Session 1 Intro

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Session 1 Intro

Strategic Marketing

North South University


Session 1

1Slides by Bobby Hajjaj

Your Lecturer

Bobby Hajjaj

Office :

NAC 756



2Slides by Bobby Hajjaj

Class format

• Starts on time

– Please try to be here on time.

• Please make sure that you have

your name plate

– This will affect cold-calling


• No laptops, cell-phones in class,


• Expect to participate3Slides by Bobby Hajjaj

Form groups

-- total number of groups must be 6 --

4Slides by Bobby Hajjaj

Advice for groups

1. Pick group leader or project leader

2. Give group your total commitment – it

might not pay to be the slacker!

3. View other groups as market competitors

5Slides by Bobby Hajjaj

Course Assessment


1. Two assigned case submissions, 1000 words (max); 20% of grade

2. Presentation on 1 of the weekly assigned cases, 20 minutes; 20% of

grade (cases assigned by group number)


1. Midterm based on concepts –15% of grade

2. Final – comprehensive - 25% of grade

3. Class participation – 20% of grade

6Slides by Bobby Hajjaj

Your group assignments should:- offer a clear point of view that addresses the question

- draw on relevant concepts and techniques

- draw on the case evidence and your analysis of this evidence

- justify their conclusions in the light of alternatives,

uncertainties, trade-offs or contingencies.

We do not believe there is one correct view, only well-supported views. We recognise the

constraints imposed by the word limit and the timing of submission.

7Slides by Bobby Hajjaj

Course Organization

All sessions will be interactive, with Tuesday sessions devoted to an

applied case analysis. Students should expect to contribute to class

discussions, and to prepare accordingly. Slides of every lecture will be

put on the intranet after class.

The course will span over 21 classes, with 2 classes per week; the first

10 weeks we will cover all relevant study issues and in the last class we

shall summarize our learning throughout the ten weeks and prepare for

the final exam

8Slides by Bobby Hajjaj

Week 1: Defining Strategic Marketing

Week 2: Analytical tools & Principles

Week 3: Creating Customer Value

Week 4: Understanding Customer Behaviour

Week 5: Marketing Communications

Week 6: Channels to Market

Week 7: Product Policy and Innovation

Week 8: Pricing Policy

Week 9: CRM and Branding

Week 10: Segmentation and Positioning

Week 11: Review

Course Structure

9Slides by Bobby Hajjaj

Case Preparation

There are no set assignment questions for the case studies. This is because

(i) problem diagnosis is part of the skill set we are practicing; (ii) these real-

life marketing situations are open to more than one interpretation of the

underlying issues. At a simple level, the assignment is always the same:

“What should these managers do?” In almost all cases, in the introduction

to the case you will find a description of how the managers think about the

problem (and this is often re-stated at the end of the case text). But you

should look carefully at the evidence presented in the case and feel free to

arrive at your own more subtle diagnosis of the key issues facing the

managers involved.

10Slides by Bobby Hajjaj

Class Discussion

Your analysis of the case study should be the basis for your

contributions to the class discussion of the case.

Great comments are characterized by:

1. Depth of insight

2. Logical and disciplined use of both qualitative and

quantitative case information

3. Consistency

4. Realism

11Slides by Bobby Hajjaj