Sf Iustin Martirul Dialogul Cu Iudeul Trifon

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Transcript of Sf Iustin Martirul Dialogul Cu Iudeul Trifon

  • 8/12/2019 Sf Iustin Martirul Dialogul Cu Iudeul Trifon


    (NOTE: The electronic text obtained from The Electronic Bible Society was

    not completely corrected. EWTN has corrected all discovered errors.

    Transliteration of !ree" words: #ll phonetical except: w $ ome%a& h serves

    three p'poses: . $ Eta& ). $ ro'%h breathin%* when appearin% intially

    before a vowel& +. $ in the aspirated letters theta $ th* phi $ ph* chi $

    ch. #ccents are %iven immediately after their correspondin% vowels: ac'te $

    , * %rave $ -* circ'mflex $ . The character , do'bles as an apostrophe*

    when necessary.

    /0ST1N 2#3T43

    51#6O!0E O7 /0ST1N* 8916OS89E3 #N5 2#3T43* with T3489O* # /EW.

    9#8. 1.;;1NT3O50T1ON.

    W916E 1 was %oin% abo't one mornin% in the wal"s of the

  • 8/12/2019 Sf Iustin Martirul Dialogul Cu Iudeul Trifon


    =#nd in what*= said 1* =wo'ld yo' be profited by philosophy so m'ch as

    by yo'r own law%iver and the prophets?=

    =Why not?= he replied. =5o not the philosophers t'rn every disco'rse on

    !od? and do not C'estions contin'ally arise to them abo't 9is 'nity and

    providence? 1s not this tr'ly the d'ty of philosophy* to investi%ate the


    =#ss'redly*= said 1* =so we too have believed. B't the most(D have not

    ta"en tho'%ht of this* whether there be one or more %ods* and whether they

    have a re%ard for each one of 's or no* as if this "nowled%e contrib'ted

    nothin% to o'r happiness& nay* they moreover attempt to pers'ade 's that

    !od ta"es care of the 'niverse with its %enera and species* b't not of me

    and yo'* and each individ'ally* since otherwise we wo'ld s'rely not need to

    pray to 9im ni%ht and day. B't it is not diffic'lt to 'nderstand the 'pshotof this& for fearlessness and license in spea"in% res'lt to s'ch as

    maintain these opinions* doin% and sayin% whatever they choose* neither

    dreadin% p'nishment nor hopin% for any benefit from !od. 7or how co'ld

    they? They affirm that the same thin%s shall always happen& and* f'rther*

    that 1 and yo' shall a%ain live in li"e manner* havin% become neither

    better men nor worse. B't there are some others*( who* havin% s'pposed

    the so'l to be immortal and immaterial* believe that tho'%h they have

    committed evil they will not s'ffer p'nishment (for that which is

    immaterial is insensible* and that the solll* in conseC'ence of its

    immortality* needs nothin% from !od.=

    #nd he* smilin% %ently* said* =Tell 's yo'r opinion of these matters*

    and what idea yo' entertain respectin% !od* and what yo'r philosophy is.=

    9#8. 11.;;/0ST1N 5ES31BES 91S ST051ES 1N 8916OSO894.

    =1 will tell yo'*= said 1* =what seems to me& for philosophy is* in

    fact* the %reatest possession* and most hono'rable before !od*( to whom

    it leads 's and alone commends 's& and these are tr'ly holy men who havebestowed attention on philosophy. What philosophy is* however* and the

    reason why it has been sent down to men* have escaped the observation of

    most& for there wo'ld be neither 8latonists* nor Stoics* nor 8eripatetics*

    nor Theoretics*() nor 8ytha%oreans* this "nowled%e bein% one.(+ 1 wish to

    tell yo' why it has become many;headed. 1t has happened that those who

    first handled it Fi.e.* philosophyG* and who were therefore esteemed

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    ill'strio's men* were s'cceeded by those who made no investi%ations

    concernin% tr'th* b't only admired the perseverance and self;discipline of

    the former* as well as the novelty of the doctrines& and each tho'%ht that

    to be tr'e which he learned from his teacher: then* moreover* those latter

    persons handed down to their s'ccessors s'ch thin%s* and others similar to

    them& and this system was called by the name of him who was styled the

    father of the doctrine. Bein% at first desiro's of personally conversin%

    with one of these men* 1 s'rrendered myself to a certain Stoic& and havin%

    spent a considerable time with him* when 1 had not acC'ired any f'rther

    "nowled%e of !od (for he did not "now himself* and said s'ch instr'ction

    was 'nnecessary* 1 left him and betoo" myself to another* who was called a

    8eripatetic* and as he fancied* shrewd. #nd this man* after havin%

    entertained me for the first few days* reC'ested me to settle the fee* in

    order that o'r interco'rse mi%ht not be 'nprofitable. 9im* too* for this

    reason 1 abandoned* believin% him to be no philosopher at all. B't when myso'l was ea%erly desiro's to hear the pec'liar and choice philosophy* 1

    came to a 8ytha%orean* very celebrated;;a man who tho'%ht m'ch of his own

    wisdom. #nd then* when 1 had an interview with him* willin% to become his

    hearer and disciple* he said* ,What then? #re yo' acC'ainted with m'sic*

    astronomy* and %eometry? 5o yo' expect to perceive any of those thin%s

    which cond'ce to a happy life* if yo' have not been first informed on those

    points which wean the so'l from sensible ob@ects* and render it fitted for

    ob@ects which appertain to the mind* so that it can contemplate that which

    is hono'rable in its essence and that which is %ood in its essence?, 9avin%

    commended many of these branches of learnin%* and tellin% me that they were

    necessary* he dismissed me when 1 confessed to him my i%norance.

    #ccordin%ly 1 too" it rather impatiently* as was to be expected when 1

    failed in my hope* the more so beca'se 1 deemed the man had some "nowled%e&

    b't reflectin% a%ain on the space of time d'rin% which 1 wo'ld have to

    lin%er over those branches of learnin%* 1 was not able to end're lon%er

    procrastination. 1n my helpless condition it occ'rred to me to have a

    meetin% with the 8latonists* for their fame was %reat. 1 there'pon spent as

    m'ch of my time as possible with one who had lately settled in o'r

    city*(A;;a sa%acio's man* holdin% a hi%h position amon% the 8latonists*;;and 1 pro%ressed* and made the %reatest improvements daily. #nd the

    perception of immaterial thin%s C'ite overpowered me* and the contemplation

    of ideas f'rnished my mind with win%s*( so that in a little while 1

    s'pposed that 1 had become wise& and s'ch was my st'pidity* 1 expected

    forthwith to loo" 'pon !od* for this is the end of 8lato,s philosophy.

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    9#8. 111.;;/0ST1N N#33#TES T9E 2#NNE3 O7 91S ONHE3S1ON.

    =#nd while 1 was th's disposed* when 1 wished at one period to be

    filled with %reat C'ietness* and to sh'n the path of men* 1 'sed to %o into

    a certain field not far from the sea. #nd when 1 was near that spot one

    day* which havin% reached 1 p'rposed to be by myself* a certain old man* by

    no means contemptible in appearance* exhibitin% mee" and venerable manners*

    followed me at a little distance. #nd when 1 t'rned ro'nd to him* havin%

    halted* 1 fixed my eyes rather "eenly on him.

    =#nd he said* ,5o yo' "now me?,

    =1 replied in the ne%ative.

    =,Why* then*, said he to me* ,do yo' so loo" at me?,

    =,1 am astonished*, 1 said* ,beca'se yo' have chanced to be in my

    company in the same place& for 1 had not expected to see any man here.,

    =#nd he says to me* ,1 am concerned abo't some of my ho'sehold. These

    are %one away from me& and therefore have 1 come to ma"e personal search

    for them* if* perhaps* they shall ma"e their appearance somewhere. B't why

    are yo' here?, said he to me.

    =,1 deli%ht*, said 1* ,in s'ch wal"s* where my attention is not

    distracted* for converse with myself is 'ninterr'pted& and s'ch places are

    most fit for philolo%y.,(D

    =,#re yo'* then* a philolo%ian*,( said he*(A b't no lover of deeds

    or of tr'th? and do yo' not aim at bein% a practical man so m'ch as bein% a


    =,What %reater wor"*, said 1* ,co'ld one accomplish than this* to show

    the reason which %overns all* and havin% laid hold of it* and bein% mo'nted'pon it* to loo" down on the errors of others* and their p'rs'its? B't

    witho't philosophy and ri%ht reason* pr'dence wo'ld not be present to any

    man. Wherefore it is necessary for every man to philosophiIe* and to esteem

    this the %reatest and most hono'rable wor"& b't other thin%s only of

    second;rate or third;rate importance* tho'%h* indeed* if they be made to

    depend on philosophy* they are of moderate val'e* and worthy of acceptance&

  • 8/12/2019 Sf Iustin Martirul Dialogul Cu Iudeul Trifon


    b't deprived of it* and not accompanyin% it* they are v'l%ar and coarse to

    those who p'rs'e them.,

    =,5oes philosophy* then* ma"e happiness?, said he* interr'ptin%.

    =,#ss'redly*, 1 said* ,and it alone.,

    =,What* then* is philosophy?, he says& ,and what is happiness? 8ray

    tell me* 'nless somethin% hinders yo' from sayin%.,

    =,8hilosophy* then*, said 1* ,is the "nowled%e of that which really

    exists* and a clear perception of the tr'th& and happiness is the reward of

    s'ch "nowled%e and wisdom.,

    =,B't what do yo' call !od?, said he.

    =,That which always maintains the same nat're* and in the same manner*

    and is the ca'se of all other thin%s;;that* indeed* is !od., So 1 answered

    him& and he listened to me with pleas're* and th's a%ain interro%ated me:;;

    =,1s not "nowled%e a term common to different matters? 7or in arts of

    all "inds* he who "nows any one of them is called a s"ilf'l man in the art

    of %eneralship* or of r'lin%* or of healin% eC'ally. B't in divine and

    h'man affairs it is not so. 1s there a "nowled%e which affords

    'nderstandin% of h'man and divine thin%s* and then a thoro'%h acC'aintance

    with the divinity and the ri%hteo'sness of them?,

    =,#ss'redly*, 1 replied.

    =,What* then? 1s it in the same way we "now man and, !od* as we "now

    m'sic* and arithmetic* and astronomy* or any other similar branch?,

    =,By no means*, 1 replied.

    =,4o' have not answered me correctly* then*, he said& ,for some

    Fbranches of "nowled%eG come to 's by learnin%* or by some employment*

    while of others we have "nowled%e by si%ht. Now* if one were to tell yo'

    that there exists in 1ndia an animal with a nat're 'nli"e all others* b't

    of s'ch and s'ch a "ind* m'ltiform and vario's* yo' wo'ld not "now it

    before yo' saw it& b't neither wo'ld yo' be competent to %ive any acco'nt

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    of it* 'nless yo' sho'ld hear from one who had seen it.,

    =,ertainly not*, 1 said.

    =,9ow then*, he said* ,sho'ld the philosophers @'d%e correctly abo't

    !od* or spea" any tr'th* when they have no "nowled%e of 9im* havin% neither

    seen 9im at any time* nor heard 9im?,

    =,B't* father*, said 1* ,the 5eity cannot be seen merely by the eyes*

    as other livin% bein%s can* b't is discernible to the mind alone* as 8lato

    says& and 1 believe him.,

    9#8. 1H.;;T9E SO06 O7 1TSE67 #NNOT SEE !O5.

    =,1s there then*, says he* ,s'ch and so %reat power in o'r mind? Or cana man not perceive by sense sooner? Will the mind of man see !od at any

    time* if it is 'ninstr'cted by the 9oly Spirit?,

    =,8lato indeed says*, replied 1* ,that the mind,s eye is of s'ch a

    nat're* and has been %iven for this end* that we may see that very Bein%

    when the mind is p're itself* who is the ca'se of all discerned by the

    mind* havin% no colo'r* no form* no %reatness;;nothin%* indeed* which the

    bodily eye loo"s 'pon& b't 1t is somethin% of this sort* he %oes on to say*

    that is beyond all essence* 'n'tterable and inexplicable* b't alone

    hono'rable and %ood* comin% s'ddenly into so'ls well;dispositioned* on

    acco'nt of their affinity to and desire of seein% 9im.,

    =,What affinity* then*, replied he* ,is there between 's and !od? 1s

    the so'l also divine and immortal* and a part of that very re%al mind? #nd

    even as that sees !od* so also is it attainable by 's to conceive of the

    5eity in o'r mind* and thence to become happy?,

    =,#ss'redly*, 1 said.

    =,#nd do all the so'ls of all livin% bein%s comprehend 9im?, he as"ed&

    ,or are the so'ls of men of one "ind and the so'ls of horses and of asses

    of another "ind?,

    =,No& b't the so'ls which are in all are similar*, 1 answered.

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    =,Then*, says he* ,shall both horses and asses see* or have they seen

    at some time or other* !od?,

    =,No*, 1 said& ,for the ma@ority of men will not* savin% s'ch as shall

    live @'stly* p'rified by ri%hteo'sness* and by every other virt'e.,

    =,1t is not* therefore*, said he* ,on acco'nt of his affinity* that a

    man sees !od* nor beca'se he has a mind* b't beca'se he is temperate and


    =,4es*, said 1& ,and beca'se he has that whereby he perceives !od.,

    =,What then? 5o %oats or sheep in@'re any one?,

    =,No one in any respect*, 1 said.

    =,Therefore these animals will see F!odG accordin% to yo'r acco'nt*,

    says he.

    =,No& for their body bein% of s'ch a nat're* is an obstacle to them.,

    =9e re@oined*, 1f these animals co'ld ass'me speech* be well ass'red

    that they wo'ld with %reater reason ridic'le o'r body& b't let 's now

    dismiss this s'b@ect* and let it be conceded to yo' as yo' say. Tell me*

    however* this: 5oes the so'l see F!odG so lon% as it is in the body* or

    after it has been removed from it?,

    =,So lon% as it is in the form of a man* it is possible for it*, 1

    contin'e* ,to attain to this by means of the mind& b't especially when it

    has been set free from the body* and bein% apart by itself* it %ets

    possession of that which it was wont contin'ally and wholly to love.,

    =,5oes it remember this* then Fthe si%ht of !odG* when it is a%ain in

    the man?,

    =,1t does not appear to me so*, 1 said.

    =,What* then* is the advanta%e to those who have seen F!odG? or what

    has he who has seen more than he who has not seen* 'nless he remember this

    fact* that he has seen?,

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    =,1 cannot tell*, 1 answered.

    =,#nd what do those s'ffer who are @'d%ed to be 'nworthy of this

    spectacle?, said he.

    =,They are imprisoned in the bodies of certain wild beasts* and this is

    their p'nishment.,

    =,5o they "now* then* that it is for this reason they are in s'ch

    forms* and that they have committed some sin?,

    =,1 do not thin" so.,

    =,Then these reap no advanta%e from their p'nishment* as it seems:moreover* 1 wo'ld say that they are not p'nished 'nless they are conscio's

    of the p'nishment.,

    =,No indeed.,

    =,Therefore so'ls neither see !od nor trans;mi%rate into other bodies&

    for they wo'ld "now that so they are p'nished* and they wo'ld be afraid to

    commit even the most trivial sin afterwards. B't that they can perceive

    that !od exists* and that ri%hteo'sness and piety are hono'rable* 1 also

    C'ite a%ree with yo'*, said he.

    =,4o' are ri%ht*, 1 replied.

    9#8. H.;;T9E SO06 1S NOT 1N 1TS OWN N#T03E 122O3T#6.

    =,These philosophers "now nothin%* then* abo't these thin%s& for they

    cannot tell what a so'l is.,

    =,1t does not appear so.,

    =,Nor o'%ht it to be called immortal& for if it is immortal* it is

    plainly 'nbe%otten.,

    =,1t is both 'nbe%otten and immortal* accordin% to some who are styled


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    =,5o yo' say that the world is also 'nbe%otten?,

    =,Some say so. 1 do not* however* a%ree with them.,

    =,4o' are ri%ht& for what reason has one for s'pposin% that a body so

    solid* possessin% resistance* composite* chan%eable* decayin%* and renewed

    every day* has not arisen from some ca'se? B't if the world is be%otten*

    so'ls also are necessarily be%otten& and perhaps at one time they were not

    in existence* for they were made on acco'nt of men and other livin%

    creat'res* if yo' will say that they have been be%otten wholly apart* and

    not alon% with their respective bodies., =,This seems to be correct.,

    =,They are not* then* immortal?,

    =,No& since the world has appeared to 's to be be%otten.,

    =,B't 1 do not say* indeed* that all so'ls die& for that were tr'ly a

    piece of %ood fort'ne to the evil. What then? The so'ls of the pio's

    remain in a better place* while those of the 'n@'st and wic"ed are in a

    worse* waitin% for the time of @'d%ment. Th's some which have appeared

    worthy of !od never die& b't others are p'nished so lon% as !od wills them

    to exist and to be p'nished.,

    =,1s what yo' say* then* of a li"e nat're with that which 8lato in

    Timoe's hints abo't the world* when he says that it is indeed s'b@ect to

    decay* inasm'ch as it has been created* b't that it will neither be

    dissolved nor meet with the fate of death on acco'nt of the will of !od?

    5oes it seem to yo' the very same can be said of the so'l* and %enerally of

    all thin%s? 7or those thin%s which exist after( !od* or shall at any time

    exist*() these have the nat're of decay* and are s'ch as may be blotted

    o't and cease to exist& for !od alone is 'nbe%otten and incorr'ptible* and

    therefore 9e is !od* b't all other thin%s after 9im are created and

    corr'ptible. 7or this reason so'ls both die and are p'nished: since* ifthey were 'nbe%otten* they wo'ld neither sin* nor be filled with folly* nor

    be cowardly* and a%ain ferocio's& nor wo'ld they willin%ly transform into

    swine* and serpents* and do%s and it wo'ld not indeed be @'st to compel

    them* if they be 'nbe%otten. 7or that which is 'nbe%otten is similar to*

    eC'al to* and the same with that which is 'nbe%otten& and neither in power

    nor in hono'r sho'ld the one be preferred to the other* and hence there are

  • 8/12/2019 Sf Iustin Martirul Dialogul Cu Iudeul Trifon


    not many thin%s which are 'nbe%otten: for if there were some difference

    between them* yo' wo'ld not discover the ca'se of the difference* tho'%h

    yo' searched for it& b't after lettin% the mind ever wander to infinity*

    yo' wo'ld at len%th* wearied o't* ta"e yo'r stand on one 0nbe%otten* and

    say that this is the a'se of all. 5id s'ch escape the observation of 8lato

    and 8ytha%oras* those wise men*, 1 said* ,who have been as a wall and

    fortress of philosophy to 's?,

    9#8. H1.;;T9ESE T91N!S WE3E 0NJNOWN TO 86#TO #N5 OT9E3


    =,1t ma"es no matter to me*, said he* ,whether 8lato or 8ytha%oras* or*

    in short* any other man held s'ch opinions. 7or the tr'th is so& and yo'

    wo'ld perceive it from this. The so'l ass'redly is or has life. 1f* then*

    it is life* it wo'ld ca'se somethin% else* and not itself* to live* even asmotion wo'ld move somethin% else than itself. Now* that the so'l lives* no

    one wo'ld deny. B't if it lives* it lives not as bein% life* b't as the

    parta"er of life& b't that which parta"es of anythin%* is different from

    that of which it does parta"e. Now the so'l parta"es of life* since !od

    wills it to live. Th's* then* it will not even parta"e Fof lifeG when !od

    does not will it to live. 7or to live is not its attrib'te* as it is !od,s&

    b't as a man does not live always* and the so'l is not for ever con@oined

    with the body* since* whenever this harmony m'st be bro"en 'p* the so'l

    leaves the body* and the man exists no lon%er& even so* whenever the so'l

    m'st cease to exist* the spirit of life is removed from it* and there is no

    more so'l* b't it %oes bac" to the place from whence it was ta"en.,

    9#8. H11.;;T9E JNOW6E5!E O7 T30T9 TO BE SO0!9T 73O2 T9E

    83O89ETS #6ONE.

    =,Sho'ld any one* then* employ a teacher?, 1 say* ,or whence may any

    one be helped* if not even in them there is tr'th?,

    =,There existed* lon% before this time* certain men more ancient thanall those who are esteemed philosophers* both ri%hteo's and beloved by !od*

    who spo"e by the 5ivine Spirit* and foretold events which wo'ld ta"e place*

    and which are now ta"in% place. They are called prophets. These alone both

    saw and anno'nced the tr'th to men* neither reverencin% nor fearin% any

    man* not infl'enced by a desire for %lory* b't spea"in% those thin%s alone

    which they saw and which they heard* bein% filled with the 9oly Spirit.

  • 8/12/2019 Sf Iustin Martirul Dialogul Cu Iudeul Trifon


    Their writin%s are still extant* and he who has read them is very m'ch

    helped in his "nowled%e of the be%innin% and end of thin%s* and of those

    matters which the philosopher o'%ht to "now* provided he has believed them.

    7or they did not 'se demonstration in their treatises* seein% that they

    were witnesses to the tr'th above all demonstration* and worthy of belief&

    and those events which have happened* and those which are happenin%* compel

    yo' to assent to the 'tterances made by them* altho'%h* indeed* they were

    entitled to credit on acco'nt of the miracles which they performed* since

    they both %lorified the reator* the !od and 7ather of all thin%s* and

    proclaimed 9is Son* the hrist FsentG by 9im: which* indeed* the false

    prophets* who are filled with the lyin% 'nclean spirit* neither have done

    nor do* b't vent're to wor" certain wonderf'l deeds for the p'rpose of

    astonishin% men* and %lorify the spirits and demons of error. B't pray

    that* above all thin%s* the %ates of li%ht may be opened to yo'& for these

    thin%s cannot be perceived or 'nderstood by all* b't only by the man towhom !od and 9is hrist have imparted wisdom.,

    9#8. H111.;;/0ST1N B4 91S O66OK04 1S J1N56E5 W1T9 6OHE TO


    =When he had spo"en these and many other thin%s* which there is no time

    for mentionin% at present* he went away* biddin% me attend to them& and 1

    have not seen him since. B't strai%htway a flame was "indled in my so'l&

    and a love of the prophets* and of those men who are friends of hrist*

    possessed me& and whilst revolvin% his words in my mind* 1 fo'nd this

    philosophy alone to be safe and profitable. Th's* and for this reason* 1 am

    a philosopher. 2oreover* 1 wo'ld wish that all* ma"in% a resol'tion similar

    to my own* do not "eep themselves away from the words of the Savio'r. 7or

    they possess a terrible power in themselves* and are s'fficient to inspire

    those who t'rn aside from the path of rectit'de with awe& while the

    sweetest rest is afforded those who ma"e a dili%ent practice of them. 1f*

    then* yo' have any concern for yo'rself* and if yo' are ea%erly loo"in% for

    salvation* and if yo' believe in !od* yo' may;;since yo' are not

    indifferent to the matter.(;;become acC'ainted with the hrist of !od*and* after bein% initiated*() live a happy life.=

    When 1 had said this* my beloved friends*(+ those who were with Trypho

    la'%hed& b't he* smilin%* says* =1 approve of yo'r other remar"s* and

    admire the ea%erness with which yo' st'dy divine thin%s& b't it were better

    for yo' still to abide in the philosophy of 8lato* or of some other man*

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    c'ltivatin% end'rance* self;control* and moderation* rather than be

    deceived by false words* and follow the opinions of men of no rep'tation.

    7or if yo' remain in that mode of philosophy* and live blamelessly* a hope

    of a better destiny were left to yo'& b't when yo' have forsa"en !od* and

    reposed confidence in man* what safety still awaits yo'? 1f* then* yo' are

    willin% to listen to me (for 1 have already considered yo' a friend* first

    be circ'mcised* then observe what ordinances have been enacted with respect

    to the Sabbath* and the feasts* and the new moons of !od& and* in a word*

    do all thin%s which have been written in the law: and then perhaps yo'

    shall obtain mercy from !od. B't hrist;;if 9e has indeed been born* and

    exists anywhere;;is 'n"nown* and does not even "now 9imself* and has no

    power 'ntil Elias come to anoint 9im* and ma"e 9im manifest to all. #nd

    yo'* havin% accepted a %ro'ndless report* invent a hrist for yo'rselves*

    and for his sa"e are inconsiderately perishin%.=

    9#8. 1

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    conversed with each other* some one of them havin% thrown in a remar" abo't

    the war wa%ed in /'daea.


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    demonstrated while we proceed.


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    o't from thence* and to'ch no 'nclean thin%& %o ye o't of the midst of her*

    be ye clean that bear the vessels of the 6ord* for( ye %o not with haste.

    7or the 6ord shall %o before yo'& and the 6ord* the !od of 1srael* shall

    %ather yo' to%ether. Behold* my servant shall deal pr'dently& and 9e shall

    be exalted* and be %reatly %lorified. #s many were astonished at Thee* so

    Thy form and Thy %lory shall be marred more than men. So shall many nations

    be astonished at 9im* and the "in%s shall sh't their mo'ths& for that which

    had not been told them concernin% 9im shall they see* and that which they

    had not heard shall they consider. 6ord* who hath believed o'r report? and

    to whom is the arm of the 6ord revealed? We have anno'nced 9im as a child

    before 9im* as a root in a dry %ro'nd. 9e hath no form or comeliness* and

    when we saw 9im 9e had no form or bea'ty& b't 9is form is dishono'red* and

    fails more than the sons of men. 9e is a man in affliction* and acC'ainted

    with bearin% sic"ness* beca'se 9is face has been t'rned away& 9e was

    despised* and we esteemed 9im not. 9e bears o'r sins* and is distressed for's& and we esteemed 9im to be in toil and in affliction* and in evil

    treatment B't 9e was wo'nded for o'r trans%ressions* 9e was br'ised for o'r

    iniC'ities& the chastisement of o'r peace was 'pon 9im. With 9is stripes we

    are healed. #ll we* li"e sheep* have %one astray. Every man has t'rned to

    his own way& and the 6ord laid on 9im o'r iniC'ities* and by reason of 9is

    oppression 9e opens not 9is mo'th. 9e was bro'%ht as a sheep to the

    sla'%hter& and as a lamb before her shearer is d'mb* so 9e openeth not 9is

    mo'th. 1n 9is h'miliation 9is @'d%ment was ta"en away. #nd who shall

    declare 9is %eneration? 7or 9is life is ta"en from the earth. Beca'se of

    the trans%ressions of my people 9e came 'nto death. #nd 1 will %ive the

    wic"ed for 9is %rave* and the rich for 9is death* beca'se 9e committed no

    iniC'ity* and deceit was not fo'nd in 9is mo'th. #nd the 6ord wills to

    p'rify 9im from affliction. 1f he has been %iven for sin* yo'r so'l shall

    see a lon%;lived seed. #nd the 6ord wills to ta"e 9is so'l away from

    tro'ble* to show 9im li%ht* and to form 9im in 'nderstandin%* to @'stify

    the ri%hteo's One who serves many well. #nd 9e shall bear o'r sins&

    therefore 9e shall inherit many* and shall divide the spoil of the stron%*

    beca'se 9is so'l was delivered to death& and 9e was n'mbered with the

    trans%ressors* and 9e bare the sins of many* and was delivered for theirtrans%ression. Sin%* O barren* who bearest not& brea" forth and cry alo'd*

    tho' who dost not travail in pain: for more are the children of the

    desolate than the children of the married wife. 7or the 6ord said* Enlar%e

    the place of thy tent and of thy c'rtains& fix them* spare not* len%then

    thy cords* and stren%then thy sta"es& stretch forth to thy ri%ht and thy

    left& and thy seed shall inherit the !entiles* and tho' shalt ma"e the

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    desolate cities to be inherited. 7ear not beca'se tho' art ashamed* neither

    be tho' confo'nded beca'se tho' hast been reproached& for tho' shalt for%et

    everlastin% shame* and shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood*

    beca'se the 6ord has made a name for 9imself* and 9e who has redeemed thee

    shall be called thro'%h the whole earth the !od of 1srael. The 6ord has

    called thee as( a woman forsa"en and %rieved in spirit* as( a woman

    hated from her yo'th.,()

    9#8. the body

    is p're. 7or this is the symbolic si%nificance of 'nleavened bread* that

    yo' do not commit the old deeds of wic"ed leaven. B't yo' have 'nderstood

    all thin%s in a carnal sense* and yo' s'ppose it to be piety if yo' do s'ch

    thin%s* while yo'r so'ls are filled with deceit* and* in short* with every

    wic"edness. #ccordin%ly* also* after the seven days of eatin% 'nleavened

    bread* !od commanded them to min%le new leaven* that is* the performance of

    other wor"s* and not the imitation of the old and evil wor"s. #nd beca'se

    this is what this new 6aw%iver demands of yo'* 1 shall a%ain refer to the

    words which have been C'oted by me* and to others also which have been

    passed over. They are related by 1saiah to the followin% effect: ,9ear"en

    to me* and yo'r so'l shall live& and 1 will ma"e with yo' an everlastin%

    covenant* even the s're mercies of 5avid. Behold* 1 have %iven 9im for a

    witness to the people* a leader and commander to the nations. Nations which

    "now not Thee shall call on Thee& and peoples who "now not Thee shallescape 'nto Thee* beca'se of Thy !od* the 9oly One of 1srael* for 9e has

    %lorified Thee. See" ye !od& and when yo' find 9im* call on 9im* so lon% as

    9e may be ni%h yo'. 6et the wic"ed forsa"e his ways* and the 'nri%hteo's

    man his tho'%hts& and let him ret'rn 'nto the 6ord* and he will obtain

    mercy* beca'se 9e will ab'ndantly pardon yo'r sins. 7or my tho'%hts are not

    as yo'r tho'%hts* neither are my ways as yo'r ways& b't as far removed as

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    the heavens are from the earth* so far is my way removed from yo'r way* and

    yo'r tho'%hts from my tho'%hts. 7or as the snow or the rain descends from

    heaven* and shall not ret'rn till it waters the earth* and ma"es it brin%

    forth and b'd* and %ives seed to the sower and bread for food* so shall 2y

    word be that %oeth forth o't of 2y mo'th: it shall not ret'rn 'ntil it

    shall have accomplished all that 1 desired* and 1 shall ma"e 2y

    commandments prospero's. 7or ye shall %o o't with @oy* and be ta'%ht with

    %ladness. 7or the mo'ntains and the hills shall leap while they expect yo'*

    and all the trees of the fields shall appla'd with their branches: and

    instead of the thorn shall come 'p the cypress* and instead of the brier

    shall come 'p the myrtle. #nd the 6ord shall be for a name* and for an

    everlastin% si%n* and 9e shall not fail>,( Of these and s'ch li"e words

    written by the prophets* O Trypho*= said 1* =some have reference to the

    first advent of hrist* in which 9e is preached as in%lorio's* obsc're* and

    of mortal appearance: b't others had reference to 9is second advent* when9e shall appear in %lory and above the clo'ds& and yo'r nation shall see

    and "now 9im whom they have pierced* as 9osea* one of the twelve prophets*

    and 5aniel* foretold.


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    hide thyself from thine own flesh. Then shall thy li%ht brea" forth as the

    mornin%* and thy %arments() shall rise 'p C'ic"ly: and thy ri%hteo'sness

    shall %o before thee* and the %lory of !od shall envelope thee. Then shalt

    tho' cry* and the 6ord shall hear thee: while tho' art spea"in%* 9e will

    say* Behold* 1 am here. #nd if tho' ta"e away from thee the yo"e* and the

    stretchin% o't of the hand* and the word of m'rm'rin%& and shalt %ive

    heartily thy bread to the h'n%ry* and shalt satisfy the afflicted so'l&

    then shall thy li%ht arise in the dar"ness* and thy dar"ness shall be as

    the noon;day: and thy !od shall be with thee contin'ally* and tho' shalt be

    satisfied accordin% as thy so'l desireth* and thy bones shall become fat*

    and shall be as a watered %arden* and as a fo'ntain of water* or as a land

    where water fails not.,(+ ,irc'mcise* therefore* the fores"in of yo'r

    heart*, as the words of !od in all these passa%es demand.=


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    as yo' co'ld* yo' did so. Wherefore !od* by 1saiah* calls to yo'* sayin%*

    ,Behold how the ri%hteo's man perished* and no one re%ards it. 7or the

    ri%hteo's man is ta"en away from before iniC'ity. 9is %rave shall be in

    peace* he is ta"en away from the midst. 5raw near hither* ye lawless

    children* seed of the ad'lterers* and children of the whore. #%ainst whom

    have yo' sported yo'rselves* and a%ainst whom have yo' opened the mo'th*

    and a%ainst whom have yo' loosened the ton%'e?,(

    9#8. beca'se they have devised an evil device a%ainst

    themselves* sayin%* 6et 's bind the ri%hteo's* for he is distastef'l to 's.

    Therefore they shall eat the fr'it of their doin%s. Woe 'nto the wic"ed

    evil shall be rendered to him accordin% to the wor"s of his hands., #nd

    a%ain* in other words:(+ ,Woe 'nto them that draw their iniC'ity as with a

    lon% cord* and their trans%ressions as with the harness of a heifer,s yo"e:

    who say* 6et his speed come near& and let the co'nsel of the 9oly One of

    1srael come* that we may "now it. Woe 'nto them that call evil %ood* and

    %ood evil& that p't li%ht for dar"ness* and dar"ness for li%ht& that p'tbitter for sweet* and sweet for bitter>,(A #ccordin%ly* yo' displayed

    %reat Ieal in p'blishin% thro'%ho't all the land bitter and dar" and 'n@'st

    thin%s a%ainst the only blameless and ri%hteo's 6i%ht sent by !od.

    7or 9e appeared distastef'l to yo' when 9e cried amon% yo'* ,1t is

    written* 2y ho'se is the ho'se of prayer& b't ye have made it a den of

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    thieves>,( 9e overthrew also the tables of the money;chan%ers in the

    temple* and exclaimed* ,Woe 'nto yo'* Scribes and 8harisees* hypocrites>

    beca'se ye pay tithe of mint and r'e* b't do not observe the love of !od

    and @'stice. 4e whited sep'lchres> appearin% bea'tif'l o'tward* b't are

    within f'll of dead men,s bones.,(D #nd to the Scribes* ,Woe 'nto yo'*

    Scribes> for ye have the "eys* and ye do not enter in yo'rselves* and them

    that are enterin% in ye hinder& ye blind %'ides>,


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    also !od has anno'nced that yo' have forsa"en 9im* the livin% fo'ntain*

    and di%%ed for yo'r selves bro"en cisterns which can hold no water. Even

    yo'* who are the circ'mcised accordin% to the flesh* have need of o'r

    circ'mcision& b't we* havin% the latter* do not reC'ire the former. 7or if

    it were necessary* as yo' s'ppose* !od wo'ld not have made #dam

    'ncirc'mcised wo'ld not have had respect to the %ifts of #bel when* bein%

    'ncirc'mcised* he offered sacrifice and wo'ld not have been pleased with

    the 'ncirc'mcision of Enoch* who was not fo'nd* beca'se !od had translated

    him. 6ot* bein% 'ncirc'mcised* was saved from Sodom* the an%els themselves

    and the 6ord sendin% him o't. Noah was the be%innin% of o'r race& yet*

    'ncirc'mcised* alon% with his children he went into the ar". 2elchiIede"*

    the priest of the 2ost 9i%h* was 'ncirc'mcised& to whom also #braham the

    first who received circ'mcision after the flesh* %ave tithes* and he

    blessed him: after whose order !od declared* by the mo'th of 5avid* that 9e

    wo'ld establish the everlastin% priest. Therefore to yo' alone thiscirc'mcision was necessary* in order that the people may be no people* and

    the nation no nation& as also 9osea*( one of the twelve prophets*

    declares. 2oreover* all those ri%hteo's men already mentioned* tho'%h they

    "ept no Sabbaths*() were pleasin% to !od& and after them #braham with all

    his descendants 'ntil 2oses* 'nder whom yo'r nation appeared 'nri%hteo's

    and 'n%ratef'l to !od* ma"in% a calf in the wilderness: wherefore !od*

    accommodatin% 9imself to that nation* en@oined them also to offer

    sacrifices* as if to 9is name* in order that yo' mi%ht not serve idols.

    Which precept* however* yo' have not observed& nay* yo' sacrificed yo'r

    children to demons. #nd yo' were commanded to "eep Sabbaths* that yo' mi%ht

    retain the memorial of !od. 7or 9is word ma"es this anno'ncement* sayin%*

    ,That ye may "now that 1 am !od who redeemed yo'.,(+


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    statement* ,as the %reen herbs*, in the sense in which it was %iven by !od*

    to wit* that @'st as !od has %ranted the herbs for s'stenance to man* even

    so has 9e %iven the animals for the diet of flesh? B't* yo' say* a

    distinction was laid down thereafter to Noah* beca'se we do not eat certain

    herbs. #s yo' interpret it* the thin% is incredible. #nd first 1 shall not

    occ'py myself with this* tho'%h able to say and to hold that every

    ve%etable is food* and fit to be eaten. B't altho'%h we discriminate

    between %reen herbs* not eatin% all* we refrain from eatin% some* not

    beca'se they are common or 'nclean* b't beca'se they are bitter* or deadly*

    or thorny. B't we lay hands on and ta"e of all herbs which are sweet* very

    no'rishin% and %ood* whether they are marine or land plants. Th's also !od

    by the mo'th of 2oses commanded yo' to abstain from 'nclean and improper(

    and violent animals: when* moreover* tho'%h yo' were eatin% manna in the

    desert* and were seein% all those wondro's acts wro'%ht for yo' by !od* yo'

    made and worshipped the %olden calf.(L 9ence he cries contin'ally* and@'stly* ,They are foolish children* in whom is no faith.,(M


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    were not %ood* and @'d%ments whereby they shall not live. #nd 1 shall

    poll'te them in their own %ifts* that 1 may destroy all that openeth the

    womb* when 1 pass thro'%h them.,(

    9#8. to what end is this day of the 6ord for yo'? 1t

    is dar"ness and not li%ht* as when a man flees from the face of a lion* and

    a bear meets him& and he %oes into his ho'se* and leans his hands a%ainst

    the wall* and the serpent bites him. Shall not the day of the 6ord be

    dar"ness and not li%ht* even very dar"* and no bri%htness in it? 1 havehated* 1 have despised yo'r feast;days* and 1 will not smell in yo'r solemn

    assemblies: wherefore* tho'%h ye offer 2e yo'r b'rnt;offerin%s and

    sacrifices* 1 will not accept them& neither will 1 re%ard the peace;

    offerin%s of yo'r presence. Ta"e tho' away from 2e the m'ltit'de of thy

    son%s and psalms& 1 will not hear thine instr'ments. B't let @'d%ment be

    rolled down as water* and ri%hteo'sness as an impassable torrent. 9ave ye

    offered 'nto 2e victims and sacrifices in the wilderness* O ho'se of

    1srael? saith the 6ord. #nd have ye ta"en 'p the tabernacle of 2oloch* and

    the star of yo'r %od 3aphan* the fi%'res which ye made for yo'rselves? #nd

    1 will carry yo' away beyond 5amasc's* saith the 6ord* whose name is the

    #lmi%hty !od. Woe to them that are at ease in ion* and tr'st in the

    mo'ntain of Samaria: those who are named amon% the chiefs have pl'c"ed away

    the first;fr'its of the nations: the ho'se of 1srael have entered for

    themselves. 8ass all of yo' 'nto alneh* and see& and from thence %o ye

    'nto 9amath the %reat* and %o down thence to !ath of the stran%ers* the

    noblest of all these "in%doms* if their bo'ndaries are %reater than yo'r

    bo'ndaries. 4e who come to the evil day* who are approachin%* and who hold

    to false Sabbaths& who lie on beds of ivory* and are at ease 'pon their

    co'ches& who eat the lambs o't of the floc"* and the s'c"in% calves o't ofthe midst of the herd& who appla'd at the so'nd of the m'sical instr'ments&

    they rec"on them as stable* and not as fleetin%* who drin" wine in bowls*

    and anoint themselves with the chief ointments* b't they are not %rieved

    for the affliction of /oseph. Wherefore now they shall be captives* amon%

    the first of the nobles who are carried away& and the ho'se of evil;doers

    shall be removed* and the nei%hin% of horses shall be ta"en away from

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    Ephraim.() #nd a%ain by /eremiah: ,ollect yo'r flesh* and sacrifices* and

    eat: for concernin% neither sacrifices nor libations did 1 command yo'r

    fathers in the day in which 1 too" them by the hand to lead them o't of

    E%ypt.(+ #nd a%ain by 5avid* in the forty;ninth 8salm* 9e th's said: ,The

    !od of %ods* the 6ord hath spo"en* and called the earth* from the risin%

    of the s'n 'nto the %oin% down thereof. O't of ion is the perfection of

    9is bea'ty. !od* even o'r !od* shall come openly* and shall not "eep

    silence. 7ire shall b'rn before 9im* and it shall be very temptest'o's

    ro'nd abo't 9im. 9e shall call to the heavens above* and to the earth* that

    9e may @'d%e 9is people. #ssemble to 9im 9is saints& those that have made a

    covenant with 9im by sacrifices. #nd the heavens shall declare 9is

    ri%hteo'sness* for !od is @'d%e. 9ear* O 2y people* and 1 will spea" to

    thee& O 1srael* and 1 will testify to thee* 1 am !od* even thy !od. 1 will

    not reprove thee for thy sacrifices& thy b'rnt;offerin%s are contin'ally

    before me. 1 will ta"e no b'lloc"s o't of thy ho'se* nor he;%oats o't ofthy folds: for all the beasts of the field are 2ine* the herds and the oxen

    on the mo'ntains. 1 "now all the fowls of the heavens* and the bea'ty of

    the field is 2ine. 1f 1 were h'n%ry* 1 wo'ld not tell thee& for the world

    is 2ine* and the f'lness thereof. Will 1 eat the flesh of b'lls* or drin"

    the blood of %oats? Offer 'nto !od the sacrifice of praise* and pay thy

    vows 'nto the 2ost 9i%h* and call 'pon 2e in the day of tro'ble* and 1 will

    deliver thee* and tho' shalt %lorify 2e. B't 'nto the wic"ed !od saith*

    What hast tho' to do to declare 2y stat'tes* and to ta"e 2y covenant into

    thy mo'th? B't tho' hast hated instr'ction* and cast 2y words behind thee.

    When tho' sawest a thief* tho' consentedst with him& and hast been parta"er

    with the ad'lterer. Thy mo'th has framed evil* and thy ton%'e has enfolded

    deceit. Tho' sittest and spea"est a%ainst thy brother& tho' slanderest

    thine own mother,s son. These thin%s hast tho' done* and 1 "ept silence&

    tho' tho'%htest that 1 wo'ld be li"e thyself in wic"edness. 1 will reprove

    thee* and set thy sins in order before thine eyes. Now consider this* ye

    that for%et !od* lest 9e tear yo' in pieces* and there be none to deliver.

    The sacrifice of praise shall %lorify 2e& and there is the way in which 1

    shall show him 2y salvation.( #ccordin%ly 9e neither ta"es sacrifices

    from yo' nor commanded them at first to be offered beca'se they are needf'lto 9im* b't beca'se of yo'r sins. 7or indeed the temple* which is called

    the temple in /er'salem* 9e admitted to be 9is ho'se or co'rt* not as

    tho'%h 9e needed it* b't in order that yo'* in this view of it* %ivin%

    yo'rselves to 9im* mi%ht not worship idols. #nd that this is so* 1saiah

    says: ,What ho'se have ye b'ilt 2e? saith the 6ord. 9eaven is 2y throne*

    and earth is 2y footstool.,()

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    =Now* sirs*= 1 said* =it is possible for 's to show how the ei%hth day

    possessed a certain mysterio's import* which the seventh day did not

    possess* and which was prom'l%ated by !od thro'%h these rites. B't lest 1

    appear now to diver%e to other s'b@ects* 'nderstand what 1 say: the blood

    of that circ'mcision is obsolete* and we tr'st in the bloOd of salvation&

    there is now another covenant* and another law has %one forth from ion.

    /es's hrist circ'mcises all who will;;as was declared above;;with "nives

    of stone&(A that they may be a ri%hteo's nation* a people "eepin% faith*

    holdin% to the tr'th* and maintainin% peace. ome then with me* all who

    fear !od* who wish to see the %ood of /er'salem. ome* let 's %o to the

    li%ht of the 6ord& for 9e has liberated 9is people* the ho'se of /acob.

    ome* all nations& let 's %ather o'rselves to%ether at /er'salem* no lon%er

    pla%'ed by war for the sins of her people. ,7or 1 was manifest to them that

    so'%ht 2e not& 1 was fo'nd of them that as"ed not for 2e&,( 9e exclaims

    by 1saiah: ,1 said* Behold 2e* 'nto nations which were not called by 2yname. 1 have spread o't 2y hands all the day 'nto a disobedient and

    %ainsayin% people* which wal"ed in a way that was not %ood* b't after their

    own sins. 1t is a people that rovo"eth 2e to my face.,(


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    be%innin% we have not heard* nor have o'r eyes seen a !od besides Thee: and

    Thy wor"s*( the mercy which Tho' shall show to those who repent. 9e shall

    meet those who do ri%hteo'sness* and they shall remember Thy ways. Behold*

    Tho' art wroth* and we were sinnin%. Therefore we have erred and become all

    'nclean* and all o'r ri%hteo'sness is as the ra%s of a woman set apart: and

    we have faded away li"e leaves by reason of o'r iniC'ities& th's the wind

    will ta"e 's away. #nd there is none that calleth 'pon Thy name* or

    remembers to ta"e hold of Thee& for Tho' hast t'rned away Thy face from 's*

    and hast %iven 's 'p on acco'nt of o'r sins. #nd now ret'rn* O 6ord* for we

    are all Thy people. The city of Thy holiness has become desolate. ion has

    become as a wilderness* /er'salem a c'rse& the ho'se* o'r holiness* and the

    %lory which o'r fathers blessed* has been b'rned with fire& and all the

    %lorio's nations() have fallen alon% with it. #nd in addition to these

    Fmisfort'nesG* O 6ord* Tho' hast refrained Thyself* and art silent* and

    hast h'mbled 's very m'ch.,=(+

    #nd Trypho remar"ed* =What is this yo' say? that none of 's shall

    inherit anythin% on the holy mo'ntain of !od?=


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    and the @'d%ment of salvation. Why are Thy %arments red* and Thine apparel

    as from the trodden wine;press? Tho' art f'll of the trodden %rape. 1 have

    trodden the wine;press all alone* and of the people there is no man with

    2e& and 1 have trampled them in f'ry* and cr'shed them to the %ro'nd* and

    spilled their blood on the earth. 7or the day of retrib'tion has come 'pon

    them* and the year of redemption is present. #nd 1 loo"ed* and there was

    none to help& and 1 considered* and none assisted: and 2y arm delivered&

    and 2y f'ry came on them* and 1 trampled them in 2y f'ry* and spilled their

    blood on the earth.,=(D


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    were en@oined yo' beca'se of yo'r wic"edness* in li"e manner beca'se of

    yo'r stedfastness in it* or rather yo'r increased proneness to it* by means

    of the same precepts 9e calls yo' to a remembrance or "nowled%e of it. B't

    yo' are a people hard;hearted and witho't 'nderstandin%* both blind and

    lame* children in whom is no faith* as 9e 9imself says* hono'rin% 9im only

    with yo'r lips* far from 9im in yo'r hearts* teachin% doctrines that are

    yo'r own and not 9is. 7or* tell me* did !od wish the priests to sin when

    they offer the sacrifices on the Sabbaths? or those to sin* who are

    circ'mcised and do circ'mcise on the Sabbaths& since 9e commands that on

    the ei%hth day;;even tho'%h it happen to be a Sabbath;;those who are born

    shall be always circ'mcised? or co'ld not the infants be operated 'pon one

    day previo's or one day s'bseC'ent to the Sabbath* if 9e "new that it is a

    sinf'l act 'pon the Sabbaths? Or why did 9e not teach those;;who are called

    ri%hteo's and pleasin% to 9im* who lived before 2oses and #braham* who were

    not circ'mcised in their fores"in* and observed no Sabbaths;;to "eep theseinstit'tions?=


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    the E%yptians* or the sons of 2oab* or the sons of Edom. B't tho'%h a man

    be a Scythian or a 8ersian* if he has the "nowled%e of !od and of 9is

    hrist* and "eeps the everlastin% ri%hteo's decrees* he is circ'mcised with

    the %ood and 'sef'l circ'mcision* and is a friend of !od* and !od re@oices

    in his %ifts and offerin%s. B't 1 will lay before yo'* my friends* the very

    words of !od* when 9e said to the people by 2alachi* one of the twelve

    prophets* ,1 have no pleas're in yo'* saith the 6ord& and 1 shall not

    accept yo'r sacrifices at yo'r hands: for from the risin% of the s'n 'nto

    its settin% 2y name shall be %lorified amon% the !entiles& and in every

    place a sacrifice is offered 'nto 2y name* even a p're sacrifice: for 2y

    name is hono'red amon% the !entiles* saith the 6ord& b't ye profane it.,(D

    #nd by 5avid 9e said* ,# people whom 1 have not "nown* served 2e& at the

    hearin% of the ear they obeyed 2e.,(


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    same ri%hteo's stat'tes. 7or s'ch instit'tions seemed to be 'nreasonable

    and 'nworthy of !od to many men* who had not received %race to "now that

    yo'r nation were called to conversion and repentance of spirit*() while

    they were in a sinf'l condition and labo'rin% 'nder spirit'al disease& and

    that the prophecy which was anno'nced s'bseC'ent to the death of 2oses is

    everlastin%. #nd this is mentioned in the 8salm* my friends.(+ #nd that

    we* who have been made wise by them* confess that the stat'tes of the 6ord

    are sweeter than honey and the honey;comb* is manifest from the fact that*

    tho'%h threatened with death* we do not deny 9is name. 2oreover* it is also

    manifest to all* that we who believe in 9im pray to be "ept by 9im from

    stran%e* i.e.* from wic"ed and deceitf'l* spirits& as the word of prophecy*

    personatin% one of those who believe in 9im* fi%'ratively declares. 7or we

    do contin'ally beseech !od by /es's hrist to preserve 's from the demons

    which are hostile to the worship of !od* and whom we of old time served* in

    order that* after o'r conversion by 9im to !od* we may be blameless. 7or wecall 9im 9elper and 3edeemer* the power of whose name even the demons do

    fear& and at this day* when they are exorcised in the name of /es's hrist*

    cr'cified 'nder 8onti's 8ilate* %overnor of /'daea* they are overcome. #nd

    th's it is manifest to all* that 9is 7ather has %iven 9im so %reat power*

    by virt'e of which demons are s'bd'ed to 9is name* and to the dispensation

    of 9is s'fferin%.


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    behold* one li"e the Son of man comin% with the clo'ds of heaven& and 9e

    came to the #ncient of days* and stood before 9im. #nd they who stood by

    bro'%ht 9im near& and there were %iven 9im power and "in%ly hono'r* and all

    nations of the earth by their families* and all %lory* serve 9im. #nd 9is

    dominion is an everlastin% dominion* which shall not be ta"en away& and 9is

    "in%dom shall not be destroyed. #nd my spirit was chilled within my frame*

    and the visions of my head tro'bled me. 1 came near 'nto one of them that

    stood by* and inC'ired the precise meanin% of all these thin%s. 1n answer

    he spea"s to me* and showed me the @'d%ment of the matters: These %reat

    beasts are fo'r "in%doms* which shall perish from the earth* and shall not

    receive dominion for ever* even for ever and ever. Then 1 wished to "now

    exactly abo't the fo'rth beast* which destroyed all Fthe othersG and was

    very terrible* its teeth of iron* and its nails of brass& which devo'red*

    made waste* and stamped the resid'e with its feet: also abo't the ten horns

    'pon its head* and of the one which came 'p* by means of which three of theformer fell. #nd that horn had eyes* and a mo'th spea"in% %reat thin%s& and

    its co'ntenance excelled the rest. #nd 1 beheld that horn wa%in% war

    a%ainst the saints* and prevailin% a%ainst them* 'ntil the #ncient of days

    came& and 9e %ave @'d%ment for the saints of the 2ost 9i%h. #nd the time

    came* and the saints of the 2ost 9i%h possessed the "in%dom. #nd it was

    told me concernin% the fo'rth beast: There shall be a fo'rth "in%dom 'pon

    earth* which shall prevail over all these "in%doms* and shall devo'r the

    whole earth* and shall destroy and ma"e it thoro'%hly waste. #nd the ten

    horns are ten "in%s that shall arise& and one shall arise after them&(

    and he shall s'rpass the first in evil deeds* and he shall s'bd'e three

    "in%s* and he shall spea" words a%ainst the 2ost 9i%h* and shall overthrow

    the rest of the saints of the 2ost 9i%h* and shall expect to chan%e the

    seasons and the times. #nd it shall be delivered into his hands for a time*

    and times* and half a time. #nd the @'d%ment sat* and they shall ta"e away

    his dominion* to cons'me and to destroy it 'nto the end. #nd the "in%dom*

    and the power* and the %reat places of the "in%doms 'nder the heavens* were

    %iven to the holy people of the 2ost 9i%h* to rei%n in an everlastin%

    "in%dom: and all powers shall be s'b@ect to 9im* and shall obey 9im.

    9itherto is the end of the matter. 1* 5aniel* was possessed with a very%reat astonishment* and my speech was chan%ed in me& yet 1 "ept the matter

    in my heart.,=()


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    #nd when 1 had ceased* Trypho said* =These and s'ch li"e Script'res*

    sir* compel 's to wait for 9im who* as Son of man* receives from the

    #ncient of days the everlastin% "in%dom. B't this so;called hrist of yo'rs

    was dishono'rable and in%lorio's* so m'ch so that the last c'rse contained

    in the law of !od fell on him* for he was cr'cified.=

    Then 1 replied to him* =1f* sirs* it were not said by the Script'res

    which 1 have already C'oted* that 9is form was in%lorio's* and 9is

    %eneration not declared* and that for 9is death the rich wo'ld s'ffer

    death* and with 9is stripes we sho'ld be healed* and that 9e wo'ld be led

    away li"e a sheep& and if 1 had not explained that there wo'ld be two

    advents of 9is*;;one in which 9e was pierced by yo'& a second* when yo'

    shall "now 9im whom yo' have pierced* and yo'r tribes shall mo'rn* each

    tribe by itself* the women apart* and the men apart* ;;then 1 m'st havebeen spea"in% d'bio's and obsc're thin%s. B't now* by means of the contents

    of those Script'res esteemed holy and prophetic amon%st yo'* 1 attempt to

    prove all Fthat 1 have add'cedG* in the hope that some one of yo' may be

    fo'nd to be of that remnant which has been left by the %race of the 6ord of

    Sabaoth for the eternal salvation. 1n order* therefore* that the matter

    inC'ired into may be plainer to yo'* 1 will mention to yo' other words also

    spo"en by the blessed 5avid* from which yo' will perceive that the 6ord is

    called the hrist by the 9oly Spirit of prophecy& and that the 6ord* the

    7ather of all* has bro'%ht 9im a%ain from the earth* settin% 9im at 9is own

    ri%ht hand* 'ntil 9e ma"es 9is enemies 9is footstool& which indeed happens

    from the time that o'r 6ord /es's hrist ascended to heaven* after 9e rose

    a%ain from the dead* the times now r'nnin% on to their cons'mmation& and he

    whom 5aniel foretells wo'ld have dominion for a time* and times* and an

    half* is even already at the door* abo't to spea" blasphemo's and darin%

    thin%s a%ainst the 2ost 9i%h. B't yo'* bein% i%norant of how lon% he will

    have dominion* hold another opinion. 7or yo' interpret the ,time, as bein%

    a h'ndred years. B't if this is so* the man of sin m'st* at the shortest*

    rei%n three h'ndred and fifty years* in order that we may comp'te that

    which is said by the holy 5aniel;;,and times,;;to be two times only. #llthis 1 have said to yo' in di%ression* in order that yo' at len%th may be

    pers'aded of what has been declared a%ainst yo' by !od* that yo' are

    foolish sons& and of this* ,Therefore* behold* 1 will proceed to ta"e away

    this people* and shall ta"e them away& and 1 will strip the wise of their

    wisdom* and will hide the 'nderstandin% of their pr'dent men&,(+ and may

    cease to deceive yo'rselves and those who hear yo'* and may learn of 's*

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    who have been ta'%ht wisdom by the %race of hrist. The words* then* which

    were spo"en by 5avid* are these:(A ,The 6ord said 'nto 2y 6ord* Sit Tho'

    at 2y ri%ht hand* 'ntil 1 ma"e Thine enemies Thy footstool. The 6ord shall

    send the rod of Thy stren%th o't of Sion: r'le Tho' also in the midst of

    Thine enemies. With Thee shall be* in the day* the chief of Thy power* in

    the bea'ties of Thy saints. 7rom the womb* before the mornin% star* have 1

    be%otten Thee. The 6ord hath sworn* and will not repent: Tho' art a priest

    for ever after the order of 2elchiIede". The 6ord is at Thy ri%ht hand: 9e

    has cr'shed "in%s in the day of 9is wrath: 9e shall @'d%e amon% the

    heathen* 9e shall fill FwithG the dead bodies.( 9e shall drin" of the

    broo" in the way& therefore shall 9e lift 'p the head.,


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    S9055E3 #T.

    =7'rther* to pers'ade yo' that yo' have not 'nderstood anythin% of the

    Script'res* 1 will remind yo' of another psalm* dictated to 5avid by the

    9oly Spirit* which yo' say refers to Solomon* who was also yo'r "in%. B't

    it refers also to o'r hrist. B't yo' deceive yo'rselves by the ambi%'o's

    forms of speech. 7or where it is said* ,The law of the 6ord is perfect*,

    yo' do not 'nderstand it of the law which was to be after 2oses* b't of the

    law which was %iven by 2oses* altho'%h !od declared that 9e wo'ld establish

    a new law and a new covenant. #nd where it has been said* ,O !od* %ive Thy

    @'d%ment to the "in%*, since Solomon was "in%* yo' say that the 8salm

    refers to him* altho'%h the words of the 8salm expressly proclaim that

    reference is made to the everlastin% Jin%* i.e.* to hrist. 7or hrist is

    Jin%* and 8riest* and !od* and 6ord* and an%el* and man* and captain* and

    stone* and a Son born* and first made s'b@ect to s'fferin%* then ret'rnin%to heaven* and a%ain comin% with %lory* and 9e is preached as havin% the

    everlastin% "in%dom: so 1 prove from all the Script'res. B't that yo' may

    perceive what 1 have said* 1 C'ote the words of the 8salm& they are these:

    ,O !od* %ive Thy @'d%ment to the "in%* and Thy ri%hteo'sness 'nto the

    "in%,s son* to @'d%e Thy people with ri%hteo'sness* and Thy poor with

    @'d%ment. The mo'ntains shall ta"e 'p peace to the people* and the little

    hills ri%hteo'sness. 9e shall @'d%e the poor of the people* and shah save

    the children of the needy* and shall abase the slanderer. 9e shall co;

    end're with the s'n* and before the moon 'nto all %enerations. 9e shall

    come down li"e rain 'pon the fleece* as drops fallin% on the earth. 1n 9is

    days shall ri%hteo'sness flo'rish* and ab'ndance of peace 'ntil the moon be

    ta"en away. #nd 9e shall have dominion from sea to sea* and from the rivers

    'nto the ends of the earth. Ethiopians shall fall down before 9im* and 9is

    enemies shall lic" the d'st. The "in%s of Tarshish and the isles shall

    offer %ifts& the "in%s of #rabia and Seba shall offer %ifts& and all the

    "in%s of the earth shall worship 9im* and all the nations shall serve 9im:

    for 9e has delivered the poor from the man of power* and the needy that

    hath no helper. 9e shall spare the poor and needy* and shall save the so'ls

    of the needy: 9e shall redeem their so'ls from 's'ry and in@'stice* and 9isname shall be hono'rable before them. #nd 9e shall live* and to 9im shall

    be %iven of the %old of #rabia* and they shall pray contin'ally for 9im:

    they shall bless 9im all the day. #nd there shall be a fo'ndation on the

    earth* it shall be exalted on the tops of the mo'ntains: 9is fr'it shall be

    on 6ebanon* and they of the city shall flo'rish li"e %rass of the earth.

    9is name shah be blessed for ever. 9is name shall end're before the s'n&

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    and all tribes of the earth shall be blessed in 9im* all nations shall call

    9im blessed. Blessed be the 6ord* the !od of 1srael* who only doeth

    wondro's thin%s& and blessed be 9is %lorio's name for ever* and for ever

    and ever& and the whole earth shall be filled with 9is %lory. #men*

    amen.,() #nd at the close of this 8salm which 1 have C'oted* it is

    written* ,The hymns of 5avid the son of /esse are ended.,(+ 2oreover* that

    Solomon was a renowned and %reat "in%* by whom the temple called that at

    /er'salem was b'ilt* 1 "now& b't that none of those thin%s mentioned in the

    8salm happened to him* is evident. 7or neither did all "in%s worship him&

    nor did he rei%n to the ends of the earth& nor did his enemies* failin%

    before him* lic" the d'st. Nay* also* 1 vent're to repeat what is written

    in the boo" of Jin%s as committed by him* how thro'%h a woman,s infl'ence

    he worshipped the idols of Sidon* which those of the !entiles who "now !od*

    the 2a"er of all thin%s thro'%h /es's the cr'cified* do not vent're to do*

    b't abide every tort're and ven%eance even to the extremity of death*rather than worship idols* or eat meat offered to idols.=


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    1saac* and of /acob* with whom we have nothin% in common* since we "now

    them to be atheists* impio's* 'nri%hteo's* and sinf'l* and confessors of

    /es's in name only* instead of worshippers of 9im. 4et they style

    themselves hristians* @'st as certain amon% the !entiles inscribe the name

    of !od 'pon the wor"s of their own hands* and parta"e in nefario's and

    impio's rites. Some are called 2arcians* and some Halentinians* and some

    Basilidians* and some Sat'rnilians* and others by other names& each called

    after the ori%inator of the individ'al opinion* @'st as each one of those

    who consider themselves philosophers* as 1 said before* thin"s he m'st bear

    the name of the philosophy which he follows* from the name of the father of

    the partic'lar doctrine. So that* in conseC'ence of these events* we "now

    that /es's fore"new what wo'ld happen after 9im* as well as in conseC'ence

    of many other events which 9e foretold wo'ld befall those who believed on

    and confessed 9im* the hrist. 7or all that we s'ffer* even when "illed by

    friends* 9e foretold wo'ld ta"e place& so that it is manifest no word oract of 9is can be fo'nd fa'lt with. Wherefore we pray for yo' and for all

    other men who hate 's& in order that yo'* havin% repented alon% with 's*

    may not blaspheme 9im who* by 9is wor"s* by the mi%hty deeds even now

    wro'%ht thro'%h 9is name* by the words 9e ta'%ht* by the prophecies

    anno'nced concernin% 9im* is the blameless* and in all thin%s

    irreproachable* hrist /es's& b't* believin% on 9im* may be saved in 9is

    second %lorio's advent* and may not be condemned to fire by 9im.=


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    shall ascend into the hill of the 6ord? or who shall stand in 9is holy

    place? 9e that is clean of hands and p're of heart: who has not received

    his so'l in vain* and has not sworn %'ilef'lly to his nei%hbo'r: he shall

    receive blessin% from the 6ord* and mercy from !od his Savio'r. This is the

    %eneration of them that see" the 6ord* that see" the face of the !od of

    /acob.(A 6ift 'p yo'r %ates* ye r'lers& and be ye lift 'p* ye everlastin%

    doors& and the Jin% of %lory shall come in. Who is this Jin% of %lory? The

    6ord stron% and mi%hty in battle. 6ift 'p yo'r %ates* ye r'lers& and be ye

    lift 'p* ye everlastin% doors& and the Jin% of %lory shall come in. Who is

    this Jin% of %lory? The 6ord of hosts* 9e is the Jin% of %lory.,(

    #ccordin%ly* it is shown that Solomon is not the 6ord of hosts& b't when

    o'r hrist rose from the dead and ascended to heaven* the r'lers in heaven*

    'nder appointment of !od* are commanded to open the %ates of heaven* that

    9e who is Jin% of %lory may enter in* and havin% ascended* may sit on the

    ri%ht hand of the 7ather 'ntil 9e ma"e the enemies 9is footstool* as hasbeen made manifest by another 8salm. 7or when the r'lers of heaven saw 9im

    of 'ncomely and dishono'red appearance* and in%lorio's* not reco%nisin%

    9im* they inC'ired* ,Who is this Jin% of %lory?, #nd the 9oly Spirit*

    either from the person of 9is 7ather* or from 9is own person* answers them*

    ,The 6ord of hosts* 9e is this Jin% of %lory., 7or every one will confess

    that not one of those who presided over the %ates of the temple at

    /er'salem wo'ld vent're to say concernin% Solomon* tho'%h he was so

    %lorio's a "in%* or concernin% the ar" of testimony* ,Who is this Jin% of



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    fearf'l and holy* and the hono'r of the Jin% loves @'d%ment. Tho' hast

    prepared eC'ity& @'d%ment and ri%hteo'sness hast Tho' performed in /acob.

    Exalt the 6ord o'r !od* and worship the footstool of 9is feet& for 9e is

    holy. 2oses and #aron amon% 9is priests* and Sam'el amon% those who call

    'pon 9is name. They called (says the Script're on the 6ord* and 9e heard

    them. 1n the pillar of the clo'd 9e spa"e to them& for(+ they "ept 9is

    testimonies* and the commandment which he %ave them. O 6ord o'r !od* Tho'

    heardest them: O !od* Tho' wert propitio's to them* and FyetG ta"in%

    ven%eance on all their inventions. Exalt the 6ord o'r !od* and worship at

    9is holy hill& for the 6ord o'r !od is holy.,=(A


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    arrows are sharpened* O mi%hty One& the people shall fall 'nder Thee& in

    the heart of the enemies of the Jin% Fthe arrows are fixedG. Thy throne* O

    !od* is for ever and ever: a sceptre of eC'ity is the sceptre of Thy

    "in%dom. Tho' hast loved ri%hteo'sness* and hast hated iniC'ity& therefore

    thy !od( hath anointed Thee with the oil of %ladness above Thy fellows.

    F9e hath anointed TheeG with myrrh*() and oil* and cassia* from Thy

    %arments& from the ivory palaces* whereby they made Thee %lad. Jin%s,

    da'%hters are in Thy hono'r. The C'een stood at Thy ri%ht hand* clad in

    %arments(+ embroidered with %old. 9ear"en* O da'%hter* and behold* and

    incline thine ear* and for%et thy people and the ho'se of thy father: and

    the Jin% shall desire thy bea'ty& beca'se 9e is thy 6ord* they shall

    worship 9im also. #nd the da'%hter of Tyre Fshall be thereG with %ifts. The

    rich of the people shall entreat Thy face. #ll the %lory of the Jin%,s

    da'%hter FisG within* clad in embroidered %arments of needlewor". The

    vir%ins that follow her shall be bro'%ht to the Jin%& her nei%hbo'rs shallbe bro'%ht 'nto Thee: they shall be bro'%ht with @oy and %ladness: they

    shall be led into the Jin%,s shrine. 1nstead of thy fathers* thy sons have

    been born: Tho' shalt appoint them r'lers over all the earth. 1 shall

    remember Thy name in every %eneration: therefore the people shall confess

    Thee for ever* and for ever and ever.,


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    To this Trypho said to me* =1 wish yo' "new that yo' are beside

    yo'rself* tal"in% these sentiments.=

    #nd 1 said to him* =6isten* O friend*(D for 1 am not mad or beside

    myself& b't it was prophesied that* after the ascent of hrist to heaven*

    9e wo'ld deliver( 's from error and %ive 's %ifts. The words are these:

    ,9e ascended 'p on hi%h& 9e led captivity captive& 9e %ave %ifts to

    men.,(L #ccordin%ly* we who have received %ifts from hrist* who has

    ascended 'p on hi%h* prove from the words of prophecy that yo'* ,the wise

    in yo'rselves* and the men of 'nderstandin% in yo'r own eyes*,(M are

    foolish* and hono'r !od and 9is hrist by lip only. B't we* who are

    instr'cted in the whole tr'th*( hono'r Them both in acts* and in

    "nowled%e* and in heart* even 'nto death. B't yo' hesitate to confess that

    9e is hrist* as the Script'res and the events witnessed and done in 9is

    name prove* perhaps for this reason* lest yo' be persec'ted by the r'lers*who* 'nder the infl'ence of the wic"ed and deceitf'l spirit* the serpent*

    will not cease p'ttin% to death and persec'tin% those who confess the name

    of hrist 'ntil 9e come a%ain* and destroy them all* and render to each his


    #nd Trypho replied* =Now* then* render 's the proof that this man who

    yo' say was cr'cified and ascended into heaven is the hrist of !od. 7or

    yo' have s'fficiently proved by means of the Script'res previo'sly C'oted

    by yo'* that it is declared in the Script'res that hrist m'st s'ffer* and

    come a%ain with %lory* and receive the eternal "in%dom over all the

    nations* every "in%dom bein% made s'b@ect to 9im: now show 's that this man

    is 9e.=

    #nd 1 replied* =1t has been already proved* sirs* to those who have

    ears* even from the facts which have been conceded by yo'& b't that yo' may

    not thin" me at a loss* and 'nable to %ive proof of what yo' as"* as 1

    promised* 1 shall do so at a fittin% place. #t present* 1 res'me the

    consideration of the s'b@ect which 1 was disc'ssin%.


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    their faith in 9im* they anoint their ho'ses* i.e.* themselves* who believe

    on 9im. 7or that the creation which !od created;;to wit* #dam;;was a ho'se

    for the spirit which proceeded from !od* yo' all can 'nderstand. #nd that

    this in@'nction was temporary* 1 prove th's. !od does not permit the lamb

    of the passover to be sacrificed in any other place than where 9is name was

    named& "nowin% that the days will come* after the s'fferin% of hrist* when

    even the place in /er'salem shall be %iven over to yo'r enemies* and all

    the offerin%s* in short* shall cease& and that lamb which was commanded to

    be wholly roasted was a symbol of the s'fferin% of the cross which hrist

    wo'ld 'nder%o. 7or the lamb*( which is roasted* is roasted and dressed 'p

    in the form of the cross. 7or one spit is transfixed ri%ht thro'%h from the

    lower parts 'p to the head* and one across the bac"* to which are attached

    the le%s of the lamb. #nd the two %oats which were ordered to be offered

    d'rin% the fast* of which one was sent away as the scape F%oatG* and the

    other sacrificed* were similarly declarative of the two appearances ofhrist: the first* in which the elders of yo'r people* and the priests*

    havin% laid hands on 9im and p't 9im to death* sent 9im away as the scope

    F%oatG& and 9is second appearance* beca'se in the same place in /er'salem

    yo' shall reco%nise 9im whom yo' have dishono'red* and who was an offerin%

    for all sinners willin% to repent* and "eepin% the fast which 1saiah spea"s

    of* loosenin% the terms() of the violent contracts* and "eepin% the other

    precepts* li"ewise en'merated by him* and which 1 have C'oted*(+ which

    those believin% in /es's do. #nd f'rther* yo' are aware that the offerin%

    of the two %oats* which were en@oined to be sacrificed at the fast* was not

    permitted to ta"e place similarly anywhere else* b't only in /er'salem.


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    the 6ord& and 1 will not accept yo'r sacrifices at yo'r hands: for* from

    the risin% of the s'n 'nto the %oin% down of the same* 2y name has been

    %lorified amon% the !entiles* and in every place incense is offered to 2y

    name* and a p're offerin%: for 2y name is %reat amon% the !entiles* saith

    the 6ord: b't ye profane it.,(D FSoG 9e then spea"s of those !entiles*

    namely 's* who in every place offer sacrifices to 9im* i.e.* the bread of

    the E'charist* and also the c'p of the E'charist* affirmin% both that we

    %lorify 9is name* and that yo' profane FitG. The command of circ'mcision*

    a%ain* biddin% FthemG always circ'mcise the children on the ei%hth day* was

    a type of the tr'e circ'mcision* by which we are circ'mcised from deceit

    and iniC'ity thro'%h 9im who rose from the dead on the first day after the

    Sabbath* Fnamely thro'%hG o'r 6ord /es's hrist. 7or the first day after

    the Sabbath* remainin% the first( of all the days* is called* however*

    the ei%hth* accordin% to the n'mber of all the days of the cycle* and FyetG

    remains the first.


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    thin%s which wo'ld happen to hrist* of those who it was fore"nown were to

    believe in 9im* and of those thin%s which wo'ld also be done by hrist

    9imself. B't since what 1 have now en'merated appears to me to be

    s'fficient* 1 revert a%ain to the order of the disco'rse.(


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    5amasc's and the spoil of Samaria in presence of the "in% of #ssyria. #nd

    the land shall be forsa"en*(L which tho' shalt with diffic'lty end're in

    conseC'ence of the presence of its two "in%s.(M B't !od shall brin% on

    thee* and on thy people* and on the ho'se of thy father* days which have

    not yet come 'pon thee since the day in which Ephraim too" away from /'dah

    the "in% of #ssyria.,( Now it is evident to all* that in the race of

    #braham accordin% to the flesh no one has been born of a vir%in* or is said

    to have been born Fof a vir%inG* save this o'r hrist. B't since yo' and

    yo'r teachers vent're to affirm that in the prophecy of 1saiah it is not

    said* ,Behold* the vir%in shall conceive*, b't* ,Behold* the yo'n% woman

    shall conceive* and bear a son&, and FsinceG yo' explain the prophecy as if

    Fit referredG to 9eIe"iah* who was yo'r "in%* 1 shall endeavor to Fdisc'ss

    shortly this point in opposition to yo'* and to show that reference is made

    to 9im who is ac"nowled%ed by 's as hrist.


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    becomes yo' to eradicate this hope from yo'r so'ls* and hasten to "now in

    what way for%iveness of sins* and a hope of inheritin% the promised %ood

    thin%s* shall be yo'rs. B't there is no other FwayG than this*;;to become

    acC'ainted with this hrist* to be washed in the fo'ntain(D spo"en of by

    1saiah for the remission of sins& and for the rest* to live sinless lives.=


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    hrist 9imself* those who believe in 9im and live acceptably*;;and be no

    more: when some are sent to be p'nished 'nceasin%ly into @'d%ment and

    condemnation of fire& b't others shall exist in freedom from s'fferin%*

    from corr'ption* and from %rief* and in immortality.=


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    #nd 1 said* =1 "now that #braham and his descendants were circ'mcised.

    The reason why circ'mcision was %iven to them 1 stated at len%th in what

    has %one before& and if what has been said does not convince yo'*( let 's

    a%ain search into the matter. B't yo' are aware that* 'p to 2oses* no one

    in fact who was ri%hteo's observed any of these rites at all of which we

    are tal"in%* or received one commandment to observe* except that of

    circ'mcision* which be%an from #braham.=

    #nd he replied* =We "now it* and admit that they are saved.=

    Then 1 ret'rned answer* =4o' perceive that !od by 2oses laid all s'ch

    ordinances 'pon yo' on acco'nt of the hardness of yo'r people,s hearts* in

    order that* by the lar%e n'mber of them* yo' mi%ht "eep !od contin'ally*

    and in every action* before yo'r eyes* and never be%in to act 'n@'stly orimpio'sly. 7or 9e en@oined yo' to place aro'nd yo' Fa frin%eG of p'rple

    dye*() in order that yo' mi%ht not for%et !od& and 9e commanded yo' to

    wear a phylactery*(+ certain characters* which indeed we consider holy*

    bein% en%raved on very thin parchment& and by these means stirrin% yo'

    'p(A to retain a constant remembrance of !od: at the same time* however*

    convincin% yo'* that in yo'r hearts yo' have not even a faint remembrance

    of !od,s worship. 4et not even so were yo' diss'aded from idolatry: for in

    the times of Eli@ah* when F!odG reco'nted the n'mber of those who had not

    bowed the "nee to Baal* 9e said the n'mber was seven tho'sand& and in

    1saiah 9e reb'"es yo' for havin% sacrificed yo'r children to idols. B't we*

    beca'se we ref'se to sacrifice to those to whom we were of old acc'stomed

    to sacrifice* 'nder%o extreme penalties* and re@oice in death*;;believin%

    that !od will raise 's 'p by 9is hrist* and will ma"e 's incorr'ptible*

    and 'ndist'rbed* and immortal& and we "now that the ordinances imposed by

    reason of the hardness of yo'r people,s hearts* contrib'te nothin% to the

    performance of ri%hteo'sness and of piety.=


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    1 said* =1n my opinion* Trypho* s'ch an one will be saved* if he does

    not strive in every way to pers'ade other men*;;1 mean those !entiles who

    have been circ'mcised from error by hrist* to observe the same thin%s as

    himself* tellin% them that they will not be saved 'nless they do so. This

    yo' did yo'rself at the commencement of the disco'rse* when yo' declared

    that 1 wo'ld not be saved 'nless 1 observe these instit'tions.=

    Then he replied* =Why then have yo' said* ,1n my opinion* s'ch an one

    will be saved*, 'nless there are some( who affirm that s'ch will not be


    =There are s'ch people* Trypho*= 1 answered& =and these do not vent're

    to have any interco'rse with or to extend hospitality to s'ch persons& b't

    1 do not a%ree with them. B't if some* thro'%h wea";mindedness* wish to

    observe s'ch instit'tions as were %iven by 2oses* from which they expectsome virt'e* b't which we believe were appointed by reason of the hardness

    of the people,s hearts* alon% with their hope in this hrist* and Fwish to

    performG the eternal and nat'ral acts of ri%hteo'sness and piety* yet

    choose to live with the hristians and the faithf'l* as 1 said before* not

    ind'cin% them either to be circ'mcised li"e themselves* or to "eep the

    Sabbath* or to observe any other s'ch ceremonies* then 1 hold that we o'%ht

    to @oin o'rselves to s'ch* and associate with them in all thin%s as "insmen

    and brethren. B't if* Trypho*= 1 contin'ed* =some of yo'r race* who say

    they believe in this hrist* compel those !entiles who believe in this

    hrist to live in all respects accordin% to the law %iven by 2oses* or

    choose not to associate so intimately with them* 1 in li"e manner do not

    approve of them. B't 1 believe that even those* who have been pers'aded by

    them to observe the le%al dispensation alon% with their confession of !od

    in hrist* shall probably be saved. #nd 1 hold* f'rther* that s'ch as have

    confessed and "nown this man to be hrist* yet who have %one bac" from some

    ca'se to the le%al dispensation* and have denied that this man is hrist*

    and have repented not before death* shall by no means be saved. 7'rther* 1

    hold that those of the seed of #braham who live accordin% to the law* and

    do not believe in this hrist before death* shall li"ewise not be saved*and especially those who have anathematiIed and do anathematiIe this very

    hrist in the syna%o%'es* and everythin% by which they mi%ht obtain

    salvation and escape the ven%eance of fire.(D 7or the %oodness and the

    lovin%;"indness of !od* and 9is bo'ndless riches* hold ri%hteo's and

    sinless the man who* as EIe"iel( tells* repents of sins& and rec"ons

    sinf'l* 'nri%hteo's* and impio's the man who fails away from piety and

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    ri%hteo'sness to 'nri%hteo'sness and 'n%odliness. Wherefore also o'r 6ord

    /es's hrist said* ,1n whatsoever thin%s 1 shall ta"e yo'* in these 1 shall

    @'d%e yo'., =()


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    #nd Trypho said* =Those who affirm him to have been a man* and to have

    been anointed by election* and then to have become hrist* appear to me to

    spea" more pla'sibly than yo' who hold those opinions which yo' express.

    7or we all expect that hrist will be a manFbornG of men* and that Eli@ah

    when he comes will anoint him. B't if this man appear to be hrist* he m'st

    certainly be "nown as manFbornG of men& b't from the circ'mstance that

    Eli@ah has not yet come* 1 infer that this man is not 9eFthe hristG.=

    Then 1 inC'ired of him* =5oes not Script're* in the boo" of

    echariah*(L say that Eli@ah shall come before the %reat and terrible day

    of the 6ord?=

    #nd he answered* =ertainly.=

    =1f therefore Script're compels yo' to admit that two advents of hristwere predicted to ta"e place*;;one in which 9e wo'ld appear s'fferin%* and

    dishono'red* and witho't comeliness& b't the other in which 9e wo'ld come

    %lorio's. and /'d%e of all* as has been made manifest in many of the

    forecited passa%es*;;shall we not s'ppose that the word of !od has

    proclaimed that Eli@ah shall be the prec'rsor of the %reat and terrible

    day* that is* of 9is second advent?=

    =ertainly*= he answered.

    =#nd* accordin%ly* o'r 6ord in 9is teachin%*= 1 contin'ed* =proclaimed

    that this very thin% wo'ld ta"e place* sayin% that Eli@ah wo'ld also come.

    #nd we "now that this shall ta"e place when o'r 6ord /es's hrist shall

    come in %lory from heaven& whose first manifestation the Spirit of !od who

    was in Eli@ah preceded as herald inFthe person ofG /ohn* a prophet amon%

    yo'r nation& after whom no other prophet appeared amon% yo'. 9e cried* as

    he sat by the river /ordan: ,1 baptiIe yo' with water to repentance& b't 9e

    that is stron%er than 1 shall come* whose shoes 1 am not worthy to bear: 9e

    shall baptiIe yo' with the 9oly !host and with fire: whose fan is in 9is

    hand* and 9e will thoro'%hly p'r%e 9is floor* and will %ather the wheatinto the barn& b't the chaff 9e will b'rn 'p with 'nC'enchable fire.,(M

    #nd this very prophet yo'r "in% 9erod had sh't 'p in prison& and when his

    birthday was celebrated* and the niece( of the same 9erod by her dancin%

    had pleased him* he told her to as" whatever she pleased.

    Then the mother of the maiden insti%ated her to as" the head of /ohn* who

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    be born of the Hir%in.=

    1 replied* =!ive me permission first of all to C'ote certain passa%es

    from the prophecy of 1saiah* which refer to the office of forer'nner

    dischar%ed by /ohn the Baptist and prophet before this o'r 6ord /es's

    hrist.= =1 %rant it*= said he.

    Then 1 said* =1saiah th's foretold /ohn,s forer'nnin%: ,#nd 9eIe"iah

    said to 1saiah* !ood is the word of the 6ord which 9e spa"e: 6et there be

    peace and ri%hteo'sness in my days.,( #nd* ,Enco'ra%e the people& ye

    priests* spea" to the heart of /er'salem* and enco'ra%e her* beca'se her

    h'miliation is accomplished. 9er sin is ann'lled& for she has received of

    the 6ord,s hand do'ble for her sins. # voice of one cryin% in the

    wilderness* 8repare the ways of the 6ord& ma"e strai%ht the paths of o'r

    !od. Every valley shall be filled 'p* and every mo'ntain and hill shall bebro'%ht low: and the croo"ed shall be made strai%ht* and the ro'%h way

    shall be plain ways& and the %lory of the 6ord thall be seen* and all flesh

    shall see the salvation of !od: for the 6ord hath spo"en it. # voice of one

    sayin%* ry& and 1 said* What shall 1 cry? #ll flesh is %rass* and all the

    %lory of man as the flower of %rass. The %rass has withered* and the flower

    of it has fallen away& b't the word of the 6ord end'reth for ever. Tho'

    that brin%est %ood tidin%s to ion* %o 'p to the hi%h mo'ntain& tho' that

    brin%est %ood tidin%s to /er'salem* lift 'p thy voice with stren%th. 6ift

    ye 'p* be not afraid& tell the cities of /'dah* Behold yo'r !od> Behold*

    the 6ord comes with stren%th* andF9isG arm comes with a'thority. Behold*

    9is reward is with 9im* and 9is wor" before 9im. #s a shepherd 9e will tend

    9is floc"* and will %ather the lambs withF9isG arm* and cheer on her that

    is with yo'n%. Who has meas'red the water withFhisG hand* and the heaven

    with a span* and all the earth withFhisG fist? Who has wei%hed the

    mo'ntains* andFp'tG the valleys into a balance? Who has "nown the mind of