SHAANXI XI’AN ----my dear hometown

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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SHAANXI XI’AN ----my dear hometown. Hello, everyone! Today, I feel honored to introduce my charming hometown----Xi’an . I must say that I am deeply attracted by her mature but amiable face. Location : - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of SHAANXI XI’AN ----my dear hometown

• SHAANXI XI’AN ----my dear hometown

Hello, everyone!Today, I feel honored to introduce my charming hometown----Xi’an . I must say that I am deeply attracted by her mature but amiable face.

Location : Xi’an is the capital of Shaanxi province, located in the southern part of the GuanZhong Plain. With the Qinling Mountains to the south and the Weihe River to the north, it is in a favorable geographical location surrounded by water and hills.

Climate : It has a semi-moist monsoon climate (半湿润雨季气候)and there is a clear distinction between the four seasons. Except the colder winter, any season is suitable for traveling.

General picture of the city : Traditional downtown Xi’an refers to the area encircled by the city wall, this has now been expanded to encompass the area within the second ring road (Er' huan Lu). The Bell Tower is the geographical center of Xi’an and the four main streets are respectively Dong Dajie, Xi Dajie, Nan Dajie and Bei Dajie ,which are also the main commercial streets.

City wall: The most complete &the largest in size and integral ancient military fort of world.

Drum tower& Bell tower: They stand close behind each other ,both with gray walls and a colorful glazed roof. They came into use during Ming Dynasty, but were built on the original base of former dynasty. It’s custom that bell was stricken at dawn to indicate the beginning of the day, while drum was beat at sunset to indicate the end.


Natural ecosystems

Huashan mountain

Huaqing sprin

g & palace

Taibai mountain natio

nal park

Hukou waterfall

Cuihua mountain

“Xi Yue”---Huashan Mountain

Huashan Mountain is located to the south of Huayin, 2200 meters above sea level. It’s famous for its breath-taking cliffs, which are separated to five peaks.

Along the 12-kilometer-long winding path up to the top are awe-inspiring precipices, looking into which will take your breath away. We are suggested to climb the Facing sun Peak ( west peak ) at the midnight for viewing the morning sun. But some of the routes can be dangerous ,despite the iron chains that are linked on the more precipitous sections, and that is why I have never been there.

Hukou waterfall

Hukou waterfall located at the intersection of shaan’xi province,

about 400 kilometers from Xi’an,is the second largest waterfall in China.

The mighty yellow river suddenly find its way through a narrow valley, forming a magnificent scene ,as if the water is pouring down from a huge teapot, hence the name hukou----“mouth of teapot”.

Glutinous Rice with Jujube




Yang Rou Pao Mo


Cold noodles• Cold noodles are a local dish in Southern and the Central Shaanxi

.The cold noodles made in Central Shaanxi are general made from the wheat flour through steaming while those made in Southern are made from the rice flour through the same process. Cold noodles are served after they are mixed with gluten ( 面筋 ), bean sprouts ( 豆芽 ),sliced cucumber ,chilli oil, soy sauce,vineger

( 醋 ) and garlic sauce.I must say that it is popular among ladies for its sour taste.And I’m a crazy fan of cold noodles.

Qin qiang

Shadow play

Song of Eternal Sorrow

Qin Qiang• Qinqiang is the typical opera of Shaanxi province. It is the oldest of

all the Chinese operas that are still in existence today. During its long history, more than 4000 traditional programs have been accumulated, which outnumber those of any other local opera.

• Different versions reveal that Shaanxi Opera possibly originated in the Qin, the Han, the Tang, the Jin, the Ming or the Qing dynasties, but the Tang seems most likely to the answer. This type of singing originated in the fields and countryside surrounding Xian when locals who used to shout to one another across the fields gradually developed a system of song to enable them to communicate!

• The Qinqiang singing is great fun and the elderly residents of Xian take particular delight in it even today.

Shadow play

• Shadow play is a special drama rooted in China.. As an ancient form of storytelling and entertainment, it uses opaque( 不透明的 ), often articulated figures in front of an backdrop to create the illusion of moving images.

• However, shadow puppets today are made of leather instead of wood because leather is lighter, easier to manipulate and less difficult to carry. The puppets are painted with colors representing different human qualities - kindness, wickedness, beauty or ugliness. During performances, the "actors", controlled by guiding sticks, are held close to a white curtain, and their colored shadows are cast on the cloth by a powerful light. The plays can be quite dramatic and, when it comes to fairy tales or kungfu stories, the "actors" may be made to ride on clouds or perform unusual feats, to audiences' enjoyment, like the one entitled "Monkey King's fights against Ox-King" recently staged at the shadow play hall in the National Museum of China in Beijing.

西安交通大学位于陕西省西安市,现有兴庆、雁塔和曲江三个校区,总占地面积 3849.84 亩,各类建筑总面积 176.23万平方米。现有全日制在校生 30108 人,其中博士、硕士研究生 12848 人。


錢學森圖書館西安交通大学图书馆的前身为 1896 年创建于上海的南洋公学藏书楼。 1919 年 10 月建成图书馆大楼,命名为交通部上海工业专门学校图书馆。 1921 年更名为交通大学图书馆。 1956 年,图书馆大部分工作人员及百分之九十二的藏书随交通大学内迁西安。 1957 年 9 月,交通大学图书馆随校分设西安、上海两地。 1959 年 9月,交通大学西安部分和上海部分独立建校,图书馆相应定名为西安交通大学图书馆。

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