Session3 the uk professional standards framework march_2013

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This session describes recent developments with the UK Professional Srandards Framework, what it is, how it was developed and how it is being used across higher education to enhance learning and teaching and continuing professional development.

Transcript of Session3 the uk professional standards framework march_2013

Raj Dhimar

Professional Standards Framework



• Explore your interests and expectations of the PSF

• Provide opportunities for you to interpret and engage with the PSF

• Understand the dimensions and descriptors

• Consider the PSF’s potential uses and implications to higher education providers

• Identifying future needs for Thailand higher education in the context of professional standards for teaching and supporting learning

“Qualifications” for University Lecturers?• Dearing (1997) - enhancing professionalism

of HE teaching

• Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education - membership organisation

• The Higher Education Academy - subscription organisation

• Higher Education Statistics Agency - staff profiles

External Drivers- historic and current


• PSF provides set of descriptors, developed with the sector, against which institutions can benchmark their approaches to the professional development of staff. 

• Sector-owned, managed by the HEA.

• Offers universities and colleges criteria which support the initial and continuing professional development for staff who teach and support student learning.

• Flexible framework that is adaptable to the needs of the individual and of the institution.

• Many institutions use the PSF and seek external validation of their approaches to professional development against the framework. The HEA alone accredits over 400 provision in over130 HEIs across the UK.

• Not mandatory. There are other routes to accreditation too, which the HEA welcomes.

• Has potential to be a key indicator of UK HE’s ongoing commitment to teaching, as well as giving confidence that minimum threshold standards have been met by academic staff.


Professional Standards Framework

A framework for HEIs to:• Align initial and continuing professional

development provision for all staff involved in teaching and supporting learning in Higher Education

• Inform progression, promotion and reward criteria

Comprises :

Dimensions (Areas of Activity, Core Knowledge and Professional Values)

Descriptors (D1, 2, 3 and 4) equivalent to Associate Fellow, Fellow, Senior Fellow and Principal Fellow




The Dimensio


Areas of ActivityUndertaken by teachers and supporters of

learning within higher education

Core KnowledgeNeeded to carry

out those activities appropriately

Professional Values

the manner in which teaching professionals

should perform and carry out their

learning and teaching activities

Design & plan (A1)

Teach/support learning (A2)

Assess & feedback (A3)

Evaluate & Develop (A5)




The Areas of Activity


Uses of the Framework (1)

Gain recognition for your own teaching

and learning support activities

Plan and guide your own Continuing Professional

Development in the area of teaching and


Promote the professionalisation

of teaching and learning support

within Higher Education

Uses of the Framework (2)

Foster creative and innovative

approaches to teaching and learning

Enable staff to gain recognition and

reward for developing their capabilities as teachers and supporters of


Gain Academy accreditation for

education development

programmes and CPD schemes

Uses of the Framework (3)

Enhance the quality and prominence of

teaching and learning activities

Facilitate and support the design and

delivery of initial and continuing education

development programmes and


Demonstrate to students and other stakeholders the

professionalism that staff and institutions

brings to teaching and support for student


Professional Standards Framework consultation


What does the teaching community think?

HEA , (2011), PSF consultation, recognising excellence in teaching and learning

Broad general support for the idea that those who teach in HE should be appropriately qualified

Strong support (66%) for transparency of public

information in relation to teaching qualifications

and fellowships

Strong support (89%) for collaboration between the

HEA and relevant professional bodies in

relation to the alignment of standards providing

this was limited, targeted and not overly resource-


a) Explore the PSF. How do you interpret it? What are the distinctions between the Descriptors?

b) How might you and your institutions be able to interpret the dimensions?

c) What might be the implications of developing and implementing a PSF for teaching and supporting learning in Thailand higher education?



To find out more


About the Professional Standards Framework

About Professional Recognition

About Accreditation