Settlements, Villages & Towns of the Shahdadkot Taluka UnderKalhora, Talpur & British Periods...

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Settlements, Villages & Towns of the Shahdadkot Taluka UnderKalhora, Talpur & British Periods 1701-1947

Transcript of Settlements, Villages & Towns of the Shahdadkot Taluka UnderKalhora, Talpur & British Periods...






By Sheikh Javed Ali Sindhi

Mir Sobdar Khan Talpur (1802-1846), Jagirdar of Kamber, Chilo Wah & Koor Dato





By Sheikh Javed Ali Sindhi


Saroh Social Development Organization Shahdadkot Saroh Office, Near Scientific Public School, Railway Station Road, Shahdadkot, District Kamber-Shahdadkot, Sindh, Pakistan- 77300 Ph: +92-74-4012896, Cell: +92-3342015896 E-mail:

2013 AD/ 1434 AH


Chief of

living in Larka

who devoted his whole

I dedicate

this work to my grandfather

Wadero Nehal Khan Sheikh


Chief of Siraeki speaking Sheikh Community

Larkana, Kamber, Shahdadkot & Miro Khan areas


life for promoting message of Sufi saints through mu


rough music.






By Sheikh Javed Ali Sindhi


The name of Mian Shahdad Khan Khuhawar appears in the Kalhora history as one of the commanders of the army. Shahdad Khan Khuhawar was the disciple of Mian Noor Muhammad Kalhoro. Like Shahdad Khan Khuhawar, his brother Mian Bhambho Khan Khuhawar, also served the Kalhora rulers. An old graveyard is located in the north of Shahdadkot city which is called Bhambhey Jo Muqam by the local people. The thin burnt bricks of the grave of Bhambho Khan Khuhawar are still visible in the graveyard. According to the writings of Mahraj Gopi Krishan (1910-1992), both of these brothers were close relatives of the elders of the Khuhawars of village Mir Ji Nari. He is believed to have fought bravely in battles fought Afghans & the Brahuis. He was also appointed to administer the area which was under dominion on Sindh-Kalat border. He founded the town of Shahdadpur during the reign of Mian Yar Muhammad Kalhoro. He also built a mud fort to protect the town. Later on, during the period of British Government, Shahdadpur was renamed as Shahdadkot in 1914. He dug Shahdad Wah from Koor Dato to irrigate his lands. This canal flows till these days and irrigates Khuhawar’s lands. Zulfiqar Ali Kalhoro, PhD Scholar writes in his Article entitled The Role of Khuhawar Tribe during Kalhora Rule in Sindh , Historicus, the Quarterly Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society, Published by Hamdard Foundation Pakistan, Karachi, July-December 2010, No. 3 & 4 that, The grave of Shahdad Khan Khuhawar is situated in the graveyard of Mian Noor Muhammad Kalhoro 15 Km in the south of Daulatpur in Nawabshah district, Sindh (Page 124). Previously, Dr. Nabi Bux Khan Baloch, Dr. Qureshi Hamid Ali Khanai, Mahraj Gopi Krishan Shringi, Manzoor Kohiar, Muhammad Aslam Sheikh, Wali Muhammad Manganhar and Din Muhammad Kalhoro highlighted the life and works of Mian Shahdad Khan Khuhawar in their writings. A letter sent to the Bombay Government to the Secret Committee, 16 April 1839 shows that, on the 4th ultimo, his Excellency Sir John Keane assumed command of the army of the Indus, and issued a general order, a copy of which is enclosed, The Bombay division marched from Larkhana on the 12th ultimo to Kunmur, 15 miles. On the 13th, to Dost Ali, 10 miles. On the 14th, to Shadodpore, 15 miles; halted on the 15th to prepare for crossing the Desert, which was accomplished on the night of the 16th, the distance being about 30 miles. This Desert is described to be a level, hard plain, with a few stunted bushes here and there, but without a blade of grass or sign of vegetation, and entirely devoid of water. The force halted on the 17th, and on 18th proceeded to Jhul, a distance of upwards of 20 miles. It again halted on the 21st reached Cutch Gundava, 12 miles, situated at the base of the Kelat Mountains. (Indian Papers: Papers relating to the War in Afghanistan, Presented to Parliament by her Majesty’s Command, Ordered by the House of Commons, 21 January 1840, Page 9). "The Third March brought us to Shadadpore: The country for the last twenty miles was more like the dry bed of a salt lagoon in an interval betwixt spring-tides, then an inland district; only two or three miserable villages were found in this dreary region, and even these were abandoned by the inhabitants, who, in ignorance of British discipline, apprehended the excesses of a native army. On the evening of the 14th General Willshire's brigade marched to cross the desert; some unlucky loss of road occasioned delay and fatigue, and the infantry brigade did not reach its destination till the next day at past two in the afternoon, having made ma march exceeding thirty miles". (Narrative of the Campaign of the Indus Army in Sind and Kaubool, by R.H.Kennedy, London 1840 Page 189) Lieutenant General Sir James Outram, 1st Baronet GCB KSI (29 January 1803 – 11 March 1863) was an English general who fought in the Indian Rebellion of 1857, and is considered a British hero. He fought in First Anglo Afghan War, Battle of Ghazni, Anglo Persian War, Battle of Khushab, Indian Rebellion of 1857 and Siege of Lucknow. He also served as Chief Commissioner of Oudh, India. Describing Larkana, Kamber, Dost Ali and Shahdadkot situation during first Anglo Afghan War he writes, 12th. Sir John Keane and staff marched with a detachment, consisting of Horse Artillery, 1st Bombay Cavalry, and a wing of the 19th Regiment Bombay N.I. to Kumbar, fifteen miles; until


within three miles of the halting ground, the road generally threaded channel of a dry canal, except in a few places, where the sand was so heavy as to oblige us to ascend the sides, which are not less than thirty feet high, and mostly very steep: the average width of this canal is about sixty feet, and along both sides, there are innumerable wells, from which the water is raised by means of the Persian Wheel. There are several small villages on either bank, and many visible also in the distance, but the intermediate country is chiefly covered with low tamarisk jungle. (Page 53) A flat-bottomed boat, about thirty feet in length, was lying in the dry bed of the canal, about the middle of our march-a proof that, when filled,

it is navigable for this description of craft. A new feature in the landscape at Larkhana, and around every village on this march, presented itself, in the numerous date trees, which had no heretofore in any numbers appeared in our route through Sinde. The natives of this country have not acquired the art of tapping the date tree, nor does it appear to be of use in any way, the fruit never coming to maturity. (Page 54) 13th. Ten miles, over a level plain, as smooth as bowling-green, with scarcely any villages or cultivation, but occasionally exhibiting clumps of

stunted tamarisk. Last night, about twenty of the Government camels were carried off by men hired to take care of them. We passed eight or ten dead camels, which had been left by the brigade that had preceded us; several of our own also died of a contagious disease, which appears to have broken out amongst them .(Page 54) "14th.A March of fourteen miles. Stayed in the rear to ascertain whether any more camels had been taken off during the night, and was glad to find that the precautions adopted since yesterday had proved effectual-no further desertion having taken place. The villages on this route, together with that at our encamping ground, have been deserted for the last two months from a dread of the Khelat Beloches who have ravaged this frontier, since it was left unprotected by the Sindian Garrisons Stationed for their protection, but who were summoned to Hyderabad when opposition to us was contemplated, and have not yet returned. The wells are few in number, and from not having been lately drawn the water is at first very bad, though it improves as it is taken out. Great difficulty is experienced in watering so many horses and camels, but we are nevertheless obliged to halt here in order to refresh the letter, previously to crossing a desert of thirty miles in extent which now lies before us. Curbee in abundance is found at all the deserted villages in the neighbourhood. By some accident the village unfortunately took fire, and being surrounded and filled with combustible matter, it was found impossible to subdue the flames, which blazed the whole night. Being totally without inhabitants, nothing of any value could have been destroyed, but the affair will doubtless be magnified by the tongue of report, and our credit in the country will suffer accordingly". (Rough Notes of the Campaign in Sinde and Afghanistan in 1838-39 by Captain James Outram, Bombay 1840, PP 45, 46 & 47). The above description of Captain James Outram tells us that Shahdadkot was the last town on Sindh border. Robert Leech says in 1837 that Shahdadkot was guarded by 1000 Jamali soldiers who belonged to Mir Sobdar Khan Talpur, the prince of Sindh. Their leader was Muhammad Hassan Jamali. In their absence, mountain robbers plundered it brutally. At the arrival of Outram there were 2 wells in Shahdadkot and on the same night it caught fire from the dry reeds of Curbi grown in the fields. The First Anglo-Afghan War was fought between the British East India Company and Afghanistan from 1839 to 1842, which resulted in the deaths of 4,500 British and Indian soldiers, plus 12,000 of their camp followers by the warring Afghan tribal fighters. It was one of the first major conflicts during the Great Game, the 19th century competition for power and influence in Asia between the United Kingdom and Russia. An army of 21,000 British and Indian troops under the command of John Keane, 1st Baron Keane set out from Punjab in December 1838. Brigadier Wilshire, Brigadier Gordon and Brigadier Scot led 28350 soldiers from Sindh. 2600 camels were sent forward along with grain. While next 455 camels were also sent to Afghanistan later. With them was William Hay Macnaghten, the former chief secretary of the Calcutta Government, who had been selected as Britain's Chief Representative to Kabul. By late March 1839, the British forces had crossed the Bolan Pass, reached the Afghan city of Quetta, and begun their march to Kabul. They advanced through rough terrain, across deserts and 4,000-metre-high mountain passes, but made good progress and finally set up camps at Kandahar on 25 April 1839. On 22 July 1839, in a surprise attack, the British-led forces captured the fortress of Ghazni, which overlooks a plain leading eastward into the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. An Afghan had betrayed his sovereign, and the British troops managed to blow up one city gate and marched into the city in a euphoric mood. In taking this fortress, they suffered 200 men killed and wounded, while the Afghans lost nearly 500 men. 1,600 Afghans were taken prisoner with an unknown number wounded. Ghazni was well supplied, which eased the further advance considerably. Following this, the British achieved a decisive victory over Dost Mohammad's troops, led by one of his sons. Dost Mohammad fled with his loyal followers across the passes to Bamyan, and ultimately to Bukhara. In


August 1839, after almost 30 years, Shah Shuja was again enthroned in Kabul. On November 13, 1839, while en route to India, the Bombay column attacked, as a form of reprisal, the Baluchi tribal fortress of Kalat, from where Baloch tribes had harassed and attacked British convoys during the move towards the Bolan Pass. After this incident Sir Charles Napier conquered Sindh in 1843. Describing Shahdadpur or Shahdadkot Lieutenant Hugh James says, To the west, on either bank of the Datah Canal, the marks of former cultivation are very striking. Shahdadpoor, on its west bank, was a large town, from which Lord Keane drew supplies for his army when advancing on Afghanistan, but now a ruin, and when I visited it in September 1846, an old Hindu was its sole occupant. Report on the Purguna of Chandookah in Upper Sindh Compiled by Lieutenant Hugh James 44th Regiment Bengal N.I, Late Deputy Collector Shikarpoor, Submitted to Government on the 31st December 1847, Page 713) . He again tells that, Two miles to the west of the mouth of the Shah is that of the Datah Canal, which takes its name from one Datah Kohawur, who excavated it in the reign of Noor Muhammad Kalhora, and of whom honorable mention will presently be made. It is finest artificial canal in Upper Sind, and flows in a north-westerly direction to the frontier of Kutchee. Thick belts of babool trees clothe its banks for many miles, and even now the cultivation there is extensive. Beyond, however, it is but the record of past prosperity, and north of Shahdadpoor not a beega is under tillage. In A.D. 1840, the District of Nalah Datah was sold in contract for one season to Futteh Chund for Rs.1, 00,000, and he expended Rs. 7,000 on cleaning the canal. Report on the Purguna of Chandookah in Upper Sindh Compiled by Lieutenant Hugh James 44th Regiment Bengal N.I, Late Deputy Collector Shikarpoor, Submitted to Government on the 31st December 1847, Page 717) Sirai Pir Bux Khan Khuhawar-I, was a local tribal chief and he descended from Mian Dato Khuhawar who was a celebrated minister of Mian Yar Muhammad Kalhoro (1701-1719) and his son Mian Noor Muhammad Kalhoro(1719-1753), the rulers of Sindh . Sirai Pir Bux Khan Khuhawar-I was a socio-political and public spirited landlord. He had close relations with Sir John Keane was Commander In chief of British Army. Sir John Keane drew supplies from Shahdadkot for his Army on advancing towards Afghanistan, during first Anglo Afghan War in 1840. During that time Shahdadkot was badly hit by River Indus floods and everything was washed away in the whole area. Another important friend of Khanbahadur Pir Bux Khan Khuhawar-I, was General John Jacob who established many out posts to protect Upper Sindh Frontier from mountain robbers. These outposts guarded the border from 1839 to 1858 through Dost Ali, Shahdadkot, Garhi Khero, Rojhan, Khangarh (Jacobabad), Dilmurad, Garhi Hassan, Tangwani, Kandh Kot, Kumri and Kashmore posts. He constructed roads, bridges and canals to develop Garhi Khero, Shahdadkot, Kamber and Larkana areas and brought peace and trade in a turmoil conditions in the land. General John Jacob of Jacobabad died in 1858. Khan Bahadur Sirai Pir Bux Khan Khuhawar-I had built 2 mud forts in Shahdadkot for his family. His son Muhammad Ali Khan Khuhawar built a fort in village Karira in the south of Shahdadkot on Shahdadkot Kamber Road. His another son Gul Muhammad Khuhawar also built a fort. The fort of Shahdadpur or Shahdadkot is shown by Lieutenant Hugh James in his Report on the Purguna of Chandookah-1847


After 1858 Khan Bahadur Pir Bakhsh Khan Khuhawar-I took initiatives to rehabilitate Shahdadkot town. He also brought illustrious saint and scholar Mian Noor Muhammad Mekan, his family members, disciples and other Hindu traders from Village Kanda / Balochistan to Mirokhan on 60 Bullock carts and made arrangements for their houses in the town. Soon after, Shahdadkot was again hit by a great flood disaster in 1874. According to A.W. Hughes, Shahdadpur was a Government town in Kamber taluka of the Larkana Deputy Collectorate in 1874 and, distant about 30 miles north-north-west from Larkana. It was seated on the west bank of the Dato-Ji-Kur Canal, and had road communications with Kamber, Garhi Khairo Jamali, and Hamal, and was the Head-quarter Station of a Tapadar. The population, in number was about 783, comprised 464 Muslims of the Pirzada, Kalhora, Lashari, Sial, Magsi and Muhana tribes. The remainder (319) being Hindus. The chief man of note in this place was Pir Bakhsh Khuhawar, a very influential and public spirited Zamindar, who had done much towards raising this town to its former prosperity. (Gazetteer of the Province of Sind: Compiled by A.W.Hughes, F.R.G.S., F.S, Bombay UNCOV Civil Service, London George Bell and Sons, York Street, Covent Garden , 1876). A Certificate was awarded to Khanbahadur Sirai Pir Bux Khan Khuhawar- I, in the name of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Empress of India by Governor General of Bombay and Viceroy of India on 1st January 1878 AD for his loyalty and good service as a landholder of Sindh. In 1883-84, Shahdadkot was made a taluka of Upper Sindh Frontier/ Jacobabad District. It comprised 55 villages. The old name of Shahdadkot was Shahdadpur. The name of the town was changed in 1914 owing to the confusion caused by the existence of another town of the same name in Nawabshah District. A Kot belonging to the Khuhawars once existed on the site of the present town . (Gazetteer of the Province of Sind: Upper Sind Frontier / Jacobabad District, Compiled by J.W. Smyth, Bombay 1919, Page31-32). The fort of Shahdadkot was washed away in the floods of 1849 and 1874. The town was again destroyed by River Indus floods in 1942, 1948 and 2010.

Map of Shahdadpur or Shahdadkot Taluka , Upper Sindh Frontier District 1882, 1903 & 1908, Printed at Poona 1910


The density of population works out at only 56.7, but it must be borne in mind that west of the Edan Canal there are no settled villages, and that the people of the Sir and the Mountains are nomadic in their habits. The Hindus are only 9.1 percent of the population, and two-thirds of them support themselves by trade in the town of Shahdadkot. The Muhammadans are either Baluchis or Sindhis (Jamots). The main Baluch tribes are the Jamalis, Chandias and Magsis. They are very old fashioned in their ways and take little interest in improving their lands. The Jamalis are for the most part in debt. The Chandias and the Magsis are hereditary enemies and the main preoccupation of the both tribes is to keep the feud alive. The Sindhis are reasonably good farmers, though the standard of farming is distictly below that in the adjoining taluka of Jacobabad, and the biggest zamindar of the taluka, Sirai Muhammad Bakhsh Khuhawar does not set the others a good example in the personal management of his estates. (Revision Settlement Report of the Shahdadkot Taluka of the Upper Frontier District Compiled by J.W.Smyth, Deputy Commissioner Upper Sind Frontier District, Jacobabad 24th April 1920, Page 2) Sirai Muhammad Bux Khan Khuhawar was the son of Khanbahadur Pir Bux Khan Khuhawar-I. He died in 1932 at Shahdadkot. He left behind 6 sons named 1) Khanbahadur Pir Bux Khan Khuhawar-II 2) Rais Feroz Khan Khuhawar 3) Rais Yar Muhammad Khan Khuhawar 4) Rais Wajid Ali Khan Khuhawar 5) Rais Safdar Ali Khan Khuhawar and 6) Rais Imdad Hussain Khan Khuhawar. Most of them were philanthropists and played their vital role in the development of Shahdadkot. Almost all of them had built small forts around their Havelis and residences. Population figures of the Shahdadkot taluka Year Taluka Shahdadkot Population 1891 27380 1901 32385 1911 35116 1921 26732

Map of Shahdadkot Taluka Seasons: 1887-88, 1890-91, 1893-1903 & 1925


Shaho Jamali

Mir Shaho Khan Jamali was tribal chief of different clans of Jamli Balochis. He led following Jamali clans 1) Rohaliyani 2) Nahrani 3) Sobdarani 4) Suhriyani 5) Thondwani 6) Bhandani 7) Babwani and 8) Meirani. These Jamalis originally belonged to Dadu district but later moved towards Gurg Kot. From here they moved to present Shahpur, a deserted mound and village in the north of Shahdadkot. In 1193 AH/ 1779 AD, the Jamalis against Afghan invaders along with Talpur, Marri, Khuhawar, Chandia, Jamali, Thahim, Jalbani and Silra warriors. Mir Bijar Khan Talpur led 18,000 forces from Abdul Nabi Kalhoro and fought against the 30,000 Army of Mian Izatyar Khan Kalhoro and Mahfooz Khan Afghan. Mehfooz Khan was the commander of Temur Shah, the Afghan King. This battle was fought near Naushehro Abro and Garhi Yasin in which Afghans were defeated. Some of the fallen soldiers like Sahib Khan Thahim and Dilawar Khan Thahim were buried near village Dakhan. Their tombs are called Bohi Ja Quba, and were built by the wives of the killed soldiers in 1781. While Bhando Qubo, according to Henry Cousins, was built in the year 1740 near Ratodero. Syed Sabit Ali Shah Sabit Sewistani composed epic of this battle in his Persian work Zaffer Nama. When the crises grew in Sindh, the Talpur chiefs came to Mir Shaho Khan Jamali for his moral and military support. On this the Mir promised Talpurs for the support on the day of battlefield. When this news reached to Mian Abdul Nabi Kalhoro, the last prince of Sindh, he also came to visit Jamali chief but he refused to support him as he had already promised the Talpurs. Mir Shaho Khan Jamali was son of Sakhi Sobdar Khan Jamali and grandson of Mitha Khan Jamali. The historic tombs of Sakhi Sobdar Khan Jamali, his uncle Moulvi Bhai Khan Jamali and his son Gul Muhammad Khan Jamali situated in the north of Shahdadkot beside ruined Imam Bux Jamali village. The supreme flood of August 2010 washed these tombs and nothing is left now on the ground. It is said that Sakhi Sobdar Khan Jamali was killed with his 16 men by Sardar Dili Jan Khan Kalper/ Bugti and his party consisted upon 180 men on the matter of Cattle-lifting which was very common in those days. Sakhi Sobdar Khan Jamali finally killed Sardar Dili Jan Khan Kalper with his famed sword named Marvi, which was later taken up by the Bugtis. These tombs were built by Mir Shaho Khan Jamali and Mai Bachi Jamali, the only surviving relatives of the killed with Camel Milk and thin baked bricks. This battle took place round about 1230 AH/ 1815 AD. In 1783, a fierce battle took place between Mian Abdul Nabi Kalhoro and Mir Fateh Ali Khan Talpur at Hallani. Mir Shaho Khan Jamali under the leadership of his tribal chief Mir Sobdar Khan Jamlali joined Talpur forces and fought with great bravery and swordsmanship. His brothers Hamal Khan, Bijar Khan, Eso Khan and Juwalan Khan did not take part in the battlefield. During battle he killed Sohoo Abdar, who was a beloved courtier of Mian Abdul Nabi Kalhoro. He seized his sword, armor and rifle. When Mir Fateh Ali Khan Talpur came to know this news he asked the proof from Mir Shaho Khan Jamali. The Mir took out the bleeding head from his horse bag and showed it to the victorious chief. Mir Fateh Ali Khan Talpur demanded weapons of Sohoo Abdar from Mir Shaho Khan Jamali but he refused to hand over such belongings to him. Seeing bravery of Jamali chief, Mir Fateh Ali Khan Talpur bestowed upon him a Jagir in the north of Shahdadkot, where Shaho Jamali village stands today. When Mir Shaho Khan Jamali came to occupy this Jagir he kicked out Gadahi and Korai tribes who served the Kalhoras. The Jamalis also dealt Sindhi Khand tribe with hard hand. After this the Mir founded village Shaho Khan Jamali on the banks of Edan Wah and dug out a new canal named Hidav Wah to irrigate his Jagir lands. Mir Shaho Khan Jamali gave share of his Jagir to his brothers who didn’t take part in the battle of Halani. He also distributed lands among Chodha and Marri-Jarwar castes living in Shahdadkot. Mir Shaho Khan Jamali built a mud fort for his residence on 8 Jarebs. According to Lieutenant Robert Leech in 1837 AD, The Jamalees are under two leaders, Shahoo under Meer Mahomed of Hyderabad, and Jafar Khan under Meer Naseer Khan; they can muster together 4000 men, they live on the borders of the Nara, they give their daughters in marriage to the Talpoors . (Page 72).This reference provides us important and valuable information regarding marriage ties of Jamalis of Shaho Jamali and Talpur Amirs of Sindh. Mir Shaho Khan Jamali had 2 large drums which were beaten at the time of battle. General John Jacob (1812-1858) has also mentioned Shaho Jamali in his book. In A.D.1842, just before the conquest, Meer Shahdad, in whose country, as above shown, it was situated, sent an order for Rs. 10,000 to be

expended on its clearance, but this was never carried out, but this was never carried out. The villages , in consequences, upon its banks, are mostly in ruins, and one of the largest, that of Shahoo Jamalee, is chiefly dependent for its means of irrigation on the water brought by cuts from some low land to the west, supplied by the rain-water from the hills. Report on the Purguna of Chandookah in Upper Sindh Compiled by Lieutenant Hugh James 44th Regiment Bengal N.I, Late Deputy Collector Shikarpoor, Submitted to Government on the 31st December 1847, Page 717). In 1876, village Shaho Jamali was situated seven and a half mile from Shahdadkot. It had a mud fort and two wells. At ten miles was village of Shahpur, which was a half a mile off the road. (Page 912). Mir Shaho Khan Jamali had a son called Mir Sobdar Khan


who was killed by the Bugtis. Shaheed Sobdar Khan was blessed with a son who came to known as Malak Shaho Khan. Maitland in his Journey from Jacobabad to Panjgur, 1882 writes about Gandakha and Mir Shaho Khan Jamlali that, Friday, 25th November.-Halted. Shooting. Gandakha is a fair sized village on slightly raised ground at the edge of the Jheel, which terminates about a mile below. There is a bridge here over the Sirwah. Banks of canal to Kaira Garhi are said to be too broken on both sides for riding. Seems strange the left bank should be impracticable. This place is said to be so called from having been destroyed by an earthquake in ancient times. The Zamindar is Shah Khan Jamali. Jamalis altogether 2,500 men; half in British territory. Chief is Din Mahomed of Rojan. (Diary of a Journey from Jacobabad to Panjgur and Exploration of Eastern Mekran 1881-82, By Captain P.J. Maitland, Government Central Branch Press 1883, Page 2) God blessed Malak Shaho Khan Jamali with a son Sardar Sobdar Khan-II (died 1939), who led the tribe nicely. He had a son Wadero Shaho Khan-III (died 1959). He had 2 sons; 1) Mir Gaman Khan and 2) Mir Abdul Qadir Khan. Mir Gaman Khan Jamali have4 sons; Ghulam Hussain Khan, Ahsanullah Khan, Sabir Hussain Khan and Samiullah Khan. While Mir Abdul Qadir Khan Jamali has 8 sons; Shakir Hussain Khan, Ibrar Hussain Khan, Zia Hussain Khan, Aziz Hussain Khan, Majid Hussain Khan, Atif Hussain Khan, Farukh Hussain Khan and Yasir Hussain Khan. After the death of Mir Ahmed Nawaz Khan Jamali his eldest son Mir Sardar Khan Jamali became chief of Shahozai family in 1955. This chief lives in Gandakaha town of Balochistan. Wadero Sardar Khan Jamali of Gandakha holds 10,000 Jarebs of land in Gandakha, Shaho Jamali, Ghulam Muhammad Jamali, Imam Bux Jamali, Hazzar Wah and Beroon. Mir Gaman Khan Jamali possessed 1500 Jarebs while Mir Abdul Qadir Khan Jamali has 2000 agricultural lands in Sindh and Balochistan. Mir Tillan Khan Jamali has 500 Jarebs of land. The Shahozai Jamalis of Sindh and Balochistan hold round about 6000 Jarebs of agricultural lands. The elders of Shahozais had married from Gopang, Juneja and Brohi tribes. Most of the Shahozais are Shia due to Talpur influence and marriage relations. Their religious guides are Pirs of Ranipur, district Khairpur Sindh. They have also great respect for Rodo Pir of Mirpur Khas.

Map of Sanjer Bhatti Tappa Taluka Soojawal Division Larkana 1870-71


Bago Daro

The site of Bago Daro is situated 15 Km in the south-west of Shahdadkot. It is round about 200 meters long and 150 meters wide. Its maximum height is more than 10 meters. The mounds of Vikiye Ji Maari and Pholiro are also located in the neighborhood of this old city. The Khirthar hill-torrents and Edan Wah flowed from its west which grew dense woodland and deep forests. A large number of wild animals, birds and the fish were found in this area. The stronghold of Kaka was Sisam/ Sisara, a fortress on the banks of the Kumbh or Kanba (River/Lake) which was inhabitated by the Jats. As their religion was Buddhism that is why they were called as Budh. Slowly the word was changed as Budhro –diminutive noun of Budh. Later on, the word Budhro became Buriro, which is a well-known Sindhi tribe living in the west of Shahdadkot through the Khirthar hills. Most of the Buriro men and women are tall like Jats. According to my observation the originality of word Sisam is Shisham which is the name of a tree found in Sindh & Balochistan and is famous for its valuable wood. As the Shisham tree (Dalbergia Sissoo) was abundantly found in and around Bago Daro area, so the area was named as Shisham and wrongly pronounced Sisam by the Arab historians and geographers. A Stupa or Watch Tower also stood on the top of the great mound. It was destroyed by treasure hunters some years back. Describing ruined town of Bago Daro, J.W. Smyth writes that, At the census of 1911, eight villages were shown as containing over 300 inhabitants. At the present time there are not more than three such villages in the whole taluka. The once flourishing village of Bago Daro at the tail of the Edan is now little more than a mass of ruins. As already stated, beyond the Edan there are no villages proper: the people settle where they see a chance of making cultivation, and then move on somewhere else. (Settlement Report of the Shahdadkot Taluka in Upper Sindh frontier/Jacobabad District, Sind, Compiled by J.W. Smyth, the Deputy Commissioner Upper Sind Frontier, Jacobabad 24 April 1920, Page No.2) On the request of District Superintendant Police Larkana, Government of Sindh increased Police Force and installed telephone system at Hamal, Ghaibidero, Bago Daro, Qubo Saeed Khan and Imam Bux Jamali posts in order to control robbers on Sindh Balochistan border. This notification was issued by the Government of Sindh on 8th February 1940. Soomro, Awan, Mastoi, Khokhar, Buriro, Khuhawar, Chandio, Manganhar, Gadahi, Khosa, Magsi and Machhi castes lived in and around Bago Daro. The village also contained a police station and a vernacular school. Bago Daro ruined after 1950s. The famous personality of Bago Daro is Yaro Faqir Awan who took actively part in the politics of Shahdadkot at the end of 19th Century under Central National Muhammad Association (1878-88) platform. Another great figure of this area is Haji Esa Sandai, a great Muslim Scholar whose father had migrated to Sindh along with Khuhawars to Sindh in the days of Maharaja Ranjit Singh (1790-1839) and settled down at Shahdadkot and Bago Daro. He died in 1294 AH/ 1877 AD. He left behind a son who came to be known as Moulvi Faiz-ui-Karim. He also became a great scholar like his father. (Maulana Din Muhammad Wafai 1945)

Map of Shahdadkot Taluka in Upper Sindh Frontier/ Jacobabad District 1919




East India Company Miscellaneous Docs; Records of British Governemnt of India, Settlement Reports & Survey Maps from 1837-1934


No Village/ Deh Location




Reading & Referances

1 Shahdadpur/ Shahdadkot Larkana to Gandawah Route 1837

Report on the Sindhian, Khelat and Daoodpota Armies by Lieut. Robert Leech

Calcutta 1839

2 Qub Haji Marri Shahdadkot Khuzdar Road 1838

Narrative of Various Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan, Punjab & Kalat by

Captain Charles Masson, London 1842

3 Tajo Leghari Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1839

Routes from Larkana to Dadur by Bhag Memoirs on Sind edited by R Hughes

Thomas Bombay 1855

4 Shahpur Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1839

Routes from Larkana to Dadur by Bhag Memoirs on Sind edited by R Hughes

Thomas Bombay 1855

5 Gulab Shah Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1839

Routes from Larkana to Dadur by Bhag Memoirs on Sind edited by R Hughes

Thomas Bombay 1855

6 Sanjer Bhatti Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1839

Routes from Larkana to Dadur by Bhag Memoirs on Sind edited by R Hughes

Thomas Bombay 1855

7 Limo Junejo Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1839

Routes from Larkana to Dadur by Bhag Memoirs on Sind edited by R Hughes

Thomas Bombay 1855

8 Shaho Jamali Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1839

Routes from Larkana to Dadur by Bhag Memoirs on Sind edited by R Hughes

Thomas Bombay 1855

9 Garhi Khairo Jamali Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1839

Routes from Larkana to Dadur by Bhag Memoirs on Sind edited by R Hughes

Thomas Bombay 1855

10 Ahmed Khan Chandio (Aitbar) Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1851

Map of Sind: Sindh & the Races that inhabit the valley of the Indus by Richard F

Burton London 1851

11 Qubo Saeed Khan Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1851

Map of Sind: Sindh & the Races that inhabit the valley of the Indus by Richard F

Burton London 1851

12 Kot Karira Shahdadkot Imam Bux Jamali Road 1855

Record Book of Sind Irregular Horse, Vol: II (1851-55) by General John Jacob

London 1856

13 Dulo Bhatti Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

14 Allah Bux Bhatti Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

15 Gahi Leghari Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

16 Nooh Bhatti Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

17 Nehal Faqir Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

18 Miro Leghari/ Mir Khan Leghari Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

19 Jamal Leghari Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

20 Kher Muhammad Leghari Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

21 Karimdad Khoso Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

22 Allah Rakhio Jhurir Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

23 Murad Ali Jamali Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

24 Jindal Shah Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

25 Ghulam Ali Jatoi Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

26 Arzi Bhutto Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

27 Jahan Khan Jatoi Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

28 Karimdad Jalbani Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

29 Allahwarayo Jarwar Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

30 Jumo Joyo Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

31 Baharo Gurgej Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

32 Bahadur Drakhan Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

33 Hussain Chandio Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

34 Kario Saeed Khan 3 Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870


35 Sono Chandio Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

36 Bakhu Sial Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

37 Sahjoo Gopang Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

38 Mohbat Gopang Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

39 Kalar Sarkari Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

40 Karam Ali Drakhan Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

41 Kario Saeed Khan 5 Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

42 Qadir Bux Maeri Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

43 Meer Muhammad Jalbani Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

44 Ameer Bux Jalbani Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

45 Sanjer Purani Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

46 Mir Muhammad Jamali Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

47 Kario Saeed Khan 6 Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

48 Khuda Bux Junejo Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

49 Datardino Mahesar Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

50 Jeando Drakhan Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

51 Fateh Khan Dhamraho Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

52 Gulab Mahesar Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

53 Syed Rakhial Shah Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

54 Muhammad Saleh Drakhan Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1859

Proposal for the Settlement of the Soojawul Taluka Larkana Division by Major M

R Haig, Revenue Department No 170 of 1870

55 Muhammad Sahib Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1875

The Sind Official Gazette : Shikarpur Collectorate Census Karachi Saturday 27th

May 1876

56 Mehrab Khan Chandio Shahdadkot Bago Daro Road 1875

The Sind Official Gazette : Shikarpur Collectorate Census Karachi Saturday 27th

May 1876

57 Chuck Sahib Khan Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1875

The Sind Official Gazette : Shikarpur Collectorate Census Karachi Saturday 27th

May 1876

58 Sando Mehmood Shahdadkot Bago Daro Road 1875

The Sind Official Gazette : Shikarpur Collectorate Census Karachi Saturday 27th

May 1876

59 Hamir Kalhoro Shahdadkot Dost Ali Road 1875

The Sind Official Gazette : Shikarpur Collectorate Census Karachi Saturday 27th

May 1876

60 Bakhshan Junejo Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1875

The Sind Official Gazette : Shikarpur Collectorate Census Karachi Saturday 27th

May 1876

61 Koor Kari Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1875

The Sind Official Gazette : Shikarpur Collectorate Census Karachi Saturday 27th

May 1876

62 Kario Sobdar Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1875

The Sind Official Gazette : Shikarpur Collectorate Census Karachi Saturday 27th

May 1876

63 Chakiani Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1875

The Sind Official Gazette : Shikarpur Collectorate Census Karachi Saturday 27th

May 1876

65 Kario Pathan Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1875

The Sind Official Gazette : Shikarpur Collectorate Census Karachi Saturday 27th

May 1876

66 Kario Mena Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1875

The Sind Official Gazette : Shikarpur Collectorate Census Karachi Saturday 27th

May 1876

67 Silra Shahdadkot Larkana Road 1875 Gazetteer of the Province of Sind by AW Huges London 1876

68 Ahmed Bux Khuhawar Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1882

Map of Shahdadpur or Shahdadkot Taluka , Upper Sindh Frontier District 1882,

1903 & 1908, Printed at Poona 1910

69 Muhammad Bux Khuhawar Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1882

Map of Shahdadpur or Shahdadkot Taluka , Upper Sindh Frontier District 1882,

1903 & 1908, Printed at Poona 1910

70 Falai Jamali Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1882

Map of Shahdadpur or Shahdadkot Taluka , Upper Sindh Frontier District 1882,

1903 & 1908, Printed at Poona 1910

71 Patooja Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1882

Map of Shahdadpur or Shahdadkot Taluka , Upper Sindh Frontier District 1882,

1903 & 1908, Printed at Poona 1910

72 Koor Mehmood Shahdadkot Dost Ali Road 1882

Map of Shahdadpur or Shahdadkot Taluka , Upper Sindh Frontier District 1882,

1903 & 1908, Printed at Poona 1910

73 Koor Sadiq Shahdadkot Dost Ali Road 1882

Map of Shahdadpur or Shahdadkot Taluka , Upper Sindh Frontier District 1882,

1903 & 1908, Printed at Poona 1910

74 Ganhwar Shahdadkot Dost Ali Road 1882

Map of Shahdadpur or Shahdadkot Taluka , Upper Sindh Frontier District 1882,

1903 & 1908, Printed at Poona 1910

75 Idan Wah/ Edan Wah Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1882

Map of Shahdadpur or Shahdadkot Taluka , Upper Sindh Frontier District 1882,

1903 & 1908, Printed at Poona 1910

76 Kambrani Shahdadkot Dost Ali Road 1882

Map of Shahdadpur or Shahdadkot Taluka , Upper Sindh Frontier District 1882,

1903 & 1908, Printed at Poona 1910


77 Allah Rakhio Jarwar Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1884

78 Ghulam Hyder Jarwar Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1884

79 Gul Muhammad Jarwar Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1884

80 Budho Jamali Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1884

81 Ghulam Nabi Bhurgri Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1884

82 Muhammad Ali Khoso Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1884

83 Dhing Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1894

84 Rakhio Kalhoro Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1884

85 Jarwar Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1884

86 Kario Gurgej Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1884

87 Kot Nabi Bux Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1894

88 Ghulam Muhammad Jamali Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1884

89 Imam Bux Jamali Shahdadkot Imam Bux Jamali Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1884

90 Sir Shahdadkot Imam Bux Jamali Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1884

91 Jari Shahdadkot Imam Bux Jamali Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1884

92 Qutria Shahdadkot Imam Bux Jamali Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1884

93 Belati Shahdadkot Imam Bux Jamali Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1884

94 Hazaro Wah Shahdadkot Imam Bux Jamali Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1884

95 Shah Wasayo Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1884

96 Sadik Shahdadkot Bago Daro Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1884

97 Noorpur Shahdadkot Imam Bux Jamali Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1884

98 Kario Ahmed Khan Shahdadkot Dost Ali Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1884

99 Magsi Shahdadkot Dost Ali Road 1883 The Sind Official Gazette: Notification of Bombay Castle 16th January 1884

100 Miani Noor Muhammad Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1884 Taluka Form No.26 1883-84 Taluka Kamber District Larkana

101 Allah Rakhio/ Mir Ji Nari Shahdadkot Dost Ali Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

102 Ilyas Panhwar Shahdadkot Dost Ali Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

103 Nao Gadahi Shahdadkot Bago Daro Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

104 Gohram Kalhoro Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

105 Ahir Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

106 Chandia Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

107 Reti Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

108 Silra Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

109 Drib Sobho Kariro Shahdadkot Imam Bux Jamali Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

110 Jagirani Shahdadkot Imam Bux Jamali Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

111 Umendo Silro Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

112 Khokhar Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

113 Jat Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

114 Machhi Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

115 Muhammad Pannah Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

116 Chandia Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

117 Abra Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

118 Kot Shahbeg Drakhan Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

119 Bakhsh Macchi Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925


120 Khushal Jagirani Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

121 Mevo Rahoojo Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

122 Sultan Chandio Wah Qubo Saeed Khan Bago Daro Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

123 Rehan Chandio Wah Qubo Saeed Khan Bago Daro Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

124 Gul Muhammad Qubo Saeed Khan Bago Daro Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

125 Panhyaar Qubo Saeed Khan Bago Daro Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

126 Saindito Qubo Saeed Khan Bago Daro Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

127 Abdullah Hakro Qubo Saeed Khan Bago Daro Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

128 Sher Muhammad Qubo Saeed Khan Bago Daro Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

129 Kher Muhammad Mastoi Qubo Saeed Khan Bago Daro Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

130 Yaro Faqir Awan Qubo Saeed Khan Bago Daro Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

131 Qaim Qubo Saeed Khan Bago Daro Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

132 Buddhe Gadra Qubo Saeed Khan Bago Daro Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

133 Chehi Machhi Qubo Saeed Khan Bago Daro Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

134 Pannah Qubo Saeed Khan Bago Daro Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

135 Jangu Khan Magsi Qubo Saeed Khan Bago Daro Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

136 Murad Buriro Qubo Saeed Khan Bago Daro Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

137 Ahmed Bux Buriro Qubo Saeed Khan Bago Daro Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

138 Ali Muhammad Qubo Saeed Khan Bago Daro Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

139 Shahal Buriro Qubo Saeed Khan Bago Daro Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

140 Panj Khabar Chowki Kohistan 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

141 Ando Khoso Kohistan 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

142 Mian Gund Kohistan 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

143 Isa Kohistan 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

144 Maari Kohistan 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

145 Kharghani Kohistan 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

146 Khulani Kohistan 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

147 Narani Kohistan 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

148 Durb Kohistan 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

149 Choel Khan Kohistan 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

150 Machhul Kohistan 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

151 Khenji Kohistan 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

152 Angh Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

153 Pritam Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

154 Jat Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

155 Dadu Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

156 Lal Bux Dangar Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

157 Haji Khan Mastoi Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

158 Allahwadhaio Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

159 Jeand Jarwar Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

160 Qaim Wadho Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925


161 Tando Misri Khan Chandio Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

162 Madan Lal Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

163 Budhar Ji Garhi Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

164 Kamal Markhand Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

165 Bhanbho Khan Chandio Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

166 Dinaran Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

167 Jumo Chodho Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

168 Limo Jamali Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

169 Muhammad Khan Bhutto Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

170 Kamal Khokhar/ Amani Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

171 Sobdar Khan Jamali Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

172 Khuda Bux Jamali Shahdadkot Imam Bux Jamali Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

173 Jan Muhammad Jamali Shahdadkot Imam Bux Jamali Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

174 Dosu Jamali Shahdadkot Imam Bux Jamali Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

175 Lal Bux Jamali Shahdadkot Imam Bux Jamali Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

176 Piaro Silro Shahdadkot Imam Bux Jamali Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

177 Alando Shahdadkot Imam Bux Jamali Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

178 Sahib Mochi Shahdadkot Imam Bux Jamali Road 1887

Map of Baluchistan & Sind: Kalat State & Sibi District, Larkana, Nawabshah &

Upper Sind Frontier Districts Seasons 1887-88, 1890-91 & 1893-1903, No 35, 1925

179 Shahdad Khuhawar Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1897

Revenue Record Taluka Shahdadpur District Upper Sindh Frontier

Rvenue No. 321, 1 June 1897

180 Martin Abad Shahdadkot 1898 Commissioner in Sindh Office Records Karachi 1898-99

181 Sir Amani Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

182 Dildar Jamali Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

183 Gul Muhammad Drakhan Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

184 Ishaque Machhi Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

185 Muhammad Hassan Chandio Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

186 Dur Muhammad Jamali Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920


Muhammad Nawaz Khuhawar

/ Zar Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

188 Kamil Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

189 Sir Jamali Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

190 Sir Drakhan Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

191 Sir Magsi Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

192 Lund Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

193 Kalar Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

194 Kot Ali Nawaz Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

195 Sir Settlement Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

196 Sher Khan Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

197 Warial Khan Jamali Shahdadkot Imam Bux Jamali Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

198 Sukkur Jarwar Shahdadkot Imam Bux Jamali Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

199 Mugheri Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

200 Sir Chandia Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

201 Mast Ali Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920


202 Pir Bux Khuhawar Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

203 Trangra Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

204 Samandar Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

205 Sukkur Nappat Shahdadkot Garhi Khairo Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

206 Pat Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

207 Sarhad Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

208 Dhori Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

209 Jagir Ghaibidero Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

210 Kohistan Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1920

Settlement Report of Taluka Shahdadkot District Upper Sindh frontier District

Compiled by J.W.Smyth No 2453 of 1920 DC Office Jacobabad July 23, 1920

211 Changul Wah Shahdadkot Bago Daro Road 1923 Revenue Record Taluka Shahdadkot District Larkana 1923-1932

212 Kot Ali Nawaz Khan Khuhawar Shahdadkot Dost Ali Road 1932 DC Office Reocrds Larkana 1932

213 Dato Chandio Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1933

Map of Deh Khuhawar Tappa Kot Shahbeg Taluka Shahdadkot 1933, 1936, 1945 &


214 Muhammad Abad Khuhawar Shahdadkot Qubo Saeed Khan Road 1933

Map of Deh Kamil Tappa Kot Shahbeg Taluka Shahdadkot 1933, 1935, 1941, 1960,

1973 & 1974

215 Janji Mal Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1934

Map of Deh Gurgej Tappa Markhand Taluka Shahdadkot 1886-87, 1904, 1913,

1924, 1931, 1934, 1939 & 1960

216 Allah Bux Junejo Shahdadkot Ratodero Road 1934

Map of Deh Gurgej Tappa Markhand Taluka Shahdadkot 1886-87, 1904, 1913,

1924, 1931, 1934, 1939 & 1960

217 Ahmed Khan Reti Shahdadkot Bago Daro Raod 1934 Map of Deh Shah Wasayo Tappa Hazar Wah Taluka Shahdadkot 1934

218 Sobho Khan Brohi/Kambrani Shahdadkot Dost Ali Road 1934 Map of Deh Shahdadkot Tappa Shahdadkot Taluka Shahdadkot 1934-38-42-55-64

219 Mehrban Pathan Shahdadkot Dost Ali Road 1934 Map of Deh Shahdadkot Tappa Shahdadkot Taluka Shahdadkot 1934-38-42-55-64

220 Gharibabad Shahdadkot Bago Daro Road 1934 Map of Deh Shahdadkot Tappa Shahdadkot Taluka Shahdadkot 1934-38-42-55-64

Landscape of village Sanjer Bhatti by Abdul Fattah Soomro (1944-1981): Shahdadkot Sindh Pakistan