Session 7: Divine Insight by Praying in the...

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Transcript of Session 7: Divine Insight by Praying in the...

Session 7: Divine Insight by Praying in the Spirit


Session #7

Divine Insight by Praying in the Spirit

The Prophetic Intercessor Praying with God’s Heart

Captured by a

Revelatory Word!

A. A Personal Revelation and a Personal


The Holy Spirit spoke to me in a dream and

said, “If you would pray two hours in the

Spirit in one setting, I will give you a spirit

of revelation!” The Holy Spirit knew exactly

to whom He was speaking, and that it was

the right bait to cast my way!

B. 90 Days of Solitary Confinement!

While living and ministering in the Kansas City area, the

Holy Spirit gave me a dream that I was put in jail for 90

days. The Holy Spirit called it “Solitary Confinement.”

During those 90 days, I set myself aside to pray and sing in

the gift of tongues for 6 to 18 hours a day. During that

period, I experienced a great increase of the revelatory

giftings in my life. This was when the Holy Spirit birthed in

me the message “Fire on the Altar,” which I took around the

world. My first book, The Lost Art of Intercession, was

written as a result.

Insights from Key Scriptures

A. Jude 20-21 “But you beloved, building yourselves up

on your most holy faith, praying in the

Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in the love of

God waiting anxiously for the mercy of

our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life.”

Praying in the Spirit releases a supernatural

culture where a believer can walk

continuously in the love and mercy of God

and increase in their personal level of faith.

B. Romans 8:26-27 “And in the same way the Spirit also helps our

weakness, for we do not know how to pray as we

should, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with

groanings too deep for words; And He who searches the

hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He

intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.”

Praying in the Spirit activates the grace of God

to pray perfect prayers in any situation. These

prayers go beyond our rational understanding

and our heart becomes enlightened by Divine

Insight for our prayer targets.

C. Isaiah 28:11-14 “Indeed he will speak to his people through stammering lips and a

foreign tongue, He who said to them, “Here is rest, give rest to the

weary,” and “Here is repose,” but they would not listen. So the

word of the Lord to them will be, “Order on order, order on order,

Line on line, line on line, a little here, a little there,” That they may

go and stumble backward, be broken, snared and taken captive.”

The gift of tongues brings rest for the weary, peace and

refreshing and is to be a sign to the unbeliever. (Note:

Part of this Old Testament passage from Isaiah is in

turn quoted by Paul in his New Testament writings in I


Defining the Gift of Tongues A. From the Life of Kenneth Hagin

“Diverse kinds of tongues is supernatural

utterance by the Holy Spirit in languages never

learned by the speaker, nor understood by the

mind of the speaker, nor necessarily always

understood by the hearer. Speaking with tongues

has nothing whatsoever to do with linguistic

ability; it has nothing to do with the mind or the

intellect of man. It is a vocal miracle.”

B. From the Life of Dick Iverson “The gift of tongues is the God-given

enablement to communicate in a language

one does not know. This is a

“manifestation of the Spirit” and not

human ability. It has absolutely nothing to

do with natural ability, eloquence of

speech or a new sanctified way of talking.

The gift of tongues is a supernatural

manifestation or expression of the Holy

Spirit through a person’s speech organs. It

is a direct manifestation of the


C. From the Life of John Wimber “Kinds of tongues are Spirit-inspired, spontaneous

utterances in which the conscious mind plays no part.

It is speaking in a language (whether earthly or

angelic) which the speaker has never learned or

understood. This is used privately by a believer and

may be used at will for his own edification. Tongues

are also used in public as an ecstatic utterance

following an anointing from God.”

of Praying in the Spirit A. From Ephesians 6:18 (NASB)

“With all prayer and petition pray at all

times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be

on the alert with all perseverance and

petition for all saints.”

Ephesians 6:18 (AMP)

“Pray at all times (on every occasion, in

every season) in the Spirit, with all manner

of prayer and entreaty. To that end keep

alert and watch with strong purpose and

perseverance, interceding in behalf of all the

saints (God’s consecrated people).”

B. Ways the Spirit Helps Our Prayer Life! Let us examine several ways in which the Spirit

helps us, so we can prevail in prayer.

1. The Spirit fills you, so that He can be Lord of your


2. The Spirit makes you spiritually healthy. Christ

becomes your very life (Romans 8:2; Colossians 3:4).

Andrew Murray wrote “The connection between the

prayer life and the spirit life is close

and indissolvable.”

3. The Spirit draws you to prayer, ever wooing and

enticing you to come to Him.

4. The Spirit gives special access to the Lord.

(Ephesians 2:18; 3:12). The Holy Spirit is the one

who ushers you into the Father’s presence.

5. The Spirit teaches you to pray, causing you to

breathe in the atmosphere of the Spirit and

breathe out the spirit of prayer. The Spirit is

the parakletos or paraclete, the counselor or

teacher (John 14:26) who helps you in your

petitions. As Charles Finney said: “He will

give you as much of the spirit of prayer as you

have strength of body to bear.”

6. The Spirit burdens you to pray. The Holy

Spirit longs to share His burden, compassion,

and travail of soul with you, to identify with

the brokenness of the world, carrying and

praying God’s heart.

7. The Spirit empowers you to pray.

(Psalms 62:11-2)

8. The Spirit multiplies your faith. The

Holy Spirit strengthens and multiplies

your faith for those areas where you are

praying in accordance with the will of

God. He multiplies faith, by giving you

a new revelation of the greatness of the

power of God, by giving you a vision of

how God longs to act on your behalf,

pressing upon you promises from the

Word of God.

Different Forms of

A. Personal Communion

1. Isaiah 28:11-14 – It releases rest and refreshment.

2. Jude 20 – It builds up faith and love while

granting a revelation of the mercy of God.

3. I Corinthians 14:1-4 – We speak mysteries to God

and yet at the same time, edify the one praying.

4. I Corinthians 14:14-15 – When you pray in the

gift of tongues, your spirit prays!

Praying in the Spirit

B. Intercessory Prayer

1. Revelatory (God-Inspired) Prayer

This can be known as Prophetic

Intercession. It is when there is an urging to

pray, given by the Holy Spirit for situations

or circumstances about which you have very

little knowledge in the natural. You pray for

the prayer requests that are on the heart of

God. He nudges you to pray so that He can

intervene. God will direct you to pray to

bring forth His will on the earth as it is

willed in heaven.

2. Compassionate Intercession

When your heart is stirred by

weeping, brokenness, groans and tears

over that which is before you, crying

out for the intervention of the Lord

into that situation. Often you are

sensing the Lord’s heart in that


3. Spiritual Breakthrough Prayer

A way is opened for the purposes of God to

come forth. This often occurs with travail –

the power of proclamation is mingled with

the gift of discerning of spirits and /or the

gift of faith. This form of revelatory prayer

is often activated in times of deliverance and

strategic spiritual warfare, addressing

powers of darkness over individuals,

families, and/or entire cities.

C. Additional Expressions

1. Praise and Worship to God

This is a form of intimate devotion to God that

goes beyond our natural speech capacity. The

believer can now enter into unlimited ways of

declaring, “I love You! I thank You!”

2. Revelation Is Released

Kenneth Hagin often stated, ‘Two nickels

equals a dime. So the Gift of Tongues

brought together with the Gift of

Interpretation of Tongues equals the Gift

of Prophecy.” When you mix together

these ingredients it yields revelation to the

listener. (See I Corinthians 14:5, 12)

The Power of A. Divine Insight Results in Crisis


Here is a testimony of how

intervention came during the Persian

Gulf War in 1987 after I prayed in

the spirit for several hours. Divine

insight was granted resulting in

inspired prayer.

Inspired Prayer

“I was sprawled out on the floor under the front pew of the sanctuary for those

five hours, somewhat hidden away. I prayed quietly the entire time using the

gift of tongues (see 1 Corinthians 12:10; 14:1-4, 15-16; Jude 20). While

praying in the Spirit, I kept seeing in my mind’s eye a picture of a map of the

Middle East. I would pray and watch, watch and pray, trying to get a clearer

view of this map and an understanding of what to do with what I was seeing.”

“As I lay on the floor, praying in tongues and seeing the map, “knowings”

were coming to me. I had the conviction that I was glimpsing a critical

circumstance. As I kept peering at the map, I saw something that looked

like a tiny island nation. I could see letters spelling out B-a-h-r-a-i and

then a final letter. I sensed in the Holy Spirit that there was a U.S. military

presence in this tiny nation, which was unknown to me in those pre–

Gulf War days. I also knew that Iran, under the influence of the prince of

Persia (mentioned in Daniel 10:13), was about to release an unprovoked

attack against the United States on this island that could catapult the

world into World War III before God’s appointed time.”

The revelation ended up being

100% accurate and resulted in

anointed targeted prayer, which

backed off the powers of

darkness and deescalated the

pending conflict.

B. Let the Hand of God Come Upon


The Hebrew word for “hand” is

“massa.” This is a reference to the

“hand of the Lord” or the “burden

of the Lord.” When the Lord’s hand

comes upon us, it imparts

something to us so that when His

hand lifts, His burden remains.

Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we ask

for an increase of Divine Insight by Praying in the Spirit. Let

Your hand come upon us and the burden of the Lord be

deposited within us. We ask for greater clarity, revelation and

discernment to pray fervent effective prayers. Thank you, Lord.

Amen and Amen!

A Prayer for Divine Insight

Israel Bundle Includes:

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• Praying for Israel’s Destiny Book

By James W. Goll

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purposes in Israel and the Middle

East; and gaze into the future of the

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