Session 02 Old Testament Overview - Genesis 1-11

Post on 16-Jan-2015

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Session 02 Old Testament Overview Genesis chapters 1-11 Based on material from: Capitol Hill Baptist Church 525 A Street, NE Washington, DC 20002

Transcript of Session 02 Old Testament Overview - Genesis 1-11

  • 1. Old Testament Core Seminar Class 2 Genesis 1-11 Old Testament Overview 1
  • 2. Introduction 2 Did you ever dissect a seed? As Christians, we marvel at the ingenuity of our creator in putting all that is needed for that entire plant there in the seed. Over the next 2 weeks we will use this approach to look at Genesis. What are some of the big Bible themes in Genesis? Why not just jump into NT and study the finished plan? Shows how in-control God is, that all the strands of creation and redemption are here at the beginning Helps us understand Gods intent for what he has done Shows things very simply, so we can understand whats most important Because of all this, Genesis 1-11 are referenced again and again through the Bible Heres a look inside a cell at the atomic level.
  • 3. 3
  • 4. 4 Historically, the context for Genesis is hundreds of years after the last events described in the book. This portion of the Bible was written by Moses Revealed to him at some time during his time as a prophet to the nation of Israel. Some claim Moses did not write the first Pentateuch. As Genesis was being written, God was doing something special: creating a people of his own by which he would reveal Himself to the world. And this book provides background for them Telling them where they came from Informing them of the problem God is solving through them, sin It lays out how He will solve it.
  • 5. 5 As we study OT well look for the redemptive-historical context. Where this book fits into the larger story of the whole Bible Gods work in history to redeem, to rescue, to save a people. It is important where a book fits in the redemption story. Well look at Where we are on that story line What has God been up to What has he accomplished in his plan so far The first 11 chapters are at the very beginning of history with no need for redemption until chapter 3. There well see our first parents plunge us into sin and ruin, but God begins his plan, to save sinners out of that ruin.
  • 6. Theme and Outline 6 The theme: God reveals his character through the world he has created. I. Genesis 1:1-2:3 The Telling of the Seven Days of Creation II. Genesis 2:4-4:26 The Dawn of Humanity: 2 Seeds III. Genesis 5:1-6:8 The Descendants of Adam and Their Sin IV. Genesis 6:9-9:29 The Punishment for Sin: Un-Creating the Universe . . . and Grace: Re- Creating the Universe V. Genesis 10:1-11:9 Humanity after the Flood: Still Sinful VI. Genesis 11:10-26 The Seed of the Woman Continues On
  • 7. 7 The story of Genesis 1-11 unfolds: There exists an eternal and self-sufficient God, by verbal fiat creates the universe and all that is in it, to display his glory. His crown creation is mankind, the only creature created in Gods image displays Gods glory and enjoys fellowship God. Mankinds first parents choose to set themselves up as equals with God, disobeying him and incurring the just wrath of God. Expelled from fellowship with God, they do not receive the complete wrath they deserve. God begins to lay out His play of redemption. As generations continue, mankind goes from bad to worse. Partial judgment of the world does not end sin. And so rebellion against God continues. Genesis isnt just historical background, it is the foundation for the rest of the Bible.
  • 8. Genesis 1:1-25 There exists an eternal and self-sufficient God, by verbal fiat creates the universe and all that is in it, to display his glory. 8 Read Genesis 1:1-5 First point is Who? It is about God and tells a lot about who He is, His derivation, and who we are. Our first question for any Bible study is What does this passage teach us about God? So what do we learn here? God is eternal no one made god. God is self-sufficient. God is good. God is sovereign.
  • 9. 9 God is Sovereign *: 1. a monarch; a king, queen, or other supreme ruler. 2. a person who has supreme power or authority. 3. a group or body of persons or a state having sovereign authority. 4. a gold coin of the United Kingdom, equal to one pound sterling: went out of circulation after 1914. adjective 5. belonging to or characteristic of a sovereign or sovereign authority; royal. 6. having supreme rank, power, or authority. 7. supreme; preeminent; indisputable: a sovereign right. 8. greatest in degree; utmost or extreme. 9. being above all others in character, importance, excellence, etc. *
  • 10. Genesis 1:26-2:17 His crown creation is mankind, the only creature created in Gods image displays Gods glory and enjoys fellowship God and each other. 10 Read Genesis 1:26-28 Human beings are presented as the crowning act. His last creation stood in special relationship to him. Verse 26 created in the image of God. Rest after their kind. Gods image has reason, intelligence, memory, ethical norms, the capacity to love and have relationship with others, the ability to speak and communicate ideas, and so forth. And the ability to have a personal relationship with God. And we have distinct roles and responsibilities! To take care of these attributes of God and show His glory to the world.
  • 11. 11 Man is called to have dominion over the various parts of the creation Mans job was to make the rest of creation like the garden of Eden This is a spiritual reality as much as it is an organizational one. Man acts as a king over, and a priest for, creation. This goal of mans calling is best expressed in Habakkuk: for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. (2:14)
  • 12. Mans Classification
  • 13. Gods Classification 13 Living Creatures Cattle (domesticated) Creeping Things Beats (un- domesticated) Sea Creatures Land Creatures Flying Creatures Plants Grass External Seeds Internal Seeds
  • 14. 14 Dominionism movements/theology Dominionism is the alleged movement of a small group of politically active Christians in the United States working toward either a nation governed by Christians or one governed by a conservative Christian understanding of biblical law. Wise Use movements/theology Wise Use proponents describes human use of the environment as "stewardship of the land, the water and the air" for the benefit of human beings. The wise use movement arose from opposition to the environmental movement, and critics see it as anti- environmentalist.
  • 15. 15 Genesis 1-2 is critical as a foundation to the rest of the Bible. It describes what the rest of the Bible is getting back to. Not until Revelation 21 is this fellowship restored, with Gods perfect people again in Gods place under Gods rule. Genesis 1 and 2 shows us Gods perfect plan for gender, for marriage, for work, for the physical creation, for government, for our relationship with God and with each other. Genesis 1-2 is our past, our future, and our goal in between. It is our past: it really happened. It is our future: Gods heavenly kingdom we will restore all. As our goal in between: we seek to follow the pattern of perfection he laid out in the garden. Genesis 1 and 2 reveal a lot about God and mankind but a lot is missing! Gods justice, patience, holiness, mercy and so much more!
  • 16. 16 Chapter 2 contains a second telling of the account of creation. It presents clear picture of the peace and harmony of this created order. Verses 15-17 contains the command about the tree. Who is the command give to? Why this person? God creates marriage in verses 18-25, and these two created beings have perfect harmony of thought, emotion, love, communication, cooperation, understanding, trust, and peace. Was the tree a magical tree? With the power to transfer them from bliss to awareness of good and evil? Was it a cruel tease Gods way of tempting them to do evil?
  • 17. 17 It was a symbol, in full sight, to remind them that, although they are given great privilege and many freedoms (including the freedom to eat of every other tree as much as their hearts desire), they are not God. They are not the final authority in the universe; They dont determine what is good and what is evil; They are still under the authority of God Almighty. God is saying to Adam and Eve, I alone have the right to determine what is good and what is evil, what is right and what is wrong in my universe. God is Sovereign! What all does this imply?
  • 18. Genesis 3:1-24 Mankinds first parents choose to set themselves up as equals with God, disobeying him and incurring the just wrath of God. 18 Read 3:1-5. Satan I am like God. I know whats good and whats evil. Both Adam and Eve fall for this lie. And the result They realize they did wrong and hide from God. How does God deal with them all? They are all cursed. But there is grace. Adam and Eve are not destroyed on the spot and He gives hope for redemption. Verses 15 enmity: typically mutual hatred or ill will. 1. Satan woman = they are enemies. Alternative: we and Satan are friends and together enemies of God! We belong to God! 2. Satan seed womans seed there will be two groups those who follow God and those who follow Satan. 3. He will crush your head and you will strike his heal speaking of the one who will deliver the fatal blow to Satan and be wounded.
  • 19. Genesis 4 As generations continue, mankind goes from bad to worse. 19 The rest of the Bible is an outworking of Genesis 3:15. Satan is always trying to destroy Gods image bearer. Cain kills Abel. Has the serpent won? Is the Godly line ended? No. They have another son to carry on the line. Genesis 5 Lists the Godly line from Adam through Seth. The theme continues Gods faithfulness to His promises. The curse continues and then he died is oft repeated.
  • 20. Genesis 6:1-9:17 Even partial judgment of the world does not end the world of sin 20 In chapter 6 mankind descends further into depravity and evil. And in verse 7, God announces his judgment: essentially reversing the creative acts of chapters 1 and 2. The flood. Again, Gods wrath is mixed with mercy, He will not fail to deliver his promised Seed. The flood narrative, the un-creating and the re-creating, is a picture of a future, greater, cataclysmic undoing and redoing of the universe, not by water this time, but by fire. The flood was a real historical event. The next time will be a far more terrible judgment, and the re- creation will be a return to paradise. At that time sin will be eradicated for good.
  • 21. Genesis 10-11 And so the rebellion against God continues. 21 Though creation is re-made, the problem of sin remains. Noah sins, then the entire human race. In chapter 11, humanity wants a name for themselves. They were told Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth (9:1) Instead they gather to build a temple to heaven. And once again we see mankind ignoring Gods right to rule. God stops their plans, confuses their languages, and sends them out to fill the earth.
  • 22. Conclusion 22 Histories building blocks: Chapters 1 and 2 we saw Gods perfect design, the reality of our past and future, and our guide for the present. Chapters 3-11, the primary building block being laid is the nature of our sin. Starting in Genesis 12, God turns his focus to a special people. We see here what happens sinful man disobeys a holy God. There are consequences for a sinners actions. But there is also a patient and gracious response from a loving God. Redemptive-history has begun. He is keeping the promise which He made the woman.