SERVE 2.0: getting the big picture Bonner Summer Leadership Institute June 6, 2008.

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Transcript of SERVE 2.0: getting the big picture Bonner Summer Leadership Institute June 6, 2008.

SERVE 2.0: SERVE 2.0: getting getting

the big picturethe big picture

Bonner Summer Leadership InstituteJune 6, 2008

What is Serve 2.0?What is Serve 2.0?

A national initiative being led by the Bonner Network to spread the use of social media in recruiting and engaging students in service.

Serve 2.0Serve 2.0E-mail






Social bookmarking

Group Calendar

E-mail Discussion Lists

RSS Feeds


Review of Social Media Tools

Serve 2.0Serve 2.0

How might Serve 2.0 tools improve your:

Recruiting & Publicity

Training & Education

Program Management


Social Media Tools in Action

Serve 2.0Serve 2.0

Blog with entries from current Bonners

Facebook Group for service center with regular updates

PR video profiling center, service partners, service opportunities and events

Video interviews of students, partners, faculty, etc.

Recruiting & Publicity

Serve 2.0Serve 2.0Campus service center wiki with training & education resources

Blog(s) for reflection, announcements, etc.

Videos & podcasts of training workshops

How-to videos and screencasts

Video profiles of issues, partners, places, etc.

Social bookmarking for issue & other web resources

Training & Education

Serve 2.0Serve 2.0

Campus service center wiki hub with pages for service project teams and other areas

Facebook Group for service project teams

Google group calendar for scheduling and coordinating

Google email discussion list

RSS feeds to keep up with website(s)

Program Management

Serve 2.0Serve 2.0

Campus wiki serving as a hub of information sharing among all campus service programs/courses

Campus service blog

Campus service Google group calendar

Campus service weekly email update

Facebook Groups for campus service center/programs

Video & photo & social bookmarking sharing


Serve 2.0Serve 2.0

Bonner Network wiki

Bonner Foundation blog to announce and share Foundation news

Bonner Foundation Google group calendar

Bonner Network weekly email update

National Bonner Facebook GroupsNational Bonner Love Group, Bonner Congress & Bonner


Video & photo & social bookmarking sharing

Bonner Foundation Strategy

The Bonner Network The Bonner Network WikiWiki

The Foundation will be moving it’s web resources and directory to to facilitate collaboration and information sharing.

Implementation Guides

Training Modules

Useful Documents (e.g., recruitment brochures, etc.)

Reflection Resources

Campus Profiles

Bonner Resources & Directory LIVE!

Exercise:Exercise: Campus Profile Campus Profile PagesPages

General content about school

Contact names and e-mails

Accounts of best practices: “More About Us” section

Photos: from Facebook or other photo hosting websites

Edit Yours on the Bonner Network Wiki

Exercise:Exercise: Strategy Strategy SessionSession

How might Serve 2.0 tools improve your:

Recruitment & Public Relations

Training & Education

Program Management


Meet with School-Specific Groups and Discuss

Recruiting & PRTraining & Education

Program Management


Student Leaders

Bonner Program


Regional &



★ Blog with entries from current Bonners

★ Facebook Group for service center with regular updates

★ PR video profiling center, service partners, service opportunities and events

★ Video interviews of students, partners, faculty, etc.

★ Videos & podcasts of training workshops

★ How-to videos and screencasts★ Video profiles of issues, partners,

places, etc.★ Campus service center wiki with

training & education resources★ Social bookmarking for issue &

other web resources★ Blog(s) for reflection,

announcements, etc.

★ Google group calendar for scheduling and coordinating

★ Campus service center wiki hub with pages for service project teams and other areas

★ Google email discussion list★ Facebook Group for service project

teams★ RSS feeds to keep up with


★ Bonner Network wiki serving as a hub of information sharing

★ Bonner Foundation blog to announce and share Foundation news

★ Bonner Foundation Google group calendar

★ Bonner Network weekly email update★ National Bonner Facebook Groups:

National Bonner Love Group, Bonner Congress & Bonner Administrators

★ Video & photo & social bookmarking sharing


Bonner Staff andSenior Interns

BonnerProgram on


Campus atLarge




NationalOrganizations& Networks

Serve 2.0Serve 2.0Implementation

catalysts: the lead Bonner students and staff on each campus who will recruit, train, support and guide others in using social media tools

content providers: the users who will generate a range of content (groups, wikis, blogs, photos, etc.)

moderators: those who will oversee the social media tools to facilitate collaboration and information sharing

Serve 2.0Serve 2.0Implementation Roles

Strategy Session Strategy Session QuestionsQuestions

What is your Program’s current recruitment and selection process for student leadership?

How is your Bonner Program presented to prospective students?

In what ways are service-related events publicized on campus?

How might these approaches benefit from Serve 2.0 tools?

Recruitment & Public Relations

Strategy Session Strategy Session QuestionsQuestions

How are student leaders trained and prepared for their positions?

In what ways are Bonners trained throughout your program?

Are campus or community events parts of Bonner training and education? If so, which types?

How might these approaches benefit from Serve 2.0 tools?

Training & Education

Strategy Session Strategy Session QuestionsQuestions

How are student leaders involved in programming or management?

How are Bonner Program events, site teams, hour logs, announcements, meetings, trips, etc. managed and communicated within the program?

Are there any programs collaboratively organized by your Bonner Program and other groups on campus? If yes, which ones?

How might these approaches benefit from Serve 2.0 tools?

Program Management

Strategy Session Strategy Session QuestionsQuestions

How does the Bonner Program coordinate with other service programs on campus?

Does your Bonner Program include community partners in any training or networking fairs on campus? Does your Program assist community partners in networking with each other?

Does your Bonner Program network with other Bonner campuses and other national organizations? If so, how?

How might these approaches benefit from Serve 2.0 tools?
