Shader Graphs. Toy Story, Pixar. 1995 First computer generated, full length film. Phong Reflectance...

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Shader Graphs. Toy Story, Pixar. 1995 First computer generated, full length film. Phong Reflectance...

Shader Graphs

Toy Story, Pixar. 1995First computer generated, full length film. Phong Reflectance Model

Material Surfaces are complicated.

dMaterial color k is no longer constant.

k changes based on angle to the surface.d



rough smooth rough

Specular power n is no longer constant.

Specularity changes based on position on the surface.

e.g. Wet skinWater is smooth in places,dry skin is rough in others.



Material color k is no longer constant.

k changes based on position on the surface.



Maya Hypershade

Phong nodeChecker node

Plant Shader

Maya Hypershade

Mental Images, MentalMill


Maya Hypershade

Override button.Replaces a constant variablewith a texture/node.

Notice that essentially ANY attribute can get an override. Very powerful control.

Getting to Hypershade

Very useful. Show graph for selected object.

When you override a graph isautomatically created.

Three variablesare overridden

Three variablesare overridden

Best view:See the hypershade (left), viewport object (middle), and attributes (right)


1) Find a material you would like to render. (use a sphere)

2) Do research, or think carefully on the material, to find out what makes it look that way.

3) Create a hypergraph which approximates the material.

Note: Writing shaders is an art, it takes practice and experience to know which variables to override, and how to create the shader graph.

Some examples: Fabric, skin, copper, cloth, …