September 17 Newsletter - Good Shepherd Lutheran...

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Transcript of September 17 Newsletter - Good Shepherd Lutheran...

September 2017 Newsletter • Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, ELCA • Madison and Verona


In This Issue

Pastors Letter 2

Prayer Page 5

Calendar with Gospel 6, 7

Children & Youth 8, 9

Worship Arts 10

Worship Times 12

Phone, FAX, Email 12


We’re looking for some fresh faces and helping hands to join our awesome Worship Volunteers. Opportunities include picking up donuts (the order is ready, you just

need to drive thru), making and serving coffee, assisting communion, ushering and other jobs that help make

worship run smoothly. For many of our needs, you can volunteer with your family. If you’re interested in serving in this important ministry please email Donna Maysack

at or call 271-6633 x 1310.

The Catholic Multicultural Center

invites you to “International Night”

A fundraiser and community event at our Fitchburg location, 5256 Verona Road, Fitchburg, Saturday September 9th 5:00-7:30 P.M.

This family-friendly event will feature music and dance performances from around the world, delicious cuisine from a variety of countries, arts and crafts for all ages, and more.

All are welcome; Admission is a free-will donation of any amount to the CMC.

Contact the CMC for more information: (608) 441-1180.

Celebration Sunday September 10

Join us to welcome in a new season.

8:30 & 10:00 worship hours begin at Madison Campus

Nametag Sunday, everyone will be invited to wear a nametag so we can become better acquainted with each other

See page 8 for more details

FALL CAMPFIRE WORSHIP – Everyone is welcome

to come and enjoy an outdoor evening worship. Sunday

October 15th. Bring a sweatshirt, a lawn chair, and

a friend and join us as we worship in the changing



When the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of any works of righteousness that we had done but according to his mercy, through the water of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit. Titus

These words from the Apostle Paul are a touchstone for the Lutheran Church. This fall we will commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Notice that I don’t use the word “celebrate”. The division of the church a wound that shows itself to the world every time Christians descend into controversies and schisms whether it be at the congregational level or at the denominational level.

However, as Martin Luther expounded on the words of Paul in Titus it became clear that the Church had the order of things confused. In practice, the Church expected good deeds fi rst before it would bestow God’s grace on God’s people. Luther preached that God’s goodness and loving kindness was bestowed on us out of pure. It is our faith in this goodness that then drives us to share this same goodness and loving kindness with our neighbor. “Faith incites love, and love increases faith,” Luther preached on Christmas morning 1522. Faith fi rst, works second.

One of my favorite professors and mentors said to me, “You have been saved, so now what are you going to do about it?” This question drives me in my ministry and I pray will continue to drive us forward as a congregation.

Each of Good Shepherd’s ministries was inspired as a response to God’s love. As we continue to live as baptized disciples of Jesus Christ I pray that this new season of mission and ministry will bear fruit as lives our transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Space will continue to be made for new ideas and new partners in mission in our building, our time and our resources. We are also continuing to evaluate our worship and programming, in conversation with our committees and elected leadership, to determine what can be renewed and what can be discontinued in order to create that space. This is what it means to be a reforming church.

Please join me in a life lived in response to God’s grace and may this 500th anniversary year inspire us to always be reforming ourselves as God’s people and God’s church.

Sincerely,Pastor Chris Enstad



Discipleship Service

Over 300 children enrolled in

Church School

110 church school volunteers.

Wednesday Morning Men’s Bible Study –We meet every

Wednesday morning at 7:15 am in the Good Shepherd Room

from September through June. Every man is invited to join us

as we discuss different bible studies. Typically each session

lasts for about 5-8 weeks. We also get together for breakfast at

one of the cafes in the area at the end of each study. Couple of

the studies we did last year was “Making Sense of the Cross”,

“John”, “How Lutherans look at the Bible”, “Wild at Heart” and

many others. Also there’s treats and coffee each Wednesday. We

have both retired men and men that are still working. For more

information contact Ken Johnson at

or 661-8216.

Thank you to all the families that gave socks & undies for Vacation Bible

school and Sports Camp, a total of 483 pair of socks and 405 pair of undies. What wonderful gifts for Back to School. Also thank you for all the new clothes that were given. We have served 1,627 children.

“Centering Prayer” group is beginning at Good Shepherd on

September 14.

On the 2nd and 4th Thursday mornings of the month at

7:00am-8:00am in the sanctuary at the Madison campus, all are

welcome to join other individuals in a contemplative practice

called Centering Prayer. It is a time to sit in God’s presence and

open the mind and heart to Him beyond thoughts, words, and

emotions. Through this method of prayer, a closer relationship

with the Lord is fostered, we learn to listen to Him and receive

Him. Guidelines for the practice are shared as well as resources

for participants to learn more.

Come as you are able. Questions? Call Susi, 608-712-9539 or

Becky, 608-239-0221

Centering Prayer Group

Sugar Creek Bible Camp’s







FUN WALK & 5K TRAIL RUN: 7:30 a.m. Registration

8:30 a.m. Start time

COUNTRY STORE: 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.

CRAFT FAIR: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

QUILT and ANTIQUE AUCTION: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Beautiful Quilts, Antiques, Sports Memorabilia – Packers, Brewers, etc.,

Crafts, Furniture, Gift Baskets & so much more!

Great BBQ pork lunch, homemade pies, potato salad, delicious treats

Country Store will be open all day.

Silent Auction for Gift baskets until 1pm.

Come enjoy a beautiful day and help support all the wonderful

ministries of Sugar Creek Bible Camp.

13141 Sugar Creek Bible Camp Rd. Ferryville, WI 54628 Phone: 608-734-3113 E-mail:

Those of you 55+ are invited to join PrimeTimers, meeting Wednesday, September 13, 2017 at 12 Noon, Madison Campus in Peterson Hall. Those whose last name begins: A, E, F & J bring hotdish B, C & D bring salad G & H bring dessert.

Please each dish to serve 12+. If you are assigned to furnish food and unable to attend, contact Lynne Kroger at 271-6633x1080 or please.

What does Scandinavian migration in the 1800’s, Livsreise: Norwegian Heritage Center in Stoughton, Wi and Good Shepherd Lutheran Church have in common? Join Ruth Paulson in this interactive program to fi nd out! Following dining with Norwegian heritage music, Ruth will share that answer in addition to wearing her traditional dress bunad and teach interested attendees a SIMPLE Norwegian dance!

See you there!


Mental Health Tid BitsThis column is to help Good Shepherd members be proactive about their mental health. Today’s topic is WHAT MAKES A GOOD MARRIAGE

My favorite area to counsel is to strengthen couples in their relationship and avoid break-up. I had the privledge to train with an expert, Dr. John Gottman, PH.D who is nationally recognized for his couple research laboratory in Seattle. Dr. Gottman has outlined Seven Principles for making a marriage work. I have found these principles invaluable in my counseling practice and will share them with you today.

Principle #1 Get intimately acquainted with your spouse’s world i.e. Job, friends, interests.Principle #2 Nurture your fondness and admiration of your spouse.Principle #3 Turn toward each other instead of awayPrinciple #4 Let your Partner Infl uence you i.e. Honor and respect your Partner’s opinions Principle #5 Solve your solvable problems, then agree to disagree on the rest.Principle #6 Overcome Gridlock: Move to dialogue and learn to live with your differencesPrincip le #7 Develop a deeper sense of Shared Meaning and couple culture with patterns and / rituals to your life together.

If your couple relationship adheres to all or most of these principles, there is a good likelihood you are happy and stable If you would like to learn more about how to implement these principles to your marriage and strengthen it, I am available to help you do so. Linda Pettersen, LCSW. Samaritan Counselor at Good Shepherd Ph # 608-663-0763 x380


Mental Health Tid Bits

Discipleship Service

Grief Classes will be held at Madison Campus, Wednesdays, September 20 & 27, October 4, 11 & 18 in Room 3 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. These classes are for anyone who has experienced the death of a loved one, whether spouse, sibling, child, parents and or friends. Please contact Lynne Kroger, 271-6633x1080 or with questions and/or to make a reservation in the class.

Grief Sessions


All widow/widowers are invited to join us for lunch Sunday, September 10, 2017 at The Thirsty Goat, 3040 Cahill Main, Fitchburg at 11:45 a.m. Please make your reservation to

Lynne Kroger, 271-6633x1080 or by September 7.

Carpool from Good Shepherd parking lot at 11:25 a.m. or meet us there.

Baptisms:Samantha Suzanne Elizabeth Borree, daughter of Jeff & Angie Borree, August 6, 2017

Jasper Ethan Neuroth, son of Craig & Kristen Neuroth, August 6, 2017

Oliver Jon Henshue, son of Christopher & Jenna Henshue, August 13, 2017

Taryn Hanson, daughter of Jamie Hanson, August 13, 2017

Charlotte Addison Short, daughter of Josh & Andrea Short, August 20, 2017

Miles Norberg, son of Rob & Jamie Norberg, August 27, 2017

Jamie Norberg, August 27, 2017

Births:Beau Taylor Inman, son of Cory and Amanda Inman, August 15, 2017

Winston Wells Harried, son of Ross & Erin Harried, July 24, 2017

Weddings:Julia Sheahan and Benjamin Thompson, August 19, 2017

Angie Broeckert, sister of Brad Wipperfurth, lung transplant

Connie Halverson, health problems

Craig Halvorson, head injury, atrial fi b

Gloria Clickner, chronic kidney disease, Stage 5, praying for type B kidney donor

Janet, sister of Diane Charles, stage 3c Fallopian Cancer

Kathy Angerman, Cancer

Kim Burke, sister of Randy Reuter, colon cancer

Kristie, friend of Marilyn Sharrow, cancer

Lari Johnson, Donna Maysack’s sister, Stage 3a colon cancer and breast cancer

Marianne Miller, step granddaughter of Audrey Converse, cancer

*Patti Jackson and her brother, Kevin Paske, Patti donating a part of her liver to Kevin for a liver transplant

Phil, friend of Randy Dahlinger, prostate cancer

Virinia Rios, cancer has returned on lung

Wendy Springer, friend of Sue Broihan, breast cancer

We pray that God’s love & comfort will surround all those listed on this page.

If you see names on this page that should be removed, or to list someone on the care page, contact CarrieKruzan at

If you would like a friend or relative remembered in prayer, contact Prayer Chain Coordinator, Barbara Herbsleb at 271-2119 or submit a prayer request online at and click “Prayer Requests”

t t t t t l l l l l l l l

* denotes new request

Pastoral CareIf you, a family member, or friend are admitted

to a hospital, especially University Hospital,

please contact the church offi ce. Due to patient

confi dentiality, it is diffi cult to obtain timely

information. We want to be available to visit you in

the hospital, pray with you, and help in any way.

Your church family at Good Shepherd wants to

share your joy and encourage you at this exciting

point in your spiritual journey as parents. We also

want to give you information about making plans

for your child to be baptized.

Please help us during this time of change and new

Pastors and keep us informed by calling 271-6633

and leave a message, speak to Judy Hoard, or

e-mail one of the pastors or parish nurse.



If you, a family member, or friend are admitted to the UW, admitted through

the ER at St. Mary’s or Meriter, in a nursing home/rehab facility please let

the church know by calling 271-6633. A Pastor or parish nurse want to be

able to visit and help in any way possible.

Christian Sympanthy to:Mary Phipps and family in the death of her sister-In-law, Barbara Ann Bartels, Kansas City, MO, died July 23, 2017

Marcia Ouchakof and family in the death of her niece, Beth Kingsland, Mystic, CT, died August 1, 2017

David Erickson and family in the death of his mother, Betty Erickson, August 19, 2017

6:00pm-Grief Group6:15pm-Amped Family Night6:30pm-Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, September 219:30am-Clothes Closet10:00am-GSLC Food Pantry5:00pm-Clothes Closet5:30pm-GSLC Food Pantry6:00pm-Good Shepherd Bells6:15pm-Amped Family Night (Hm School)6:30pm-Women of Vision7:00pm-Echoes of Grace

Friday, September 226:30am-Friday Mens Group12:00pm-2017 Biennial Convention

Saturday, September 238:00am-Men’s Bible Study8:30am-2017 Biennial Convention6:30pm-Bhutanese Ministry

Sunday, September 24Sixteenth Sunday after PentecostGOSPEL: Matthew 20:1-16 7:00am-Choir Warm-up8:15am-New Member Class8:30am–Worship and Church School9:00am–Worship and Church School10:00am–Worship and Church School10:30am–Worship and Church School12:010pm-Drama Rehearsal3:00pm-Band Rehearsal5:00pm–The Dive6:00pm–“The Deep” Worship

Monday, September 256:30am-Men’s Bible Study6:30pm-Divorce Care6:30pm-Ukulele Lessons7:00pm-Joyful Harmony

Tuesday, September 268:45am-Christ Centered Yoga4:30pm-Cross Effect5:00pm-MUM Circle of Support5:15pm-Carol Choir5:15pm-Jubilee Singers5:45pm-Christ Centered Yoga6:00pm-Witnessing Whiteness6:15pm-Amped

Wednesday, September 277:00am-Wednesday Morning Men’s9:00am-Soul Food4:30pm-Spirit Jam4:30pm-Joyful Noise5:00pm-Upside6:00pm-Grief Group6:15pm-Amped6:30pm-Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, September 287:00am-Centering Prayer8:30am-Loaves and Fishes9:30am-Clothes Closet10:00am-GSLC Food Pantry5:00pm-Clothes Closet5:30pm-GSLC Food Pantry6:00pm-Good Shepherd Bells7:00pm-Echoes of Grace

Friday, September 296:30am-Friday Mens Group6:45am-Live at 6:45 Study

Saturday, September 308:00am-Men’s Bible Study6:30pm-Bhutanese Ministry

Madison Campus

Verona Campus Off-site


September Calendar

Friday, September 16:30am-Friday Men’s Group6:45am-Live at 6:45 Study

Saturday, September 28:00am-Men’s Bible Study9:00am Madison Area Job Transition6:30pm-Bhutanese Ministry

Sunday, September 3Thirteenth Sunday after PentecostGOSPEL: Matthew 16:21-28 7:00am-Choir Warm-up8:15am–Worship9:00am–Worship9:30am–Worship10:30am–Worship3:00pm-Band Rehearsal5:00pm–The Dive6:00pm–“The Deep” Worship

Monday, September 4Labor Day - Offi ces Closed

Tuesday, September 55:00pm-MUM Circle of Support

Wednesday, September 67:00am-Wednesday Morning Men’s9:00am-Soul Food6:30pm-Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, September 79:30am-Clothes Closet10:00am-GSLC Food Pantry5:00pm-Clothes Closet5:30pm-GSLC Food Pantry6:00pm-Good Shepherd Bells6:30pm-Women of Vision7:00pm-Echoes of Grace

Friday, September 86:30am-Friday Men’s Group7:00am-Prayer Group

Saturday, September 98:00am-Men’s Bible Study9:00am-ELCA Women’s Synod Board9:00am-Synod Meeting6:30pm-Bhutanese Ministry

Sunday, September 10Fourteenth Sunday after PentecostGOSPEL: Matthew 18:15-20 7:00am-Choir Warm-up8:30am – Worship9:00am – Worship10:00am – Worship10:30am – Worship12:00pm-Drama Rehearsal3:00pm-Band Rehearsal5:00pm – The Dive6:00pm – “The Deep” Worship
































Monday, September 116:30am-Men’s Bible Study12:00pm-ACM6:30pm-Divorce Care7:00pm-Joyful Harmony

Tuesday, September 128:45am-Christ Centered Yoga5:00pm-MUM Circle of Support5:45pm-Christ Centered Yoga6:00pm Witnessing Whiteness6:00pm-AMPEd Guide Training6:00pm-Inreach Committe Meeting6:30pm-Stephen Ministry

Wednesday, September 137:00am-Wednesday Morning Men’s9:00am-Soul Food12:00pm-PrimeTimers6:30pm-Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, September 147:00am-Centering Prayer7:30am-Creation Committee9:30am-Clothes Closet10:00am-GSLC Food Pantry12:30pm-Women’s Synod Meeting5:00pm-Clothes Closet5:30pm-GSLC Food Pantry6:00pm-Good Shepherd Bells7:00pm-Echoes of Grace

Friday, September 156:30am-Friday Mens Group6:45am-Live at 6:45 Study5:30pm-One Year To Live Retreat

Saturday, September 16All day-One Year To Live Retreat7:00am-Community Breakfast8:00am-Men’s Bible Study9:00am-Madison Area Job Transition6:30pm-Bhutanese Ministry

Sunday, September 17Fifteenth Sunday after PentecostGOSPEL: Matthew 18:21-357:00am-Choir Warm-up8:30am–Worship8:30am-Church School Begins9:00am–Worship9:00am-Church School Begins10:00am–Worship10:00am-Church School Begins10:30am–Worship10:30am-Church School Begins3:00pm-One Year To Live Retreat Ends3:00pm-Band Rehearsal5:00pm–The Dive6:00pm–“The Deep” Worship

Monday, September 1812:30pm-Card Making6:30pm-Divorce Care7:00pm-Joyful Harmony

Tuesday, September 198:45am-Christ Centered Yoga4:30pm-Cross Effect5:00pm-MUM Circle of Support5:15pm-Carol Choir5:15pm-Jubilee Singers5:45pm-Christ Centered Yoga6:00pm-Witnessing Whiteness6:15pm-Amped Family Night6:30pm-Shepherd’s Hand

Wednesday, September 207:00am-Wednesday Morning Men’s9:00am-Soul Food4:30pm-Joyful Noise5:00pm-Upside




Do you know that Good Shepherd partners

with Orchard Ridge Elementary School (ORE)

which is in the Madison campus neighborhood?

Stop by the Orchard Ridge table at either

campus on Sunday Sept. 10 to learn how you

can get involved.

School Supplies –This program gathers supplies

for children of those families in need. You may

bring your donations to either campus. On

Sept. 10 Celebration Sunday you are encouraged

to donate colored pencils and markers.

Classroom Helpers – Helpers assist teachers

and students in a variety of ways and support

learning in the classroom.

Snacks – This program provides healthy snacks

through the school year so that children are not

hungry. You may bring your donation to

either campus.

Pen Pals – This program matches a church

member with a third grader. The pen pals

correspond with each other through short letters

throughout the school year.

Helping Hands – This program fulfi lls teachers’

requests for classroom supplies not funded by

the school building or district. Look for the

Helping Hands “handboard” at each campus

lobby once school starts.

Beer and Bibles meets next THURSDAY night, Sept. 7th,

from 7-8:30 at the Draft House in Verona where we will be

starting a new 9-week study on the General Epistles (6 books

of the Bible, 1 & 2 Peter, 1-3 John, Jude). These books teach

us what it means to live in community and what it means in

all times to belong to the household of God. This is a study

decided on by the group that just fi nished up a Reason for

God and it has a 4.8 rating on Amazon. The decision was

made to return to Thursday night as Tuesday nights are now

trivia nights at the Draft House and are rather loud. We will be

meeting upstairs but please note the date and day, Thursday,

August 24th. Questions? Pastor Joe

Witnessing Whiteness:

The Need to Talk About Race and How to Do It

By Shelly Tochluk (

Book Series Facilitated by Kelly Knueve and Susie Petta

10-week, sequential series designed for white people

to forward anti-racism work. We connect the book with

dialog and experiential activities, by exploring the white


Dates, Times and Location 

Tuesdays from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Good Shepherd

Lutheran Central Campus:  5701 Raymond Road. The � rst

session will start on Tuesday September 12th.

The series is free and is limited to 30 participants.  To

register, please go to the following link: Witnessing

Whiteness at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

If you have questions please contact:

Kelly Knueve at 608-219-7078 or via email at


The students and staff at

Orchard Ridge Elementary are

always grateful for the snacks that Good

Shepherd members have donated. They are an

important energy boast for the children in mid

afternoon. A list of Madison School District

approved snacks is on the Good Shepherd

website and at the Adopt-A-School bulletin

boards at both locations. Class sizes are 15-21.

No snacks with nuts or nut by-products, please.

Wigglers in WORSHIP

Wigglers in Worship September means back-to-school (or playgroups, music classes, etc) and back-to -routine. Why not also get back to a family faith routine. Before your head out the door with your child, pause and trace the cross on their forehead. Say “God Bless You and Keep You” or “You are a loved child of God.” A good reminder for them that God is always with us no matter where we go. Plus, what a great way to remember their baptism too!

Church SchoolBegins September 17


Children and Youth Ministry

Celebration Sunday September 10

Join us to welcome in a new season.

8:30 & 10:00 worship hours begin at Madison Campus

Nametag Sunday, everyone will be invited to wear a nametag so we can become better acquainted with each other

Backpack Blessing, Children bring backpacks to worship

Ice Cream treats after each worship service

Colored Pencils & Markers collection for Orchard Ridge

Church School Open House

Just Bakery, a program of Madison-area Urban Ministry, will be selling baked goods in the lobby

Church School starts September 17Register online at

Madison Campus 8:30 & 10:00Verona Campus 9:00 & 10:30

NEW: Church School Student Check-in Stations in the Lobby! Children Begin

in Worship with Family!

All church school families will check in students in the lobby at the check-in stations. Children will then begin in worship with their families. After the children’s message, church school students, teachers & helpers will head to their church school classrooms together. Need more info about church school, at Madison Campus contact Joanne Zastrow,; Verona Campus Katie Wagner,

Save the Date…October 1st: Bible Presentations for 3 Year OldsOctober 8th: Bible Presentations & Get to Know Your Bible Workshop for 3rd Grade Students



AMPED FAMILY NIGHTS All AMPED students should plan to attend with a parent. These nights are important so that we can get you all the information and schedules you will need but also so that we can start this community with a united purpose and heart and ask God to bless it.

6th Grade Family Night – September 19th at Madison Campus at 6:15

7th and 8th Grade Family Night – Sept. 20th at Verona at 6:15

Homeschool Family Night – September 21st at Verona Campus at 6:15

We’ll see you then!

One Year to Live Men’s Weekend Event

The next One Year to Live

(OYTL) Men’s Weekend

Event is September 15-17,

2017, at the MacKenzie

Center in Poynette, WI. The

OYTL weekend is an incredible faith-life strengthening

and changing event for men of all ages. To ensure all

participants can enjoy the complete experience, no

advance information on activities can be provided;

however, men of all ages and in all stages of their faith

walk will not forget the experience. Information is

available at

and registration brochures are available at both

campuses. Don’t miss out! Registration deadline is

September 5! Questions? Contact Randy Dahlinger

at 273-0307 or


Join us this fall for Holy Yoga morning and evening classes at Good Shepherd beginning Sept. 12 - Oct. 17!

Holy Yoga is a spiritual discipline - a way to worship, be in community, open your heart to God’s love, and receive His grace.

All persons are welcome - old and young, men and women, beginners and experienced.

We practice God’s grace in accepting our body and spirit right where we are and grow in our heart, soul, mind, and strength together. Modifi cations for poses are taught for all abilities.

Location: Verona sanctuaryTwo class times: 9:00am Gentle Yoga (The sanctuary will be open at 8:45am for those who desire quiet meditation time) 6:00pm Slow Flow Yoga

Cost: Donations support free yoga for special populations - $5 suggested per classNo registration necessary. Call or email Becky if questions - 608-239-0221



Learn to Play the Ukulele at

Good Shepherd

Have fun singing and strumming ukuleles at

Good Shepherd Central Campus this fall. No

previous experience is necessary, and ukuleles

are provided. Join the fun Monday evenings

starting on September 25. From 6:30 to 7 pm

we will have lessons for beginners and ukulele

questions and answers for everyone. From 7 to

8 PM we will sing and play songs. Learn to play

your favorite songs. If you choose, play and sing

Christmas songs with us at a local nursing home

in December. All skill levels are welcome.

Contact Pat Sheahan to learn more.


Worship Arts Children’s Music

Tuesdays at Madison Campus beginning Sept. 19 Wednesday at Verona Campus beginning Sept 20

Carol Choir Ages 3-Kindergaten Tuesdays 5:15-5:45 at Madison Campus, led by Eileen Porter

Jubilee Singers Grades 1st-5th, Tuesdays 5:15-5:45 at Madison, led by Carrie Enstad,

Joyful Noise Kindergarten-2nd Grade, Wednesdays 4:30-5:15 at Verona Campus, led by Beth Marshall

Upside 3rd-5th Grade, Wednesdays 5:00-5:45 at Verona Campus, led by Beth Marshall

Wednesday night music groups can also join Community Gathering of snacks, games & hang-out time: 4:30-5:00 for 3rd-5th 5:15-5:45 for Kindergarten-2nd)

Thank you, Ben!Best wishes for the future.

Staff farewell


Discipleship 6 ways to escape the back-to-school shopping craze.

Kids came home from school in June with a full-page list of recommended student supplies for the following year. Every imaginable craft supply was on the list, as well as headphones, a calculator, geometry set, and French-English dictionary. While we can’t help wondering where our sky-high taxes go we’re having to provide these classroom basics, there’s another part of me that recoils at the assumed consumerism that accompanies the start of a new school year. And yet, kids still need to be able to do things in the classroom.The Story of Stuff has compiled a sensible list of back-to-school shopping alternatives. It’s a good reminder of how there are often different ways of doing things, as long as we’re willing to think creatively and outside the box store, so to speak.1. Look on an online swap site. Visit Varage Sale, which has chapters across the United States. You might be able to fi nd excess school supplies being sold at reduced prices. Yerdle, Freecycle, Craigslist, eBay, and your local Buy Nothing Group are good resources.2. Visit the local thrift store. You can often fi nd offi ce and craft supplies here, and you can’t beat the prices. Even Amazon can be a decent source for used offi ce supplies.3. See if your school can host a swap. Some parents buy a ton of extra supplies and would happily swap or sell to others, just to declutter the house. You may also get calculators and math sets that older students no longer need. This helps families who struggle to afford new supplies. Alternatively, organize something among your own friend group using Facebook.4. Buy refurbished technology. If an older kid needs a laptop for high school, visit your local computer store to see what deals can be had. Story of the Stuff writes, “Buying a refurbished unit lowers the demand for tungsten and other precious elements, lessens the amount of electronic waste and is easier on the budget.”5. Buy green. If you must go shopping for new items, choose paper made from 100 percent recycled content. Stick with wooden pencils that will biodegrade, instead of the plastic-sheathed ones that are impossible to recycle. An older student could perhaps be trusted with a refi llable fountain pen. PaperMate’s ballpoint pen is made from 42 percent recycled material – not great, but better than nothing. 6. Stay away from the dollar store. Cheap stuff is tempting, but it comes at a cost to someone, somewhere on Earth. According to Story of stuff, super low-cost goods “can contain harmful chemicals such as lead, phthalates and PVC. Backpacks can be sneaky culprits when they are made of vinyl. Cheap backpacks tend to break and wear out faster, adding to the waste since they have to be replaced more often and can’t be passed down to someone else. Low-quality pencils grind up in the sharpeners faster and cheap crayons color poorly, causing them to shrink faster and break more easily.”

13th Biennial Convention of the

South Central Wisconsin Synodical

Women’s Organization

September 23, 2017 at the Verona


Theme: Reformation!8:00 to 3:30 pm Cost - $25 includes box lunch.Child care is available.

Registration forms and workshop descriptions are available at the Information Desk at Madison and Verona Campuses. Registration

forms are due by September 11.

Keynote – Luther’s Impact on Church and Society by Reverend Brad Pohlman from Luther Memorial, Madison.Worship with Bishop Mary Froiland, workshops, vendors to visit, and fellowship.

Check out the registration forms for all workshops available.

All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Bring a friend.

If you would like to help with the set up or serving at the event or are interested in attending the business meeting Friday evening, September 22, please contact Helen Sheahan at or 608-692-7553.

Non-profi t Org.

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Verona Campus 7291 County PD Verona, WI 53593 608-845-8955

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OUR MISSION...We invite and welcome all people to WORSHIP God, GROW in faith

through the holy spirit, and SERVE others in Jesus’ name.


Sunday 8:15 am & 9:30 amTraditional Service

New worship hoursbeginning September 10

8:30 am & 10:00 am


Sunday 9:00 am

Blended Service

Sunday 10:30 amContemporary Service

Sunday 6:00 pmThe Deep - Blended Evening Service

Nursery available each worship time at both campuses.

Children’s Church School (Sept-May) available each worship time at 8:30, 10:00 am at Madison and 9:00, 10:30 am at Verona.

Lead Pastor Chris EnstadPastor Sheryl Erickson

Pastor Dara Schuller-HansonPastor Joe Brosious

LIKE US!Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Madison & Verona WI

The Messenger