Setting up EAL/D Learners for Success ( English as an Additional Language/Dialect ) Colleen Combe,...

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Planning for

high-challenge, high support classrooms

Setting up EAL/D Learners for Success

(English as an Additional Language/Dialect)

Colleen Combe, Consultant, Teaching Multilingual Learners (TML) Program NT DET


What do your EAL/D learners need to do if they are to achieve success in their

academic learning?


UNESCO, 2007, Promoting literacy in multilingual settings, p.7


How do we support our EAL/D learners?

Questions all teachers need to consider



What are the basic essential skills, knowledge and understandings that learners need in order for them to progress successfully?


Think about your teaching area.

What age are your learners? What are the basic , essential skills ,

knowledge and understandings that your learners need?

Where do you obtain information about this?



Cummins: BICS

Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills

The language necessary for day to day living including conversations with friends and informal interactions

2 years


Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency

The language necessary to understand and discuss content in the classroom

Cognitively demanding –deals with abstract concepts, - has specialised vocabulary - uses more complex language

5 – 7 years

Cummins: CALP


Cognitively undemanding


Talking with friendsAbsence excusesBuying lunchArt, music classes

TelephoneNotes from friendsWriting instructions


Embedded Demonstrations

Audio visual lessonsScience experimentsBasic Maths computations

Standardized testsReading/writingMaths conceptsMost classes


Cognitively demanding


‘ We should not assume that non-native speakers who have attained a high degree of fluency and accuracy in everyday spoken English have the corresponding academic language proficiency’

‘The non-native speakers who have exited from the ESL program, are still, in most cases, in the process of catching up with their native speaking peers.’



What English language knowledge, skills and understandings do teachers need to teach in order for learners to engage successfully with the content?



Think about lessons/task you teach What vocabulary do the learners need to

use? What language functions do they need to

know about ?(eg: describing, explaining, justifying, evaluating, explaining, predicting, showing cause and effect)

What language features (grammar) do they need to use?

What text types?

Language use


What is the content knowledge?English language & literacy How do images help to explain?

Science Evidence, Explanations and Models - How does change affect the properties of materials?

Maths How do we use classification in Maths?

Personal Learning Plan Why should I be accurate and seek accuracy in my work?

Close & Important Relationships

How can groups work effectively?

Industrial Arts What can we use to make accessories?

Physical Fitness How can physical fitness be improved?

Adventure Sports How do I prepare for an adventure experience?


ScienceHow does change affect the properties of materials?

NPM 3 describe relationships

between properties, composition and uses of different materials

classify materials as solids, liquids, gases and explain why

NPM 4 use a simple model to

explain how particles are arranged in solids, liquids and gases and how they undergo physical changes

describe the features of physical and chemical changes

identify matter as elements, mixtures and compounds


Science as InquiryLearners demonstrating solid evidence of ....

Band 3 SI 2 Investigating contribute to planning

investigations with awareness of fair testing and repetition

make measurements and record their results in tables, graphs and other structured forms

identify and describe results with predictions and draw conclusions that summarise their findings

Band 4 SI 4 Investigating plan and communicate, using

labelled diagrams or text, a procedure for an investigation to test a simple hypothesis including the use of repeat trials or replicates

use line graphs to display continuous data and bar graphs to display discontinuous data

identify and interpret patterns and relationships in their data, draw conclusions and make suggestions for improving investigations

communicate investigation results, analysis and evaluation of results


What teaching approach/ methodology or model should teachers use so that the learners can successfully engage in the learning?



What activities/strategies do teachers need to use in their lesson planning to allow learners to access the content required and build on their language understandings in order to be successful learners and progress?



Think about: How do you plan your lessons so that EAL/D

the learners are learning both the language and the content at an appropriate cognitive level?

How do you ‘scaffold’ the learning in your class so that your EAL?D learners are actively using the required language?

What ‘strategies’ do you provide so that your EAL/D learners can access the learning materials?

ESL Methodology and Strategies


Learning language

Learning about the language

Learning through

the language

A focus on meaningThis requires input or the language that learners listen to or read, to be comprehensible. It also involves critical literacy

A focus on language forms and uses - at the whole text, sentence and word level and the ability to critically analyse these.

A focus on use. This involves using language to transform what has been learned through generating new knowledge, creating literature & art, and acting on social realities




How do teachers know where their EAL/D learners are at in terms of their English language development and where they need to go?


Think about At what ESL level are the learners in your

class? What does this mean? How do you move them on? What planning is needed?

ESL Target Setting


Level3 Level4 Level5 Level 6


L L3.1 Communicationlearn through SAE, identify some main points/ details, sequence and infer from short spoken textsL L3.2 Socio-cultural understandingsidentify some oral text types, respond to social cues, and interpret intonation and stressL L3.3 Language structures and featuresfollow the language structures and features of some social and school-based oral textsL L3.4 Learning-how-to-learnseek repetition/clarification and use known language and some visual support to extend understanding of oral texts.

L L4.1 Communicationmake some inferences, identify main ideas and connect ideas and details in extended talk in familiar language across the curriculumL L4.2 Socio-cultural understandingsrecognise purposes of oral texts and respond to different registersL L4.3 Language structures and featuresfollow some colloquialisms, idioms and some complex vocabulary/structures in extended talkL L4.4 Learning-how-to-learnclarify meaning using classroom and outside resources.

L L5.1 Communicationfollow social SAE easily and follow main ideas in discussions and extended talk and identify relevant information from subject-specific talkL L5.2 Socio-cultural understandingsidentify some interpersonal, expressive and cultural aspects that affect SAE useL L5.3 Language structures and featuresidentify key oral structural and language features of more complex texts L L5.4 Learning-how-to-learnrely on speaker's explanations.

L L6.1 Communicationfollow informal and formal SAE in many social and classroom situationsL L6.2 Socio-cultural understandingsinfer intentions, some cultural nuances, humour and metaphors with support L L6.3 Language structures & featuresfollow extended oral texts from a range of registers, demonstrating increased knowledge of vocabulary and complex structuresL L6.4 Learning-how-to-learnreflect on and assess content for relevance and accuracy.


S L3.1 Communicationcommunicate and learn through SAE in predictable situations and construct sequenced oral texts using limited SAES L3.2 Socio-cultural understandingsuse aspects of spoken SAE language behaviour when communicating and learning at schoolS L3.3 Language structures and features manipulate learned structures and features to make original utterances,characterised by simplified language and varying grammatical accuracy S L3.4 Learning-how-to-learnpractise, take some risks, initiate talk with support.

S L4.1 Communication

express the main point and some detail of ideas and opinions in supportive classroom situations, using a range of familiar spoken texts typesS L4.2 Socio-cultural understandingsuse SAE register features including intonation in

formal and informal situationsS L4.3 Language structures and featuresadapt available SAE vocabulary and some

complex structures for expanded talk with grammatical accuracy, pronunciation and stressS L4.4 Learning-how-to-learnaccess and incorporate SAE into own oral repertoire from a range of oral and written sources.

S L5.1 Communicationparticipate actively in social, expressive and informational contexts and elaborate ideas, with support S L5.2 Socio-cultural understandingsuse appropriate SAE in formal and informal situations, applying some cultural conventions S L5.3 Language structures and featuresdemonstrate control over basic oral vocabulary and language structures with uneven accuracy of some grammatical features and imagery in complex talk S L5.4 Learning-how-to-learnuse knowledge of SAE to sustain and monitor spoken SAE.

S L6.1 Communicationcommunicate effectively in familiar formal and informal social and learning contextsS L6.2 Socio-cultural understandingsadapt language to their own and their listeners’ needsS L6.3 Language structures & featuresspeak fluently with some control over subject-specific registers, abstract terms, imagery and complex structuresS L6.4 Learning-how-to-learnplan, reflect and use different sources to improve language.

NTCF ESL Levels – Secondary Listening and Speaking


NTCF ESL Levels – Secondary Reading and Writing

Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Reading

R L3.1 Communicationread with understanding texts containing predictable structures and everyday languageR L3.2 Socio-cultural understandingsidentify some SAE text purposes and features and differences in spoken and written SAER L3.3 Language structures and featuresread with understanding, cueing into basic text organisation and features of written SAER L3.4 Learning-how-to-learnuse a range of strategies to work out meanings of some unfamiliar texts.

R L4.1 Communication

read with understanding a range of literary, factual and electronic media texts and make some inferences in structured activitiesR L4.2 Socio-cultural understandingsidentify text purposes and compare their own cultural knowledge with text informationR L4.3 Language structures and features

follow some complex texts, imagery and the organisation of information, keywords and connecting ideas, with supportR L4.4 Learning-how-to-learnuse a range of strategies for working out meanings of words.

R L5.1 Communicationread a range of literary, factual and electronic media texts and draw inferences, with support R L5.2 Socio-cultural understandingsidentify text purpose, how information is organised and presented in SAE texts, and some cultural perspectivesR L5.3 Language structures and featuresinterpret a range of complex texts cueing into key organisational and language featuresR L5.4 Learning-how-to-learnapply strategies to comprehend and learn at whole text, sentence and word levels.

R L6.1 Communicationread various authentic, lengthy, factual and literary texts for interpretations beyond literal levels, with supportR L6.2 Socio-cultural understandingsrelate SAE text format, structure and language choice to purpose and audience R L6.3 Language structures & featuresinterpret complex language used in a range of accessible and more challenging textsR L6.4 Learning-how-to-learnmonitor reading and select strategies suited to the text and task.


W L3.1 Communicationwrite simple, creative and informational texts using familiar spoken and written language from modelled textsW L3.2 Socio-cultural understandingsuse some common SAE text types sometimes taking account of purpose and audienceW L3.3 Language structures and featuresuse some cohesive features and attempt independent writing and vocabulary choice with some errors in SAE structures and spellingW L3.4 Learning-how-to-learnplan, write and redraft texts with support.

W L4.1 Communication

use a basic repertoire of text types (creative and

informational) across the curriculum for a given audienceW L4.2 Socio-cultural understandings

write texts for particular purposes and audienceW L4.3 Language structures and featuresshow some accuracy in text features, organisation,

cohesion, imagery and complex sentence structuresW L4.4 Learning-how-to-learn

plan, write, apply spelling, access vocabulary, edit and reflect on the process.

W L5.1 Communicationwrite personal, imaginative and informational texts across the curriculum incorporating language and ideas from different sources, with support for the more complex textsW L5.2 Socio-cultural understandingsadjust writing formats to intended context, audience and purpose with supportW L5.3 Language structures and featureswrite coherent texts with sufficient control of linguistic structure and featuresW L5.4 Learning-how-to-learnplan and edit their work to improve range and clarity of expression.

W L6.1 Communicationwrite an extensive range of personal, imaginative and informational texts from across the curriculumW L6.2 Socio-cultural understandingsadapt writing for audience and purposeW L6.3 Language structures & featureswrite coherent texts demonstrating an expanded range of SAE structural features for linking ideasW L6.4 Learning-how-to-learnplan, review and redraft writing to enhance fluency, accuracy and appropriateness to purpose and audience.


1. Note what you already know about you students’ language strengths and their language learning needs. (NTCF ESL Levels)

2. Identify the language that is central to the particular topic you plan to teach (Analysis)

3. Select the key language on which you will focus (include in your assessment rubric)

4. Design or choose activities/strategies to present and use the focus language

5. Evaluate your unit. (What did the learners learn?)

5 Steps for planning a ‘language informed’ unit of work

P. Gibbons, 2009, English learners Academic Literacy and Thinking, Heinemann, p.159.


UNESCO, 2007, Promoting literacy in multilingual settings, p.8


Colleen CombeConsultant TML ProgramPH: 8999
