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Transcript of Sharing MagazineSept 2012[2]...SOMA PASTORS CONFERENCE AND MISSION BUNYORO-KITARA UGANDA MAY 2012....

September 2012

SHARING The Newsletter of SOMA Australia Inc. ABN 79599 730 234

P.O. Box 88 Tel: 02 9987 4486

Vaucluse, NSW 2030 Mobile: 0407 209 575


Mr. Bruce Moon – National Director, SOMA Australia Inc

We are involved in a spiritual war even though Satan has been defeated by Jesus triumph over him at the cross. He continues to prowl around his

principality attempting to trap and

deceive those who believe in Jesus as their Lord. One of his best deceptions is to encourage the elect to trust in the materialism and technology of today’s modern world. We often trust in the wonderful skills that have been developed over the decades and we become blinded to the need to rely on God in the fullest sense. In our churches we freely talk about living by faith yet everything is worked out using good business practice and slick programmes and the metrics of available finance, cash flows, market timing etc. This is not wrong but it can deflect our eyes off Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

In SOMA we have faced a number of issues this year where we sought out and identified the Lord’s will for the missionary work we have been called to do. We received clear calls to conduct missions in two Ugandan Dioceses, Seychelles and later in Mauritius and Madagascar but having discerned that the Lord wanted us to plan for these missions we were confronted by a total absence of team leaders and members!

National Director

SOMA Australia

After advising the bishops of the receiving dioceses of the decision to respond to their call with mission teams, for over 4 months we waited ,prayed, listened, contacted people and advertised the missions yet with barely any interest shown. We discussed what could be causing such a ‘drought’. Were missions too expensive, were they too long, was SOMA’ season over, have we grossly misunderstood the Lords vision for SOMA…….? We were challenged to stand by faith and confirm the missions and to trust for people filled with Holy Spirit and having a mission heart to come forward. We affirmed the wise saying that where the Lord has a vision He will make the provision if we are obedient. As the first expressions of interest began to be shown, we experienced illnesses and computer breakdowns that went on for too long—it seemed to be an all out attack of the evil one. Now we are experiencing the building of teams to go out on mission, people stirred within their spirit to step out of the comfort zone and make a commitment not only of time but of expense. They have counted the cost of obedience and also the joy of being available to be a blessing and encouragement to churches in Seychelles and other parts of Africa. Oh we give thanks to God for His grace and mercies.!Rejoice with us as the Lord pours out His anointing upon these teams and those valued supporters who support the teams in prayer and financially.

We have learnt a lot from this time of trial and I trust that this will stir and encourage you to fix your spiritual eyes upon Jesus even when no answers are available for this indeed is living by faith. SOMA is in the planning process for missions to the following countries that have at this stage asked for teams:-

• Seychelles

• Mityana (Uganda)

• Bunyoro– Kitara (Uganda)

• Mauritius

• Madagascar






Marre AS

SOON AS POSSIBLE. Pray with others

to see if the Lord wants you to go and

do not delay in making contact. Ask

yourself the question "Do I believe

that God can use me in bringing the

gospel and renewal ministry to others

and what is in the way of my going?"

From the National Director’s desk ………

Where the Lord

has a vision

He will make the




Bunyoro– Kitara Diocesan Mission May 2012

There were many unanswered ques-tions which needed being ad-dressed. Their spiritual needs/thirsts were met– the pastors were like a dry sponge in a pool of water. It was a unique conference because it was timely.

We were also blessed by the texture of the team; members from Australia (2), USA(3) and Seychelles (1) all blended together like they had been together for ages. There was spiri-tual unity which enhanced spiritual harmony and anointing. What came out strongly is that the conference was timely, anointed and fruitful. Another clear signal is that this needs to be carried out and we welcome one (mission) for 2013. .

The Lord’s presence and anointing was very evident right from the begin-ning up to the end of this timely semi-nar. I have been in the diocese a long time but this conference was unique in its own way. The pastors were ready for the confer-ence and waiting for a long time for there was a hunger for being minis-tered to spiritually and filled afresh.

The component of field ministries was as well as dynamite!! The team was able to minister to congregations and stand with the local ministers to implement the les-sons from the conference. Where ever they went there were deep spiritual needs. Is it not true that our Lord said the harvest is plenty but the workers are few. Let us pray to the owner of the harvest to send out more workers and equip them for ministry. Mat-thew 9:37 Rt Revd. Nathan Kyamanywa — Bishop of Diocese of Bunyoro– Kitara Uganda.

‘our pastors were like a dry sponge

immersed in a pool of water’

PHOTOS Page 3 Teressa and Christine joining the African dancing. Gary Schnelzer and John Hardie (from Texas) with Teressa Par-ish (Australia and Rev Christine Benoit (Seychelles)

Rt Revd. Nathan Kyamanywa

While we were in Uganda the country was green and lush and we were surrounded by rolling hills and many people going in all di-rections on foot or motor cycle or motor vehi-cle. Hoima, the base for our mission trip, is located 4 hours

from Kampala by road. It rained regularly while we were there because it was the rainy season.

On the first day of our mission our team met with

Bishop Nathan, who carries with him a strong

sense of the presence of God, to talk about our

role during week one as part of the first ever clergy

conference for the diocese. We were asked to

teach on the biblical foundation for healing, deliver-

ance, suffering, church growth and Christian pros-

perity. Our teaching was well received by the

bishop who indicated that the team had been sent

by God and wished that we could stay longer to

minister to the clergy who took copious notes

throughout the conference.

Members of our team took part in the diocesan ra-dio program on the first Sunday night. This pro-gram, sponsored by SOMA, goes out each Sunday evening to listeners near and far. A team member introduced the team while another spoke on the healing of the paralysed man in Mark (2:1-12). This opportunity was also used to tell people where the team would be ministering during the next week.

There were many opportunities across the mission to pray, asking God to heal people, and to engage with the people where they were, often in their own village church, and to see lives changed through the action and power of the Holy Spirit. People were so keen to be prayed for that they would line up and wait for long periods of time. On one occasion 27 people gave their lives to Christ the great-est healing people could experience.

SOMA Mission Trip to Bonyoro-Kitara Diocese Uganda in May 2012

It was difficult to keep account of God’s action in

people’s lives because on many days we each

prayed for over 150 people. On a number of occa-

sions we were involved in ‘full on’ deliverance min-

istry and saw people set free as God broke the

hold of the adversary over people’s lives. Prayer to

break curses that had been put on people, their

business or their land was common, this ministry

was both challenging and rewarding.

Members of our team preached on both Sundays at the 7, 9 and 11am services which were in either the local language or English. The task of preach-ing through an interpreter took a little bit of getting used to; however, by the end it became much eas-ier as long as you remembered to give the inter-preter a go The members of our team from Texas and Chris-tine Benoit from the Seychelles added greatly to the ministry of the team. They also grew to appre-ciate our Australian sense of humour and learnt

how to speak Australian. All members of our team were stretched and chal-lenged both physically and spiritually by the ministry we were involved in. Yet, we all had a ‘red hot go’ for Jesus and our lives as well as those of the Ugan-dan people were changed as God min-istered to us all. Rev Colin Walters Team member & team leader week #2

‘27 people gave their lives

To Christ’

YES I’d like to support SOMA

Come on a team We are constantly looking for new members to bring fresh impetus to our teams. Team members finance their own travel and costs. Trips last between 10 and 20 days. Teams are always exciting, challenging, faith build-ing and life changing. Give financially Play a part in sponsoring mission people from developing countries to join SOMA missions. Your financial gifts further this strategic work of the Holy Spirit and make a real and lasting difference to people and communities abroad. Pray Prayer and intercession are the solid foun-dation of SOMA’s ministry. Partner with SOMA in prayer and intercession in this unique and invaluable ministry. Invite SOMA carefully and prayerfully considers all invitations for teams to minister and re-sponds positively whenever we can. Please detach and return to National Director, SOMA Aust., PO Box 88, Vaucluse, NSW 2030. Thank you. My response NAME......................................




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Please.. □ Tell me about becoming part of a SOMA


□ Tell me about becoming a SOMA


□ Tell me how to financially support

SOMA’s ministry

□ Send me details of giving to SOMA elec-


□ Send me SOMA’s free regular SHAR-

ING newsletter & prayer diary

□ Contact me as I would like to invite a

SOMA team to my Diocese

□ Tell me more about my church becoming a SOMA Parish Mission Partner

□ Sponsor a mission minded person to join SOMA Aust teams

Present Prayer needs of SOMA Australia

1.An executive group of SOMA Australia is charged with the task of choosing the next National Director following the retirement of Bruce Moon in December 2012.

2.Pray for a release of the Holy Spirit in our Australian churches and for renewal to sweep the land. May this fire of renewal lead to many committing to short term mission with SOMA!

3.Pray for leaders and team members for the missions later this year and in 2013.

4.Pray for a release of funds to enable SOMA's sponsorship programme to grow and become a spark that helps the African

churches to fulfill their mission vision.

A Challenging position is available in SOMA (Australia)

NATIONAL DIRECTOR The Committee of Management is seeking expressions of interest from potential applicants for this key position which we expect to be filled by March 2013. Suitably qualified and experienced Anglican clergy and lay persons will be consid-ered.

The occupant would need to have a vital interest in and con-cern for mission and particularly to see church life inspired and empowered through the Holy Spirit. Must be able to commu-nicate with all levels of church life and be free to travel within Australia and overseas.

Remuneration would be negotiated. Currently the position is filled on a part-time basis.

A detailed job statement is available on request. Expressions of interest should be addressed to SOMA Committee Chair-man, Revd. Rex Marre at, or phone mobile 0411162517, by Friday 20th October 2012.

SOMA’s website is simple and most informative.

Interested in going on mission? Check out the YOUTUBE button on the web site and view some of the photo collages from previous missions.