
Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Sesion6, unidad2, nivel2

Transcript of Sesion6

Simple present and Objects Pronouns

Simple Present

We use it to talk about :

● Regular actions or events (routines)● Facts● Future facts (found in a timetable or a chart)● Toughts and feelings at the time of speaking

Questions● With Verb To Be

To Be + + Comp. + ?

Are you OK ? Is Mary at home ?

● With auxiliar Do

Do / Does + + verb + Comp. + ?

Does Bob take breakfast today ?

Do they travel to London ?

Objects Pronouns

● Los pronombres básicos son 7, se utilizan como sujetos y la otra forma cuando se utilizan como objetos.

Subjects sobre lo que trata la oración.

Objects lo que es afectado por la acción del sujeto.


● I like whisky. (I is the subject).

● I read books. (Books is the object as it is receiving the action).


● My mother is from Italy, her father too.● Peter and Luis are twins, them do everything


● I have a new car, my father bought it to me.● We stay in the classroom, and the teacher

taught us.

Short Answers


● Is Paco your boyfriend ?

Yes + + to be = > Yes, he is.

No + + to be + not => No, he's not.


● Do they drink beer ?

Yes + + do = Yes, they do

No + + don't = No, they don't

I Yes, I am No, I'm not Yes, I do No, they don't

YOU Yes, you are No, you aren't Yes, you do No, you don't

HE Yes, he is No, he isn't Yes, he does No, he doesn't

SHE Yes, she is No, she isn't Yes, she does No, she doesn't

IT Yes, it is No, it isn't Yes, it does No, it doesn't

WE Yes, we are No, we aren't Yes, we do No, we don't

THEY Yes, they are No, they aren't Yes, they do No, they don't



'Would' es el pasado de will en algunos casos y verbo auxiliar en otros.

Lo usamos principalmente para:

● Hablar acerca del pasado● Hablar acerca del futuro en el pasado● Expresar el estado de animo condicional


También se usa para hablar de:

● Expresar deseo● Pedir favores educadamente● Hacer preguntas educadamente● Dar opiniones o esperanzas ● Deseos y arrepentimientos


● Un verbo auxiliar que representa las terminaciones de los verbos españoles –ría, -rías, -ríamos, -ríais y –rían, por ejemplo, compraría, viviríamos, vendrían, etc.

● Es el que se utiliza para la forma condicional en inglés.

Me gusta = I like

Me gustaría = I would like



● Would nunca es conjugado.● Siempre se utiliza solo “would” o “ 'd “ (short

form).● El verbo principal siempre está en forma

infinitiva.● No podemos decir: “I would to like coffee”.


● Observa... “Would” y “had” tienen la misma forma corta: 'd

● He'd finished. (He had finished.)● He'd like coffee. (He would like coffee.)

Para decir que creemos que podría pasar:

I thought I would be late

I would have to take the train

I thought I would be late …… so I would have to take the train.

Usos de Would

Present continous (Future)

¿Para que sirve ?

● Para hablar de cosas que están planeadas en un futuro próximo.

I'm going to play tennis this afternoon.

Alicia is going to eat pasta today.

● Si estamos hablando del futuro, las expresiones de tiempo deberán ser: “this afternoon”, “next week”, etc.


● Se forma igual que el presente continuo solo que esta vez va acompañado de una expresión de tiempo.

I'm going to play tennis this afternoon.

Alicia is going to eat pasta tomorrow.

I'm going to watch the TV program tonight.

+ To Be + going to + verb + Comp. + Time Exp.

● I'm going to watch the TV program tonight.● Vania's going to dance at the club this night.● They're going to sleep in the new house tonight.


+ To Be + not + going to + verb + Comp. + Time Exp.

● I'm not going to watch the TV program tonight.● Vania isn't going to dance at the club this night.● They aren't going to sleep in the new house




To Be + + verb (ing) + Comp. + Time Exp.

● Am I watching the TV program tonight ?● Is Vania dancing at the club this night ?● Are they sleeping in the new house tonight?

Reglas (ing)

● Agregamos ing a la mayoria de los verbos

read reading

● Verbos terminados con e

write writing

Reglas (ing)

● Doblamos la consonante si termina en consonante + vocal + consonante (monosilabos)

swim swimming

● Agregar ing siempre que termine en “y”

try trying / buy buyin