Sexual Desire and Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

Post on 27-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Sexual Desire and Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

New 2015 Survey Findings:

(Conducted by the National Institutes of Health

and the American Psychological Association)

● Carpal tunnel syndrome

and low libido occur

together 75% of the time

● A woman’s libido is 4

times more affected by

carpal tunnel syndrome

than a man’s

Hand & finger pain, numbness,

tingling, weakness & burning

interferes with your sex life.

The best therapy patients have used for decades is called

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Myofascial Release Massage completely relieves

carpal tunnel syndrome

And it works in everybody!

The “kneading” motion is key. It’s the ONLY therapy known to eliminate carpal tunnel syndrome.

It requires 1 hour a day for 30 days by a therapist to get lasting relief.

But paying a therapist to do this every day is EXPENSIVE

That’s why doctors invented the Carpal Rx -

- to give you the IDENTICAL treatment at home

Carpal Rx gives you the same therapy... at a fraction of the cost. In 15 minutes you get the same 1 hour therapy.

And in 30 days all symptoms disappear completely.

Carpal Rx is like having a “Home Therapist”

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15 minutes with Carpal Rx = 1 hour with a Therapist