SERVICE/ MAJOR EMPHASIS. The Cycle of Membership Join - Serve - Disappear - Why?! Why members...

Post on 01-Jan-2016

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Transcript of SERVICE/ MAJOR EMPHASIS. The Cycle of Membership Join - Serve - Disappear - Why?! Why members...


The Cycle of Membership

Join - Serve - Disappear - Why?! Why members disappear : no hands on service, no passion, not enough opportunities to get community service hours, “senior-itis”, busy schedules, ect. How can we change this?

Picking and Planning a Project

Think of your community needsConsult the Service Directory (found on the Florida Key Club website)Make sure your project will interest membersIncorporate a social at the end!Invite your sponsoring Kiwanis club to participatePublicize your project (use emails, Facebook, text messages, ect.) Keep everyone connected!Use your committees!

Summer Service

Use this time to bond with friends while doing a project. Keep membership up and help your club grow by offering a great program to kids that are home for the summer Have fun while serving!

Beach Clean Up

Members needed: 5-10+ Volunteer to pick up trash one day at the beach. Have gloves and trash bags ready for everyone Winning tips: Have a beach social afterwards. Invite everyone to stay once they’re done cleaning up, have lunch, and enjoy a day at the beach with your Key Club friends


Members needed: 5+ Volunteer at a local library or elementary school to host a reading day. Choose your favorite kid’s book with an appropriate, important message and share it with the children of your community. Winning tips: Have extra copies so older students can follow along as you read, and consider having a hands-on project or craft ready for students when you’ve finished the story. Don’t forget to practice your character voices beforehand to make the time even more

Building Benches

Members needed: 5-10+ Head over to the hardware store, pick up some supplies and build benches for your local park, school, or other community area. Get instructions online and recruit your local Kiwanis family members to help the cause. Winning tips: Try to get wood and other supplies donated, and consider building your benches on-site. Assembling in a line – Henry Ford style – can help with productivity, too.

Service Directory

For more ideas, check out the Service Directory on the Florida Key Club Website


Feel free to contact your Service/Major Emphasis Chair, Emily Hughes, at