SHABBAT SCHEDULE 5778 HIGH HOLIDAY …...See flyer on page 4 for more details. This Shabbat, 1:00...

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Transcript of SHABBAT SCHEDULE 5778 HIGH HOLIDAY …...See flyer on page 4 for more details. This Shabbat, 1:00...

September 15-22, 2017

24 Elul 5777 - 2 Tishrei 5778 Parshat Nitzavim-Vayeilech

Candle Lighting: 6:59 p.m.

SHABBAT SCHEDULE Shabbat Candle Lighting 6:59 pm (Plag 5:59 pm)

*Shabbat candles cannot be lit before plag Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 pm (Sanct); 6:30 pm (Ruach, YBM); 7:05 pm (BM)

Shacharit 7:00 am; 8:00 am; 8:45 am; 9:15 am (Youth)

New Members Luncheon After 8:45 Kiddush, approximately 1:00 pm

WTG 5:00 pm

Shabbat Mincha 6:45 pm

Shabbat Ends 7:55 pm

Slichot 11:00 pm (Sanct); 11:00 pm (Kumzitz & Ruach Slichot, BM)

Sunday: Shacharit: 8:00 am, 9:00 am, M/M: 6:55 pm, Slichot: 10:00 pm Monday: Shacharit: 6:45 am, M/M: 6:55 pm, Slichot: 10:00 pm

Tuesday: Shacharit: 7:00 am, M/M: 6:55 pm, Slichot: 10:00 pm

Wednesday, Erev Rosh Hashanah: Slichot+Shacharit: 5:45 am (Sanct), Youth Slichot+Shacharit: 8:00am (SH), M/M: 6:55 pm

Thursday-Friday: See Rosh Hashanah schedule

Earliest Tallit & Tefillin: 6:03 am Latest Kriat Shema: 9:57 am Earliest Mincha 1:33 pm







This Week: Bickel/Green Next week: Warshawsky


7:00 am: Michelle & Jonathan Schneck in commemoration of the yahrtzeits of Jonathan’s parents, Beatrice & David Schneck, Michelle’s father, Joseph Adler and Michelle’s grandmother, Anna Biron. 8:00 am: KMS 8:45 am: Jill & Jonathan Katz in honor of Jonathan receiving the Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award at the University of Maryland. Sandi & Isi Teitelbaum in memory of Isi’s father, David Teitelbaum, z”l. Youth: KMS

7:00 am: Mechy Frankel 8:00 am: Dov Zakheim Youth: Nava Lebson 8:45 am: Dr. Elana Stein Hain On Love, Hatred and Loyalty: Biblical Emotions Re-Examined 9:00 am Mechy Frankel's Gemara Shiur 10:30 am Review of this week's Daf Yomi 5:00 pm WTG: Rabbi Weinberg 6:00 pm Dr. Elana Stein Hain, How Torah Informs Human Experience Between Mincha and Maariv: ~ Dr. Elana Stein Hain Eivah and Darkei Shalom (Ways of Peace): On the aaaRelationship Between Modern Values and Halakhah ~ David Eisenman’s Gemara Shiur 10:00 pm Dr. Elana Stein Hain, The Déjà vu of the High Holiday Season: Understanding the Depth of Repetition (Sanct)

MAZAL TOV Mazal tov to Nathan Lauer, son of Robin Avery & Michael Lauer, on his recent engagement to Tifara Ramelson, daughter of Sharon & Harley Ramelson of Sharon, MA.

Mazal tov to Claire & Adi Haramati on the engagement of their son, Ariel, to Rachel Krasna, daughter of Mark & Diane Krasna of Baltimore, MD. Mazal tov to the grandmother, Mrs. Dinah Haramati and the entire Haramati family.

Mazal tov to Sheila & Mechy Frankel on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Talya Schnittman, daughter of Jeremy & Naomi Schnittman of Kemp Mill. Mazal tov to Talya’s aunt and uncle, Shlomit & Benjamin Edinger; her siblings Chaim, Ilan and Meira, and to all of her aunts, uncles and cousins.

Mazal tov to Jill & Jonathan Katz on Jonathan’s receiving the Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award at the University of Maryland.


This Shabbat: Join Dr. Elana Stein Hain, Director of Leadership Education at the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America, for a pre-Rosh Hashana Scholar in Residence Shabbat.

• Thank you to the sponsors Michelle & Jonathan Schneck in commemoration of the yahrzeits of Jonathan’s parents, Beatrice and David Schneck, Michelle’s father, Joseph Adler and Michelle’s grandmother, Anna Biron.

• Thank you to contributing sponsors Barbara & David Goldschlag and Miriam & Achi Guggenheim.

See flyer on page 4 for more details.

This Shabbat, 1:00 pm: New & Old Member Shabbat Lunch.

Wednesday, September 27, 8:00 pm: Rabbi Frand will be giving his annual Teshuva Drasha at Young Israel Shomrai Emunah. KMS is co-sponsoring this event. Click here for the flyer.

Sunday, November 12, 9:30-11:00 am: Garden of Remembrance informational breakfast at KMS.

Condolences to our members Alice & Noah Baer on the loss of Alice’s brother, David Muller, z”l.

Please take one of our High Holiday brochures available in the lobby.

• To donate to the 5778 High Holiday appeals please click here.

• Order your Daled Minim Sets. Deadline is September 19th.

• Join in sponsoring the Simchat Torah Gala Kiddush. The sponsorship deadline is September 28th.

• Add a child’s (or children’s) name to our beautiful Simchat Torah canopy. The deadline is September 28th.

HIGH HOLIDAYS CAN BE EXPENSIVE The holidays can be an expensive time for those in need. Rabbi Weinberg will have scrip cards available. Please see him if you are in need of assistance.


Ariela Crystal & Jared Chenkin

Janet & Avi Litwack & their daughters, Ariella, Liora, Rachel & Tzipporah

Orit & Asaf Shilo and their children, Ariel, Amitai, Tal-Sarah


Over the past few months a committee has been working on a plan to make some small modifications to our shul lobby in order to make it a warmer and more welcoming space. We are very excited to announce that many of the updates were made this past week so you will see them this Shabbat. There will be some more coming in the near future.

Please note that the new literature rack is located on the wall to the right of the elevator.



Sunday Rabbi Yitzhak Grossman’s Parashah Explorations class will not meet.

Monday 10:45 am: Laura Goldman’s class on Sefer Bereishit at the Mayberg home (411 Hermleigh Road). Participants should bring a Chumash Bereishit. For women only. 8:00 pm: Erica Brown’s class at KMS for both men and women, focusing on Tanakh texts related to the Days of Awe. Please bring a Hebrew/English Tanakh. 8:00 - 9:00 pm: Dinah Haramati’s class, Stories of Agnon, at the Haramati home.

Wednesday Esther Dziadek’s Siddur class at KMS will not meet. Rabbi Weinberg’s classes on Halacha and Melachim will be starting back up again soon. Date and times TBA.

RABBI’S MULTIMEDIA LEARNING Every morning Rabbi Weinberg discusses a mitzva from the Sefer HaChinuch. Every afternoon, he gives a brief review of some halachot, often tied to the season. To hear Rabbi Weinberg's brief and informative Divrei Mitzva and Divrei Halacha from the daily minyanim, go to and Also, to subscribe to Rabbi Weinberg’s new weekly Parsha mini-shiur visit his YOUTUBE page here ( and subscribe.


Please join the women of KMS at our monthly Rosh Chodesh series on these upcoming dates:

• CHESHVAN: Sunday, October 22, Fall Into Color

• KISLEV: Erev Shabbat, November 17, Drunkin Donuts

• TEVET: Erev Shabbat, December 15, Back to the Beginning

The exact locations and times will be given closer to the date of the event.




Please mark your calendars with these upcoming KMS Community Seudah Shlishit dates:

November 18 December 9


KMS Yoetzet Halacha Bracha Rutner

Welcomes your questions about mikvah, observance of taharat mishpacha (halacha relating to married life) and women’s health, as it connects to Jewish law. Reach out to her at: Phone: 718-614-2677 Email: All conversations and emails are kept confidential.

Bracha Rutner will join us on the following date: October 28

• KMS is very grateful to all those who made our Wine & Cheese So-cial a great success! Thank you to Allison Lazar, Elana & Josh Stein, Shuli & Marc Tropp, Sarah Sicherman, and Tamar Teitelbaum for implementing this event. Thanks also go out to all the sponsors of this event.

• The Spoon-Toveling & Dippin’ Dots outing was great. Thank you to Rabbi Weinberg, Lisi Levisohn and David Lowenstein, as well as all of the children and parents who attended! You can see pictures of the event here.

This Shabbat we welcome Bnai Akiva Bogrim for the Bnai Akiva Hadracha (leadership) Shabbaton and invite all our youth to a special Seudat Shlishit between Minchah and Maariv co-sponsored by KMS youth and Bnai Akiva Silver Spring.

This Shabbat morning, 10:20-11:00 am: Junior Davening in the Beit Midrash. For boys and girls approximately 3rd-5th grade, but parents and younger siblings welcome.

This Motzei Shabbat, 10:25 pm: Special pre-slichot discussion with Rav Oron followed by Kumsits and Youth Slichot in the Beit Midrash.

This Sunday, September 17, 4:00-5:00 pm: Pre-Rosh HaShanah Book Nook Celebration: “New Books for a New Year.” Come see what’s new! Join us for stories and a sing along. For Pre-School-3rd grade and parents. Please bring one non-perishable food item for kosher Food Pantry.

This Sunday, September 17, first session of MaTaN mother-daughter bat mitzvah program. See flyer on page 3 or sign up here.

Teen Chesed Cooking Crew will meet on October 9! Contact Liora Guberman or Aviva Janus for details!

Coming soon-- Teen BBQ with Rabbi Weinberg! Sunday, November 5.

Coming soon—new KMS KIDS Page, for elementary age kids and their parents (including volunteer sign up for safety duty and story telling).


KMS Youth Facebook Page: Don’t forget to join and stay updated about upcoming events, see pictures, and stay connected:


The Wallerstein Mikveh will be opened for men on Erev Rosh Hashana and Erev Yom Kippur from 7:30am-2:30pm. $20. Please bring your own towel.


Check out the Rosh Hashanah issue of Kol Mevaser. It includes a D'var Torah from Rabbi Weinberg on Tashlich, informative articles and our annual Rosh Hashanah greetings from members and local businesses. Printed copies are on their way to members' mailboxes.


Women's Tefila Group will be layning Kohelet on the Shabbat of Sukkot at 5 PM. If you are interested in layning a perek, please be in touch with Gail Javitt at MP3 files are available for all of the perakim. WTG will also be holding our annual Simchat Torah layning of v'Zot Habracha. If you are interested in layning your Aliya, please be in touch with Laura Warshawsky at MP3 files are available for all of the aliyot.

TEKIAH, SHVARIM, TRUAH Will you or someone you know not hear those sounds this Rosh Hashanah because you can’t get to shul? To arrange for a Shofar blower to visit you at home, in Kemp Mill, contact

YOM TOV APPEAL SUSTAINS COMMUNITY SAFETY NET The Franco Foundation needs your tax-deductible donations to meet increasing Yom Tov aid requests. The Foundation helps with essentials, like rent, mortgage, and utilities; mail to Allan Franco, 613 Bromley Street, or through PayPal with

YAD YEHUDA RESPONDS TO MORE ASSISTANCE REQUESTS Tomchei Shabbos of Greater Washington, currently assists over 225 individuals with the extra Shabbos and Yom Tov expenses. Your contribution will directly provide the extra help these individuals need for the upcoming Yomim Tovim and will enable them to celebrate with their families with the same simchas Yom Tov that we expect in our homes. To learn more or to make a donation, please visit

5778 YOM TOV FOOD DRIVE FOR CAPITAL KOSHER PANTRY Leverage your extra shul visits -- whether for selichos, minyanim, shiurim, and events -- and drop off your donations in the shul’s CKP collection box. Specially appreciated: Pareve chocolate chips, oil, sugar, flour, granola bars, canned tuna, canned salmon, Rice Krispies, white rice, and oatmeal are very much appreciated. Your caring counts. Thank you

ERUV APPEAL The annual Eruv appeal has been mailed. Please watch for it in your mailbox and contribute generously to help ensure the Eruv remains intact and reliable. Please do not send Eruv donations to your shul; instead, please follow the instructions in the mailing. Questions? Email

2017 BCGW ANNUAL GALA Join BCGW for our annual Hope and Healing Gala on Sunday, October 29 at 10:00 AM at Beth Sholom Congregation. Show your support for the organization that helps community members in their time of need and pay tribute to our exceptional volunteers. Register online:

WINE OPPORTUNITY KMS is partnering with JWines to provide our members an easy way to donate 5% of your total purchase to KMS at no additional cost to you. Please go to and use the code KMS at checkout to donate 5% of your purchase to the shul.

AVI KARKOWSKY, Z”L AND CLIF PRICE, Z”L MEMORIAL BLOOD DRIVE Please sign up to donate blood as a zechut to their neshamas. A community Blood Drive, co-sponsored by KMS, in conjunction with Inova is being held at Young Israel Shomrai Emunah on Sunday, November 12, 2017 from 10: a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Register online: In addition, volunteers are needed during the day and it may be possible for students to get credit for community service hours--ask your schools. For more information about the blood drive please contact: or

REFUA SHLEIMA Ahuva Shaina bat Yosefa Ettel, Chayim ben Yitzchak, Esther Bat Bracha, Golda Miriam bat Pesha Freidel, Noam Shalom ben Inbar, Nechama Yenta bat Raizel, Moshe Ze’ev ben Gitel, Rachel Davida bat Sara, Sara bat Riva, Shoshana Elka bat Etel Dena, Shoshana Tzippora bat Eidel, Tzvi Gershon ben David, Tzipora Faige bat Liba, Tziporah Sarah bat Tzivia, Yehoshua Daniel haKohen Ben Masha Avramah, Yehoshua Dan ben Naomi



Kemp Mill Synagogue Is pleased to welcome

Scholar in Residence

Dr. Elana Stein Hain Shabbat, September 16th

• Drasha After 8:45am Minyan On Love, Hatred and Loyalty:

Biblical Emotions Re-Examined

• Afternoon Shiur, 6:00pm

How Torah Informs Human Experience

• Between Mincha and Maariv Eivah and Darkei Shalom (Ways of Peace):

On the Relationship Between Modern Values and Halakhah

• Saturday night, Pre-Selichot Shiur, 10:00pm

The Déjà vu of the High Holiday Season: Understanding the Depth of Repetition

Dr. Elana Stein Hain is the director of Leadership Education at the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America. Elana earned her doctorate in Religion from Columbia University. A graduate of Yeshiva University Graduate Program in Advanced Talmudic Studies and the Cardozo Interdisciplinary Fellowship in Jewish Law and Legal Theory, Elana has taught across the country and in Israel. Elana previously served as a resident scholar at Lincoln Square Synagogue and The Jewish Center, as well as adjunct faculty at NYU.

Thank you to Michelle and Jonathan Schneck for sponsoring in commemoration of the yahrzeits of Jonathan’s parents,

Beatrice and David Schneck, Michelle’s father, Joseph Adler and Michelle’s grandmother, Anna Biron.

Thank you also to contributing sponsors Barbara and David Goldschlag & Miriam and Achi Guggenheim.