Shape Model-Based 3D Ear Detection from Side Face Range … and... · Shape Model-Based 3D Ear...

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Shape Model-Based 3D Ear Detection from Side Face Range Images

Hui Chen and Bir BhanuCenter for Research in Intelligent Systems

University of California, Riverside, California 92521, USA�hchen, bhanu�


Ear detection is an important part of an ear recogni-tion system. In this paper we propose a shape model-basedtechnique for locating human ears in side face range im-ages. The ear shape model is represented by a set of discrete3D vertices corresponding to ear helix and anti-helix parts.Given side face range images, step edges are extracted con-sidering the fact that there are strong step edges around theear helix part. Then the edge segments are dilated, thinnedand grouped into different clusters which are potential re-gions containing ears. For each cluster, we register the earshape model with the edges. The region with the minimummean registration error is declared as the detected ear re-gion; the ear helix and anti-helix parts are meanwhile iden-tified. Experiments are performed with a large number ofreal face range images to demonstrate the effectiveness ofour approach. The contributions of this paper are: (a) aear shape model for locating 3D ears in side face range im-ages, (b) an effective approach to detect human ears fromside face range images, (c) experimental results on a largenumber of ear images.

1. Introduction

Ear is a viable new class of biometrics since the ear hasdesirable properties such as universality, uniqueness andpermanence [1, 2]. For example, ear is rich in features; itis a stable structure which does not change with the age;it doesn’t change its shape with facial expressions, cosmet-ics and hair styles. Although it has certain advantages overother biometrics, the ear has received little attention com-pared to other popular biometrics such as face, fingerprintand gait [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. The current research has usedintensity images and, therefore, the performance of the sys-tems is greatly affected by imaging problems such as light-ing and shadows. Range sensors which are insensitive toabove imaging problems can directly provide us 3D geo-metric information. Therefore, it is desirable to design ahuman ear recognition system from 3D side face range im-ages obtained at a distance. Human ear detection is the firsttask of a human ear recognition system and its performance

affects the overall quality of the system.In this paper, we propose a simple ear shape model-based

technique for locating human ears in side face range im-ages. The ear shape model is represented by a set of discrete3D vertices corresponding to ear helix and anti-helix parts.Since the two curves formed by ear helix and anti-helixparts are similar for different people, we do not take intoaccount the small deformation of two curves between differ-ent persons, which greatly simplifies our ear shape model.Given side face range images, step edges are extracted; thenthe edge segments are dilated, thinned and grouped into dif-ferent clusters which are potential regions containing ears.For each cluster, we register the ear shape model with theedges. The region with the minimum mean registration er-ror is declared as the detected ear region; the ear helix andanti-helix parts are meanwhile identified.

The rest of paper is organized as follows. Section 2 intro-duces the related work, motivation and contributions. Sec-tion 3 describes our approach to build the ear shape modeland detect human ears in side face range images. Section 4gives the experimental results to demonstrate the effective-ness of our approach. Section 5 provides the conclusions.

2. Related work, motivation and contributions

2.1 Related work

There are only a few papers dealing with object detec-tion from range images. We give a brief review of objectdetection techniques from range images.

Chen and Bhanu [9] presented a template matchingbased detection method for extracting ears from side facerange images. The model template is represented by anaverage histogram of shape index of ears. However thismethod can not identify the ear region accurately.

Garcia et. al [10] generated a unique signature of the3D object by the Fourier transform of the phase-encodedrange image at each specific rotation. The signature definedin a unit sphere permitted the detection of 3D objects bycorrelation techniques.

Heisele and Ritter [11] proposed a method for segment-ing temporal sequences of range and intensity images. Thefusion of range and intensity data for segmentation was

Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR’05)

1063-6919/05 $20.00 © 2005 IEEE

solved by clustering 4D intensity/position features. Kalmanfilters were then used to stabilize tracking by predicting dy-namic changes in cluster positions.

Sparbert et. al [12] presented a method to detect lanesand classify street types from range images. First they cal-culated the lane’s width, curvature and relative position tothe car, then compared them with a prior knowledge on con-struction rules of different street types, and finally achievedstreet type based on the mean value of lane’s width.

Keller et. al. [13] introduced a fuzzy logic system forautomatic target detection from LADAR images. They usedtwo fuzzy logic detection filters and one statistical filter tocreate pixel-based target confidence values which are fusedby the fuzzy integral to generate potential target windows.Features extracted from these windows were fed to a neuralnetwork post-processor to make a final decision.

Meier and Ade [14] proposed an approach to separateimage features into ground and road obstacles by assum-ing the road was flat. They distinguished obstacles androad pixels using the separating plane. The plane modelwas updated by fitting a plane through all pixels marked asground. Connected component analysis was used to parti-tion detected obstacles into different objects.

2.2 Motivation

The anatomical structure of the ear is shown in Figure 1.The ear is made up of standard features like the face. Theseinclude the outer rim (helix) and ridges (anti-helix) parallelto the helix, the lobe and the concha which is a hollow partof ear. From Figure 1, we clearly see that two curves formedby ear helix and anti-helix parts are easily identified. Wecan use these two curves to guide the procedure to locatethe ear in side face range images.

2.3 Contributions

The contributions of this paper are: (a) We propose a earshape model for locating 3D ears in side face range images.(b) We develop an effective approach to detect human earsfrom side face range images.

3. Technical approach

3.1 Ear shape model building

Considering the fact that the curves formed by ear he-lix and anti-helix parts are similar for different people. Inthis paper, we construct the ear shape model from one per-son only. We plan to work on building a generic ear modelfrom multi persons. We extract ear helix and anti-helixparts by running step edge detector with different thresh-olds, choose the best extraction result, and do the edgethinning. By running connected component labeling, weextract the edges which correspond to ear helix and anti-helix parts. We define the ear shape model � as 3D co-

Figure 1. The external ear and its anatomicalparts.

Figure 2. The textured 3D face and overlaidear shape model.

ordinates ��� �� �� of � vertices which lie on the ear he-lix and anti-helix parts. � is represented by a �� � � vec-tor ���� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� � � � � ��� ��� ���. Figure 2 showsthe 3D side face range image with textured appearance, inwhich the ear shape model � marked by yellow vertices isoverlaid.

3.2 Step edge detection and thresholding

Given the step face range image, the step edge magni-tude, denoted by �����, is calculated as the maximum dis-tance in depth between the center point and its neighbors ina small window [15]. ����� can be formulated as follows:

�������� �� � ������ ��� ���� �� � � ��� (1)

�� � ���� � �� � � � � ����

where is the width of the window and ���� �� is the �coordinate of the point��� ��. To get the step edge magni-tude image, a � window is translated over the origi-nal side face range image and the maximum distance cal-

Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR’05)

1063-6919/05 $20.00 © 2005 IEEE

culated from equation (1) replaces the pixel value of thepixel covered by the center of the window. One example ofstep edge magnitude image is shown in Figure 3(b). In Fig-ure 3(b), larger magnitudes are displayed as brighter pixels.We can clearly see that most of the step edge magnitudesare small values. To get edges, the step edge magnitudeimage must be segmented using a threshold operator. Theselection of threshold value is based on the cumulative his-togram of the step edge magnitude image. Since we areinterested in larger magnitudes, in our approach the top ��(� � ���) pixels with the largest magnitudes are selectedas edge points. We can easily determine the threshold byinvestigating the cumulative histogram. The thresholded bi-nary image is shown in Figure 3(c), while the original sideface range image is shown in Figure 3(a).

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3. (a) Original side face range image.(b) Its step edge magnitude image. (c) Its stepedge image.

3.3 Edge thinning and connected Component la-beling

Since some step edge segments are broken, we dilate thebinary image to fill the gaps. The dilated image is shownin Figure 4(a). We proceed to do edge thinning and the re-sulting image is shown in Figure 4(b). The edge segmentsare labeled by running connected component labeling algo-rithm and some small edge segments (less than 15 pixels)are removed. The left edge segments are shown in Figure4(c).

(a) (b) (b)

Figure 4. (a) Dilated edge image. (b) Thinnededge image. (c) Left edge segments.

3.4 Clustering edge segments

Since the ear region contains several edge segments, wegroup edge segments which are close to each other into dif-

ferent clusters. The clustering procedure works as follows:For each edge segment ��

1. Initialize �� into a cluster ��, calculate its centroid����� ����

2. For each edge segment �� while � �� �

(a) Calculate its centroid ���� � ����

(b) if ������ � ����� ���� � ����� � �� put ��into the cluster ��, remove �� and update clus-ter’s centroid.

In the implementation, �� � �� ��� � since we like to putear helix and anti-helix parts into a cluster. Three examplesof clustering results are shown in the second row of Figure5, in which each cluster is bounded by a red rectangular box.The first row of Figure 5 shows side face range images.

10 segments 5 segments 7 segments6 clusters 3 clusters 5 clusters

Figure 5. Examples of edge clustering results.

3.5 Locating ears by use of the ear shape model

For each cluster obtained in the previous step, we extractstep edges around ear helix and anti-helix parts. We use athreshold �� � ����� since the step edge magnitudes ofvertices in ear anti-helix are at least 1.9mm and the mag-nitude of vertices in anti-helix part is smaller than that ofvertices in the helix part for the collected data. The prob-lem of locating ears is to minimize the mean square errorbetween ear shape model vertices and their correspondingedge vertices in the bounded rectangular box.

� ��



�������� ������� (2)

where �� is the rigid transformation and ����� is vertex inthe 3D side face image closest to the ������. Iterative Clos-est Point (ICP) algorithm developed by Besl and Mckay[16] is well-known method to align 3D shapes. However

Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR’05)

1063-6919/05 $20.00 © 2005 IEEE

Figure 6. Examples of side face range images.

Figure 7. Distribution of mean square error forpositive detection.

ICP requires that every point in one set have a correspond-ing point on the other set, we can’t guarantee that edge ver-tices in the potential regions satisfy this requirement. There-fore, we use a modified ICP algorithm presented by Turk[17] to register the ear shape model with the edge vertices.The steps of modified ICP algorithm to register a test shape� to a model shape � are:

1) Initialize the rotation matrix�� and translation vector��.

2) Given each point in � , find the closest point in � .3) Discard pairs of points which are too far apart.4) Find the rigid transformation (�, � ) such that � is

minimized.5) Apply the transformation (�, � ) to � .6) Goto step 2) until the difference ��� � ����� in two

successive steps falls below a threshold or the maximumnumber of iterations is reached.

By initializing the rotation matrix �� and translationvector �� to the identity matrix and difference of centroids

of two vertex sets respectively, we run ICP iteratively andfinally get the rotation matrix � and translation vector � ,which brings the ear shape model vertices and edge verticesinto alignment. The cluster with minimum mean square er-ror is declared as the detected ear region; the ear helix andanti-helix parts are meanwhile identified.

Figure 8. Examples of failed cases.

4. Experimental results

4.1 Data acquisition

We use real range data acquired by Minolta Vivid 300.During the acquisition, 52 subjects sit on the chair about0.55�0.75m from the camera. The first shot was takenwhen subject’s left side face was approximately parallelto the image plane; two shots were taken when the sub-ject was asked to rotate his/her head to left and right sidewithin ���Æ with respect to his/her torso. The same acqui-sition procedure was repeated. Six images per subject wererecorded. Therefore we have 312 images in total. Eachrange image contains 200�200 grid points and each grid

Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR’05)

1063-6919/05 $20.00 © 2005 IEEE

point has a 3D coordinate (�� �� �). The ear shape model isbuilt from a side face range image described in Section 3.1.Examples of side face range images are shown in Figure 6.

4.2 Results

We test the proposed detection method on 312 side facerange images. If the ear shape model is aligned with the earhelix and anti-helix parts, we classify it positive detection;otherwise false detection. In our experiments, the numberof vertices of the ear shape model is 113; the average num-ber of edge segments is 6 and the average number of clus-ters is 4. The average time to detect an ear from a sideface range image is 6.5 seconds with Matlab implementa-tion on a 2.4G Celeron CPU. Examples of positive detectionresults are shown in Figure 9. In Figure 9, the transformedear shape model marked by yellow points is superimposedon the corresponding textured 3D face. From Figure 9, wecan observe that the ear is correctly detected and the ear he-lix and anti-helix parts are identified from side face rangeimages. The distribution of mean square error defined inequation (2) for positive detection is shown in Figure 7.The mean of mean square error is ������. We achieve92.6% detection rate. For the failed cases, we notice thatthere are some edge segments around the ear region causedby hair, which brings more false edge segments or resultsin the cluster which can not include the ear helix and anti-helix parts. Since ICP algorithm can not converge due tothe existence of outliers, the false detection happens, whichare shown in Figure 8 and 10. The original face range im-ages and corresponding edge clusters are shown in Figure8. In this figure, the first row shows face images; the secondrow shows edge clustering results. The textured 3D faceswith overlaid detected ear helix and anti-helix are shown inFigure 10.

5. Conclusions

We have proposed a shape model-based technique for lo-cating human ears in side face range images. The ear shapemodel is represented by a set of discrete 3D vertices corre-sponding to ear helix and anti-helix parts. Given side facerange images, step edges are extracted, dilated, thinned andgrouped into different clusters which are potential regionscontaining ears. For each cluster, we register the ear shapemodel with the edges. Our method not only detects the earregion, but also identifies the ear helix and anti-helix parts.Experimental results on real face range images demonstratethe effectiveness of our approach.


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Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR’05)

1063-6919/05 $20.00 © 2005 IEEE

Figure 9. Examples of positive detection results

Figure 10. Examples of false detection results

Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR’05)

1063-6919/05 $20.00 © 2005 IEEE