September 26-30 IR MANAGEMENT FC: RWS: HoW: SS ...€¦ · Aortic intervention – quo vadis? Free...

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Transcript of September 26-30 IR MANAGEMENT FC: RWS: HoW: SS ...€¦ · Aortic intervention – quo vadis? Free...

Sep 26Saturday

SundaySep 27

08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 15:0014:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 15 30 45 15 30 45 15 30 45 15 30 45 15 30 45 15 30 45 15 30 45 15 30 45 15 30 45 15 30 45 15 30 45

SS 101: Venous Forum I: Varicose veins

SS 102: Bariatric embolisation

FC 201: Basic principles of haemodialysis access maintenance

ICS 202: Trauma bleeding

SS 301: Controversies in venous disease treatment

SS 302: Genitourinary embolisation

Opening and Awards Ceremony



SS 103: Management of early-stage hepato-cellular carcinoma

SS 203: Management of intermediate-advanced hepatocellular carcinoma

SS 303: Management of colorectal liver metastases

FC 104: Basic principles of acute stroke intervention

SS 304: Controversies in radiation safety

MEB 305: Tumour: hepatocellular carcinoma

FC 1001: Basic principles of biopsy and drainage procedures

ICS 1002: Acute stroke re vascularisation: from simple to challenging

SS 1004: Controversies in arterial intervention

SS 1003: State-of-the-art vascular malformation management

SS 1005: Palliation in cancer: alleviation strategies

LS 1006: Aortic dissection

Satellite Symposia












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SS 902: How to improve acute stroke management: new horizons

FC 901: Basic principles of biliary inter-vention


A2ART 1410: Abdominal aorta

ICS 1510: Abdominal aorta

WS 601: Complex DVT treatment: case-based discussion

WS 602: Paediatric peripheral vascular and non-vascular interventions: case-based discussion

WS 702: Venous sampling: case-based discussion

WS 604: Ablation of MSK soft tissue tumours: case-based discussion

WS 704: Challenging urinary tract interventions: case-based discussion

WS 1401: Challenging lower limb inter-ventions: case-based discussion

SS 205: EvidenceForum: Peripheralangioplasty

SS 204: In-depth diagnos-tic and treatment con-cepts in acute stroke

WS 703: Complex microcatheterisation techniques: case-based discussion

WS 603: Varicocele and ovarian vein embolisation: case-based discussion

HoW: A closer look at closure devices

HoW: Varicose veins

HoW: Embolisation: materials and tools – coils & plugs

HoW: Tumour ablation: tips and tricks – liver & kidney

Satellite Symposium

WS 1503: Practical issues in dose optimisation and monitoring during IR procedures

WS 1504: Radial access: a new option for IR

WS 1502: Intractable arterial gastrointestinal bleeding: case-based discussion

WS 1501: The challeng-ing diabetic foot:case-based discus -sion

WS 705: Tips and tricks for challenging liver ablations: case-based discussion

WS 606: Cerebral dural AVFs and pial AVMs: case-based discussion

WS 605: Treatment planning and advanced image guidance: case-based discussion

WS 1402: Prostate artery embolisation: case-based discussion

WS 1403: Management of anticoagulation and antiplatelet ther-apy

WS 1404: Flow modifica-tion in cerebral aneu-rysms: creating new treat ment alternatives

Andreas Gruentzig Lecture

Hot Topic SymposiumAortic intervention – quo vadis?

Free Papers2 parallel sessions

Free Papers4 parallel sessions

Free Papers

AI 1409: Amazing Interventions

SS 904: Venous Forum II: Deep vein thrombosis

LS 905: Abdominal aorta

SS 903: Embolic agents for microcatheters

HoW: Principles to practice: education and simulation skills training / Improving outcomes in the femoropopliteal segment Simulator Gallery

WS 701: Challenging haemodialysis access interventions: case-based discussion

RWS 1104: Optimising radiation protection in interventional radio-logy: what can the radiographer do?

HoW: Embolisation: materials andtools – coils & plugs

HoW: Tumour ablation: tips and tricks – liver & kidney

HoW: A closer look at closure devices

HoW: Principles to practice: education and simulation skills training / Carotid stenting: the basics, current role and future perspectives

HoW: Varicose veins





Satellite Symposia

Satellite Symposia

15 30 45 15 30 45 15 30 45 15 30 45 15 30 45

MondaySep 28

WednesdaySep 30

TuesdaySep 29




08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00

Satellite Symposia

RWS 1904: Management of pain during IR procedures

SS 1704: Manage-ment of renalmalignancies

ICS 1804: Difficult and unusual tumour ablations

SS 1802: State-of-the-art visceral artery aneurysm and pseudoaneurysm management

SS 1702: Venous Forum III: Pulmonary embolism and IVC filters

FC 1701: Basic principles of transcatheter embo-lisation in the trauma patient

FC 1801: Basic principles of transcatheter embo-li sation in thoracic haemorrhage

SS 1703: State-of-the-art SFA interventions

SS 1805: Credibility and value for money: the keys to success

HoW: Embolisation: materials and tools – liquid agents

HoW: Tumour ablation: tips and tricks – lung & thyroid gland

HoW: Tumour ablation: tips and tricks – bone & soft tissue

HoW: Embolisation: materials and tools – particulate agents

HoW: Embolisation: materials and tools - particulate agents

HoW: Tumour ablation: tips and tricks – bone & soft tissue

Morbidity & Mortality Conference

SS 1803: State-of-the-art BTK interventions

HoW: Embolisation: materials and tools – liquid agents

HoW: Tumour ablation: tips and tricks – lung & thyroid gland

HoW: Principles to practice: education and simulation skills training / The role of interventional radiology in trauma

FC 2501: Men’s health – basic principles of BPH treatment

SS 2502: State-of-the-art aorto-iliac disease treatment

SS 2503: HCC in liver transplantation

SS 2504: Quality in IR

SS 3201: VenousForum IV: Portalhypertension

SS 3202: State-of-the-art biliary and pancreatic malignancy treatment

SS 3203: How todeliver high qualityIR services

ICS 3303: Complexvenous interventions

SS 3302: Lung metastases: facts and controversies

SS 3301: State-of-the-art pedal angioplasty

FC 2601: Women’s health – basic principles of UAE for symptomatic fibroids

SS 2602: Evidence Forum: Drug-eluting devices

SS 2603: Trials and cur -rent evidence in inter-ven tional oncology

SS 2604: State-of-the-art spinal tumour in-ter-ventions

CM 2605: CIRSE meets China

MEB 2705: PAD: carotid stenosis

SS 2701: GI tract haemorrhage

SS 2702: State-of-the-art endovascular thrombectomy

SS 2703: Transcatheter embolisation in liver metastatic disease

SS 2704: Malignant bone tumours: current evidence and new frontiers

HoW: Principles to practice: education and simulation skills training / Handling complications in iliac and femoral interventions

LS 2706: Endoleaks and complications

IDEASICS 2606: Thoracic aorta


LS 1806: Complex abdominal aorta

IDEASLS 1705: Complex thoracic aorta


LS 2505: Imaging of the aorta


Satellite Symposium

15:0014:0013:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 15 30 45 15 30 45 15 30 45 15 30 45 15 30 45 15 30 45

Satellite Symposia

Satellite Symposium

WS 3101: Challenging varicose vein ablation: case-based discussion

Free Papers5 parallel sessions

The X-Session

Film Interpretation Quiz

WS 2303:Interventional mgmt. of pancreatitis: case-based discussion

WS 3001: Challenging supra-aortic inter-ven-tions: case-based dis-cussion

WS 3002: Advanced techniques for managing CLI: case-based discussion

WS 2201: Acute lower limb ischaemia: case-based discussion

WS 2202: Iatrogenic and non-iatrogenic trauma: case-based discussion

WS 2203: Challenging biliary interventions: case-baseddiscussion

Free Papers4 parallel sessions

Free Papers2 parallel sessions


Satellite Symposium

WS 3102: Challenging visceral artery aneu-rysms: case-based discussion

WS 3103: Complications of abdominal surgery treatment: case-based discussion

WS 2302: The difficult vascular malformation: case-based discussion

WS 3003: Preparation for EBIR and the use of ESIRonline

WS 3004: Basic and advanced Y-90: case-based discussion

WS 2301: The difficult IVC filter: case-based discussion

Satellite Symposia

Free Papers4 parallel sessions

Josef Roesch Lecture

Hot Topic Symposium Paediatric IR – expand your horizons


WS 2204: Lung and kidney ablation: case-based discussion

General Assembly

MEB 2210: Aortic disease

IDEASART 2103: Thoracic aorta

IDEAS LS 2310: Ruptured AAA







September 26-30Lisbon, Portugal







ART: Aortic Round TableFC: Fundamental CourseHoW: Hands-on WorkshopICS: Interactive Case SessionLS: Lecture Session

MEB: Multidisciplinary Expert BoardRWS: Workshop for RadiographersSS: Special SessionWS: Workshop

Simulator Gallery

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