September 17 – 21,2012 Dr. Harper’s Plans and Agendas Language Arts, Social Studies, and Study...

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Transcript of September 17 – 21,2012 Dr. Harper’s Plans and Agendas Language Arts, Social Studies, and Study...

Dr. Harpers Plans and Agendas Language Arts, Social Studies, and Study Skills

September 17 21,2012

Dr. Harpers Plans and AgendasLanguage Arts, Social Studies, and Study Skills

Language ArtsMonday, September 17, 2012Target Learning: I can identify the speaker and recognize first-person narration. RD 3.5Word of the Day (Parts of Speech):Adverb: words that end with ly, function as modifiers of verbs or clauses or as modifiers of adjectives, like very, well, and quickly.

Language Arts, p. 2Monday, September 17, 2012Writing Prompt: On September 17, 1787, the United States Constitution was signed. Amendments 1-10 are known as the Bill of Rights. Select one of these Amendments. After reading it and learning what it means, summarize the Amendment in kid terms.

Writing Prompts created by: 2011 Photo:

Language Arts, p. 3Monday, September 17, 2012Proofreading Sentences:a. are grandfather more smarter than Ernieb. julia had took some money with her to the restarant

Instruction: Independent Practice: Literary Response and Analysis, p. 76:Reading Check, # 1-5,Interpretations, # 6-11, andEvaluation, #12.Trade & grade.

Homework: See next slide

Language Arts, p. 3Monday, September 17, 2012ELA Homework for September 17th: Reread The Bracelet, pp. 70-74 to review for test. Write a paragraph that explains your answer to the following questions. Support your ideas with details from the story (answer will apply to the test):

What qualities does Mama show as events in the plot unfold? How does Mamas strength of character resolve an important conflict for Ruri? (4 Square Writingnext slide).

Writing a Response to Literature ParagraphSocial StudiesMonday, September 17, 2012Target Learning: I can explain how Hominids and early humans first appeared in East Africa millions of years ago. HSS 6.1.1Parent letter.Cornell Notes: Guided workMain Idea 2: Write in left column in the form of a question. Read & discuss, pp. 28 29no note taking yet!Take notes in the column on the right side of the CN paper. Check with teachers PowerPoint notes.Repeat for Main Ideas 3 and 4turn-in work.

Study SkillsMonday, September 17, 2012Target Learning: I can improve my understanding of how perspective (how I see things) influences what I learn.Listen and follow along as the teacher reads: Three Blind Men and an Elephant, p. 37.Answer the following questions to demonstrate understanding?Why were the mens perspectives so different?Why were their impressions incorrect?How does focusing on one aspect of the elephant affect the overall picture?How can focusing on only one element when reading affect your overall comprehension?

Continued on next slide

These were plans from last Friday that were not covered. 8Study Skills, p. 2Monday, September 17, 2012Read the story The Bracelet, p. 70 in literature text using the following guidelines:Read the story as if you were a historian trying to gather clues.Write the main events of the story in order. Summarize the findings important to a historian. How would these findings be different for the main character of the story?Homework: Bring-in three articles that you could use for a research project. The articles can be from a magazine, newspaper, or reference book.

Language ArtsTuesday, September 18, 2012Target Learning: I can identify the speaker and recognize first-person narration. RD 3.5

Word of the Day (Parts of Speech):Infinitive: a verb form found in many languages that functions as a noun or is used with auxiliary verbs, as in to do, to see, or to explore.

Language Arts, p. 2Tuesday, September 18, 2012Writing Prompt: On this day in 1851, the New York Times newspaper was first published. Do you think its important for students your age to keep up on current events? Why or why not?

Prompt created by: 2006 Photo:

Language Arts, p. 3Tuesday, September 18, 2012Proofreading Sentences:a. wheres manuel atb. whos the bestest singer in your nieghborhood

Independent Practice:The Bracelet comprehension test, worksheets pp. 26-28.Re-teaching Simple and Complete Subject: Re-teaching worksheets 3 & 4.Read rules and examples together.Complete 5 sentences independently for each rule of simple and complete subjects. Check each five before moving forward.Independent practice: Simple & Complete Subjects crossword puzzle.

Social StudiesTuesday, September 18, 2012Target Learning: I can explain how Stone Age tools became more complex over time. Return Cornell Notes. Review teacher notes and compare with student notes. Make changes as needed.Assessment Questions, p. 34, #1-6.Trade, grade, & turn-in.

Study SkillsTuesday, September 18, 2012Target Learning: I can skim articles for usefulness when gathering sources for a project/report/paper. EF p. 5:30.Skimming Articles: Student workbook, pp. 38-40one page for each of the three articles you brought to class. Share & discuss student findings.Write summary explaining the usefulness of skimming articles for projects, reports, or an assigned paper.

Language ArtsWednesday, September 19, 2012Target Learning: I can identify and analyze features of theme conveyed through characters, actions, and images. RD 3.6.Word of the Day (Parts of Speech):Direct object: a word or group of words representing the person or thing upon which the action of a verb is performed or toward which it is directed.

Language Arts, p. 2Wednesday, September 19, 2012Writing Prompt: On this date in 1819, poet John Keats wrote a poem entitled "To Autumn. In just a few days, autumn will begin. Write a poem that describes the change in seasons. Prompt created by: 2006 Photo: Sentences:a. working together created a more strong bond among rose and her motherb. by pitching in and working thru the evening, the family managed to finnish the job on skedule

Language Arts, p. 3Wednesday, September 19, 2012Simple & Complete Subject: Cloze retest. Guided Reading & Discussion: Theme, by Madeline Travers HovlandThe Powers of a Story, pp. 116-117.Complete Practice, p. 117. Check & discuss answers. ReminderPlot is only what happens in the story.Theme is what the story reveals about life. Read between the lines.Look for clues in lessons or discoveries.Discuss example: The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Social StudiesWednesday, September 19, 2012Target Learning: I can explain how Hunter-gatherer societies developed language, art, and religion. HSS 6.1.1Chapter 2:1 Study Guide.CHALLENGE ACTIVITY (Critical Thinking & Drawing Inferences): Many years from now, an archaeologist discovers your house with nothing in it but old furniture, appliances, tools, and bits of clothing. Write a short essay describing some conclusions the archaeologist might draw from these artifacts.Homework: Use flash cards to study for test.

Study SkillsWednesday, September 19, 2012Target Learning: I can use multiple strategies to preview text. EF p. 5-33.Introduce the importance of previewing a text (5-33).Discuss reading a textbook (5-33).Review template, p. 41: Three steps to reading a textbook1. Getting to know more.2. Reading review questions & summary.3. Reading the chapter & taking notes.Model Practice: The Big Picture, p. (5-35) and p. 41

Language ArtsThursday, September 20, 2012Target Learning: I can identify and analyze features of theme conveyed through characters, actions, and images. RD 3.6.Word of the Day (Parts of Speech):Interjection: words that express emotion, distinguished in most languages by their use in grammatical isolation, as Hey! Oh! Ouch! Ugh!

Language Arts, p. 2Thursday, September 20, 2012Writing Prompt: On this date in 1519, Ferdinand Magellan began his search for the Spice Islands. Magellan led the first successful attempt to sail around the entire Earth. Compare sailing today to how it probably was in 1519. Prompt created by: 2006 Photo: Sentences:a. mark coud of died from embarassment but he hided his feelingsb. Petra wonnered where luis had gone to

Language Arts, p. 2Thursday, September 20, 2012Before you read The All American Slurp, p. 118.Guided reading and note taking notes:Create a subject and theme chart.What is a subject?What is a theme?What should you always try to connect a theme to?What do you do when you summarize a story?How many parts is the story The All American Slurp divided into?You will write a summary after reading each part. Quick Write: Write a paragraph about a time when you were embarrassed because you didnt know how you were supposed to behave in a new situation. Homework: Complete a word map for each of the words in the vocabulary development box on p. 117: lavishly, mortified, spectacle, etiquette.

Social StudiesThursday, September 20, 2012Target Learning: I can explain how Hunter-gatherer societies developed language, art, and religion. HSS 6.1.1Chapter 2:1 Test.Connecting to Literature: The Boy in the Painted Cave, worksheet, pp. 10-11. Team Activity: Cave painters created images of things they saw every day, such as deer, mammoths, and hunters. Imagine that you are a cave painter. Create a mural that represents your daily life. (Teacher provides large bulletin board paper for this project).

Study SkillsThursday, September 20, 2012Target Learning: I can use scanning, connecting, reading, & noting to preview & read a math textbook. EF p. 5-38Introduction, p. 5-38: Discuss how students read a chapter in their math textbook. Read/discuss Strategies for Reading a Math Textbook, p. 43 in student workbook.Complete Math Notes: student workbook, p. 44.

Language ArtsFriday, September 21, 2012Target Learning: I can identify and analyze features of theme conveyed through characters, actions, and images. RD 3.6.Word of the Day (Parts of Speech):Pronoun: words that are used as replacements or substitutes for nouns and noun phrases, and that have very general reference, as I, you, he, this, who, what.

Language Arts, p. 2Friday, September 21, 2012Writing Prompt: September 21st is International Peace Day. What can you do to help keep peace in: your school, your classroom, and your family? Prompt created by: 2006 Photo: Sentences: Check (8) sentences for the week.

Language Arts, p. 3Friday, September 21, 2012Instructions:Read part one of The All American Slurp (popcorn reading).Summarize part one in one sentence. Share summaries.Finish reading independently stopping to summarize after each part. Teacher will visit each group for reading and questions.

Social StudiesFriday, September 21, 2012Target Learning: I can explain how I might feel if I discovered something like the Chauvet Cave. HSS 6.1.1Complete Team ProjectThe Cave Painters Mural.Primary Source: The Discovery of the Chauvet Cave. Chapter 2 Story Board ProjectIntroduce project.Discuss due date and record in Reminder Binder.Discuss tasks to complete and develop a timeline for completion.

Study SkillsFriday, September 21, 2012Target Learning: I can locate the main idea of a paragraph, paraphrase, and write a summary of an article. EF 5-42Materials: Newspapers, magazines, or Internet articles. Highlighter, pens, paper, and 1 article per student. Discuss experiences with writing summaries, p. (5-42).Explain and Prepare for Writing a SummaryPractice the Six Steps for Writing a SummaryWrite summaries then edit using student workbook, p. 45.