Seven good reasons to do you doctorate in Giessen

Post on 29-Mar-2016

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Get to know the Gießener Graduiertenzentrum Kulturwissenschaften (GGK) and the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC).

Transcript of Seven good reasons to do you doctorate in Giessen

Seven good reasons to do your doctorate in Giessen

We are delighted that you are interested in the Giessen Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture and its international PhD programmes. If you are aiming for a doctorate in the study of culture, then you are in the right place. Since 2001 we have been offering doctoral students a successful, structured programme in the study of culture that not only leads to graduation in three years, but offers much more besides. We are confident that the Centre can offer you an attractive, tailor-made programme that meets your interests and research profile.

On the following pages you will find seven reasons why it is worth doing your doctorate at our Graduate Centre. Of course, there are lots of other good reasons, too. Simply contact us – we will be happy to advise you in person, and would be delighted to welcome you as a doctoral student to the Graduate Centre. Join an excellent team!With best wishes on behalf of the whole team

Prof. Dr. Ansgar Nünning Prof. Dr. Horst Carl Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hallet Dr. Martin Zierold

Executive Board, International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC)


In Giessen you and your work take centre stage. The Graduate

Centre offers you exactly what you need: plenty of freedom

with tailor-made support.

Scholarship comes from people. That is why a Graduate Centre is not first and foremost a building or a structure; rather, the Centre is the people who are writing their doctorate here, who are getting involved, researching and teaching, discussing and debating, who are poring over texts and honing sentences. Therefore, you are at the centre

of our Centre. A lot of people and a unique supervision concept are there for you, so that you can give your best. Your supervisors, many other dedicated professors and post-docs, top-class visiting fellows, the Graduate Centre team, and, of course, all the other doctoral students – at the Centre you will always be able to find support when you need it. Our

structures follow this maxim, too; they offer guidance but allow the freedom that excellent research needs.

Therefore, we are not a school, but a centre – with you at its heart.

Being at the Centre


Benefiting from a Pioneering Model

Always ahead of the times: Founded in 2001 and frequently

praised as a pioneering model, Giessen still enjoys the edge that

experience gives it today.

In Giessen we recognised the signs of the times early. Many doctoral students had long wished for a tailor-made programme that supported them through the particular challenges of a doctorate, and gave them the opportunity to work in a team environment. The Justus-Liebig- University reacted by founding the Giessener Graduiertenzentrum Kulturwissenschaften (GGK) in 2001. It was the first university in

Germany with a comprehen-sive and integrated doctoral programme in the humanities and social sciences. The start-ing point was always a clear orientation towards the wishes and needs of doctoral students, who were able to take part in the development stage through surveys and workshops. Positive external evaluations and awards prove the success of this flagship institution, which has frequently

been praised as a pioneering model for reforms in postgraduate research training. With nearly ten years’ experience behind it, the Graduate Centre has continued to develop, improve and expand.

And we won’t stop learning in the future, either – you, too, can profit from the experience of the original!


A clear direction brings the necessary energy: Supported by our holistic

and systematic research training programme, you can gain your

doctorate in three years.

Doctoral students are not amateurs. And yet, a doctorate presents you with many new challenges. The Graduate Centre offers specific courses for every phase of the doctorate, and a systematic programme of work-shops and events provides tailor-made support: From foundation courses to preparing for your defence, our research training programme offers you practical help in organising, planning and carrying out your doctoral

research. Practical courses explain the finer points of academic writing, for example, or help you to prepare for your first inter-national conference. Research workshops and Master Classes with renowned international scholars ensure that you are up to date with current research in the study of culture, and give you the chance to discuss your ideas with leading academics. This also benefits your doctoral project, which always comes

first: Constructive feedback from supervisors, post-docs and your peers can be gained in the colloquia, and, moreover, for any question you may have it is easy to find the right person to ask. Mentoring by professors, post-docs and other doctoral students provides valuable support.

This holistic and systematic concept of supervision ensures that you can gain your doctorate successfully and quickly.

A Doctorate with a System


Contributing to Cutting-Edge Research

From the first day on, the GCSC and the University of Giessen offer you the

chance to be an active participant in a research-intensive environment.

We believe that flat hierarchies help to make outstanding research possible.

Young academics are innovators who are often pursuing particu-larly exciting and productive research projects. Thus, it goes without saying that you, as a young academic, will be taken seriously as an equal partner from day one. In the Graduate Centre’s working groups, doctoral students work with post-docs and professors to develop inter-disciplinary research projects and learn from one another. In these projects we also emphasise the productivity of a varied

theoretical and methodological pluralism over developing particular disciplinary schools. And with its main focus on the study of culture, the Justus-Liebig- University also offers you a very attractive research-intensive environment. Research centres in the study of culture such as the Giessen Center for Eastern European Studies (GiZo), the Center for Media and Interactivity (ZMI) and the Herder-Institute in Marburg are looking forward to you getting involved, as well

as the Giessen-based German Research Council’s research training group ‘Transnational Media Events’ and the state of Hesse’s LOEWE Excellence Center ‘Cultural Techniques and their Mediatization’.

This philosophy of active par- ticipation of doctoral students has a long tradition in Giessen: Justus Liebig knew that the best way of promoting young academics was training through research.


Gaining experience at conferences and in publishing your work is crucial

for young academics, since this is what makes your work visible.

Giessen makes it possible for you to take this first step early on.

Successful research is a result of exchange, and needs critical discourse. Therefore, one of the researcher’s most important tasks is to present his or her findings to the public – at con-ferences and symposia and in academic publications. This can often be a great challenge, and at the same time one of the most rewarding experiences: holding that first article in your hands, receiving praise after a lecture.

Such a success motivates you for the next stage of your research project. In Giessen comprehen-sive assistance in presenting your work is available through the numerous workshops, personal guidance and coaching sessions for academic writing and present- ing at conferences. You can use our e-journal, KULT_online, for your first experience of being published, and you will be able to gain conference experience

at one of our many Giessen symposia and summer schools. And when you want to travel to your first external conference, we will not only provide advice, but in many cases we can cover the travel costs as well.

By doing a doctorate in Giessen, you can make great contacts and a good name for yourself early on.

A Doctorate with Conference and Publication Experience


A Doctorate in the Champions League

As the initiator of international networks, today’s Graduate Centre

is at the hub of a number of trans-European and worldwide

collaborations and networks.

Really outstanding scholarship needs international dialogue. Therefore, we started early in Giessen to make international contacts and set up collaborations. Every year, together with our many partners from well- established, top-ranking European and American universities, we organise several international summer schools and conferences

for doctoral students, offer ex change programmes for young academics and invite renowned visiting fellows to Giessen. In addition, a growing number of our doctoral students pursue their doctorate internationally at Giessen and at one of the partner universities, receiving a double degree at the end, awarded jointly by the two

universities. All our members benefit again and again from this form of intensive exchange at a very high level.

We even learnt one of our mottos for internationalisation from a partner institution in the USA: Change depends on exchange!


By planning ahead, a doctorate can open up many career paths.

Our Career Service and Teaching Centre are your personal career coaches.

Our successful alumni are the proof: After a doctorate at Giessen’s Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture you will have brilliant job prospects. The Graduate Centre’s Career Service offers you workshops on relevant fields of employment, and helps you to build up the classic key skills of a researcher in the study of culture. With these excellent qualifications, you can also score well on the job market. Our wide network of external collaboration

partners guarantees inspiring teachers and unbeatable con-tacts with potential employers whilst you are studying. The Car-eer Service is perfectly comple-mented by our Teaching Centre, which offers a comprehensive qualification in university teaching. At the Teaching Centre you will be supported throughout your first teaching experiences during your doctoral studies, which is the perfect preparation for future activities in academia

and beyond – didactic skills in knowledge transfer are also in demand in business.Naturally, being able to combine work and family is at the heart of our programme. Therefore, we offer doctoral students with children a wide range of support options as well.

As you can see, in Giessen you will find the best prospects for your doctorate – and for what comes next.

A Doctorate with Prospects


Apply for one of our attractive doctoral programmes! The right solution for your project is certainly in one of them. And we look forward to meeting you!

Have our seven reasons convinced you? We could list a lot more reasons for doing your doctorate in Giessen. Well over three hundred to be precise – because each one of our members is a good argument for Giessen and adds to the Centre’s attractiveness. We would be delighted if you soon became a part of it, too!

On the following pages you will find an overview of the four doctoral programmes on offer at the Graduate Centre. From the GGK’s broad basic programme, to the GCSC, funded by the Excellence Initiative of the Federal and State Governments, we offer graduate students in the field of culture a wide range of doctoral programmes, thus providing the optimal foundation for your research project.

You can find further information on our regularly updated website We are also happy to answer any questions about your doctorate at the Graduate Centre in person.


TARGET AUDIENCE All doctoral students in the humanities, social sciences and the study of culture (faculties 03, 04 and 05) at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen


Mainly regional


No application necessary, membership is linked to matriculation


Open to any topic; peer group coaching in sections and working groups


· Core course, intermediate course, preparatory course for the dissertation defence

· Thematically based workshops· Career Service for gaining professional qualifications· Teaching Centre for gaining teaching qualifications

MENTORING · Primary supervision, secondary supervision if necessary· Mentoring through workshop and core course instructors· Peer group coaching in the sections

SCHOLARSHIPS AND FUNDING · No dedicated scholarships· Database listing external scholarships

Further information and contacts:

The Giessener Graduiertenzentrum Kulturwissenschaften, founded in 2001, is not only the umbrella under which three specialised, selective programmes are currently gathered, but also offers an attractive foundation programme to all PhD students in the study of culture at the Justus-Liebig-University. Without having to go through an application process, you can choose from the GGK’s wide training programme, and bring your research interests to the sections and working groups organised by doctoral students.

Giessener Graduiertenzentrum Kulturwissenschaften (GGK)

Giessen Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture

TARGET AUDIENCE Doctoral students in the study of culture with excellent qualifications and a the -mat ically relevant doctoral project


National and internationalBilingual German/English


Membership application possible through-out the year, scholarship application once a year (application deadline is 1 March, scholarship commences on 1 October)


Eight Research Areas: Memory Cultures / Culture and Narration / Culture and Performativity / Visual Culture / Culture, Language and the New Media / Culture and Identities / Political and Transnational Cultures / Cultures of Knowledge, Research and Education


· Core course, intermediate course, prepara- tory course for the dissertation defence

· Thematically based workshops· Interdisciplinary colloquia· Master Classes with international

guest fellows· International summer schools

as part of the partner networks· Career Service for gaining professional

qualifications· Teaching Centre for gaining teaching

qualifications· German-language courses for

international doctoral students


· Primary supervision formalised by GCSC supervision agreement

· Internal or external / international second supervisor

· International cotutelle (joint thesis super-vision at two universities) possible

· Mentoring by instructors from the colloquia and other courses

· Possibility of additional coaching by GCSC post-docs and fellows

· Peer group coaching in the Research Areas


· Nine doctoral and one post-doctoral scholarship awarded annually

· Travel grants for research and conference trips for all members

· Advice and coaching for external scholarship applications

· Ninety per cent funding quota through internal and external scholarships as well as academic positions at Justus-Liebig-University and the Graduate Centre

Further information and contacts:

Since 2006 the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture has been offering a tailor-made programme for outstanding students in the study of culture, funded by the German federal and state governments’ Excellence Initiative. On successful admittance, the GCSC offers comprehensive support over three years, combined with top-class, internationally oriented research training programmes and research opportunities and an innovative and holistic supervision concept.

International Graduate Centre

for the Study of Culture (GCSC)

TARGET AUDIENCE Doctoral students in literary studies with excellent qualifications and thematic orientation towards the study of culture


International bilingual German/English


Application for membership possible once a year (deadline for applications is 1 April, programme commences on 1 October)


Defined research profile focused on literary and cultural studies: Literary and Cultural Theory, Genre Theory, Literary and Cultural Historiography, Compara-tive and Interdisciplinary Issues in the Study of Literature and Culture


· Core course, intermediate course, preparatory course for the dissertation defence

· Thematically based workshops· Colloquia in literary and cultural studies· Master Classes with international

guest fellows· International summer schools as part

of the partner network· Career Service for gaining professional

qualifications· Teaching Centre for gaining teaching

qualifications· German-language courses for

international doctoral students


· Primary supervision· Internal or external/international

second supervisor

· International cotutelle (joint thesis super vision at two universities) possible

· Mentoring by the IPP coordinator


· No dedicated scholarships· Travel grants for conference and

research trips for all members· Advice and coaching for external

scholarship applications

Further information and contacts:

The International PhD Programme Literary and Cultural Studies was started in 2002 as a pilot project for the internationalisation of doctoral training, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Following a successful evaluation in 2007, it is now funded by the Justus-Liebig-University itself, and offers internationally oriented doctoral students in literary studies a tailor-made programme characterised by intensive exchange in annual groups of up to 15 PhD students.

International PhD Programme

Literary and Cultural Studies (IPP)

The European PhD-Network Literary and Cultural Studies has been funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) since 2008 as a pilot project for the establishment of binational doctorates. Four doctoral students from Giessen, as well as two PhD students from each of the cooperating universities in Helsinki, Stockholm, Bergamo and Lisbon, are currently participating in the PhDnet programme, which enables them to gain an international doctorate, supervised through the cotutelle system (joint thesis supervision at two universities) and awarded jointly by two universities, in three years.

Through this system, the PhDnet offers a whole new level of quality in international orientation. The participants not only attend one of the international partner universities for at least nine months, and are supervised in tandem by two international fellows, but they also remain closely networked throughout their doctoral studies and attend joint symposia, conferences and workshops.

As a pilot project with a set period of funding, the PhDnet is not able to admit any new doctoral students at this time. However, the Graduate Centre’s other programmes have already benefited from partnerships built up by the PhDnet and from the expertise it has developed in organising cotutelle doctorates. Thus, for example, cotutelle supervision is now also possible within the GCSC and the IPP. In addition, the Graduate Centre is also planning to permanently establish and further develop this kind of path-breaking, international model for doctoral studies, as created by the PhDnet.

Further information and contacts:

European PhD-Network Literary

and Cultural Studies (PhDnet)

In Giessen you won’t just be doing your doctorate at the Centre, you will be living in the heart of Germany. A university rich in tradition and the highest density of students nationwide make for an attractive quality of life.

Would you like to know more about the place we are inviting you to do your doctorate in? Giessen is a great place to live with many treasures that are worth discovering. The Justus-Liebig-University, with trad-itions going back over 400 years, has always shaped the life of the town on the picturesque Lahn River. The Graduate Centre is located on the centrally situated yet leafy Philosophikum campus – guaranteeing just short walks to the library, seminar rooms and the cafeteria. With a population of 75,000 inhabitants and 30,000 students, Giessen has the highest density of students in Germany, and with its own theatre, several museums, festivals and more, it offers a wide range of cultural events. The town in the Lahn valley situated in the scenic landscape of rolling hills provides high-quality leisure and recreational possibilities. And should you be called away now and then, Giessen’s position in the middle of Germany means you have excellent connections by train or car to all the major German cities – and via Frankfurt airport (approx. 40 minutes’ journey) to the whole world.

So best head for Giessen: welcome to the Graduate Centre, welcome to Giessen!

Head for Giessen!

Giessener Graduiertenzentrum Kulturwissenschaften (GGK) International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC)

Justus-Liebig-University GiessenAlter Steinbacher Weg 3835394 GiessenGermany

Phone: +49 . 641 . 993 00 41Fax: +49 . 641 . 993 00 49
