Shariah Program Online - Nahw Intro 1 عِلْمُ النَحْوِ The Science of Arabic Grammar.

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Shariah Program Online - Nahw Intro 1 عِلْمُ النَحْوِ The Science of Arabic Grammar.

Shariah Program Online - Nahw Intro 1

و� ل�م الن�ح� و�ع� ل�م الن�ح� ع�

The Science of Arabic The Science of Arabic GrammarGrammar

2Shariah Program Online - Nahw Intro

اللغة العربيةاللغة العربيةStudy of the science of Classical Arabic requires Study of the science of Classical Arabic requires the study of it’s two major sub-sciences, namely the study of it’s two major sub-sciences, namely نحونحو and and صرفصرف

Morphology – the study of the patterns of Morphology – the study of the patterns of – – صرفصرفvowelization which convey tense and voice, and the vowelization which convey tense and voice, and the suffixes that reflect the gender etc. of the subjects suffixes that reflect the gender etc. of the subjects of verbs.of verbs.

Syntax – the study of how words are Syntax – the study of how words are – – نحونحوarranged to form meaningful sentences, and how arranged to form meaningful sentences, and how grammatical structure is determined by the grammatical structure is determined by the endings of the three parts of speech.endings of the three parts of speech.

3Shariah Program Online - Nahw Intro

Map of the Arabic Map of the Arabic LanguageLanguage

The most basic utterance which The most basic utterance which comes out of the human being’s comes out of the human being’s mouth is termed mouth is termed لفظ

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Map of the Arabic Map of the Arabic LanguageLanguage


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’ ’مهم�لمهم�ل‘ and ‘and ’ ’م�وضوعم�وضوع‘‘

. If it has no established meaning, it . If it has no established meaning, it is known as ‘is known as ‘م�هم�لم�هم�ل’ ’ (meaningless), (meaningless), whereas if it does convey established whereas if it does convey established meaning, it is called ‘meaning, it is called ‘م�وضوعم�وضوع’ ’ (meaningful). (meaningful).

6Shariah Program Online - Nahw Intro

Map of the Arabic Map of the Arabic LanguageLanguage


مهمل موضوع

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د دمفر� ك ب and and مفر� ر� ك بم ر� م

,could be either one word, could be either one word م�وضوعم�وضوع termed termed د دم�فر� also known as (single) also known as (single) م�فر� ;or a group of words; (word) or a group of words (word) ’ ’كلمةكلمة‘‘ك�ب �بم�ر� ك .(compound) .(compound) م�ر�

8Shariah Program Online - Nahw Intro

Map of the Arabic Map of the Arabic LanguageLanguage

لفظمهمل موضوع



9Shariah Program Online - Nahw Intro

Sentences and PhrasesSentences and Phrases

The group of words can be linked The group of words can be linked together so as to result in a together so as to result in a complete sentence; complete sentence; مفيد �ب مفيد مرك �ب مرك

كالمكالم//جملةجملة// (beneficial (beneficial combination/sentence), or it may combination/sentence), or it may constitute a phrase; constitute a phrase; مفيد غير �ب مفيد مرك غير �ب مرك(non-beneficial combination). (non-beneficial combination).

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Map of the Arabic Map of the Arabic LanguageLanguage






مفيد )جملة(

غير مفيد

11Shariah Program Online - Nahw Intro

Building Blocks of ArabicBuilding Blocks of Arabic


The Arabic ‘word’ (The Arabic ‘word’ (كلمةكلمة ) is divided into ) is divided into

three types: three types: فعلفعل, , إسمإسم and and حرفحرف. Stated . Stated otherwise, every word in the Arabic otherwise, every word in the Arabic dictionary falls into one of these three dictionary falls into one of these three categories. Unlike English which has eight categories. Unlike English which has eight parts of speech, in Arabic there are only parts of speech, in Arabic there are only three. This inconsistency will become clear three. This inconsistency will become clear only after precise definitions are given to the only after precise definitions are given to the three types…three types…

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Arabic WordsArabic Words

1.1. that gives a full independent meaning that gives a full independent meaning ’ ’كلمةكلمة‘ is the ‘ is the ::إسمإسم

in itself and is not linked to time, e.g. in itself and is not linked to time, e.g. رجلرجل (man), (man), بيتبيت (house). The category is broader than ‘noun’ in that it also (house). The category is broader than ‘noun’ in that it also includes three others from the eight English parts of speech, includes three others from the eight English parts of speech, namely pronouns, adjectives and adverbs.namely pronouns, adjectives and adverbs.

2.2. that gives a full independent meaning that gives a full independent meaning ’ ’كلمةكلمة‘ is the ‘ is the ::فعلفعل

in itself and is also linked to time, e.g. in itself and is also linked to time, e.g. ب�� �ت �ب�ك �ت ,(he wrote) ,(he wrote) ك

�نص�ر� �نص�ر�ي This is exactly the same as the ‘verb’ in (he helps). This is exactly the same as the ‘verb’ in .(he helps) يEnglish.English.

3.3. which has no independent meaning which has no independent meaning ’ ’كلمةكلمة‘ is the ‘ is the ::حرفحرفof its own i.e. can only be understood after coupling either a of its own i.e. can only be understood after coupling either a

noun or a verb to it, e.g. noun or a verb to it, e.g. فيفي (in), (in), علىعلى (on), (on), وو (and). This (and). This category includes prepositions, conjunctions, and articles.category includes prepositions, conjunctions, and articles.

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Map of the Arabic Map of the Arabic LanguageLanguage









مفيد )جملة(

غير مفيد