother’s name:________________________

Request: ______________________________________

Name of Contributor:_____________________________

Telephone Number for Confirmation:________________

By a minyan of outstanding talmidei chachamim.

(minimum contribution of $120 per name)

By one outstanding talmid chacham.

(Minimum contribution of $120 required. Up to 3 names may

be submitted.)

Please print clearly.

Urgent requests are immediately forwarded to the home of the Gedolei Hador

the Gedolei Hador, shlit"a, will pray

for all the names that come in before shavuos.

Please make checks payable to: American Friends of Kupat Ha'ir

How do I donate to Kupat Hair?

1-866-221-935224 Hour Tzeddakahhotline

Send your donation in the enclosed envelope.

Call the 24 Hour Tzeddakah Hotline (donation by credit card) at 1-866-221-9352 Fax: 1-888-633-2188Email:

Send your donation to the Rabbonim in your area (see list on Envelope).

Send your donation to:Kupat Hair4415 14th AvenueBrooklyn, NY 11219





In Canada

For all information or to receive a pushka call 1-800-233-2188 Our office number in Israel: 3-671-6994

Send your donation to: Montreal: Rabbi Y. C. Wenger Shlita, 2227 Goyer Avenue, Montreal Quebec H3S 1H1

Toronto: Rabbi M. M. Lowy Shlita, 240 Carmichael, Toronto Ontario M5M 2x4 Please make checks payable to: Canadian Friends of Kupat Ha'ir

Please fill in your Hebrew name and mother’s Hebrew name

Nachas from children

For children

For a refuah sheleima (speedy recovery)

For a zivug hagun (worthy mate)

Parnassah (livelihood) with ease

זרע של קיימא


זיווג הגון

רפואה שלמה

נחת מהילדים

Please daven on my behalf for: